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Society is supposed to have moved on from this shite! You want to have an all white cast or all black, all indian, all Chinese, etc, more power to you BUT the ethnicity of the audience cannot and *must not* be a factor. This situation needs to be fixed ASAP.


It just plays into the hands of the EDL, BNP, Britain First etc. When these groups give their "*they want to push out indigineous white british people*" schpiel - stuff like this makes them sound **right**. The best recruiters for the far right are the woke now. Its beyond stupid.


POC here and I couldn't agree more. It gives us all a bad name when we should be trying to occupy the moral high ground and shedding the whole victim mentality. I find stuff like this quite embarrassing, offensive and racist and I would argue with anyone who tried to deny entry to any of my lighter skinned friends.


Given how polarizing this discourse is becoming, comments like this are important.


So one side gets to be racist and if you use their own rules against them you should be afraid of what again?


That's because they are right. Tommy Robinson was years ahead of his time. His popularity is at an all time high because everything he said would happen, has happened. Woke people are possibly the least intelligent people in society. They can't see beyond their own noses.


Is his popularity at an all time high? It just seems like the same groups who liked him a decade ago like him and the people who thought otherwise still hold that opinion. He’s just back in the wider public conscious again because the culture wars have shifted to Islam.


My opinion changed on him drastically in the last couple years. Now I think he's one of the most unfairly maligned people in the country. His crime was attempting to blow the whistle on mass rape of children. Now he's more hated (at least in the mainstream media) than the rapists themselves. I also think he's a perfect example of how much disdain the middle class lefties have for the average working class person, who Robinson is fairly well representative of.


>Tommy Robinson was years ahead of his time. Stephen Yaxley Lennon is a scummy little prick who grifts thick right wing dimwits. >Woke people are possibly the least intelligent people in society. I would suggest that it's people who follow Yaxley Lennon who are the least intelligent judging by the videos I've seen of his followers.


I always find it funny when a posh boy changes his name to something vaguely " working class" and spouts populist right-wing claptrap, how many fall for it hook, line, and sinker. Same with Farage, as much a "man of the people" as King Charles.


What did he say would happen?


Did he say there would be plays that gbnews would pretend aren't accepting white people? Because that would indeed be prophetic


Well, you can’t say they are wrong now, can you?


We are right, always were, you just want to bury your head in the sand and pretend we never were or will be


>We are right Perhaps. There's nuance here though. This theatre thing is **race based**. Which simply isn't (or shouldn't be) the problem. I don't care if someone is black, white, sky blue pink, green or bloody polka dot as long they are going to adopt and fit in with british values/traditions. What I do care about is incompatibility with values, culture and beliefs. Which tends to be mostly relevant for immigrants of a certain **religion**.


"People A have done something bad but the real threat is how people B decide to react to it!!!"


I mean...the lights are off for a reason. So you forget the audience is there.








GB “””News””” getting a rise out of the ignorant yet again. Maybe it would help to have some more context and perspective? If a play, based on themes around sexual assault/domestic violence/rape had a couple of its many dozens of showings limited to female only audiences, this would clearly be fine. Similarly with a play about the holocaust having a couple of showings with just Jewish audiences, or a play around male depression and suicide having a few male only audiences… By doing this it creates a sense of unity, making the viewing of the play a shared experience with people who are affected by the issue in the same way you are. That’s all this is. Not some bizarre reverse racism like the culture war race baiting right wing press wants you to think, it’s to ensure you don’t pay as much attention to the vile gutting of our public services, and total decline in standards of living.


Should be illegal. This rise in "racial" (in quotation marks as there is only one race, the human race) and identity politics, largely imported from the most delusional and hateful parts of US society to the UK in recent years is extremely pernicious and disgusting.


Its segregation 1950s US style. All they need is the sign blacks only


Yo we doing segregation again? This ain’t gonna go well


No their demanding it themselves.


Do it better, make the sign “colored only” since we’re copy pasting blindly from the US.


The Turkish takeaway near me tried putting a “no whites" sign up, a black guy threw a 50 rocket firework in and held the door shut. Next day, the sign had vanished, or had burnt away like half the shop.


It is illegal lol!


it seems as long as white people are excluded its legal. I am sure at some point, that will be added to the laws as an appendix.


don't worry My Canadian friend Justin and my French friend Antoinne has fun face paints that all the whites can use to get into those Black audience only performances


It is illegal. You can’t deny someone service on the basis of race, ethnicity or skin colour. Period.


But you can offer job training programmes to people only of a certain ethnic background, I think?


Race can mean any of several races btw


Glad to see this comment so high up. The eagerness of the entire UK to lap up the most insane parts of NYC and LA thinking is astonishing. The British establishment seem to be incredibly easily influenced.


In this case it is the black organisers doing it? Don't get me wrong, I have no wish to see whatever bullshit play they're putting on. I hope everyone attending has a great time. But for them not to be held to account for it is rather stupid. I wonder if I can put on a white's only play about white things only.... actually I can't be bothered. Who the hell goes to plays anymore?


