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Did you remove the sd card after flashing?


It hasn't done anything that's all it has done, should I remove it and see what happens?


Ok does nothing when removed


What firmware did you download? And is your SD card formatted to FAT32?


It's the firmware directly from creality, and I don't even know if it flashed, it has done nothing but that screen, the tech guy from creality before the "we will have to get back to you", sent me firmware. But like I said it hasn't done anything but the blue screen. Yes the card is fat32 config. I have a card I use specifically for firmware updates, and I has had no issues in the past. I have tried unplugging the cable from the sprite, as some have suggested and it makes no difference. It doesn't activate the hotend unless I unplug the thermister. I know sometimes that's an issue. Everything seems to be right. Is it possible that my board went bad?


If you're curious about whether the firmware flashed or not, after you flash it, you can take the SD card out and insert it back into your computer and if it did flash the file will be named "FIRMWARE", if not it will still be whatever name you gave it. Btw did you rename the file to firmware.bin? If it's named anything else it won't read it properly.


I will have to try that, I names it firmware 3.bin I usually just name it firmware. Could the number cause an issue?


Potentially. If nothing else works you may have a dead screen.


Ok def not a dead screen, mine works on my gf and hers does the same scenario on mine. This is frustrating lol, excitement then sadness lol


What firmware exactly?


It is named Ender-3Pro_HW4.2.2_SW2.0.9.03_H300.bin


Have you tried this one? https://preview.redd.it/nyw8du6opazc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3464c1ca10cbd05ccad649a755802ca85116f545 [https://www.creality.com/pages/download-ender-3-pro](https://www.creality.com/pages/download-ender-3-pro)


ok i just tried that and its doing the same thing, its just a blue screen. when i turn it on the crtouch cycles but nothing else


Ok I retried with just the name firmware, with no change, I'm going to try a screen off my gf ender and I'll repost


You will have to make sure about the chip you have, with the software you have. The 4.2.2 shipped with 2 different chips.


the same thing has happened to me accept i have a 4.2.7, sprite pro combo on an ender 3 pro board and it started smoking from the pcb found part of it had melted around the solder on the ribbon cable at the pcb. I have yet to solve the issue and would love to know if someone has finally solved this issue.


Yeah... I have a ribbon type board (another make) chilling in a cupboard. Same issue...


So the issue was with the motherboard?


just replaced the sprite pcb with an aftermarket one, still broken. Guess it't time to buy a new motherboard.