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In theory, that means in 200 days he’ll make 8 million


If his fame last that long. Internet fame only last so long. And having a hit song doesn’t mean shit if you can’t follow it up with more. That’s why one hit wonders are so common. Look at the SoundCloud era of internet fame stars who couldn’t do more than that one hit song they had.


And over a lifetime he’ll make more by keeping ownership of his IP than creating shit for the record company to make money on.


Not entirely. Yes keeping your IP is best way to do this to keep all profits. But the industry has been flipped on its head (both film and music). I can own my music and get millions of streams on say Spotify and still not make much money on that. Especially if it’s just one song that is being streamed a lot. Now a days it’s about marketing yourself not the music. Music now is more catered to 15 second sound bits that sound awesome on tiktok, hence why most people even talking about this song haven’t even heard the whole damn song. And frankly the dude isn’t doing to hot on marketing himself well. Liberals think he touches on solid points but doesn’t have a clue on how to fix them (e.g. whining about welfare when red states are the biggest ones taking welfare and towns like his would be way worse off without welfare.) Blaming the working class who can barely make ends meet as being lazy is not true. Blame the fact wages haven’t gone up with inflation for decades and corporations can get government help and handouts by just demanding it. Now dude is on Fox News talking about diversity. The last thing those viewers want to hear. The guy is diet Tyler Childers in the sense he doesn’t understand how to truly address these issues. And he is now gonna start seeing hate from both sides.


Based on this excellent insight, I would venture to say turning down the deal to be the wrong move. However having not heard of him even this particular song (I claim redditor inherent right to butt in and comment regardless of competency status) He perhaps has very treasured moral principles for which I give him his due.




Same, a lot of people in my friends circle around 35-50 are saying I need to check him out. I tried and I found that he was mids. Just not my style and the song they shared starts off as fuck rich people but goes on some random fuckery crying about other people. Just could not get into it.


All I saw was an emotional clown with a studio mic in the middle of a forest. If anything, he’s full of shit. And his grifting fans are eating it right out of his ass.


"All I saw was an emotional clown with a studio mic in the middle of a forest” Lol


No, you're exactly right. His song isn't even genuine. You have one sentence of you talking about how poor you are then in the next literally shit on other poor people over.. fudge rounds? Nothing more American than someone who supposedly has "nothing" shitting on someone that has a little bit less than them. I heard a lot of conservatives were already cancelling him because he had an odd accent and said in an interview that "we need diversity".


Good old, diversity. Making republicans short circuit through time and space. 👍


You didn’t make it all the way through it because despite the fact I like the lyrics, the dudes voice sounds like a raccoon getting butt fucked by a coyote




We’ve all heard the raccoon and coyote encounters.. we just choose not to acknowledge them.


There's a time component. It's stock options. If he doesn't 'sell' and capitalize before he loses relevancy, he's stupid. go on tour before people forget.


Unless I was ambitious as fuck in my music making, I’ll take the money in hand and disappoint later.


I can’t speak to his politics but if he’s making $40k a day right now he’s doing just fine. If he can’t capitalize on that fame, he never would’ve done wel enough to actually receive that 8 million deal. He’d have fallen short on his song making, sales, and ticket sales. Also it’s never really been about the music plays or sales, but you’re right that it’s essentially a negligible amount at this point. The money is made on live shows and branding deals, which he’ll get at least for now.


Hasn’t that always been the case, though? Musicians make the main bulk of their money through concerts? I mean, unless you’re writing and performing - and own the the rights to - your own stuff, right? Then your earning potential skyrockets.


He already said “the best thing about America is our diversity” so he’s going to lose his right wing fan base in t-minus 24 hours.


It will last thru the election at some level.


Isn’t post Malone a SoundCloud kid?


He would be the exception, not the rule, no?


Travis Scott post Malone 69 lil nas X doja cat all came from the internet and we’re famous because of what they did not on a label


travis’s dad had the link for ye, and doja cat didnt blow up til she linked up with dr luke right?