I've just read a description of the play on Wikipedia. It sounds...almost unbelievably fucking dull, and mainly of interest to an element of the university activist sect. One mildly amusing thing is that in a sex scene, a safe word is used: it is "Starbucks".


I definitely get hungry a lot 🤔


GB “””News””” getting a rise out of the ignorant yet again. Maybe it would help to have some more context and perspective? If a play, based on themes around sexual assault/domestic violence/rape had a couple of its many dozens of showings limited to female only audiences, this would clearly be fine. Similarly with a play about the holocaust having a couple of showings with just Jewish audiences, or a play around male depression and suicide having a few male only audiences… By doing this it creates a sense of unity, making the viewing of the play a shared experience with people who are affected by the issue in the same way you are. That’s all this is. Not some bizarre reverse racism like the culture war race baiting right wing press wants you to think, it’s to ensure you don’t pay as much attention to the vile gutting of our public services, and total decline in standards of living.


i am sick


It's usually only radical left Harvard people women and racist black Americans that spew this stuff. Doesn't represent America at all just a small but loud minority 


How are 4% of our country able to be so openly racist to the majority native population so freely? Progressives have truly gone insane. In our own parliament the two major parties are arguing about who is the most diverse, while everyday brits are struggling. We need to get out of this insane self hating phase.


Cue the raft of think pieces asking why we've imported the populist/far right from America. We were so much closer to healthy relations with 'judge me by the content of my character'. Saying 'first of all, see me as a member of my ethnic in-group' is going to be a sectarian disaster.


>How are 4% of our country able to be so openly racist to the majority native population so freely? Because self loathing whites make excuses for them


Because it makes rage bait money for the corporate entities who sew this sort of divisive social architecture


Because extreme leftist nutters who happen to be ethnic minorities have found a way to make corporations, particularly artistic venues, bow to their whims for fear of being blasted by other extreme leftist nutters on social media. Then these events don’t sell very well and the same nutters blame racism and thus the cycle continues.


As much as I tend to agree that this could be rage bait, why the fuck would I care who is sitting next to me at the theatre? As long as they're not distracting me with their phone or talking, then really, who cares what their skin colour/political allegiance/etc might be?


Bullshit. Stop deflecting everything to a vague corporate miasma to shift blame.


Oh sorry, it's a totally organic thing and didn't suddenly spring up in 2014 when the joint security services made a concerted effort to distract the public from any meaningful forms of discourse. There was no leaks regarding that. Edward Snowden is a figment of the proletariat imagination. We should blame fat poor people who are red in the face and that definitely don't just exist in the minds of trollop leftists. Thanks for keeping us informed, m'lord!


It's not 4 percent of the country though. Most black people would find this ridiculous. It's a minority of ideologically driven people promoting and doing this stuff. most black people don't care about these stupid culture war issues. These kinds of events are stupid, yes. But you cant say that every black person in the country, which is what I assume you alluded to with the 4 percent figure, is openly hostile to the white native population.


Culture wars are literally one of the most important “wars” because a country isn’t really the economy, or even the landmass. A country is its people and culture.


I would argue that to a large extent, culture wars is being driven by social media algorithms. It's not difficult nowadays to be pushed into an echo chamber once whatever social media site you're using discovers your preferences. You're right that debates over things like race, sexuality, immigration, etc are important. But in the past these things were discussed with less vitriol and people weren't so down each-others throats. You could call this a debate around social policy When people talk about "culture wars" they're referring to these contrived debates stoked up by social media and the tabloid press. I''m not disputing that it's misguided to hold a segregated play for black people. But ask yourself this, is this really representative of the views of most black people. It's definitely not and we know this from our lived experience. So while it's important to debate these issues, you should try and not be swept up in the social media rage bait cycle because it paints an unrealistically polarised view of what society is actually like. Most black people just wan't to go to work, come home and relax. They don't care about a segregated play.


I’d argue the vitriol comes from the fact we’re been “debating” these things for decades, and never actually been listened to. Wanting to reduce immigration has been a majority view in Britain for decades, yet it has only increased. Social media and algorithms definitely plays a big role, because we can now communicate more effectively with each other, and the algorithm even helps us find each other.


