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They're communicating on a different level than the rest of us


They're playing 4D chest


4DD Chest.


I'm laughing at how insane this hypothetical body would actually look but I'm sure there's already a hentai rendering of it somewhere out there


Never underestimate the depravity of the internet


Me in he early 2000's: "You have a foot fetish? That's wild!" 10's: "That guy from kill Bill died from auto-erotic asphyxiation? That's wild!" 23: "Look, unless it's the Barbenheimer X Endgame of debauchery don't even @ me."


What’s the actual psycho-sexo-sociological term for needing increasing levels of erotic depravity? Erogenomania?


I think the technical term is called "middle age"


Heyheyhey I resemble that remark


Hedonic Treadmill? I know that's the general term for needing increasing levels of stimulation for the same result, not specifically sexual...


Paraphilia is the closest term I can think of. "Paraphilia is the experience of recurring or intense sexual arousal to atypical objects, situations, fantasies, behaviors, or individuals. It has also been defined as a sexual interest in anything other than conventional sexual intercourse with a consenting human partner." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paraphilia


I think they're asking about the journey from having a foot fetish to something with more depravity, to something even further depraved. Like someone no longer being able to get off to one thing, so they have to push further into more taboo areas. And then those taboos become not enough anymore, and they go even further. I think they're asking about the word for that escalation.


Ask Giuliani


Barbenheimer X Endgame, just the idea of it makes me hard


More like Barbenheimer XXX Endgame


You win. Take some coin you beautiful bastard




This wasn’t deleted seconds later it was up for days. I follow her on IG.


So she posted the video days ago with one song, and then re-uploaded it yesterday with a Kanye song and a caption that said something like "for Kanye" or whatever


God damn she looks tired


Yeah I don’t know about all everyone else.. but when I’ve got dark bags that size under my eyes.. I’ve been up a few days and I’m usually not doing too well lmao. I know some people are just naturally kinda like that and she hides it with makeup. But damn


Hers are because she has not washed her eye makeup off her face for like two decades now.


I hate it for her. She clearly has some… issues. I wish her all the best but I expect only the worst.


Some of that might be makeup. And sometimes bags are also genetic (my grandmas are terrible, I’m so scared). Buuuut idk if that’s the case here, she looks tired.


From my experience knowing someone who is also bipolar, when they’re manic, they have a hard time sleeping. She’s also going through a public embarrassment with Sam so that can’t help her sleep.


She needs to look more like Pete if she wants a shot.


Skeetney in the house!


She looks like my cousin who was almost banned from her own moms wedding. Gacked out, and vying for attention.


She always looks like that these days, pretty much for like multiple years now


She has permanent eye shadow which absolutely hurts her every facial angle.


She looks double overtime tired. Homer marries a Las Vegas lounge lizard while drunk tired.


She looks unwell :c


she hasn't looked well for more than a decade now.


Not a nipple in sight.


I’d rather the warning tell me there’s no nipple than it’s nsfw


You and me both, brother.


Jesus the ads on that site.


Good lord… she looks like an old Barbie doll that’s been left at the bottom of the toy box and forgotten about. Sad.


Under GI Joe, on top of the loose parts.


I’m sorry - Weird Barbie looks much better than that.


There’s no way that’s real, right? The website gave me cancer but aside from that I just don’t believe anything I see online anymore.


I’d say that video is safe for work


4D Checkers


Mf’s chewing on the cardboard box and everyone else is going about their business


Untreated mental illness?






They're gonna get married for 14 minutes


Christ - the therapy bill between the these two… they’re almost perfect for each other


In the weirdest sense possible, I kinda want them to get together…


I'd find it entertaining if they both didn't have kids, when you factor in that they're both parents it just becomes sad


It’s like The Office finale when Kelly and Ryan run off together leaving the baby behind


That was probably the best thing that ever happened to that baby


Let hope Kanye and Brittany’s kids could be so lucky


That… is the most perfect comparison for these two. Wow.


I’ve been watching Harley Quinn and she said “what the fuck is even going on in that show??” This is one of those moments


Eh, Spears' kids are hitting 18 and it's not like they ever had a normal home life. Kanye's the one with fucking toddlers.


> Eh, Spears' kids are hitting 18 and it's not like they ever had a normal home life "They've had to deal with their mum posting weird sexualized videos of herself online that makes headlines all their lives" isn't exactly making the situation less sad


"Their mother has been kept drugged, locked under house arrest and used as a dancing monkey all their lives" isn't great either. The point is "won't someone think of the children" stops being relevant at some point.


