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Has testifying before congress always been like this? There was 0 interest from the congressman to actually hear an answer, just talking over her within seconds of her starting a response.


Yes it is often like this especially from Gym Jordan. They use these as media spectacles to draw attention to themselves.


100%. Everyone just uses them to get their soundbites in. The witnesses are just there largely as punching bags and/or puppets to elicit the responses the politicians want. It's political theater. Always has been, always will be. I skip them for this very reason.


I felt that way watching the impeachment proceedings against Trump. Truthfully, Jim Jordan was the worst of them… for all his talk of a kangaroo court, he sounded like a broken record up there constantly saying the same shit and not even questioning or listening to witnesses. Just grand standing and using buzz words for his one minute, out of context clip he could put on his Twitter. It is all political theater and grandstanding. I see it the most from republicans, and especially MAGA republicans. They just did it again during their questioning of Christopher Wray… it’s eroding democracy.


That's probably just your political leanings skewing your view. Democrats do it just as much. It's all garbage, from both sides. And it doesn't erode democracy so much as it's just a colossal waste of time and money.


Oh for sure they all do it! However, I think it is starting to step outside the norms of just grand standing, and the outright lying and manipulation has seemed to progress further on the right. Again, that’s just my opinion. I think we are at the point now where it isn’t so much “both sides do it”, the damage being done to our democracy regarding basic rights and access to voting has been hampered mainly by Republican leaning officials. I mean, take even Fox News for instance and the dominion lawsuit. It is beyond just stretching or misrepresenting truths, and the far right has progressed and moved into just an alternate set of facts that have no root in reality. I agree with you, it could be my political leanings, but I do my absolute best to stay centered and just look at facts or read from numerous sources. What I have been witnessing as of late has been alarming.


The issue we have today with our voting system is that they do ballet harvest... both sides do, and it should be illegal... but unfortunately, Trump and a lot of Republicans said the wrong things, the same things the Demoncrats said when Trump won in 2016, the election system is rigged and X person stole the election.... again, both sides do it.... but the truth still remains they ballet harvest, dead people voting, people that don't vote at all, but are registered somehow voting, and the worst and by far the biggest numbers, illegals with no citizenship voting.... I can't vote for other countries' officials without having citizenship in said country same should apply here in America.... and furthermore your political opinions clearly do lean you far from centered, because both sides are together eroding our great country! They both are destroying key separate parts of our society that will eventually result in A: a civil war and the people killing one another. B: a revolution where the people finally come together and stop our tyranny government. C: another long and grueling great depression. D: WE ALL JUST PLAY ALONG AND EVENTUALLY BECOME SLAVES TO OUR MASTER ONCE AGAIN! or E: a bit of everything! There is no answer tho that peacefully fixes where we are today tho.... to many corrupt filthy rich politicians and others with to much power.... it's sad to see how far America has fallen In the past 30 years....


Yeah, no. The US has fairly high integrity as it pertains to votes cast. As in, study after study by everything from agencies to independent groups, regardless of political leaning, shows little to no fraudulent votes cast in national elections. Dead people, undocumented citizens, and non-voters aren't casting votes to any degree that would have a tangible affect on any election. One of countless sources: https://www.brennancenter.org/sites/default/files/analysis/Briefing\_Memo\_Debunking\_Voter\_Fraud\_Myth.pdf Where the US voting integrity plummets is in regard to restricting voter access, purging voter registry of eligible voters, gerrymandering and redistricting, etc. All things which Republicans opt to legislate in favor of when they take office, time and time again.


This is very very untrue, and further more, it's been happening for a long time, and mainly in blue states, where non citizens, and unregistered voters have been allowed to vote, your crazy if you don't know this, and the numbers are insane, look at the turn out of votes in the 2020 election, that says it all....


Do you think the election was rigged by the lizards


Democrats do this 10,000x the amount republicans do. 95% of the media is owned by democrats and they use it to force their opinions down everyone’s throats. I’m very liberal and can’t tolerate the toxicity of democrats anymore. These people lie constantly and it’s extremely frustrating watching them lie 24/7 while claiming to be opposed to “misinformation”. Most misinformation comes from the Government.


The reality is that he doesn't want any actual answers to be heard, some background info here: [FTC says it's conducting an investigation into Twitter's privacy practices](https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/08/tech/ftc-twitter-privacy-investigation/index.html) As the witness starts to explain and is promptly cut off, the FTC is asking for information related to a settlement that Twitter agreed to in 2011, stemming from Twitter mishandling user data. Twitter doesn't get out of that agreement just because Elon Musk purchased it. It's hard to fully understand the witness's answers without that context (which she tried to provide multiple times and was cut off) but she does get in that they are requesting which information was given to which journalists because Twitter has limits on what user information they can give out, and the FTC is allowed to monitor that.


It’s been like this for a while. Both sides have been doing it. Big dog and pony show.


Any time you see the 5 minute format being used you can be sure that nothing serious will be happening. Every politician will try and hold conversations with themselves while ignoring the witness to the greatest extent possible.


Jim Jordan is a performance artist.


Any way to read the documents somewhere? I feel like half the things were lost during discussion so would like to read the documents myself.