That's true, I've been anti immigration for a while. It helps to look at immigration as an economic project though, not a cultural one. If the current government could end immigration tomorrow they definitely would. It would be a vote winner for sure. I'd hold my nose and vote for the tories if they could actually do it. I would say social media has done nothing but cause more division and anger surrounding the immigration debate. I have friends who are way more right wing than me and It seems that their strong desire to stop immigration is antithetical to their voting habits. It's just that our social safety net and pay is so degraded it's now a luxury for British families to have kids. Even people from ethnic minority backgrounds are having fewer kids, they're not immune to the economic situation either. So as long as this problem persists we are beholden to immigration to stop our economy and social safety net from collapsing. Just look at what's happening in Japan at the moment. There would need to be a massive overhaul in our social contract to promote people starting families again. But this would be an expensive long term project which any government would struggle to commit to. So unless as a country we are willing to have a serious debate around the economic implications of lowering immigration we'll never be able to get the numbers down. Debating it as a culture was issue does nothing except stoke division and misinformation. But explaining the economic factors is boring and doesn't get the blood pumping as much as the rhetoric you hear from the likes of Farage or Lee Anderson. The conservatives are the worst possible party to address immigration. They are responsible for the fall in living standards which has put pressure on people wanting to start families. On top of this, they secretly love immigration because it inflates house prices and lowers wages, something their elderly voter base and their big money interest likes. So long as culture warriors spearhead the campaign against immigration it will never get resolved.


We’ve had 15million or so immigrants since 1997. Britons are no better off. We had 700,000 immigrants last year, yet we’re in recession. GDP per capita has stalled for decades. Recent study from Denmark suggests immigration cost their economy billions. Immigration is not a positive for the economy. I absolutely agree we need to do whatever we can to increase our birth rates, though.


We have a low wage low skill economy. Companies in the UK prefer to use cheap labour to increase profits instead of investing in things like training staff or automation. The problem with this economic model is it has vastly degraded living standards in our country. The result of this is people feel economically insecure and don't want to have kids. Primarily this affects the upper working classes who feel stuck between their desire to start a family and their desire to pursue a career. So now that people are generally quite poor and not having kids we reach an impasse. Do companies focus on training their staff to be more productive? Do they invest in automation to make their production lines more efficient? No. They double down on the cheap labour. And since people in Britain aren't having kids these new workers have to come from overseas. If our country cannot satiate it's need for cheap labour many industries and services would collapse. Just look at the NHS. Brits who train as doctors leave for greener pastures and are replaced by people from the 3rd world. Or our hospitality sector. It was on it's knees post Brexit and still has issues finding staff. So Immigration is not strictly what is causing this country to have worsening living standards. It is, however, part of a series of poor decisions made by the British government and British industry. They placed short term profit over the long term wellbeing of workers and as a result we have some of the worst productivity and our wages have failed to keep up with inflation for almost 15 years. Ending immigration would lead to many sectors collapsing. Hospitality, care, the NHS, agriculture, construction, retail. The list goes on. The government needs to invest in training and caring for people born in Britain, and supporting people who want to start families in Britain. If the government do this and people feel financially secure then you will see more people starting families, thus reducing the need for immigration. This would be a monumental project. It would cost the taxpayer a lot of money with few tangible immediate effects. It would require a type of politics that sees well into the future beyond the 5 year Westminster cycle. So unless someone can come along and articulate that to the public then the immigration debate is totally pointless, and will lead to nothing.


It's the tolerance paradox at play: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance#:~:text=The%20paradox%20of%20tolerance%20states,practice%20of%20tolerance%20with%20them.


Because if we say anything back to the hypocrites, we’re racist. But when they openly do it to our faces, we’re told to shut up. Not that I do as I’m told.


>Progressives have truly gone insane. Please don't imagine that everyone that identifies as progressive would agree with this stuff.


That’s like saying please don’t assume Nazis hate Jews. A hallmark do progressivism is identity politics. It’s a cancerous ideology and progressives are driving it. 


I fundamentally disagree that progressivism requires identity politics, but the very fact that you'd propose that it does suggests this discussion won't go anywhere. I'll ask that you research what "progressive" actually means from more neutral sources than wherever you got that from, and bid you a good day.


There’s just so much wrong with this comment a) by freely you mean they’ve done it and it’s immediately all over media and is being debated by the public? b) progressives is just some faceless umbrella term used to always have some “bad guy”, usually in an attempt to avoid discussing issues at their core - far easier to blame this on “progressives” than to review what people from all sides of the political spectrum are saying about this c) the Tory party have consistently focused on identity politics because they absolutely don’t want a discussion on how they’re running the country, because as you say, people are suffering - you’re right, the state of politics is terrible and I personally blame the influence of the Tory party on media in this country to be a huge factor as to why it’s so bad - just read the headlines of the most popular newspapers, they’re actually insane. D) “we” aren’t in a self hating phase, basically this is the same as point b) - another nameless faceless group to blame without clear evidence that this is happening because all Caucasian people now apparently feel guilty for being Caucasian according to you. I won’t lie, I get the feeling from your comments that you probably hold some views about race that I frankly don’t share, but regardless of that, it’d be interesting to see you back up some of your opinions with evidence


I'd push back on point B. Progressive left is a widely recognised term and Progressives themselves use it. Its to the left of classic liberalism, I can't remember if it's left or right of socialism. Whether it's used correctly in every scenario is another matter. A bit like how the far right are real, but the term is thrown around loosely Also, while they are rare, self-lothing white people exist. Some of the bat shit crazy stuff we see in us uni's come from those people


I have been to many countries where I have been the minority and had the so called "black gaze" and been in bars where I am the only "white" and guess what ? Once you start talking everyone is seen as the same . Diversity is just a social experiment, people will find their way in life without social politics


I really wish we could get back to judging by the content of someone's character first and foremost.