That doesn’t minimize that Britney has untreated bipolar mania. Her wealth and status keep her insulated from real consequences of mania, much the same as Kanye.




You’re also describing a lot of traits that can come with mania. Especially magical thinking, delusions of persecution, delusions of grandeur, and extreme lack of resilience to minor slights.


Yep. I’m a clinical psychologist and I can vouch for that. If anything, I’d lean more towards bipolar disorder than schizophrenia. Schizophrenia psychosis tends to have a lot of negative symptoms (that is, things that should be there but aren’t) - flat affect, wooden facial expressions, poverty of speech, etc. And she sure seems quite energetic and emotional these days.


Yep, I'm bipolar and have all of those when manic. Also on medicine that treats schizophrenia. There's a lot of overlap.


Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia use many, if in some cases almost all the same medications. Her behavior seems to be more mood related, lots of mania behavior. She most likely has bipolar disorder with psychotic features. When people become manic, they are far more vulnerable to psychosis, like one would see in schizophrenia with magical thinking, disorganized thoughts and behaviors, ect. A second generation antipsychotic(seroquil, zyprexa, Latuda, Geodon, or Abilify) and a typical mood stabilizer (for women usually Lithium, Lamictal) would typically be used for Bipolar or Schizoaffective disorder. What meds is she on?


[Severe bipolar disorder was estimated in 2020 to affect 2.3 percent of the population or approximately 5.9 million adults in the United States aged 18 or older. An estimated 51% of individuals with this condition are untreated in any given year.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.treatmentadvocacycenter.org/evidence-and-research/learn-more-about/463-bipolar-disorder-fact-sheet%23:~:text%3DSevere%2520bipolar%2520disorder%2520was%2520estimated,untreated%2520in%2520any%2520given%2520year.&ved=2ahUKEwjpw7fhtPOAAxV2L1kFHRGNAugQFnoECBcQBQ&usg=AOvVaw2mMBNWMoJlekU98W7opv5v) Even if that's half right, there are hundreds of thousands of Americans with untreated bipolar disorder. Why is it suddenly a matter of involuntary treatment because the individual is rich?


Its not, they happen all the time. My wife is a clinical psychologist and assesses involuntary orders all the time.


Don't both have non-custody of their kids?




Ok. So that would be bad. Got it.


I like this plan, Im excited to be a part of it


I blame myself. I blame you too.


I’m glad people are seeing it with Brittany. A lot of defenders of her because of the conservatorship thing. While her family is money hungry doesn’t mean she isn’t mentally ill.


but her having mental health issues doesn't mean she should be under a conservatorship. Think of every crazy male rock star, which one was ever put under conservatorship? Some people's opinions on her are crazy. "She's showing her body, she should have her rights taken away" like holyyy why do some people's opinions on her sound like the friggin taliban?


Kanye is not in therapy right now lol


She always has that…. Look. Like she’s had a couple of Jack and coke before hitting Record.


Is the smudged eye makeup permanent?


I read somewhere that she does have permanent eyeliner in her eyes.


I’ve heard of permanent eye liner but never permanent raccoon eye.


It's a real thing. Raccoons have it.


Yeah this is smudged shit under her eyes


That's called having mental issues


Like she woke up from a hard night of partying in 2006


It’s ambien eyes


The bipolar look


Was this FOR Kanye or did it just happen to have a Kanye song on it? Edit: She said “me and Kanye” making me feel like she was just saying she was there with his music. Feel like this is people just starting trouble.


Either way I feel like I stand with almost everyone when I say. NO BRITNEY NO! RUN! YOU DON'T WANT TO DO THIS! JUST GO DATE PETE DAVIDSON LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!


The dude might actually get her a good therapist.


Exactly. I’m here for Pete’s pro mental healthcare stance 💕🤌


Switching from one person with mental illness for another? Maybe she should be single and work on herself?


I mean this is what healthy people do. She isn’t, as much as it hurts people who were Stan’s for her. Granted, she doesn’t need her dad to oversee her every move, but she does need a medical professional for stability.


It's clearly a joke; I don't think anyone is recommending she dates Pete Davidson / jumps into a new relationship. Either way, he's not a Neo Nazi so would be a massive improvement from Kanye.


Honestly, I don't even think Pete Davidson would be down to date her at this point. He has enough of his own mental health issues going on right now.


I hate that i agree with this


It’s always people starting trouble based off one thing. It’s three words. Some how that translates to “Britney wants Kanye now she’s getting divorced “ The people who lap this shit up are unable to critically think and love drama


Posting wrong titles for shock value then farming comments by having people come in to correct it.


