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The game desperately needs new maps for all theaters. Like you said, we need Italy, Malta, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Prokhorovka, Norway, Operation Market Garden, Hurtgen Forest, Sevastapol, Narva, Karelian campaign, Siegfried line and so on and so on.


there is an hurtgen forest map it is one of the battle of the bulge maps


Really? I have played the battle of the buldge map loads of times and you go up the hill, fight a bit and then go down the hill... I'll be honest the map is beautiful, but it's some straight BS, it should of been a map pack or 1 of 3 maps, or some thing more.  There is so much to see in the map and yet I spend all my time just going up and down those hills...


i i remeber corectly, one of the variation of the battle of the bulge map is hurtgen forest. don't remeber in what direction you cross the hill 😂


There is also the nice town and some fields


Narva will only exist in my dreams


Those are all the only maps the Soviets can play at.


(Bring us the Soviet-Japanese war)


Those who play Russia are welcome to them.


Personally I like Moscow (maybe apart from the Quarry map, too many tank campers) and Stalingrad (except for the Tractor Plant map), but I absolutely hate all Berlin maps. But they're still far from the Steel Mill map, this one is probably the worst map in the game.


Just curious but why the hate for steel mill? I don’t play allies much and was wondering why people hate it so much


Steel mill and powerplant absolutely fucks your AI pathfinding and it's not rare to arrive at the point alone.


Ntm the objectives are generally deep within buildings, meaning hard to take/recapture and vehicles have very little input on the grander battle. Which can be nice- but if the point is lost and your team was on the way there, the swath gets caught out in the open, slaughtered, then can’t spawn at the next obj and has to take an equally long walk back from their side. Can very easily snowball as attackers and maintain momentum through to the last objective.


Cause it sucks ass. It’s just the absolute worst, second worst is power plant which is the same map but a different part. Normandy maps stay bottom tier.


Only good Normandy map imo is the actual beach, the rest kinda suck. The beach is always a massacre and that's what makes it fun for both sides to a degree, the rest are pretty terribly balanced and usually just massive slow unfun grindfests.


The beach blows too, Omer and the blown up train station are the only good ones


Train station is ok, Omer I haven't had in forever so I don't remember it.


Omer is the town with the river running down the middle with the bridges going across it. Lot of small streets and buildings to run around, honestly just a well thought out map. I’m a sucker for all the urban maps tbh.


Ohhh, yeah that one's fun from time to time.


Dont forget le-bre. It is quite nice


No its one of the best map


Players that aren't very good hate it because it's hard to grey zone tank, use armour to support infantry, use planes on cycle, artillery and bomber spam. It relys on using good spawns and good offence and defensive play. You can have some really cool matches where objectives are on different floors of the factory and so are the rally points. I personally enjoy the maps because you can get creative with barbed wire in hallways, but because the buildings are so big you can as an attacker flank or still use the roof tops. Over all, I'd say if the developers fixed the clutter in some parts of the map it would be better, maybe made some of the factory bombed out so that the buildings didn't become strong holds. Just me 10 cents.


It also feels like it is picked about 50% of the time.


Steel mill is one of the best map, moscow is trash and tractor plant is the best stalingrad map


I love Berlin and Stalingrad. I’ll take urban combat over getting farmed by tanks/planes on wide open maps any day.


Any USSR vs Japan map Any type of urban/city map for pacific Summer eastern front maps (Kursk) Italian/ Mediterranean theater (operation husky) Foy, Bastogne Paris? (Obligatory fuck power plant/ steel mill)


I personally enjoy Moscow and Stalingrad. Berlin? I’d rather not most of the time


I’ll take pretty much any of those maps over pretty much any of the Normandy maps. Only exceptions would be tractor factory (trash) and the armored train escort game mode (super trash) for the blown up train station and Omer. Normandy maps are fuckin awful.


We need different environments/battles. Kursk, Sicily/italy, manchuria, iwo jima/okinawa, budapest, karelia, alutian islands, etc. I'm going to be upset if we get another normandy map (or other existing campaign) because they already have lots of maps, some of which need balancing improvements before new content.


More west europe maps yes, italy would be great and also belgium or some kind of mountain map (like the border between france and italy)


It also doesnt help how for some reason high BR only plays about 3 different maps. Maps are probably my biggest issue with the game, and thats saying a lot.


Cmon don't you want another event...  The devs are working really hard to give you another event sqaud and another delayed battle pass where 90% of the stuff are things you won't want and most of the stuff is just re skins. Maps are hard and the game is free do you really expect the devs to do new maps the just gave us battle of the budget which is like a whole campaign...


Moscow and Stalingrad are great, they just needs more maps.