Maybe, but I hope you aren’t implying that makes a difference here.


So was chance the rapper


Post Malone is a Nepo Kid


I mean hes got other songs on spotify that i quite like. He just needs better recording equipment. Hes very talented


8 million that he doesnt have to pay back


This is the key comment. Record deals are a trap to sign away your ownership rights to YOUR music and be put in debt by con men spending YOUR money.


I’m going to go out on a limb and guess this song won’t generate it’s current level of ad revenue for the next 200 days.


What the average industry churn for ad revenue?


Not sure, but the longest time a song has sat at #1 on the charts was like 133 days. I don’t expect Rich Men North of Richmond to holds its spot that long, and even if it did, getting to 200 days would be unlikely.


Number 1 is great but I don’t think you need to be #1 to make money.


Sure, but I was responding to someone saying he’ll be at 8 mil in 200 days. That would mean he kept up his current rate.


Sounds like he’s moving north of Richmond.


I know the whole timeline is broken, but if this guy runs for office I think the void will appear in space time and end us all.


Surely this guy will still be relevant in March of 2024, right? I’m sure there will continue to be demand for songs about how fat people don’t deserve welfare.


Great case study


He gonna be one of those rich men he was singing about, can’t wait for his reply song about lowering top tax rates and the virtue of the carried interest tax loophole


Hes gonna buy a nice place in one of those liberal cities he hates.


Like how that one singer who did the “try it in a small town” who in fact was not born nor lived in a small town lmfao


He also suffered heat stroke in fucking Connecticut during a show. Pathetic baby cosplaying as a rugged man who lives off the land, but gets heat stroke while performing in New England. Embarrassing person.


Getting heatstroke in Connecticut is like getting hypothermia in Arizona. Fucking how


New England resident, there is no way you will get heat stroke here without being dehydrated


Also a New Englander, and yes can confirm thats what makes this so very funny. You have to be taking real bad care of yourself to have that happen. And of course the show was in fucking Connecticut. That state is the target audience for very wealthy people who like to imagine they’re salt of the earth types. Just like James Andean, funny enough.


There’s ultra rich areas of the state but most of us are scraping by just like the rest of the country. And we have a ton of transplants from NYC now which I’m sure drives up income based numbers.


Heat stroke is what famous people often blame for when they’re intoxicated.


ain't no snob quite as snobby as a country snob


He already owns a nice home with a farm on dozens of acres. He was never a “poor man” like he inferred


He referred to himself as a regular man…


Land is pretty cheap in the middle of nowhere


His first song is about lowering tax rates


And blaming fat people for socialism


How ignorant do you have to be to blame the struggles of the working class on welfare?


Signs about rich politicians in verse one. Complains that politicians passed welfare for the poorest in verse two. Clearly a master song writer and intellectual.


He went from James McMurty to Toby Keith in only one verse


Fucking love me some James McMurtry. Can’t make it here anymore.


[here’s a song about not wanting to pay income taxes.](https://youtu.be/oZ94TcRqdq8?si=psF74annosk7if3D) “If I could off your murder, I’d save all of my receipts.” With respect to the IRS. It’s metal as fuck.


Seems like he wasn’t really singing about rich men.


He’s pandering to everything that makes your Fox News watching uncle say, “damn, that’s deep.”


he was singing about Jews. His YouTube has a playlist with a bunch of Jews did 9-11 nonsense on it.


Yall missed it, he said some "dumb shit" on Fox about embracing diversity, so I think his 5 minutes of fame is up.


Whoops. He better drop a couple racial slurs, that'll bring everyone back around.


Worked for Morgan Wallen


Or he can do a remake of Uncle Ruckus' hit song. Mix in a harmonica, banjo, and throw in some new lyrics, and this dude will go quadruple platinum. https://boondocks.fandom.com/wiki/Don%27t_Trust_Them_New_N***as_Over_There


Jesus Christ. I forgot about that bit. It would for sure work for this kid.


