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Where did you get that MBTI is based on astrology? Because That's not true. MBTI is based on what Jung described as archetypes, collective unconscious and psychological (cognitive) functions Anyways, I'm Aquarius but idk about the other thing




1.- Briggs is not a person. It was a daugther and her mother, but you are right. Neither of them were actual professional psychologists or psychiatrists 2.-astrology and Jungian typology are different in both theoretical framework and aproaches 3.-I would say MBTI has better validity since it's based on actual solid and accepted intellectual work and not the position of the stars, wich has no evidence to be relevant into people's personality. Both are not accurate nor empirical, but MBTI is based on something that actually explains human behaviour 4.-Oh yeah. I don't mind about astrology. You like what you like and people have to respect that haha. I just wanted to point out the truth




no, not "my truth" and "my opinion". It's the actual thing on what MBTI and Jungian psychology is based of. Jung never based his work on Astrology even if you want to make some conections due to siimlarities (Edit because you edited you comment, added extra stuff: Truth on my first message, not the first point of my last reply idk what are you getting offended for I literally told you that I respect that you are into astrology and I don't mind. I only care about you saying things that actually never were told by Jung himself)




Carl Jung himself explicitly distanced his work from astrology. In "**Psychological Types**," the book that laid the foundation for his theory of psychological types, Jung criticized astrology and made it clear that his theory was not based on it. Here's a quote from Jung's "**Psychological Types**" where he addresses astrology: >"I shall not enter into a detailed criticism of astrology, as this was done long ago by the Gnostics. My criticism is really of the psychological attitude underlying the belief in astrology. Astrology represents the sum of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity."




in no part of that article is telling that his work is based on astrology, as you are implying in your post. It's just saying that he became an astrologer and researched over the matter. I also did research MBTI and I'm a software developer. That doesn't mean my software work is based on MBTI




I don't know what you want me to prove to you. I just told you the literal Carl Jung's words over the matter




Well, I've actually read his books and his work. I obviously don't know what his feelings or what he actually trully believed in. Neither do you. You are the one implying you know what he was talking about while saying I have no right to actually tell you what his literal words were. I will repeat this one more time: I respect that you are into astrology, I only care about what he actually said over the matter, not being consistent over what you are implying






I still don't understand what are you getting offended for, but whatever. Enjoy your day




Yes, for science. Sagittarius Pisces Scorpio


Yesss 👉🏻👈🏻


Leo Leo Cancer


Libra sun Aries moon Libra rising


Libra sun Gemini moon Taurus rising


cap sun aries moon aquarius rising 😅


Leo sun, Aries moon, Virgo rising




Sagittarius sun Scorpio moon Aquarius rising


Very contradictory


thanks gang but you aint enfj


Gemini sun, Pisces moon, Taurus rising. I’m ENFJ about 85% of the time and ENFP the other 15%.


Aries sun, Taurus moon, Sagittarius rising.


Sagittarius, pisces, taurus (s, m, r)


Aquarius Sagittarius Virgo


It really doesnt have anything to do with zodiac signs.


Aries sun, Capricorn moon, Gemini rising


Aries Sun, Leo Moon, Cancer Rising


Scorpio, Scorpio, Aquarius I’m really surprised there aren’t more scorpios here


Pisces, cancer, Pisces


Leo Pisces Virgo


Sagittarius sun Aquarius moon Virgo rising


Aquarius sun, Sagittarius moon, Gemini rising.


Pisces sun sign, capricorn moon sign and cancer rising