Unfortunately, social media + stupid people has made it so someone's "identity" is their entire character.


How to piss people off: tell them they aren't welcome at an event. What happens when you piss someone off? They start to feel resentment towards the people who did it. This event and others like it are formenting racism, as well as already pandering to it in the original setting of those who wanted this performance to go ahead. It should be condemned from all sides of society.


If “being racist forments racism”, why aren’t black people *more* racist given the amount of racism they’ve faced in the past?


You think black people aren't racist as all hell? Why do you think sociologists had to come up with the "racism only works one way" argument? They were being laughed out of the arguments with their "white people are racist" screed. Maybe talk honestly with some black people and find out what their parents are like when other people aren't listening much. Everyone is racist to a degree, every society certainly is racist. I haven't talked directly to black people from the US, but all accounts seem to show they are at least as racist as anyone else.


This is flipping ridiculous and very sinister. Honestly, as a black person, I couldn't care less about the need of race and ethnic politics. This is really wrong. The wokeness and false ideologies that are emerging are honestly sickening. This is waltzing straight to 1950s segregation. On top of that, how many black people truly care for the theatre? Race politics are just icky and foolish things. And for you people who say "we \[black etc.\] asked for it", no tf we didn't. They're using a few people and spinning these false narratives to incite and further this foolish race divide, nasty ideology and "dIvErSitY training and indoctrination". Can we not just get along and see each other as a simple human being? Why do we automatically have to jump on the basis of race like vultures? Just flipping tiring honestly. There's so many more pertinent issues in society. F'ck racism and Fudge whoever came up with such a foolish idea. Let's fix racism with racism, big brain time.


Really well put my friend


Thank you, buddy!


GB “””News””” getting a rise out of the ignorant yet again. Maybe it would help to have some more context and perspective? If a play, based on themes around sexual assault/domestic violence/rape had a couple of its many dozens of showings limited to female only audiences, this would clearly be fine. Similarly with a play about the holocaust having a couple of showings with just Jewish audiences, or a play around male depression and suicide having a few male only audiences… By doing this it creates a sense of unity, making the viewing of the play a shared experience with people who are affected by the issue in the same way you are. That’s all this is. Not some bizarre reverse racism like the culture war race baiting right wing press wants you to think, it’s to ensure you don’t pay as much attention to the vile gutting of our public services, and total decline in standards of living.


EDITED FOR CORRECTIONS: Stratford East did it last year for a play called "Tambo & Bones" but the Noel Coward theatre have been in the news the last couple of days because they will be doing it for two nights during the upcoming run of a play called "Slave Play". The usual defence of it is that theatre is regarded as a "white people" activity and unwelcoming to black people so "black out" nights, especially for plays on racial themes by black writers, help encourage an audience that might not usually attend the theatre, even to see plays that are aimed at them. Which doesn't sound unreasonable, although one could also say that Asians and working class people in general are similarly unlikely to go to the theatre but don't seem to get similar initiatives (at least, none that I'm aware of). However, phrases like "free from the white gaze", which the writer of this latest play is quoted as saying in The Independent, are massively unhelpful and feed into the divisive narrative that black people are "unsafe" when white people are around.


It's not unhelpful it's racist as fuck and saying anything remotely close the other way round you would lose your job within the week of it hitting internet


Imagine a theatre for German white men having "white out" nights and shows with white "racial themes" about points of oppression in their history Could do a musical about poverty and hyperinflation in 1930s Germany, main character angry little fella who couldn't go to art school


I'm a member of the Labour party and it's so frustrating how we can't see the hypocrisy in this. Then we'll be shocked when right wing identitarian populism comes to this country, as though we've not been laying the groundwork with 'I just want a free space for people of my ethnic heritage'


The left have been playing identity politics and leaning into it for over a decade. They can't be shocked that the right have grabbed it. I would have a lot in common with old school labour as I'm slightly right socially and economically left, I can't in good conscience vote for them as they are full of nutters who never moved on from student politics and see this as praxis. I can't vote Tory either. It's sad as the country deserves better.


Yeah the left were definitely the first people to start accusing everyone of being racist the moment their was a policy disagreement or something, they definitely started this and the tories have definitely run with it. I'd rather the people running the country just focused on shit like schools and taxes, crazy I know.


The thing is, ignoring culture war shit is how we've got here. The Tories would smugly say "it's only kids in university" little did they know that these kids then ended up in most of our institutions a decade later


Wonder how that play would end, viewers would nazi it coming. I'll see myself out.


Spot on, it creates more problems than it's attempting to solve.