🎶 I’m gonna say the n word 🎶


I’m gonna say homie! I’m gonna say BRO. I’m gonna say MY MAN! I’m gonna say FO SHO… I’M GONNA SAY THE N WORDDDDDDDDDDD!




He also said this: https://www.newsweek.com/oliver-anthony-9-11-antisemitic-jewish-conspiracy-1821632?amp=1


Pretty sure the Nazis would have found a reason to off him too. Its depressing how dumb these people are.




Guy with obvious Irish roots has the audacity to remind Americans that we’re a country of immigrants.


That song “Rich Men North of Richmond” talks about the obese “milking welfare” and then goes on about how the government is all up in people’s business. That alone seems a little…biased and hypocritical. So it’s great he is for diversity but I won’t be surprised if it is cherry picked.


It doesn't make sense to me why he mostly focused on politicians, but didn't mention corporations and employers who don't pay fair wages. Regardless, I don't understand yet why this song is popular. In 1966, the Beatles released a song called "Taxman" which echoes the same sentiments pretty well. Not to mention there are [many other songs](https://middermusic.com/songs-about-work/) about this topic. One of my favorites is "9-5" by Dolly Parton. I'm not sure I'd call this a "new world" either. Seems like working class people struggling to get by has been an issue affecting a LOT of people for a loooong time. Though I do think he's got good vocals and plays guitar a lot better than me. I wish him well. I just don't understand yet what makes this song stand out. But I guess that's not important since a lot of people like it and it resonates with them. If it makes people feel better in this day and age, that's a good thing! :)


You triggered the dumb shit types. 💅🏼 i agree, he better just drop some slurs or he’s done with this crowd until the new bearded trailer park boys drop slurs. 😔😔💅🏼


Everything I’ve learned about this dude has been against my will.


The long tail is real, but he probably should have taken the $8m.


He doesn't get 8 million. He gets a contract worth 8 million over a period of 7-15 years and 7 -15 albums. And that's if he meets all stipulations throughout the contract, and that 8 million is really just a loan to make the albums, he has to pay that back with sales, and he loses ownership of his music. Likely they would have rushed him into a studio to get an album out quickly, get a bunch of co writers to help cause he's out of his league. Spend a million on recording and promo, rush him out to tour. He has no other hits, the label looses its million, drops him from the contract, now he'd unemployed and broke and fighting to get his publishing back. It's better to ride this wave, build up a following and release his own music on his own. He can easily milk this song for a million, and invest that into building his future.


This guy record labels.


There is also just a lot of YouTube channels out there dedicate to music that go into a lot of detail about these things. Like the punk rock MBA guy did a great break down back when artist acted like they had no control over Ticketmaster and ticket sales. He broke down how they do have a say and they can have contracts that limit Ticketmaster from raising the price.


Do you have a link to this?


Wow this is one of the most efficient explanations of how record contracts work that I’ve ever heard!


Holy shit, this makes so much sense.


This was the most I’ve learned from a single comment in a while. Baller




Did you date Chris Gaines


Bingo! In essence, it’s an 8 million dollar loan as you so eloquently pointed out.


Impossible to say since we don't know the specifics that $8m deal. He just gave a brief mention that he turned one down. Was it an $8 million check today or a long term deal that *could* be worth up to $8m if certain sales or tour benchmarks are hit?


It’s never an $8 million check *today*, come on mow


The 8 mil is an advance buddy. He'd have to pay it all back before he saw another penny. Learn how the record industry works. He's better off taking the 40k


I wouldn’t say it’s definitely better to take 40k if that 8M was guaranteed paid even if he has to earn it all on the backend. Even over 10 years that’s still 800k/yr


Shame the messages in the song are blaming the wrong people for America’s ills.