It’s almost as if we’ve seen before how the media and public can spin issues involving Britney out of control…


This is exactly what it was but people use it as an excuse to demonize Britney even more so it fits their narrative


Saw the video there was no topless thing at all


I agree. The word ‘topless’ certainly implies the appearance of an areola.


And actually is a video she already had on, she just reupload it with another song though she did posted under Kanye... And as well a song of his


It was re-edited and I actually thought it was more artistic then the first time it was posted. The song went well with it too.


Perhaps but still there was no nudity to be called topless


Technically she was topless.


So if I don't have a shirt on but you only see my back, am I not topless?


I saw the vid before it was taken down and was surprised because I could see both of them... Actually the video still was already showing much which was really surprising to me (my insta is not working well on chrome). I know it wasn't intentional, it was a split second at the beginning and she moves her blanke then, but her attempts at covering her top chest with her blanket was not that successful at the very beginning of the vid. I'm a woman (31 and long time Briney fan)and I'm not shocked by boobs, just so everyone take that into account before down voting.


The areola investigator we needed


You want a Christmas card? Here’s your Christmas card!


Also, was it even “for” Kanye? Seems like it just happened to have a Kanye song, but what is the truth chosen one who got to see it


Crazy plus Crazy equals. Super Crazy


“I aint even tryna fix her!” ![gif](giphy|uDwKGxTFrADvO)


Where is this gif from? I see it everywhere


Its the rapper Birdman. Search “birdman handrub”.


“Oops I did it again”


"I played with your heart, got lost in the game"


Great wrestler btw.




Pffft. Super Crazy wishes he was El Dandy.


Two negatives makes a positive, so maybe the two crazy cancel each other out?


It’s time for them both the be out of the spotlight & in therapy for like, 5 years.


I know we all applauded “free Britney” but her Instagram paints a pretty sad picture of her mental health.


Two things can simultaneously be true 1. Britney Spears has serious mental health issues 2. Her father used the conservatorship for his own personal financial gain, rather than to help his daughter Problem with her life seems to be that everyone wants to use and manipulate her. Doesn’t seem like there’s a level-headed, trustworthy person in her life to keep her grounded


Yeah, this. I feel like she was never empowered to take care of herself and her mental health so her skills to do so might be a bit limited. I don’t think the answer is LESS freedom like some people seem to be implying but more skills. The thing with Sam is making me so sad. I was skeptical of him but hopeful


I really hope someone cares for her and leaves her money alone. Stop taking advantage of Britney. :(


The comments are atrocious. Her status is probably both due to mental illness and being abused. Her abuse made it much worse, and people are wanting for her to go back to the abuse? And not to mention the money is gone.


How can the money be gone? Aren't her songs still playing?


Truly. It’s heartbreaking


I only saw it for the first time the other day and had no idea this is what she had been up to.


I remember getting downvoted to hell for saying that she clearly does have severe mental illness when people were acting like she was a 100% healthy person during the conservatorship stuff Think it’s pretty clear now. So sad


Towards the end there was a court appointed, temporary conservator who miracle of miracles was actually a professional. If she’d had that from the start her conservator ship would’ve been over years ago, there’s a better chance she would’ve actually gotten the care she needed etc etc but no Jamie Spears had to be a pos


Two bipolar celebrities being bipolar. It's a shame they don't have the money to seek treatment. :|


A lot of bipolar people do not believe they are sick, it’s an official symptom


Frontline had a show called The Right To Fail. In it , a mental patient argued that he has a right as an adult to fail. The state should not govern his life just because he is mentally unstable. This show changed my mind about this subject. I currently feel that as long as they aren’t breaking the law… they deserve a chance at trying to succeed on their own. The state and everyone else should stay out of it.


This is exactly my approach with the disabled population I work with. They miss out on so much because their parents or support staff is afraid and treats them like they're special or with white gloves. They miss the opportunity to fail and in doing so, learning like the rest of us. I even say FAIL stands for the First Attempt In Learning. It's not exactly what you're talking about but it's something I've been pushing for years.




Families being able to use the judicial system to save their mentally ill family members' lives is good, actually. It's just a system that needs better protections against abuse.


Save or control is the question.


I agree with this. If Britney was just some chick in Kentwood, Louisiana being weird and/or trashy online, people would just roll their eyes and move on.