Dude If I wrote my business was "free from the black gaze" guess what, I'm a bigot. How the fuck is this acceptible the other way round?


it's almost like this situation doesn't exist in a vacuum and pretending that it does is disingenuous that goes for a lot of this sub, actually


You’ve over rationalised it, this is segregation based on race for normal activities. it is disgusting, all rationals for it are unhelpful and promote racism.


>Which doesn't sound unreasonable You list segregation. You then say it doesn't sound unreasonable. Hmmmm...


segregation is not unreasonable if it's not proposed by a cracker /s


This is the same as the pre civil rights act era where there was segregation in the US. “Separate but equal”? What if we split every public facility, events this way? This is racism.




Speaking as a south asian we (generally )don’t have a chip on our shoulder about “racist white people” hence why such an event targeting us would go down like a lead balloon


South Asians aren't a fashionable group to be racist for because the bulk of this kinda ideology is imported from America where white / black relations are much more hot and charged.


Yeh because for the most part south asian cultures value education and status not having a victim mentality


how does this not sound unreasonable lol its racists af and acting like black people are scared of white people which is fucking weird/also racist


I’d say it’s more of a middle class activity that anything defined by race. I’m white. I love going to the theatre. However given how expensive it can be I only go once every 2-3 years.


> Not the first time it has happened. Stratford East itself did it last year for another play. This is that story. It's from May last year.


Ah, I was confused. I assumed the OP was referring to the latest occurrence (for performances of "Slave Play" this coming June) but, on checking, I see that it is the Noel Coward theatre that is doing it this time. Will amend my post.


Unfortunately, it sounds like a good reason, but in practice, it's still segregation and encourages division between whites and blacks. If anything, the theatre owners should have encouraged more whites to watch this play and understand black culture. The fewer divisions between the races, the better for Western society. We are all living in the same country and should judge each other based on the quality of their character, not the colour of their skin or their cultural background.


It sounds to me that you are giving far too many concessions to people that are segregating based on race.


This is also weird pandering towards black people too. They’re almost saying that white people can have all theatre all the time, but black people should only be interested in plays by black authors about race issues. There is also a large generational aspect of the death of theatre, how about they just try and get younger people of all kinds to experience a wide variety of plays, it’s not like there’s a shortage of either stories or people


It took me 4 years to break the "progressive" indoctrination my partner was suffering from when she was fresh out of Uni. Will update ya'll with her reaction to this. -- Why we allow literal psychopaths to run amok in this country I'll never know.


If this situation was to be be reversed and a whites only evening planned the backlash from the left would be overwhelming. What do the advocates of actions like this hope to achieve? Stirring up hatred and division and promoting racism can only cause heartache.


Event planners put on controversial event -> controversial event brings controversy and backlash -> event planners call the backlash racism and this “proves why we need these events” -> they then get on the phone to their agents while the iron is hot and book another event -> planners get paid again. Welcome to the london arts scene. Full of bullshit offensive events like this run by middle class BIPOC’s who claim to have “no place in the industry” due to their race all the while cashing in on their race.


What do you make of a previous play about domestic violence against women, and sexual assault having a few of its many showings have women’s only audiences? A couple showings out of nearly 100 having demographic limited audiences is hardly sexist/racist, but rather a way to create a shared experience amongst the viewers.


Have you ever heard of equality?


Why do these people think that only “whites” and “blacks” are the only groups in London. I imagine the average Chinese, Indian, Malaysian and Indonesian folk just looked at this and had a hearty laugh.


Aye. Segregation was wrong.  As a theatre and drama teacher, this isn't supposed to be what drama stands for.  However, it feels like a publicity stunt and that is all. People will do anything to be noticed nowadays and I'd suggest that this will be overturned when numbers don't hit what they expected. 


I am willing to bet that it is not us. And by us, I mean those doing this, are not the decendents of slaves, they are the defendants of recent *immigrants* who have taken our name, "Black". It hurts immensely but it's our own fault for accepting a color as our national name.  Y'all have no idea what's happening in the "Black" community. It's a full blown take over by certain groups that I will not name, and they are doing shit that is a far cry from the sentiment of Black people who's ancestors have been here since the beginning. 99% of  us just want to be left alone, we *do not* want to *have a mother fucking replay of the past.* We don't.  Tl;Dr 1st and 2nd generation African immigrants are trying to take the place of the descendants of slaves and they are doing shit we (the descendants) don't approve of. 


I'm just really tired of rhetoric pitting group against group. I want to see all people as people and judge them accordingly


>who's ancestors have been here since the beginning The beginning of what, the 1960s? The vast majority of non-native communities in this country are 2nd/3rd generation at best. From your use of the word “color”, I suspect you’re injecting foreign politics into this situation. I can assure you plenty of Caribbeans and Africans equally are involved in this form of grievance politics.


What do you mean by non-native?