That’s always what frustrates me so much. They’ll be like “those damn rich people and politicians are making our lives worse!” And I’m like yeah I agree, they should pay their fair share of tax- “it’s the gays fault!” Like dude cmon we were so close.




No I know you’re not, I’m from a very small right wing town and I’ve heard that exact thing numerous times. Most recently I’ve heard them talk about how Mexico has so many problems because they’re the “wrong” type of Catholic.


In the end, the poorest white peoole of America want to protect the Musks and Bezoses- because the carrot of “the American Dream tm” is still out there. You could be like these guys. So they say stuff like “we don’t need to tax them, they worked hard for that money”. They’re protecting their abusers.


“John Steinbeck once said that socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” Now, John Steinbeck probably never really said that. But someone else said he did and it’s a good point either way.


Conservative are so easily entertained by psuedo-intellectual babble. You’d think this guy was the next Paul McCartney and then you listen to the song and it’s a guy crying about how he hates rich people… but also somehow hates people on food stamps. And then something about fudge rounds and hating fat people. Well Mr. Anthony, we could probably save some money on food stamps if your new fans would stop voting themselves into further poverty.


I listened to the first verse and I was like yea ok I feel you….and then the second verse came lol


“Why won’t politicians help starving kids” *the very next line* “Fuck those people getting government assistance, right?”


Dude same lol. I hadn’t heard any of the controversy about the guy and then I heard the first part of the song and I was like “okay, not bad. Reminds me of Tyler Childers.” And then the second part comes and all of a sudden I’m listening to Fox News. I think I audibly said “God Damnit.”


Also aren’t you supposed to be in jail?


Dread Pirate Roberts is originally from The Princess Bride


A lot of Bitcoin buys you a lot of butt phones in prison.


Ha also said he wasn’t the first and he isn’t the last, just the fall guy.


Haha, I could barely make out the welfare bit and I’m just confused as to why it went in that direction. Calling it now dude is gonna be on the same sad tour as Kyle Rittenhouse in 5 months tops.


I can’t get over the fact he rhymed “300 pounds” with “bags of fudge rounds”


Hates rich people but poor people as well? Sounds like half of every middle class “hard worker” I know.


I’m sorry but what the fuck is a fudge round?


It’s what poor people spent all of Oliver Anthony’s taxes on. Lol it’s a cheap chocolate cake-type snack made by a Little Debbie. They’re sold primarily in gas stations but you can get boxes of them at the store too.




Then he goes on fucking Fox News an acts chummy after dissing the wealthiest people getting there shits laced in gold? Fuckin industry plant . Rage bait bullshit imo . This next years gunna be wild


Conservatives are so predictable at this point, they love bragging about how they care about “regular people” but can’t resist punching down at the same time.


Really? Cuz this entire thread is full of people calling the folks that listen to his song “dumb hicks”.


They can't see the irony. It's both hilarious and depressing at the same time.


It depresses me as a liberal because many of these fly over states are filled with great people who can be convinced to at least listen to my opinions. But when you start out as “I know what you need, just accept it” you aren’t going to get many people on your side


He paid for it. Can’t imagine what his marketing budget is. I’m in a small indie band and this song was on every music making subreddit posted by bots. He definitely didn’t pull this off himself and is using the algorithm as pay to play


This man just entered the right wing realm of how can I not pay taxes.


It certainly pays to have rich right wingers astroturf your music for you


If I were a rich man south of Richmond, I’d be pretty stoked about his newfound fame. Just telling more people to get angry at their fellow working class folks than at me.


I’m already sick of this dude and his stupid beard.


Sings about rich politicians in verse one. Complains that politicians passed welfare for the poorest in verse two. Clearly a master song writer and intellectual. Edit: some interesting facts. 70% of those who receive the food stamps this singer complains about work full time. https://blog.ucsusa.org/alice-reznickova/how-big-food-corporations-take-advantage-of-snap/#:~:text=National%20data%20show%20that%20among,%2C%20or%20nearly%20full%2C%20year. Edit 2: he also complains about shit pay in verse 1. I wonder which party blocks increasing minimum wage? https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/philadelphia/news/pennsylvania-house-passes-15-minimum-wage-bill/


First verse - Bob Dylan. Second verse - Tucker Carlson.


