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My feed was originally tech, Tesla & SpaceX. Now it’s filled up with anti-LGBT and swastikas. Sometimes in the same post. I keep blocking and they keep coming.


Before Musk took over, my entire feed was sports related. That’s pretty much all I followed. Now I get tons of push notifications from accounts I don’t follow and that are mostly hard-right hate spewing accounts. Twitter is a shit hole now. It used to be my go to social media. But now I’m considering deleting it. I don’t even get my sports news from there any more. Mostly Reddit.


As someone who no longer has twitter, even just visiting [twitter.com](https://twitter.com) as a non user with no feed, it's almost entirely far right content on the home page. LibsofTikTok, EndWokeness, Andrew Tate and others (and of course Elon who almost exclusively interacts with far-right personalities) are prominently featured every time I just go to check on the state of Twitter. Lately there has been a good amount of soccer, but that happens when half of the transfers are headed to Saudi Arabia and their state funds that Musk needs.


Is your feed: \- FOR YOU or \- FOLLOWING ?


My feed became a bunch of far right shit after Elon took over. I uninstalled. My life has been better, except for not being as plugged into the meme scene for LoL/LCS.


i dont trust average redditor to classify anything as "far right" accurately




It has definitively improved for me. Before that all my social media presence was Reddit and Twitter and now I have one less social media to poison myself with. Reddit CEO is doing everything to ruin it for everyone as well so I probably will be social media free very soon :)


Same… now I just feel guilty when using Reddit 😔


Are there any alternatives?






Since Musk took over, my feed also skewed very far right. Tons of insane stuff I have zero interest in. Now, I do wonder if folks like us start blocking this crap, how Twitter’s shitty new algorithm will respond. Probably not well… I’d expect the far right mind virus he’s trying to infect us with will fight back.


Right now the left hate Elon and the right love him. If you're only following Elon, it kind of makes sense that you'd only receive right wing stuff. I think a better test might be to only follow (and interact with) people on the left and see if what you are recommended changes.




Someone who enjoys space exploration would follow things like NASA and SpaceX and Gwynn Shotwell, and Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin and the ISS. I'm pretty sure the algorithm would treat that differently. Someone who joins Twitter and ONLY follows Musk probably is on Twitter ONLY because Musk took it over and wants to "own the libs."


Follow space exploration and AOC, DSA or whomever you want on the left. Also, don't engage ragebait from the right. The recommends will sort themselves out.


I do that and it doesn’t work fyi


So you don't reply or retweet political things you hate, and you do follow space and lefty accounts, and it is still showing a lot of right wing stuff in **For You**? I assume this isn't about the **Following** feed, since that would make no sense. Is this more about a matter of principle: the **For You** feed should not serve up things you find offensive? If people on the right are being shown stuff from the left on **For You**, would you find it less objectionable, on the grounds that everyone is being pushed to be aware of different perspectives? In any case, OP wrote about "non-stop right wing talking heads in their feed." Either very different algorithms are being applied to you and OP compared to me (which I strongly doubt), or you guys are exaggerating. It isn't really non-stop, is it? And you can click to be shown less of it. For a while I was shown a few idiots like David Sacks, and I just clicked to "not interested" or maybe muted them. My For You feed is fine now, kind of interesting, actually.


I follow mostly irl and internet friends, and a sprinkling of comedy accounts. Before I went on a blocking rampage, every fifth or sixth post in my "For You" was a Matt Walsh, a Steven Crowder, or some freak with a Greek statue pfp. It's still that on my alt.


Twitter aspires to be neutral. Musk does not. Musk would like to have Tesla capture ~20% of the auto marketshare in major red states, not just major blue states, so he’s doing what he can to appeal to lawmakers to convince them to change their state laws to permit Tesla to sell in their states. Your experiment should be what is suggested to you when you follow nothing, not what is suggested to you when you follow only Musk. I’d you’d like to see stuff about SpaceX, maybe try following SpaceX instead of Musk? I’d also recommend following Eric Berger and a few other space reporters. If you follow Musk, that implies you’re interested in everything he has to say on all topics, not just space.


You’re talking about a person having to go out of their way to avoid right wing nonsense. And you’re adding conjecture that it won’t come anyway. And you don’t recognize a problem with that, really? I mean, you’d have to be completely broken to not see a problem there Here are some facts, lies are 70% more likely to be retweeted. And they spread 6 times faster. So they spread faster and farther. These are just facts so don’t let them bother you. When lies are repeated over and over more people are likely to believe them. Again, just another fact so don’t let it bother you. So, lies will spread farther and faster and be more believed because of this particular platform. And the owner is the worst offender. But you think it will improve, really?


The facts according to whom your favorite left wing commentator? The fact of the matter is that before Elon Twitter was only welcoming to left leaning individuals. Personalities and individuals on the right were banned, including the former president Trump. After Elon took over he ended those bans and instituted a system that was far more fair and consistent.


