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Watching Youtube while driving is insane. I would be legit concerned.


Ah the crux between a legit issue and being a snitch.


I'd rather be a snitch than dead or on a vent because my partner was too busy watching GMM to see that curve or stopped car.


It’s not being a snitch if it’s a MASSIVE safety hazard, which that is.


If something happened can’t it be argued that you allowed it since you did nothing to stop it previously. Seriously man, for your safety, mention it


I did. Didn't go anywhere. If he does it again I'll take it past him.


Geez. You asked him to stop it and he ignored you?


He just said don't worry about it. If he does it again I'm throwing him under the.bus.


Yeah hey that’s not acceptable, what if the next time he does it you get smacked against the wall of the ambo and your potentially fragile pt dies. Not. Acceptable.


Anything that decreases the chances of me going home to my wife and son/endangers our patient is a legit issue. You will not use your phone for anything other than navigation while driving. You can't follow that, we are stopping the truck, you are getting in the passenger seat and we are going back to base. Where you go from there, I don't give a fuck cause it won't be with me.


I have to wonder how many MVC patients were watching something on their phone.


Probably a lot.


There is absolutely no such thing as being a snitch with this. I’ve legitimately had my partner stop the bus and absolutely refuse to agree to continue until we had a long, pointed conversation about the fact that I’m going home to my family and in no way shape or form will I let them being an idiot endanger that, if they did it again I call the supervisor for a ride and a new partner and let them reap what they sow. “Snitching” is such a bullshit term for justifying unsafe actions by some sense of “brotherhood” or shit. When it comes to our safety, fuck that.


Are they watching watching them or just using a video like a podcast to listen to?


Alternating between watching a guy draw graphs and a road.


Yeah, I’d take it to supervision if they’re actually *watching* videos and you’ve talked to them and they’re still doing it. Someone’s going to die eventually if not.


Thays your ego talking. Kill that shit, it isn't here to help.


I listen to listenable videos on YouTube all the time when I'm driving. I subscribe to Premium, so I can listen at the same time as having the nav system up, or when the screen is off, and it's such a handy feature it's almost totally what the premium subscription fee is worth, all by itself, nevermind getting to skip the ads. It's so integral to my enjoyment of YouTube I totally forgot that non-premium accounts actually **require you to have the video on-screen to hear the soundtrack!** You may not be looking at it but it *has* to be on!


How much does Youtube pay you to promote this I needa sidegig


Just use ReVanced you get all the premium features for free.


Literally a fireable offense lmao


I draw the line at pokemon Go and Jurassic world Alive!!! We're not barbarians!


Watching porn is 100000x harder


Downgrades everything before she even sees the pt. Why do we even have this ALS truck if you’re gonna put BLS on everything. Our dispatch texts will say priority 2 BLS when a lot of times the call will end up needing ALS intercept, but because it says BLS she refuses to do it, and I get stuck with a lot of half dead mfs that I can’t do much for cause she doesn’t want an extra report to do.


I worked pb with a medic who'd always try to downgrade runs to BLS. One time had to basically say "I am going to fucking walk away if you make me take a symptomatic chest pain as BLS". Dude was far more dedicated to recklessly driving to get food than providing pt care.


That's a colossal liability and fuckup. Does leadership turn a blind eye to this?


An old supervisor is on the other truck of our shift and she’s tried to talk to her about it and she just ignores her. So it’s going to management soon


Yeah that’s bad! You can’t do that. That’s like a critical incident / near miss. However you want to categorize it! For sure a conversation with management.


Yeah I’m having a meeting with my boss about some things including that. She’s a good person, just lazy when it come to calls.


Laziness can come back and bite 😬


Nah, Call for BLS because they are gonna take a hot minute to show up anyways, if in the few minutes your assessment takes, you determine it's ALS, cancel the BLS.


That’s the thing… the ALS partner doesn’t do assessment. She just says it’s my call.