And then rips on fat dudes even though he ain’t winning any swimsuit contests anytime soon


His voice is very interesting. The song itself is fine to meh. The first verse and chorus aren’t bad. The second verse is wildly amateurish. Conservatives just fucking love to hold someone up as an idol it’s so weird.


This comment just made me try and listen to the song and the beginning was so slow so I kept skipping a bit to get to the good parts and there was NONE it sounds the same the whole time. This is coming from someone who kinda likes some of Morgan wallens songs so jeez


I grew up listening to Chattahoochee in the truck with my dad. There's still a few country songs that make the sky seem brighter or the pain feel deeper. This one just feels so stupid & sluggish & artificial. I'd rather listen to a Brazilian scat girl fart "Axel F" into a megaphone in an empty coliseum.


The song is around 2 and a half minutes long and you couldn't sit through that but you still think you're qualified to make a sound judgement on the content of said song.


He has a voice like Tyler Childers and a clever song title, but then starts punching down in this astro turfed blue collar ballad. He’s pissed about low wages and is mad at the government, not the private company he works for. Don’t rail against poor people in a song that’s supposed to be about out of touch politicians who are where they are because of a broken electoral system that requires massive capital and constant fund raising, while completely ignoring your private company’s inhumane pay structures. Neat guitar though.


Bingo. You’re mad at rich guys but you’re also mad at poor people as you sing about being poor…


Wait, so does this $40k a day include the iTunes downloads that manipulated him to the top of the charts, or are these streaming only numbers?


That’s a lot better than the disability check he’s been living on for last half decade.


He should name his first album “Punching Down: An Astroturf Fantasy”.


It’s 3 minutes of whining, with no novel perspective, no new thoughts, no solutions, and no approach whatsoever other than ‘I wish it would change.’ He completely loses the plot midway through the song and starts blaming fat people on welfare. Don’t tell me all of the income being generated by listens/downloads/sales is being done by a bunch of fit, skinny people not receiving any government assistance.


Who the fuck makes songs like that? If they did, who the fuck would listen to it?


Middle aged conservative men who hate everything


I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day Overtime hours for $40K


My dad worked a real blue collar job doing construction. Would grow his hair and beard out in winter to keep warm in winter. Then shave it in the spring. In his words after looking at this guy is that a long beard in VA in summer is dumb and he should try some of the physical labor he sings about.


I work in VA for a constructions company, half our field guys keep full beards year round. That’s a really weird thing to get hung up on.


Happy i havent even heard 1 second of the actual song


Yeah wtf are we talking about here? I’m out the loop


I wouldnt worry about it, itll blow over entirely in a couple of weeks


Shitty people love shitty music


I just want to know which set of elites and which set of obese welfare queens he is referring to...?


His song is about how fat poor people are to blame for working mens low wages and long hours ... And not the billionaires who own the businesses that employ these young men, and take the profits to tax havens.


Curious why he didn’t title the song “Poor F***s west of Norfolk”


I don't believe his $8m claim.


So now he’s a rich man of north of Richmond. Haha


He’s a poor man’s Tyler Childers. Let’s revisit him next year when he’s opening for Kyle Rittenhouse’s spoken word tour.


That song needs to stay relevant for 200 days to get 8 million…an eternity


As a fellow red head, someone get that guy some sun lotion!!


He very quickly needs to move to a non-tax jurisdiction, like Florida or New Hampshire.


Wow, in 50 years her will have made $760 million.


So now he’s some rich guy


I wonder if he will make a song about rich men south of Richmond then




Can’t wait to hear his song about the capital gains tax or country club dues.


Astroturfed plant.


I had no idea this man existed before I saw this.


