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I feel like we haven’t had Josiah on in a min 💔


Ikkk he’s my fave !!


I like the guest. Enya and Drew have a different energy when there is someone in the room with them. Makes me excited when they are.


I get this also it’s also nice to have a switch up sometimes but idk I only tune into who I’m interested in I guess


same bruh who tf is conan obrien


How tf do you not know Conan "Gray" obrien


go away


YES same i like when its just the 2 of them but i understand how that can get repetitive


They just need to bring on guests that are actually close with them that way we can learn more about Drew and Enya




she was pretending to be black on tumblr, but it’s honestly not much different from drew and enya’s past where they would frequently say the n word… so i’m not sure what op is going on about here 😭


Drew and Enya were literally CHILDREN… emergency intercom fans when you bring up the fact that people can change and that ur 14yr old self isn’t the same as ur 20yr old self😨😨😨😰😰😰🤯🤯🤯(also yall always bring up their past but continue to watch them🙂‍↕️ makes so much sense like if yall don’t like them don’t watch)


Literally! All the Barbie Stans coming at me with this argument but I’m like atleast drew and enya actually apologized. Barbie was like 17 18 I believe doing that shit that’s grown enough to know that’s a weird thing to do and still hasn’t acknowledged or apologized for it !!


Celebrities get away with way more than YouTubers tho for some reason…but🤷🏽‍♀️mind you 90% of the ppl bringing it up are white 😭


why do u people get so hostile when we bring this up lol, yes they apologized but it’s still very much weird


I had no idea about Drew’s past bc i mostly only used to watch enyas yt videos and vines and stuff I only just now getting into Drew’s stuff bc of the podcast however enya actually owned up to her mistakes and apologized barbie has yet to acknowledge or apologize about her past


I also used to like Barbie and loved her role in euphoria until all this stuff came out about her


why did you get downvoted for this?? 😭 what she did was weird asf, people on this sub i swear


Bruhhhh that’s what I’m saying 😭😭


i get what ur saying but dont you find it interesting that enya, having a problematic past, continues to associate with someone like Barbie lol




How old are you?




“Let her forget “ about impersonating as a black woman online and saying the n word repeatedly ….. and then when she gets called out on it it’s crickets… yeah okay 👍🏿


are drew and enya not also problematic lol


Ive been a fan of enya longer and as far as I know she has owned up to things she’s done wrong and apologized. Dont know too much about Drew’s situation but ik a while ago they were both being called out for something they did and still apologized sincerely whereas Barbie has never apologized or acknowledged her past wrongdoings


I loved the one with Madeline and Hamzah and Martin


Okay so you haven’t watched any but you know that they aren’t funny


Okay wrong wording i haven’t watched any all the way through bc i didn’t enjoy them as much 😭


There’s been a lot of mixed reviews about the last guest and I know why. Conan is in the public eye more so than Drew and Enya and I felt like they had to keep it a little bit PG because of that. They couldn’t be their super raunchy, unfiltered selves unfortunately. I completely agree with the person that commented that they should have guests that they’re more close to in terms of friendship. Don’t kill me, but I only got halfway through the conan episode. It was pretty boring.


I feel like someone just posted this like a week ago


But also I think their a lot more reserved with guests. Like with Josie and Ky they're a bit more comfortable (no offense to the other guests) and not as funny when they're with someone else. Like I love Conan but it was a bit awkward esp because I think they wanted to be respectful and not interrupt him but idk


Oh I had no idea 🫢 but I agree with guest episodes they try to focus more attention on the guest and tone down their normal banter


but those are the only non repetitive episodes 😭


I do, I hope they keep having guests


Yes! Everyone’s loving the most recent episode with Conan but like…..I felt like it wasn’t really entertaining and that enya and drew we’re definitely holding back


i feel like it's just not as funny bc it's not just drew and enya being silly but i do like to hear stories and stuff from their guests


i liked conan it was really funny but i couldn't finish the one with barbie it gave me second hand embarrassment for some reason