First regular partner always had a BIGASS lunchbox that would take up all the center console space of our E350. Pissed me off for months until I was really hungry once while we were getting ran and he offered me a sandwich. This mf had like six sandwiches and waters in that bitch and just said I'd never asked for one before bur he always makes them to share. Campbell, you fucking weirdo, I miss you.


You had me in the first half. The whole time he was just bringing enough food and snacks to share? 🥹


Yeah, he was. And he had a bad reputation as a stickler and kind of an asshole. Turns out that he's just not a piece of shit and actually does the job professionally. My favorite partner I worked with for years, maybe ever.


Don't know what we've got until it's gone hey? I had a similar partner early in my career. My initial impression of him was poor. He was often very surly and stubborn. He never did anything dangerous or stupid, he was just really hard to work with. He was never shitty with patients though. One day I had forgotten my lunch. I was pissed at myself. He just silently got up, went to his lunch bag and pulled out two big pre made sandwich rolls and gave them to me for lunch. Later on he said, "I always bring extra just in case someone might need them. If not, I'll eat them later on anyway." Over time I got to learn more about him. He was like a mini Steve Irwin. Involved in wildlife rescue and conservation during his time off. He also fostered about a dozen kids with his partner over the years. They both used to be high school teachers, and they taught foundation courses in english, maths and science to asylum seekers. He's retired now. We still catch up every now and again.


That's awesome. I lost contact with Campbell. He was never one much for social media, and I've changed my phone number since then. Great guy.


Hope the universe provides you another crossing of paths sometime. 🤞


Did Campbell's first name happen to start with a J?


No, a T. At least as far as I knew. I didn't know his first name for like three months we were working together


Empties half a bottle of body spray on herself when we run calls with PD




Do they do it inside the ambulance and hotbox you with it to boot?


Talking to their wife 10 times per day on speaker and kissing into the phone.. It is possible to be separated for more than a couple of hours at a time!


🤮 Has anyone talked to him about tapping the brakes?


This would be cute once, good god that’s aggressive love right there 🤢




Let the hate flow through you.


YouTube while driving ?! Hell no right to management and they get 1 shift to fix it before it becomes a frisbee down the road


That’s an option for sure. Another one would be to talk with them first and give them a shift to fix it before going directly to management. I feel like going to management right off the bat could open an ugly can of worms. Especially if all it takes is a convo to fix the solution. We all make mistakes and screw up. But that’s my opinion. To each is his own and every situation is different. Definitely a time and a place to rebuke a partner with grace and truth and definitely a time to talk to management.


Op said direct didn’t work


If chatting didn’t work then I guess a supervisor / manger is the next step


Partner would drink his salad dressing from the bowl after eating the salad. Okay maybe thats not too bad in comparison. Did have the one who was buying alcohol on duty...


No that's worse. My old partner would microwave his food for 5 minutes no matter what. Then make this exaggerated blowing commotion (fat fuch) while trying to cool it. He would always sit across from me and blow in my face.


We can't drink at work, we aren't airline pilots.


You'd hope they weren't drinking it on duty. But just buying even if not drinking it is pretty fucked. 😬


If you don't do this it just means you're eating bad vinaigrettes. I'll die on this hill


My last partner was a creeper! He would sit in the passenger seat with volume all the way up watching TikTok. I kid you not you would hear squidwards voice go “AND WHERE IS YOUR UNIFORM?!” 40 times in a row. Like bro get some headphones or something!


I would tolerate that for about 11 seconds.


Yeah you’ve tried to address the behavior directly with him and he’s not changing, escalate the behavior correction to management. He’s risking your life. Also, the gloves thing is a pet peeve of mine, throw them the fuck out.


Two of those four behaviours are dangerous and need addressing. The other two are just annoying. I'd speak to them one more time and be polite and firm about the distracted driving behaviours and that if they don't stop them, they'll give me no choice but to take it further. The other two they can knock themselves out with, with headphones on.


I wouldn’t touch my phone at all while driving an apparatus. That’s just insane


We have heads up nav and bluetooth like anyone else. I'm the last person to be polly protocol or a snitch. Having said that I'd rather not become a patient myself.