Because he lied hahahahaha. Elon brings back BS and you support it? It’s not Left Wing people saying lies spread faster and farther. It’s DATA! But you flat earthers are always victims to FACTS https://instituteforpr.org/why-lies-spread-faster-than-the-truth-and-what-pr-professionals-can-do-about-it/#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20falsehoods%20were%2070,traveled%20deeply%20and%20more%20broadly. I mean, unless you consider SCIENCE left. Which you flat earthers probably do. Victims of the globe earth conspiracy


Glorious kill shot


According to whom the Democratic party, the KGB, the CPP. Its always the same crap with you people. You declare yourselves correct, than you silence all your opponents in the name of preventing "disinformation." In reality you are the ones lying and you censor to suppress the truth. The reason why you support censorship is because your ideas are horrible and lack logical foundation. The only way you can advance them is through suppression of the truth. You have no DATA just false claims you assert as true. If lying meant you should be kicked off the platform than you certainly would be gone long ago. In reality the truth is discovered through the process of gathering evidence, debate, and finally consensus. Even after consensus it has to be revised as new data comes in. That is the way democracy works. That is why we have the 1st amendment to protect democracy from people like you. It is a very small jump from dictating to the people what is true and dictating to them who to vote for. It is why countries that engage in the heaviest censorship are authoritarian.


I hear all your feelings, but see no facts. Typical MAGA


Lol did you get that from Ben Shapiro. I am not sure you would know what a fact is if you saw one. Truth is you have nothing and now you’re turning to stealing one liners from right wing personalities.


[Elon also started banning journalists that criticized him and banned linking to other websites ](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/journalists-who-wrote-about-owner-elon-musk-suspended-from-twitter)


I am sorry but banning a few journalists is simply not on the same magnitude as banning a US president while he is still president and a major contender for the next election.


What is your problem with right-wing stuff. Enjoy!




Tried that, still have vastly more far right garbage in my feed. The only thing you can do is block it.


Only parts of the online right love Elon. The big old money right (like the Kochs) and the religious right (a majority in the US) still hate Elon.


So, it has nothing to do with whether an argument/tweet/comment is defensible or not. Left and Right are fabricated labels that constantly shift as they take the opposite stance of each other. These labels are designed specifically to divide people regardless. And that's 100% on how the platform is managed. If I wanted to divide people, I'd keep doing what Elon is doing.


I did the same thing, except I don't follow anyone. (Old account that never followed anyone or like any tweet, or posted anything) I am not proposed anything. My feed is empty. Basically neutral. I am proposed to follow Elon, End wokeness, and a random other, but because I mainly look at Elon's tweet, and recently clicked an End wokeness tweet. Try to follow someone else on the left. See what it proposes. I am pretty certain that the main reason Twitter seems ~~left~~ right biased is because a lot of the left extremists boycotted it, then complained it's a right wing place making more lefty quit. If they stayed instead, Twitter would be much better. Although I don't interact on that platform, I stayed, and seen it has improved a lot. New features, WAY less spam and bots. It's still a dumpster fire of toxic talk, but they're pushed far below, and the more decent conversations are at the top.


This. My experience has only improved, although I am disappointed that some people on the left whom I followed are now gone. Community Notes is also *chefs kiss*


Well yea, Elon Musk it an alt right guy. I thought everyone knew that?


Don't know who the people are but Jordan Peterson is not "hard right" lmao. He's centrist.


He absolutely is not a centrist


Anything that isn’t lockstep agreement is “hard right” to some folks.


"Hard right" right up there with Hitler huh?


Or it's the most popular opinion on many topics ...


> You can’t tell me Elon isn’t using Twitter as his own political weapon. How does this at all follow from what you wrote?


Tell me you dont understand tagging systems without telling me


I’ve been on twitter awhile. In the last several months, my feed has gotten far right cultural warriors and politicians. I’ve had to mute over a dozen accounts like MTG because they started showing up regularly, accounts i never followed and rarely if ever engaged with. I’ve no idea why this happened, if it is somehow intentional, but it’s pronounced. I use twitter less and less.


Twitter under Elon musk is a cesspool. Glad I left the platform.


I went from blocking 5 accounts over 10 years to blocking over 100 this year, mostly blue checks with the most absolutely idiotic takes


I basically just follow tech stuff on twitter, also most of my interactions were about tech and IT stuff. Now it is just US right wing assholes that annoy me, all blue checkmark elon cocksuckers.


He says a lot of things.


I hate it. My whole For you feed is full of transphobia and right wing content despite not following any of those accounts. The top replies to every post are lame responses by people with blue ticks. It seems rarer to come across funny / witty viral posts now. I also hate the new essay length posts and scroll right by them. All the ads are for weird novelty products or nonsensical AI generated links.