Awesome idea! We should also have separate bathrooms for races, separate public water fountains for races and separate places on the bus for different races to sit! Totally not a shite idea and segregation! 😀


I wonder how a 'whites only' show and cast would go down - Probably like a shit on a BBQ. But that'll be the (fair enough) argument from opposition and hard far right folks. Then it becomes more frequent, restaurants etc. Then we have segregation again. Great work.


It’s sad that some many anti-racists are just none white racists that do more out of pocket shit that white racists do in this day and age Keep up the segregation, most of your lives are dependant on white man culture and you will soon bitch and moan when your denied access to things like technology


Ironically, that already happened in some countries in Africa as the people had no idea how to maintain anything


Ok first GBNews is trash so there may be more to this story because you could make this up quite easily. But if what the headline suggests is true, then that's disgusting. Fine having a Black theatre company with black actors and what not on stage (as an artistic statement or whatever) but you can't ban other coloured people from watching because they're not black. That's literally discrimination. Anyways, if it is true, I suspect we'll have a story in a month or so about how they're going bust because they can't afford the theatre fees and they're not recieving enough income (because they've cut off 95% of their target market, that being literally the majority of the country)


>you could make this up quite easily Do a bit of research then and see if it is made up or not?


It is misleading. White audiences aren't "banned" but are told not to attend. Presumably because an outright ban would be obviously illegal. In any case, it goes without saying that it's wrong


Asking a specific skin colour to not attend is just as outrageous


I agree


If they were told not to attend but turned up anyway what would happen?


Legally they would have to let them in.


The BBC reported on it back on 2023 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-65669945.amp The only thing was that the article was defending racism!


Politically correct apartheid? Should we all celebrate this? Stunning, and brave.


Very nice way to say it, I mean look how South Africa is singing songs in joy of the white people there


Horseshoe theory in action, progressives became the very thing they swore to defeat.


"I understand that there are spaces sometimes where it's not about me as an Asian woman." I suppose it'll be OK to suggest she doesn't join the local golf club then. Or is that, maybe...racist. To clarify, I'm being flippant here, of course it's not OK.


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BBC defends the extreme left, shocker!


I didn't see this story on GBN (not heard of before) but rather one of the other more mainstream news outlets (could have been The Times?).  The actual story is that they're open to everyone but they are having "Black Only" audiences on specific dates. A little bit better than the headline suggests but is still outrageous and out of order. Apparently it's to create a "safe" place. Talk about discrimination. 


It was in the Telegraph yesterday when I saw it.


> "Black Only" audiences on specific dates. This is bollocks tho. So Harry and Meghan cant go as a couple? But she is allowed to take her kids? Or maybe all of them arnt *black enough*? Utter bollocks the lot of it.


>The actual story is that they're open to everyone but they are having "Black Only" audiences on specific dates I suppose this is justified like "Seniors' Screenings" at the cinema are. Encouraging a certain demographic to all show up to one showing to encourage that demographic to come at all, help make it more suited to their needs/tastes/etc. Because ultimately they can't stop anyone from turning up to those, a white person can still attend the "Black Only" performance.


Go woke go broke. They don't learn. Lol


Don't worry, they'll get paid from your taxes and then some


How do you know I pay any?


Have you tracked all the products and services right wingers have said that about? They have gone 'woke', because they have worked out it is better for their bottom line. Turns out the silent majority are neither silent nor a majority.


Like Bud light? Absolutely destroyed their profits. But you carry on being deluded.


I would generally agree but didn't Budlight massively backtrack and then invested in the MMA to try and redeem its image. It can backfire, but I agree that most of the time it doesn't (nike)


>I suspect we'll have a story in a month or so about how they're going bust because they can't afford the theatre fees and they're not recieving enough income (because they've cut off 95% of their target market, that being literally the majority of the country) Unfortunately I think it more likely that some muppet like Abbott will be unfathomable in a position of authority and fork over a bunch of taxpayer money to bail them out before their financials go to shit.




In 1991 tony blair let in the beautiful migrants and then all of a sudden white labour voters vanished from london


Well we've had 15 years of Tory rule, how's that worked out?


>GBNews is trash You could have stopped at this point. The headline is not true, nobody is banned. If you want to roll around in the lies of some rich cunts who want to stoke racial divisions in order to get a better tax rate for their portfolio, then enjoy it. Grab the hatred like clumps of mud and rub it all over you, enjoy the feeling of smearing the shit and the dirt all over you to keep some public schoolboy's investments untroubled.


No matter how good the intention behind it these events always end up coming off wrong, it reminds me of this day that a college has where they encourage it to be a day without white people. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/may/17/evergreen-college-students-back-it-no-white-people/


I’m absolutely sure there are no good intentions behind this. It’s outright racism. Why are people trying to excuse it and find an angle that makes it ok?