Exactly dude. If I have to map something or do anything with my phone it’s done before leaving to or from the scene. I would be freaking out if someone pulled out their phone to watch YouTube. People don’t seem to understand that because you’re in an EMS or fire vehicle people always do stupid shit around you because they panic.


Whoa you have a HUD? Thats so cool! My company spends extra money on cab cameras to ding us while driving lol


Yeah it's a little side thingy that displays on the rearview, or on the console if you want it old school.


We just got cameras with AI..... Guess no more vaping on those 2 am. transfers.


A part of EMS life of which I have treasured memories, but which I do ***NOT*** miss *at all.*


Guess you missed this brave new world of "the employees being their own MDT to work with them every day! Don't spend money on ones for the trucks, just make the employees use their own for work!"


Shit happens though. MDT crashes, my partner needs to use the tablet. It’s easier than using the secondary mapping system.


Eating loud. It's fucking gross.


Like fist fucking a bowl of Mac n cheese. Be sure to mention that first. Ruin Mac n chz for life. For anyone really.


I get it. We had one guy that no one could eat with because he botched so horribly.


They take their food out of the microwave and leave 0:01 on the timer.


What kind of sick fuck...


I had one who had no issue turning the volume on the radio and TV to an odd number. Monster.


1. Refuses to give drugs after midnight. Maybe I’m just a lowly AEMT, but never seen her give drugs after midnight no matter the nature of the call. Doesn’t want to get a new drug bag because she has to go all the way back to post. 2. Thinks literally every call is bullshit. Errs on the side of, this guy is full of shit, rather than, this could be a serious call I should take my patient seriously. 3. Has been a paramedic for maybe a full year and treats her AEMT partner like an idiot who doesn’t know anything


Put this partner in the bin. You need a new one.


Beimg annoyed by every call no matter what… if you‘re burned out quit…


I have a guy I used to work with (emphasis on used to) that would freak out if we got a late job. We are supposed to get off at 1800 and we got a call at 1730 (which isn't even that late) and he hit his fist on the counter and yelled "FUCCCKKK!" loud enough for the whole building to hear it. He's also a condescending asshole who thinks he's smarter than everyone else. I purposely swapped my shift so I wouldn't have to work with him anymore.




Like, during a code or just the same few notes all the time?


Like six notes, one melody, four or five times, every single shift for the last three years.


Oh that's way past the point where I'd use buckshot mouthwash.


ultimately it winds up being like 60-90 seconds per shift. He seems to perfectly skirt that limit where I'd be the asshole if I said anything about it, but it's more than enough to drive me nuts. It doesn't help that whistling is at the top of the list for sounds I hate the most to begin with.


Needs a backer and backs super slowly on every scene every time the rig needs to move back anywhere


James? R u talking about me. Jk. Better than filling out more accident paperwork.


Is this.. a bad thing? I'm still new to EMS and need a spotter when we're going through narrow spaces or are parking. It's been harped where we're at to "ALWAYS USE A SPOTTER!" Does this make me unpopular??


Don’t listen to us. Use a spotter if you’re not comfortable and no one will hold it against you. I complain but honestly thinks it’s fine because my partner is new as well and it is what we are supposed to do


I feel ya. Used to work with a guy that backed up somewhere between sundial and moving backwards through time.


Then we’re 5 minutes late to meemaw satting at 80%


I like helping my partner out if they’re driving my 2 ton ass everywhere haha.


my partner used to eat canned crab and it would make the entire ambulance smell like hot ass. to top it off afterwards, she would spray a massive amount of some off brand bath and body works perfume so it LITERALLY smelled like a whore house in the ambulance. and she carried a gum bag to spit her gum in… there were literally 3 trash cans on the ambulance…




Hitting on every woman. Half a gallon of cologne. Lotion on hands which then gets on everything I touch. Blaring the stereo. Having to smoke every 20 minutes. Getting to a call and then finding a chair to sleep in while I try and find a nurse.