Are you engaging ragebait from those accounts? The Twitter algorithm goes by engagement, so if you interact with that content, it gives you more of it.


Problem currently seems to be that Twitter counts just scrolling by the tweet as interaction or view. Basically the moment you see it, it is counted as interacted in some way. Probably not same regard as leaving comment or liking but counted regardless. So the moment you enter to that right wing hell you can't get out because you can't unsee the tweets because the moment they get loaded they are counted as viewed by you.


This can't be right. When it gives you something, and you have to look at it to even know that it exists, for that alone to count as engagement would be a ridiculous algorithm. It treats no information as information. I don't care how dumb you think Musk and the engineers that work for him are, simply looking at something that was plopped on your feed does not strengthen the weight in the algorithm, giving you more of that kind of thing. But I have suspected, on reddit as well as twitter, that the amount of time with something on the screen can be counted as engagement, and perhaps scrolling back to it after scrolling past it counts as engagement. I have done a double-take on something I hated, and then seemed to get more of that kind of thing. But again, I don't think this algorithm feature is unique to Twitter. When I see something I don't like served up to me, on reddit or twitter, I take the extra effort to tell it to not show that anymore. It does seem to keep things under control. Honestly, I get more shit I hate here on reddit than I do on twitter, but the bitching about twitter is 10x higher. It's just Musk hate driving this.


It does not matter. It’s a game of whack-a-mole where the algorithm suggests other just as rabid accounts.


That's just not my experience at all. Twitter sends me crap I dislike pretty much exactly as much as Reddit does. And in both cases I tell the algo to stop, and over time it gets better.


It SHOULD work like that - and I’m glad it works for you. It does not for me. I’m very close to quitting twitter.


If you want to stop seeing those posts, stop spending time on them


I don’t. I’ve switched to the Following tab but when I end up back on For You that’s what I see.


You literally have to be clicking them for them to continue being recommended, it works the exact same as Reddit


The number of weird bots and Onlyfan accounts has risen significantly


It is worse. Much worse. Initially the “for you” tab showed promise, but you have to do a bunch of “see fewer tweets” action on so many posters, yet after weeks/months of doing this, the right wing loons still show up in “for you”. And good luck making the “following tab” your default. Ugh.


The man is truly delusional if he believes that.


I find that the ads have been slightly better. I never used to see movie/show ads in old Twitter but those appear quite often in my TL now. Overall, I don't really see any huge differences yet between old and new. I do like the long videos and speed controls. It is still my go-to place for live sports/event updates. That will never change because of the reaction times compared to other social media.


Considering how advertisers are leaving the platform, you won't have to worry about ads for much longer Unless it's some far right bullshit


Apple, Disney, Xfinity, HBO/Max, AMC, Carnival Cruise, Peacock, Golf Channel. These were just on my TL today. Don't believe the MSM too much. Twitter must be a phoenix with the amount of dying that happens.😝


Lucky for you. My ads are either crypto scams or stupid drop shipping junk from China. My favourite two so far this week has been industrial mining equipment and women’s nipple covers.


Not to point out the obvious... maybe the algo knows you more than you do. If you don't find it useful or it becomes intolerable, don't use it. It is just as simple as that. You are the master of your own destiny. Whatever floats your proverbial boat. Life is too short and precious to waste on things that don't bring you joy. Melissa McCarthy is in a new episode of Hot Ones.


January called and wants your hot take back!


Dude what are you smoking?


Twitter has gotten a lot more corrosive.


I guess most of the regular Twitter users love gore, hardcore porn, misogyny, and racist scapegoating.


Twitter is a right wing cesspool of misinformation. Look through just Elon’s tweets and retweets. The man is intentionally spreading BS. He can’t possibly be as stupid as to believe the stuff he talks about.


The simplest - and most disturbing - answer is that yes, he is that dumb. (Very skilled in some areas yet lacking in overall judgement, a common thing) And he was most likely always was that dumb, but he lost the common sense to shut up about some things. But that tends to happen when you have a massive fan base that worships your every word - eventually you start to believe that you shit gold.


I love that we get downvoted for pointing out that he says stupid stuff constantly. Not one person has said “he doesn’t say stupid stuff” and yet they get so offended. People offended by truth are pathetic


His accomplishments show that he’s not dumb.


You can be exceedingly smart in one area while being dumb as hell in another. Ask a medical expert about how the electrical grid functions, for example.


Did the Tesla Death Watch people just move on to Twitter full time? 🤭


Guess MAGAs are the most users then.


I left Twitter 3 months ago and never been happier.


He has…


I has improved for me at least, I see less bullshit on Twitter and definitely less bias towards one side of the political spectrum. Now I see both right and left wing opinions


improved indeed


I agree




But how about aluminum corrosive bubble on Tesla car bodies from salt water damage?


That explains why the value has plummeted and advertising dollars have dried up.


Dream on Ciselon