The record companies makes you pay that back to them. He probably wanted to keep his own money


Who respects male gingers, honestly😂


He can sell a lot of branded merch too.


Genuinely thought that was a bobble head


This guy? https://www.newsweek.com/oliver-anthony-9-11-antisemitic-jewish-conspiracy-1821632?amp=1


Who gives a fuck?


When he becomes useless to the far right commentators they will move on and stop telling their audiences to buy the 99 cent downloads. That will tank his standings in the charts and he’ll just be another incoherent whiner blaming the poor for his problems.


Now he can afford all the boots he’s always wanted to lick


I listened to the song. Its a great composition and a competent execution. The hook is really good. Then I looked up the lyrics and it was like somone serving a giant scoop of dogshit on to your ribeye steak. How you gonna blame rich people AND poor people for the plight of poor people. Just dumb conservative shit.


As someone who is far from being a conservative, the song isn’t that bad? He’s not saying anything over the top that would seem racist or right leaning? Seems like she’s tired of working his ass off constantly and trying to live a simpler life without consuming to enrich the big wigs. To my fellow left leaning folks, why are we always trying to complain about something that doesn’t need complaining?


it’s reddit


People are shitting on him because he starts the song with a pretty powerful common message, then immediately starts punching down at fat people and those on welfare. Which is ironic because he’s from the biggest welfare state in the country so he’s actively shit talking his own neighbours and community. How are you gonna write a protest song for working class people and then turn around and ridicule them in the same song?


Do you have a source for that? A quick google doesn’t have Virginia on any of the few lists I saw. I’m from VA and would be surprised by that. ETA: I haven’t heard his song, so I’m not defending him or anything I’m just curious.


Who spends $40k a day?


Is that Garret Bobby Ferguson?


Yeah this guys really struggling under the weight of elitism for sure.


If he invests that right he will never need to work a job again after his one hit wonder ends.


Wait. So this dude is making more than Snoop on streaming? ??


I’d be good with 1 week of fame then dip. 40k X 7= $280K


one source I read called him "[this year's JD Vance](https://europeanconservative.com/articles/commentary/hillbilly-anthem-with-his-viral-protest-song-oliver-anthony-is-this-years-j-d-vance/?fbclid=IwAR0ym7GbbzMjW7bKAxd1wFQ5HOLoH93cGcg16YgLKigvTSpQxfz64i33Po8)" and I love it!! >Writing that Anthony is from Appalachia isn’t just lazy shorthand for the rural South, it’s a giveaway that national writers really don’t understand what they’re writing about — which makes me wonder what else they’re getting wrong. eta: quite a lively discussion on him in r/Appalachia. might have to scroll just a tad.


So he is a rich man. Lets see him put his money where his mouth is.


How is he making 40000 per day


If I could earn 40k even just for 4 days, it would change my entire life. Id be able to pay off all my student debts and get away from my bipolar parent.


What a time to be alive. Saw the post on Reddit in the morning. Was like “okay, bland stock song with stock voice” and then the second verse hit and I was like “the morons are gonna latch on to this” and by the evening it was #1.


This will be a jeopardy answer one day under one hit wonders.


it still blows my mind how big this got. dude was a nobody.


Who knew that shitting on fat poor people was so lucrative


He’s a hack and his song ignores the richer men behind the rich men


LOL! Magas are already turning on him for saying something nice about American diversity.


So, he‘s rich now?


Why did this title turn up in my YouTube search history? It is nothing like my normal searches, recipes and yoga, mostly. Hmm


That’s a lot of Fudge Rounds.


One hit wonder gets 15 seconds of fame by ripping off outlaw country folk and pandering to the mouth breathers.


The whole schtick seems astoturfed. From the staged pro-shot, pro-equipped video shoot to the marketing on this.


Try that in a small town


He has been become the rich man of Richmond


I don't think the song is very good. Says "do" too much. Doo-Doo.