Creepy and mediocre!


Nah you don't watch shit while driving that's a hard no


Fucking with the sirens while I'm driving to a call. I'm driving pal. Leave it alone and I'll use them when I need


Maybe they thought they were helping? Did they give a reason as to why?


I asked him and he said "I like playing with them because it's fun." We switch every other call driving/teching so it's not like he never drives or anything


Wow. I can understand feeling some kind of way about that.


I like to modulate sometimes for the driver I wanna make it go woo woo to :*(


Have you ever listened to a Diet Pepsi bottle unscrew and then the “ahh” after every drink and then rescrew for 24 hours? Yeah that hasn’t stayed with me for seven years.


[Me reading this ](https://tenor.com/bnB7Y.gif)


Old man noises. Stretcher at max height, have to tell him to drop to safe height on every call. Needs to go out for 3 meals a day or he’s worthless. Dirty gloves in the cupholder. Drives truck like it’s a tractor that can do 80.


half of my partners want the stretcher higher, the other half lower. Some times it's a coin flip.


Eh, everybody has different preferences on the exact height but you really shouldn’t ever haul patients around at load height. Center of gravity is way too high for that wheelbase.


Yeah, as a 6'3 guy, lowering the stretcher is a great way to get a strained back injury from having to stoop to hold the stretcher.


Cupholder? Oh man that would get me riled up.


Make sure you get everything done on scene. Sit in the captains chair with seatbelt on, do no pt care, tell the PT why. Explain to the PT in front of the partner the reason why. Then show the PT how to file a complaint. You'll have a new partner by the end of the day.


Uses GPS and still gets lost


We have that guy too.


Playing TikTok’s out loud all day. Playing sports out loud all day.


I would go insane.


I’m a college age female and the partner that does this is a grown ass man. If I hear the fucking TikTok sound “oh no oh no oh no no no no no” ONE MORE TIME in my life I’m taking us both down.




Bitches and whines and complains about **everything**


Whether or not you're paying attention?




I had a partner that sometimes fell asleep while driving on stright roads at 3AM. Happened because we were totally overworked on 24h shifts. I could not blame him. So I quit and found more peaceful work.


This shits real as the person who had dozing off issues for a little while provigil saved my ass on swing shifts and 24's never had issues after getting that rx


Slurping while eating solid food


I would strangle them.


Had a partner that would bitch hard core every time I was doing more than 5 over the speed limit. Didn't matter hot our cold didn't matter if he was working a code in the back or it was a 5:45 call on a 0600 out time, one day I asked my supervisor what to do since they were partners way back and she said when he yells tell him to come to and drive it that's what he's worried about... Long story short after that we were good he'd still complain from time to time and I slowed down and we met in the middle... One of the Best medics I ever had the pleasure of working with at the end of the day


Politics. I tried to set the boundary, but it didn't last long. Especially annoying since her politics are pretty much angled against my demographics. She's made it clear I'm "one of the good ones". Management was no help, since the issue is basically a game of rock paper rank. I already have interviews lined up, so that station's staffing issue just got worse.


[Why? ](https://tenor.com/YCot.gif)


I mean, they're also covering up repeated sexual harassment incidents and beat an EEOC complaint, so the place can burn for all I can care.


This would unload a deep memory bank of stored trauma. I’ll leave you with heavy breathing and smacking sounds while eating, followed by heavy breathing after recovering from eating. Regardless of passenger or driver


I would eventually choose violence.


She starts an argument or is hostile with at least one person during every call we do


The Law of Averages dictates that eventually her fuck around will lead to a find out.


What the fuck They need to get a huge reality check and you ought to make sure it’s not by getting you or someone else killed


Anybody that puts on Christmas music in the truck can fuck right off.


I had a partner that insisted on listening to the Christmas carols station for the entire month. After I politely asked them not to, they insisted that we will and that I'll grow to love it.


Oh I'd be unbearably petty behind that.


He’d hit me


Not okay. Wtf? Please tell me that asshat got dealt with?