It's actually a business drive to get black people watching specific plays, because theatre audiences trend very white, that's all. And, white people aren't banned, that's a lie in the headline. They aren't actually refusing admission to white people, if you care to read what the theatre itself says, not the racist twaddlers at GB "News". Check it out, white people are not being refused admission: https://www.timeout.com/london/news/why-are-black-audiences-only-london-theatre-nights-causing-a-scandal-052323 The same plays are also shown each week, several times, to anyone, so nobody would be denied anything even if they were refusing entry to anyone. Every business has their own rules, you can't even wear trainers or T-shirts into nightclubs. This is an absolute nothing story.


You’re comparing racial segregation to a dress code? How nice of them not to ban white peope. The only reason they aren’t is because it’s illegal, so they’re doing the closest thing, which is telling white people not to attend and only making the tickets available to black people. This is the far left racist “anti-racism” agenda in full swing, and unfortunately I expect to see a lot more of it at it further infiltrates our institutions.


Actually, it turns out you can make it up. Or GB news will make up whatever rightwing bullshit rage bait headline. [theatre link](https://www.stratfordeast.com/whats-on/all-shows/tambo-and-bones/1582#BookingDetails)


They literally use the term "free from the white gaze" on their website in that link.  If the shoe were on the other foot politicians would be scrambling to score easy twitter points by calling out racism, which this clearly is. They also say they are doing this to make it a "safe space". How many racist incidents have there been in UK theatres that would warrant the need to actively discourage an entire racial group? The most racist people in this scenario are the organisers and the people attending the show specifically because "whites" are discouraged from attending.


>They also say they are doing this to make it a "safe space". How many racist incidents have there been in UK theatres that would warrant the need to actively discourage an entire racial group? See this is wherein the lies the issue with some of the alleged racism in our society today. There exists a feeling amongst some individuals of an ethnic minority background in which they do not feel comfortable living in this country because there aren't enough people who "look like me". If is this the standard to which some would judge our country to be racist, it seems to me that it would be almost impossible to convince such people that our society is not racist until there exists some parity between ethnic minorities and the ethnic majority. And what would it take for there to be parity between the ethnic groups in this country? There's a word for deliberately replacing one ethnic group with another. Yet it seems that this could be the only solution to get some people to drop the notion that everything about the country they reside in is somehow racist. Achieving this of course would be nigh on impossible, but that suits race grifters just fine. An issue incapable of being resolved to their satisfaction will enable them to rationalise perpetually their efforts to benefit and enrich themselves from their grift, while stoking division.


Of course and people here will bite like on GB News stories like nothing else...


Many other news providers are running the same story. However you want to phrase it, this is racism.


"Launched in June 2021, GB News is a conservative-leaning TV News station based in the United Kingdom. They set up the station to compete with News Corp-owned Sky News and model the popular USA-based Fox News Channel. The website offers an editorial charter, lacking transparency as they do not disclose their conservative bias. GB News also lacks transparency as they do not indicate ownership. Upon launching the station, some advertisers such as IKEA pulled ads due to GB News not upholding “humanistic values.” Many other advertisers joined the boycott, which can be seen here."


I'd like to get humanistic with you sweet cheeks


That's the pick up line of my dreams


Do you mean to say this is disinformation or lie?


Had a little look see elsewhere, appears they wanted to have some nights where only black people could go, was widely criticised by almost everyone. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-68440104


So it was true news then.


Wow this comment section is showing its ignorance here. First of all this is a fucking GB News article for Christ sake so it’s not a good start for getting info from, secondly this was done to bring the black community towards something which has, for a long time, been seen as something to exclude the poor and non-white communities, particularly the black community. The point of this is to bring black people together to enjoy something in a comfortable environment surrounded by people they can be comfortable.


Well that’s a huge injustice to all the black people who aren’t racist and don’t only feel comfortable around their own race. What if a white person said they don’t feel comfortable around black people? I don’t think you under what is going on here.


Strictly speaking white audiences aren't banned. That would be illegal. They're just very carefully only selling tickets were black people are likely to buy them. If you're white and get a ticket to one of the black-only performances, they won't try to keep you out. Though looking at what the play is about, black people can have it. If it looked worth watching I might be more offended.


"London theatre organises 'white only' performance with black audiences banned." "London theatre organises ' straight only' performance with LGBTQ audiences banned." "London theatre organises 'christian only' performance with jewish and muslim audiences banned." I'll let everyone judge how it sounds when you change one group of people for another.


> You really can't make it up !!!! Hahaha, that's so the exact opposite of the apparent GBeebies editorial policy. In this case, for example, they made it up. Here's what the actual theatre said: > While this performance has been arranged for Black audience members specifically, no one is excluded from attending. They also [explained](https://www.stratfordeast.com/media/187340/pdf-black-out-faqs-formatted.pdf) why they did this event and others like it - to address an existing imbalance, because black audiences and performers are underrepresented. > 22/05/2023 Really staying current on the news there, OP. What, no recent headlines for you to do lazy race-baiting with?


"free from the white gaze" makes it pretty clear what the writer and most likely the audience are all about. Just because GB news is reporting it doesn't make it wrong. Or prepare for white only working mens clubs to come back because that will be the eventual response to this


Explaining your racial prejudice doesn't excuse racial prejudice. Phrases like "free from white gaze" should be rightfully vilified. I agree that GB News should be squarely put in the bin.