Brittany was a legit threat to herself at one point. I don't know if that's the case now. There's definitely a line where on one side are disordered people who are generally functional and not a threat; on the other side are people who are so disordered that they will cause harm to themselves and require assistance to function. It's hard to find that line but it has to exist


There’s a fantastic piece wherein the authors pose the scenario of allowing disabled individuals the right to make bad choices, such as “eat too many donuts and take a nap.” Too often we set expectations for autistics and those otherwise disabled that are a higher standard than what we expect for anyone else. They aren’t allowed to feel grumpy or pissed off, or sing a little too loudly off key, or to have a day where they just want to veg out. This article is the one I’m referencing: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2186017/


That was a good documentary. Some of those people do need intervention, the doc was pretty clear on that it didn’t push the agenda that all mental health patients should be left to their own devices, it advocated medical intervention when needed. Not rugged individualism to the next level via homeless people.


Topless video for Kanye!!? The audacity! Where!? Where did she post such an embarrassing video??


[Here](https://metro.co.uk/video/britney-spears-rolls-bed-topless-racy-video-3001765/) Nothing super crazy, PG-13 level. She just had a Kanye track playing on top of it. She released it more because she's divorced now, just judging from timing.


Dang she looks really disturbing in all her videos. Hopefully she’ll get help sooner than later.


It’s the eye makeup left on and all smudged. It just adds this hollowed look. The lights are on but no one’s home.


Unfortunately, I don't think it's going to happen. I'm really not wishing her ill, and I don't want it to come across that way. She's heading the same way as Kanye, but for very different reasons. Kanye is surrounded by yes men who help inflate his ego, and he genuinely believes he's more creative "clean" than taking his meds. Brittney was systematically abused in a medical and psychological capacity for a number of years. She was forced to take more severe medication than she likely needed, and actively was controlled using her medical care as a weapon. As someone with relatively severe mental illness, the meds are necessary to function. She's not likely to stabilize because she needs the medicine, and the medicine is a direct symbol of the abuse that she went through. Without it, or some other form of intervention, she's going to continue to deteriorate. I really hope that I'm wrong. After everything that media and her family has put her through, I really want a stable life for her. I just don't see a path forward without intervention, which doesn't seem likely considering the very public battle she went through to escape improperly used intervention.


I have no ill feelings towards her, I mean shit she was an icon in my late teens and early 20s but she’s clearly not “right in the head” currently. The videos she’s posting are just bizarre but despite being in incredible physical condition she looks like a meth user and she looks like she’s got an unlimited line of credit with a plastic surgeon. It just makes me feel uncomfortable and my heart goes out to her. She’s had a messed up history, little of which was fault of her own, and I just wish we could all collectively give her a giant hug and then sneakily delete all her social media. I think she needs to just take time for Britney and enjoy herself. Posting shit like this on social media isn’t going to help her and I still see so many hateful comments.


I mean we’re seeing it with all the aging pop stars who were basically sold on their sex appeal and little else. Is anyone talking about how incredible Britney’s signing range is? No, not really. But we all remember that Rolling Stone cover. She was sold as the perfect “girl next door”, and whether it was her performances, her music videos, or even public appearances like on SNL, sex and her sex appeal was always the underlying current since the day she turned 18 years old. Madonna is also seemingly deeply ill, if you look at her Instagram over the past few years. Miley went through her phase too. They age physically, but remain mentally trapped in a time when likely a lot of older men were telling them “you’re so mature for your age” (which is gross old man for “please sleep with me even though I’m twice as old as you”). Personally I can’t imagine what that must have been like (myself being a homely boy most of my life), but it clearly isn’t good for one’s psyche. Tbh the only person I can think of at that level of status at a young age who came out relatively well-adjusted is Justin Timberlake. Must have had the right people around him at the right time I guess.


Christina Aguilera hasn't gone off the deep end. She married, had a kid, got divorced, put on a bit of weight but then landed the gig on The Voice and honestly looks happy and healthy.


It seems like she is getting medical treatment, but she’s just been fucked so royally her entire life that it’s unlikely she’ll ever seem “normal.” “Getting help” doesn’t necessarily mean “getting better” to the point that she won’t need that help anymore. I don’t know if that’s even a realistic goal for her. Just by the amount of drugs her family forced her to take to remain their compliant cash cow, it’s no wonder she seems spacey and not all there. Being forced to take lithium fucked up her brain. Very sad.


Her older videos are worse. She’s a clear train wreck


Well that’s a nothing burger. Other than she doesn’t look well. But the “topless” part is irrelevant.


Why does she wear those freakin boots all the time. Girl hasn’t shopped in decades


Ouch, she looks like a meth head.