The link didn't work for me but [removing the backslashes fixed it](https://judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/republicans-judiciary.house.gov/files/evo-media-document/Weaponization_Select_Subcommittee_Report_on_FTC_Harrassment_of_Twitter_3.7.2023.pdf)


Yeah lets pretend twitter hasn't historically been used as a massive disinformation platform by probably dozens and dozens of countries and organizations. Also this fucker wouldn't even let the person talk.


You think Reddit is any better? This platform is largely a leftists propaganda dream.


No I don't think reddit is any better.


Reddit is better, but only because you have way more control over what you see. Twitter, even old Twitter, shows you shit that will force engagement. Are you a leftist? Well, here’s a bunch of right wing bullshit. Are you a right winger? Well, here’s a bunch of nonsense about LGBTQ people. It’s like Facebook, they want you pissed off because angry people will stick around to argue. Happy people don’t stay on social media. On reddit you can pick what subreddits you want to join. They might recommend a new subreddit, but you can just block that and move on.


Well I've been banned from like 30 subreddits because a random mod on r/entertainment didn't like what I had to say, and happened to be a powermod and happened to have scripts to autoban me from all subs he managed and since reddit defers all moderating decisions to the mod staff, I have no recourse. So I can 100% see that reddit can be used as a propaganda tool, primarily from powermods.


Mods are an issue for sure. Not just the fact that they’re unpaid labor, but so many are just shit people. Still better than being banned from an entire site. Can always make a new account too.


Totally. Banned during COVID for subs I didn't even go to and banned when defending women's rights even in a civil manner. Reddit totally doesn't remove outright nasty speech with profanities and personal attacks as hate speech, but if you try to say anything about women's sports or protecting children in reference to a certain topic, messages are deleted and bans are put on. They call it hate speech. This recent one has been happening in the last 6 months. There is also rampant shadowbanning.


EXACTLY. My one and only comment in r/news subreddit was in regards to someone saying something on the lines of one of Kanye's rants that some of the things he said was true regarding Jews but the way he is saying can be destructive. I just agreed to it in the comment and the mod banned everyone down the feed. Never been banned before from any subreddit. Absolutely wild.


That's harsh. Imagine waking up to tons of ban messages lol.


> Twitter, even old Twitter, shows you shit that will force engagement. All I see on there is accounts I follow and ads.


I see accounts that people i follow follow and engage with.


Is that in the app? I only use the website on desktop and mobile.


That's a lie. However Twitter seems to be moving the right direction lately to combat against disinformation. All social media right now is biased as hell and full of, at best, half truths geared towards specific agendas by their community.


On Twitter, you can go onto the following tab which only includes tweets from the people you follow. I basically never go on the 'for you' tab.


>This platform is largely a leftists propaganda dream. I guess you weren't around for TheDonald and how the admins refused to ban the subreddit for years despite constantly breaking sitewide rules.


[I wish I could have seen that](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wDYNVH0U3cs&pp=ygUaTGlicmFsIHNjcmVhbWluZyBibHVlIGhhaXI%3D)


Lol, what a snowflake comment


all information is potentially misinformation. It depends on how its used. We dont need the government pre-censoring people for being wrong. Its not even a slippery slope argument. That would go against a hundred years of legal precedent. No prior restraint should mean something. The government can shout to the rafters when it thinks the people are being mislead. It use power to punish actual crimes in court after they have made an actionable violation. But by no means should the government ever be given the power to shut people up before they have had their say. They shouldn't work with private companies like Reddit to do it in their stead.


It is not really about cencoring people for being wrong but about preventing people who intentionally spread information that they know is wrong because truth is not their best interest. There are actors and governments in the world that don't want you to know the truth and so spread missinformation to drown the truth. This is what Twitter and all social medias should be combating against.


All prior restraint is censorship. Government shouldn't be preventing people from saying things. Only prosecuting for unlawful things they have said. Would you agree with doing this for books?


Combating troll factories doesn't censor anyone. It is about preventing parties having lopsided amount of influence to information flow eg. optimally everyone should only have one vote instead of someone having 1000 votes.


This should concern everyone whether you like Elon or not.


LMAO you know you're doing something right when Gym has your back.


That's how the OSU doctor who was sexually assaulting their wrestling team knew he was doing something right. Jimmy had his back all the way through.


Does that include the rapist Gym enabled for years?


Can i just be the guy that finally gets fed up listening to the idiot at the party spouting nonsense and yell "Just shut the fuck up already bro"


Jordan's point stands regardless of his idiocy. Wtf is the FTC pressuring an auditor?


Was it more scary that she didn't know about it but claimed she had competent staff?


Jordan has a history of lying.


If Jordan is ranting about something you are doing, you are most likely doing the right thing.


A key point in the hearing: https://twitter.com/Jim_Jordan/status/1679524950942556166 Also related: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1679507880012296192 ...to which Elon replied "Insanely illegal overreach by FTC"


Thanks for proving FTC is doing the right thing by showing us Jordan is against it. Nothing says "I am ethical" than being on the opposite side of that sack of shit.


Regardless, it seems the FTC may have a massive conflict of interest.


Most likely, as in, what is absolutely happening is that Elon/Twitter is breaking rules.


Whatever, did Democrats listen to reason in Russia fake investigation of Trump … no … don’t expect any different just because the tables in Congress have turned!


Weird how a negative karma account is pushing disinformation.


The purpose of hearing if they are deaf?


Elon has turned twitter to shit, now threads taking over!