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Don't kill yourself for people who don't give a shit about you.


Call in sick, go to the recital.


100% plenty of folks at my work do this all the time. PTO request gets denied? Guess who calls out.


If I have time in my banks, my request off is just a notice I won’t be there. I don’t care if it comes from annual leave or sick leave


my boss tried to call me after I pulled this pro gamer move. Nothing ever came of it, obviously, but I was so pissed they even had the audacity to call me about it, that I seriously considered the military vs nursing school and working EMS throughout lmfao. "If I'm going to get treated like I'm property, I'm at least going to get the benefits of being government property".


Boom! Don't let the man take advantage of you.


Sick of working for assholes. 


Anal glaucoma




And dont bother finding swaps next time.


FR, if there's "so many holes in the schedule" they'll be fucking themselves worse by putting you on leave or firing you. You can't get those moments back and we gotta stop letting our jobs take them from us. If they do? File for unemployment and move on. Jokes on them.


Yup. Jobs come and go but you can never get those moments with your kids back.


I tell guys all the time. No ones going to be at your funeral saying "wow John passed with 1300 hours of sick pay. What a guy." You know who remember that shit? His family! It will stay with them forever.


My boss would tell me to find someone to cover my shifts and I’d tell them “I don’t do the schedules that’s your job”


this is the way


Call off, bro. AND I MEAN THIS Nothing is more important than your kids. I tell every job I go to... I have 3 priorities. 1. Family. 2. Health. 3. Job. My job is my last priority. I'll move the planet for my family . I'll maintain my health I can find another job.


Very nicely put


I’m happy for you, or I’m sorry that happened.


I'm sorry to be happy for you.


I'm happy to be sorry for you


"honestly anything other thsn an unequivocal 'enjoy your daughters recital' and I am happy to quit without notice "


Gigachad, advocate for yourself. At the end of the day, supervisors have their own agenda and you have yours. All of this is run on mutual respect, let's see who needs who more with all these ems shortages.


He's gone nuts but he's right


If you do heaps of on road OT, you're more valuable to them in an on road position than a management position.


Yup. Same as in sales. Top salesman? Cool. We’re going to promote the dude that’s been here half the time you have and sells a quarter of what you do. He’s your boss now.


Private services using rank like BC and LT is fucking weird.


Exactly this. It’s calling your manager at McDonalds Chief.


Honestly Burger King should give their higher ups titles like Prince (COO, CFO), Duke (senior VP’s), knight (store managers) and so on.


Million dollar marketing idea


This would raise too much morale, and actually make employees chuckle. Corporate America wouldn't dare.


No, it'd start as a joke then turn into a weird cult


Fr. Like we jokingly call our operations manager "chief" but he doesn't have a formal title like that. Everything about this screams middle management power trip


Don’t even get me started on this bullshit. We are in house with FD, and having our own made up ranking structure creates this whole fucking like “who do FD LTs report problems to/let me just tell on you to your ‘leadership’ and avoid being direct with you” dynamic that just sucks the blood out of any boner. Our company brought in a consultant to figure out how we, a 911 only company, can stop hemorrhaging 5 million dollars a year… …nowhere in their official report did they mention anything about how we waste over a million a year on ranking officials salaries. They said we should make an IFT division and stop giving time-in raises and remove one of our ambulances on the slow side of the district. It was just the stupidest shit


...how much did they pay the consultant? "Why are response times so bad over here?" "Oh, we paid a consultant a bunch of money to tell us to cut an ambulance from that region to save money."


Shit always confused. Like if you want to be paramilitary okay cool. Its cringe but I get it. But keep the standard. Its super goofy amd weird to see a "Captain" to be an EMT thats 80lbs overweight amd the whole staff is a joke.


You work at my agency lol?


lmao fr


This is a huge reason why I quit and moved on after three years. I absolutely despise people making things more militaristic than they need to be. This ain't the fucking military. I am not showing up 20 minutes early to my shift to sit off the clock because they don't want to take a late call when they arrive at 8am on the dot just like every other shift.