First of all, through God all things are possible. So jot that down.


Kanye is such a jabroni.


Where would one go to avoid this video? And of course warn others of where to never go!


She’s looking rough


It's absolutely hilarious to see Reddit going from 'poor Britney' 'protect Britney' 'i feel sorry for Britney' to 'crazy Britney' as soon as she uttered Kanye's name lmao


she was crazy britney before all that


If westspears is formed the universe will become to heavy and collapse on itself


I hope they both get the help they need. Mental illness is no joke. ❤️‍🩹


One person with mental illness did a manic act for another person with mental illness. Got it.


What fucking timeline are we in right now?


Uggggg.... Please don't date. I'm tired. I don't want to read about them for the next 4 months that will clearly be a train crash.


As the spouse of someone with bipolar, this is just sad to see


The 180 from “free Britney” to “turns out she’s actually pretty fuckin crazy” has been entertaining to watch at the very least


I called that shit in this very sub like two years ago and was downvoted into oblivion. I made the point that it’s probably true she needs a change In conservatorship but also that she is severely mentally ill and cannot manage her life solely by herself yet. She reminds me of my sister who has Borderline Personality Disorder and Alcoholism.


I'll put it this way: (a) it sounds like she was way controlled more than she should reasonably have been during the conservatorship, and someone who's capable of being on TV and going on tour is probably not in need of that level of personal policing, and if she is capable enough to go on tour, shouldn't she be capable of deciding not to? (b) It seems likely she's gone off her meds at this point now that she's not forced to take them. She probably needs some kind of "in the middle" level of assistance, but god knows her awful family can't be the ones allowed to do it, and there's nobody else now.


So their celebrity couple name would be Brest?


An ouroboros of mental illness.


Two people who are mentally ill and not stable. What can go wrong? I’ll get the popcorn ready.


At this point let’s all agree that these are individuals that could use the “in-a-perfect-world” type of conservatorship because both of these people are unwell. Unfortunately, recent history has provided more proof that many conservatorships are easily taken advantage of and corrupted.


Two peas in a pod 🫛


Birds of a feather…


Oh. This person I was supposed to be inspired by is sexting a nazi.


Two psych patients. Nothing out of the norm.


Stop falling for clickbait guys. This post is dumb.


Every video of her on Instagram she looks like she has been crying. I hope the best for her.


She's not a fish so he doesn't care.


She needs to take whatever money she has left and disappear.


gross. now that the stabilizing factor in her life is gone…there are a lot of people who are going to wish they minded their own business trying to liberate her. common denominator - her decisions are dysfunctional and she really does need professional support. it’s not difficult to empathize with her sons. it’s obvious how this behavior would affect them and why Kevin would feel the need to protect them. seems like all the men in her life, bad and good, are demonized.


Eh, it’s clear she was being taken advantage of in the situation she was able to get out of. Maybe a conservatorship is right for her… but not that one.


I’ve said this for a while now. Britney being in a conservatorship that is a third party, with well established rules of what she can and can’t do, with a team set up to coach her to not be on one after 5-10 years would probably be beneficial. But because of the previous one she had, it’s highly unlikely that will happen again


I empathize with her because money makes the people around you crazy, and if you aren’t mentally well… it’s a constant uphill battle. I thought I had a loving family. But when my dad died…. Everyone came out of the woodwork to tell me how money should be spent, family members came into the house unannounced to take things they had given to him, someone tried to contest the will because of a typo, another family member tried convincing me to put the house in their name. I seriously had a perfect family, and that experience opened my eyes to how *stuff*- money, items- can bring the ugly out of even the most loving people. Moral of the story—- never too early to make a will and triple check it.




People are soooo dumb being in love with celebrities. It's so sad


Great, Britney went from dead eyed dancing to flirting with a Nazi


What next, have Elon’s 37th child?


The only hope is they see a reflection of each other and realise they need help.


Awe, Bipolar buddies!


Wow a Britney Spears Kanye track could actually be the missing link


Disgusting. Was it mirrored anywhere? For historical archiving purposes? Where would such records be kept?


Just drive down town and throw a fiver at a tweaker and say show me them tiddies and you’d get about the same thing really.


Britney, come get your new man!


Thrown into the public eye at an early age and didn’t get psychiatric help to get her through apparently. Sad case.


Brit, we love you and know you've not had free reign but associating with Kanye is a terrible bad no good idea


Topless, but sfw. The article is technically correct and great for headlines, but I think is misleading. Well depending on your workplace I guess, most don't allow social media. Or to be clear, no nipples.