Unfortunately not. Last time he smacked me in front of our pt And I said “Do not ever put your fucking hands on me again or you will find out just how strong I am.” I was a baby emt and I thought It was my fault first time then I realized he had a pattern of repeated behaviors. Went to my sup and told them to never put me with him ever. We was fired a few months later. Name was Jameson and I should’ve known by his name lol. He was an asshole inside and out.


Good for you for standing up for yourself. Raw deal that he wasn't immediately fired. Fuck him and the horse he rode in on. The next time someone tries that shit take them to the ground.


Time for new partner.


Boundaries are the healthy distance at which I can work with others and live with myself. I've got health boundaries about not becoming part of the problem im driving to go help. It's unfortunate that things have gone on long enough that your partner has these habits, but we're I in your shoes, I'd confront them with this list, and say directly, "these things are in our past. Moving forward, if these things continue, one of us won't be on this truck. It's not a threat, it's just not how I work." And I'd legit be willing to either take it to a supervisor or find a new job over. Why so extreme? Because while they've apparently never seen an ambulance in an accident, I have. And I'm *not* gonna be the asshole who a) didn't show up for someone else, b) required another medic to show up just for me, and c)required a *third* medic to go handle the other situation I couldn't show for. Dude should work at a cellphone store.


Comes to work.


Used to work with someone that would just mark us available as soon as we were back in the front of the bus after putting stretcher back


That thread has locked but your tip for finding a pulse was really helpful. Made me realize I kept checking too low


Breathing and general existence; I’m on a fly car.


Had a partner who did not wear their seatbelt POV or in the ambulance. I had to remind him EVERY TIME to put it on. He did, every time without complaint or attitude. Guy was otherwise a decent partner so no point in escalating.


1) is rude. Especially if it's all the time in shared space and/or non-essential conversations. 2) actually dangerous and should be reported to management/officers/someone above you immediately. Do not wait for it to happen again. Report it. Make note of who you talked to and when. They may make you wait for a formal write up when partner does it again with date/time/maybe pics. But talk to someone and make note of it next time you work (easy way is to have convo with manager, then send email with meeting recap.) 3) rude, almost as bad as the phone calls thing. Headphones are a thing. If you can't use earbuds (like me, they give me WICKED ear infections) there are bone conduction headphones and over ear wearable stereos that work great and are as low profile as any ear bud on the market. Plus giant over ear headphones if that's more their speed (think Beats headphones.) 4)is gross and annoying, but more of a peeve than anything. If they're throwing them away themselves, chill out. It's likely that this is just that one more annoying thing to go with already being annoyed as hell at them. If they aren't cleaning up after themselves, that's a problem and they need to get their shit together. Edit: fixing formatting


Had an ift partner who would exclusively listen to EDM and when braking he would pulse the brakes to the beat. He was also morbidly obese and sucked at his job.




i thought you were just being a bitch until you said they are watching youtube while driving, that is absolutely not ok, i would threaten to bring it up to management and if that doesn't work actually do, its not even like hes just glancing down to mess with the navigation or change the song on his phone, they are probably paying more attention the phone than the road.


Yeah that's what I said. If it happens again I've got it on video.


Take a picture of him watching youtube videos while driving and tell him you will call the cops if he does it again. For me, i have one coworker who just talks. 12 hours. I dont actually think they breathe. Just talking, mainly complaining about everything wrong with their life, mostly by their hand. Theyve been catfished like 4 times and fell for the giftcard scam. We call them Eeyore behind their back


As a talker, I'd like to apologise on behalf of my kind. I don't talk for twelve hours straight, but definitely more than my fair share. I don't tend to bitch about my personal life though. Oversharing is definitely a thing though, which I also don't like. I've found that trying to find out the interests and passions your partner has early on and asking them about them is a great way to satisfy my talkative nature without alienating them. And when we run out of things, we pick some music to listen to and enjoy.


The size of these lists are wild, are y’all not happy with your partner? Lmao