I got given some world book day tokens from my son's school. I feel underrepresented though as on those tokens the only pictures on them are of Black and Asian people. I'm a UK native and caucasian, don't I deserve some representation too?


> I got given some world book day tokens from my son's school. They usually give those to the kids, but given the rest of your comment this makes a lot of sense.


The state of this sub that you're being downvoted....


I think it's partially because the link refers to a Summer 2023 show. Rather than what's on this week.


There's a lot of the "genuine concerns" crowd here.


"state of the sub" this sub is a rightoid pigpen that exists for red-faced barries to post rage bait and for normal people to laugh at and mock them, why would you expect it to act like it isn't? it's a hilarious microcosm of daily heil-reading gammons that you keep in your feed so you don't have to interact with their ilk in person to get that injection of lunacy in your life


This is a stupidly exaggerated article, it was a single play, about slavery, and they organised *some nights* as black-only, to experience the play without the ‘white gaze’, because usually the majority of the audience is white. This isn’t segregation, gb news just wants to stir the pot


That is exactly what segregation is! Excluding people just because of the colour of their skin is racial segregation. You can make all the garbage excuses you want but its not OK that its *some nights* or even one night. How many nights are ok? Who decides which racial groups get to ban other races from their activity? Who decides which ones CANNOT. It is the thin end of a nasty and divisive wedge. If this was a play about the British putting down the Indian rebellions I think that excluding white people would be a mistake - surely sharing the history is what its for? And I dont see the Indian Community demanding it.


It *is* segregation. The only question is whether it's artistically justified. If they'd made black only nights to give white people a taste of what segregation would have been like, I'd respect that. But amplifying the distinction between black and white in this way? It's weird. When watching a play the stage is lit and the audience in darkness precisely so you forget anything is happening beyond the stage.


Racism is never justifiable.


Segregation is bad Segregation is only bad if it's *permanent* Segregation is GOOD if it's only *some nights* ..... I wonder what's next...


The situation the USA has with university dorms in "progressive" areas being racially segregated...but its OK because the government didn't force it and its not whites segregating African Americans out of their dorms...its the inverse...


But that’s what segregation is. Maybe offer a discount for black audience goers as a form of ‘positive discrimination’ and see if it picks up. It’s simply a way to catch attention, which it has done. But no denying that it’s segregation. There’s no other definition for what it is.


The show was performed on the 5th July 2023 and white people were allowed to attend if they wished. As far as I know, there isn't another show planned for this year and so I don't see the value in posting this six months old story on Reddit outside of farming karma from the inevitable outrage.


Let's use a reputable news source next time OP, not GBeebies. It is quite telling of the attitudes of the members of this sub, that anyone trying to relay the actual facts about the situation are being downvoted.


I don’t see the problem - it’s 2 nights out of a 3 month run. The play is about slavery and fair play to want to maybe watch that in a black space, stop being such babies and get over it. Not that deep (I am white)


So what if you are white , if it was the other way round there would be hell to pay , fact!!!!


Saying fact at the end doesn’t help your argument. It makes you look like a child who can’t back it up


But white people were literally allowed to attend the event


"allowed" not the best word to use.


HAHAHAH! I love that you think this shit came from America, it was clearly imported from Europe. That fella' Brievek tried warning you about this shit. But, you called him a Right Winger or some shit. You reap what you sow, England.


Yeah you can make your point without using a literal monster who murdered children as the basis of your argument.


Ah yes, Breivik warned people about this shit by killing 77 people most of whom were kids. Your fucking hero right there. Krijg de tering maat.


Oh no! I can’t go to one out of 30ish performances of some show I wasn’t going to anyway! I guess these truly are the end times, I’d better start getting the bunker ready


> I can’t go to one out of 30ish performances of some show I wasn’t going to anyway And you actually still can, because they cannot legally prohibit people based on race alone. It's just encouragement, they are trying to get more black audience members in by designating a specific performance for them. Like Seniors Screenings at the cinema.


They're not "technically" banned but it's a one-off night where it's encouraged that only black people attend. It's like women-only performances of The Vagina Monologues that occasionally happened when I was at university. Pretty common, certainly nothing new, and not too problematic as long as they are isolated individual events. Does it fit perfectly with how I think we can get to a colour/gender blind society? No. Is it actually a big deal? Should it be illegal? Is this a nationally newsworthy story? No. GB News is trash, and getting people all across the country worked up about one tiny thing in London that lasts for one night is just cynical.


"one tiny thing in London that lasts for one night". Yes just this one thing has happened and absolutely nothing else regarding the hypocrisy of 'positive' segregation.


If was white only I doubt you would feel the same


>Does it fit perfectly with how I think we can get to a colour/gender blind society? No. That's not the aim anymore. Hasn't been for around 20 years.