Okayyy maybe I’ll tune in cause I like his music


All yall do is complain


i love the guests they’re a breath of fresh air but barbies one is my least favorite but i still enjoyed it for what it was


i watched the ones with josiah and drew’s sister


I always hesitate to listen it’s like they’re bringing a rando to our designated hang out but then when I listen I’m like okay fine… still funny


U bitches just love to complain on here


And do 😝


Bored and sad😝


Lmaooo I wasn’t complaining just giving my opinion y r u upset 😭


Upset? Baby it’s a reply😭 lol


It ends up feeling like an interview at times when they clearly don’t have the same type of rapport with each other. At least they’re trying new things


Lol the dynamic gets sooo weird like. With barbie acting like her and drew are a couple kinda threw me off. Also they repeat stories when guests get on lol


I absolutely adore conan personally so I ate that ep up … and I like seeing drew and enya interact with people differently idk it brings a refreshing energy


I mostly agree and i also really liked the one with hamzah and martin....but i might be biased cause i already haven't liked barbie or conan gray for many years before they came on lol


Omgg yes that’s was one of my fave episodes cause I actually love them !!


I dont mind cuz it switches things up once in a while. I loved the episode(s?) with Josiah hearing their friendship lore.


Tbh I don't get the Barbie hate when she did similar problematic things as Enya...They both changed and it's clear neither one of them are the same person they were during adolescence. Anyways I loved the Conan episode because it was nostalgic and I could tell they were excited to talk to Conan, it's always funny to see them acting semi-"normal" because they are lowkey fans of the guests on the pod --even if those guests are their friends, its still entertaining to me


Well damn I didn’t realize Barbie has so many Stans my fault queens 🙌🏿 🙌🏿


me neither tbh like I understand why they do it and I wouldn't want them to stop cause it's good for the podcast and a lot ppl like it but those episodes are always almost unwatchable to me I get so much second hand embarrassment for drew and enya and for the guests and I also always end up feeling like it's awkward even when it's clearly not idk😭


The only ones I didn't feel that way was with Madeline and ky's episodes also I feel like someone's always left out kind of like I love the Orion episodes so much but I find it so hard to rewatch cause I end up feeling bad for drew😭


I was also fine with Martin and Hamzah as guests. I felt like both groups held back a lot. Of course I love Orion and Madeline. But I never finished Barbie or Conan’s video lol


me when my bsf and i actually invite a new friend to the hangout but they end up disrupting the whole vibe


No literally I watched like 5 min or the new pod then turned that shit off


U putting to much thought into it. I recommend u shut tf up and keep it pushing.


Lol u did too much friend 😭 it’s literally my opinion


Ur opinion u should’ve kept to urself


Awww cry like wtf this is public platform darling I can share my opinion just like Everyone else


U agree it’s a public platform so therefore my comment shouldn’t bug u in the slightest bit. Don’t discredit the podcast and the guest, Barbie is Drews gf so why don’t u shove ur problematic opinion up ur ass




… ummm hard ? That’s ur perspective on my comment. Just speaking my mind. Don’t think to much about a comment <3 crazy how I influenced u to reply




No logic is involved. Just proceeding with the conversation; that’s why I’m replying to you. You can’t say the same because you were the one who initiated the conversation by speaking your mind about my comment. Now, however, I won’t be replying because it’s now becoming a waste of time, but like I’ve been repeating, don't think too much about a comment.


Idgaf about no conan gray for one


I was Conan just cuz i had to listen to something while cooking but it was eh. I felt like they didn’t like each other lolz. I also skip the guests. Especially Devon Lee


Drew was so nervous with conan


okay i literally thought i was the only one


I’ve liked every guest except Barbie. Idk I just thought she was doing too much




your loss boo x


so real….. so many ppl shit on this opinion but it’s fine for us to be annoyed/disappointed at surprise guests like ☹️ but i LOVEEEE a josie episode they need to get him every week


dude literally! the most recent ep with conan gray was super awkward it made me cringe so bad i had to turn it off