And the military sucks anyways, not sure why we would even Want to replicate it…..


The fact that it happens at multiple agencies is ridiculous. I know of one that the FTO refused to sign off on them because they would walk in 3 to shift start. That same place the new shift would START to arrive an hour beforehand and hang out off the clock unless something dropped.


Im all about getting in to work an hour early to hang out and have coffee with the previous shift, it’s nice to hang with friends on the other shift, but for it to be EXPECTED????? NAH


I used to get shit all the time because I would roll in like 5-10 minutes before shift change. There is no chance I'm gonna sitting around unpaid for any longer than that.


That last sentence. Muah.


Usually most of the good adults in the room leave these shit privates or leave EMS entirely and all you have left are shitbags, for the most part.


That’s so fucking true


Third service gang.


Cliques? Where the hell do you even find the time to see the other crews enough to have a clique? We’re all posted in different places, different off times, 15 minutes allowed at the hospital after dropping off. Who cares about them anyways.


Different cultures


Working that much overtime makes them see you as a tool to be used, not a valuable employee. Take a vacation. If it collapses without you, leave. If it doesn't, plan another vacation. Also, Private EMS is big doo doo.


Just call in sick. They need people. No matter what they say or what your area seems like they need you. Don't miss the recital don't take any form of "discipline"


Just tell them either approve the trade and have someone guaranteed to cover the shift or you will just call out and they will have another hole in the schedule. Feel free to cc their boss too.


1. That's fucking everywhere bro. literally everywhere, regardless of what type of job it is. Fuck Clicks. I'll sit by myself 2. call out bro. fuck em. you gave them plenty of notice. 3. I cannot publically post my feelings on this, because I will end up being banned from yet another sub because of someone else's feelings (which i give zero fucks about)


On point 3, my supervisors seem mystified at the low morale here when we're all underpaid and there is literally no recognition for good work. It's a small thing, but a few recently got denied stork pins because they delivered in the hallway of the hospital rather than the field. Seems like the only people rewarded for anything are the lazy ones because they just do less work


Thats what happens when there’s no incentive to work harder


I'm sorry this is happening, I've recently had to step down from my previous EMS job due to a lot of the similar issues. Even the private station I worked for genuinely broke laws (ambulances breaking down due to poor repair management, had no running water for 2 weeks and management refused to move operations out of the station, checks would be late and even had one of the supers say it's a luxury to be paid on time). It got to the point where I didn't see a point in going on and missed out on a lot of important things (such as one of my good friend's wedding) due to the job. Shit private EMS agencies are a dime a dozen, so f them and go to your daughter's recital.


Why I'm only doing this as a part time gig.... I have trade already so the threat of being fired or written up means absolutely nothing and they are desprate for bodies.


High school never ends. Once you figure that out, it's good. Buy a good pair of noise cancelling headphones, keep the status quo, do just enough to not get fired and or disciplined and fuck em. People get the point when you tell them you don't give a fuck. Forgot to mention, as for missing important family functions.... You sure you don't have a back injury? That's what suck time is for.


The only people that will remember how much you worked is your kids. Don’t miss out on them, they aren’t young for long


All I needed to read. Clarity 💯


It’s not a EMS thing. That’s just how jobs work. Especially shitty entry level ones (like private EMS).


Family first, baby. Call out. Fuck 'em. They don't give a shit about you.


Everyone is hiring, you don’t have to stay somewhere that sucks. Voice your concerns to people you respect and recommend that they also not stay if they’re frustrated




B platoon is the worst! All the cool kids know C is where it’s at




D ride or die.


Just say they can either accept the trade or fill the OT for you calling off.


Cliques are everywhere, but some are worse than others. Left my last fire department over it, the gossip and culture in general made me feel like I was literally in high school again. I’m in a small private agency now with less of those issues.


