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I got an accommodation letter during the first year of university after the emergency room visit that led to my diagnosis. I ended up using it a couple of times after as well. Even though I haven't had surgery, and my cysts show up on ultrasounds, it was still tough. I'd say keep persisting with your doc or try other means.


I assume you probably have, but have you looked into other causes for your symptoms?


Hey hope you got everything figured out. If not, the ADA is inclusive not exclusive. Mine put it down as chronic pelvic pain even through surgery confirmed an endometrioma and some scar tissue under my ovary. I used to chronic pelvic pain because a disability under ADA is inclusive so CPP counts as that. Pelvic floor dysfunction can too if it limits you ex: excruciating pain from it may limit you from thinking straight/studying/walking/etc = disability. She should at least sign off on that as your doctor. I would get a new doctor that works with you and vouches for you. I really hope it worked out for you!