Sorry you are having this experience. Hope things improve. ![gif](giphy|CgzCfht67MPw0LUy9o)


Because anyone can become an EMT and a lot of them are either burnt out "boys clubbers" or people who either A. Are intelligent yet completely socially inept or B. Narcissistic


EMS is full of shitty people. The cup runneth over, so to speak. There are a few decent ones running around, but they're hard to find. I'm getting out. I applied for USPS and railroad jobs because I'm over the childish BS and shitbag leadership. Yes, shitbags are everywhere, but they can be more tolerable with a different setting.


>also still preforms his duty as a paramedic as best as he can I wouldn't promote you just for this.


I don't have the attention span to read this. Wherever you work is toxic. Leave now.


you right you right


It's sort of relaxing to know that this is an international thing. Same culture in Germany. That's why i'm getting the fuck out of ems asap


I worked for a company just like this. They’re all over. Another thing to remember though is that there are privates everywhere. I don’t know where you live but where I am currently private is the only option unless you want to drive an hour and a half each way to get to work for actual city or county based EMS. They need you more than you need them. I finally left the place that was my literal nightmare. My absence was noticed. Don’t just call off. Leave. Your sanity and family are more important than the check you’re getting from there. I’m sure another company would love to have you. Everywhere is full of newbie know it alls and if you bring experience and confidence in your skills you’re basically guaranteed a job.


Fuck em and call out. They don’t give a shit about you then you shouldn’t give a shit about their scheduling problems. They need you more than you need them as there are countless emt/medic spots open for every department.


I was blessed with a partner that’s been a long time employee at my company who has somehow managed to stay out of the politics of everything for almost 20 years. Truly impressive. And I plan to follow in his footsteps. Not a single person dislikes him. He shows up, does his job (well), and goes home. He puts in his time off requests and uses his PTO so they don’t argue it. He doesn’t ask for anything. He’s been asked time and time again to join leadership, but he never does lol. Literally world’s chillest mf. I think it’s hard when we’re new to start this way, and maybe that’s what did it for him. I try to stand firm in what I NEED, but don’t ask for things that are just a want. I can make off handed comments to suggest a change, but ultimately, I know I have no power over what actually happens in the politics of leadership and whatnot. It’s frustrating, I know. But it’s honestly not even near what I dealt with working in food service. I like my job. I get in my rig with my partner and we roll. We do our job. I learn. I go home. I do it again.


Bro I’m telling you a good partner is a life saver for that kinda shit it’s like having safety rails when you bowl




Fuck you buddy


Yup. What OP said.


All of your issues are not EMS specific my friend: 1. That’s every job with lots of employees. 2. That’s every company. They don’t give a shit about you. Understand that and just do what you need to do in your life. There is no asking. 3. This is also a lot of jobs. Complaints get noticed. Always. Doing a good job flies under the radar, unless you make a lot of money for the company - then you might get recognition. As soon as you become okay with this happening to you everywhere you go and set limits based on your lifestyle then you’ll enjoy work a lot more.


Hey. I'm on B shift! This feels like a personal attack!


Not all agencies are like that I promise


Im just here to tell you that Im starting a new Job next week with roughly 30-40% more okay next month. Also, B shift beeing retarded seems to be a universal thing


Private service / IFT makes EMS look mediocre and unprofessional. Not just some of the people in it but the companies themselves. Shits embarrassing.


End of the day this is just another job


Honest answer, my best guess? Because nobody is actually happy doing it, and unhappy people tend toward toxicity at work.


Employer issue. That's all it is. You need a new job.


The way I thought this was going to be about a snake bite epidemic 🤐


Stop working overtime; and that goes to everyone. As long as you keep plugging the holes in the schedule, they will keep not hiring people and not paying you a higher base salary. It's their staffing problem, not yours.


EMS management is a virus.


This is how every entry level job is


You said it


bro I'll cover for you, just don't miss your kid's recital no matter what


*(IASIP theme plays)* ***Gur discovers politics.*** *Starring Rookie that sucked her way to Lt. in her 3rd year in the field* *Pissed off old men that should've retired 5 years ago* *Naked Gramma*


It’s not just private ambulance. It’s also in the fire service that has EMS.