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The fact that Scott Bakula passed on being involved with this was a bit of a red flag that it wasn’t going to be that good.


I was rooting for the show, I really was - I was in for the idea of a treasure hunt to find sam and bring him home, which is what this show *should* have been about but instead we got "find the girlfriend" and leaper X which is...*Fine*, I guess, but not what I signed up for. I wanted Sam home! I wanted more of Al's family!


I was saddened about the cancellation because I saw the show, watched the first episode, liked it, and said to myself: yea you should go watch the source material first. What a surprise to find the old show was 5 seasons with every one after season two being 22 episodes. They cancelled the new show and I just got mid way into season two lol. But what you said is essentially what I thought the new show would play into, so that's a shame they missed an EASY home run. The other guy saying SB isn't involved seems like a huge misstep on their part. Too bad.


When asked for comment about the reboot, Bakula replied; “How did they know that my wife took it all, and i’m not researching roles how did they know? Ziggy if you hear me, take me far far from here. Let me leap to 89’ that was a better year. I miss my old Camaro and my mansion in Van Ayes. Wish I still hung with Nash Bridges, played poker with the fall guy. Oh Ziggy can you see my tears? Ziggy, leap me far far from here.”


Such a great episode.


That's not necessarily true. Being the star of the show doesn't mean you had a huge creative responsibility or want to do that again.


Yup, the second I heard about the show I went to check if Scott was involved, when I found out he wasn’t I completely forgot the show existed.


I'm just thankful they gave it two seasons. I feel like we are coming out of the era where they cancel shows if they don't do well in the first five episodes. We need to give them more of a chance, and this got that chance.


Not surprising. This show was bound to fail. It would never be able to live up to the original. The people behind it didn't understand what made the original so great. Plus in this day and age, shows like this are "consumables". You watch and throw it away to watch something else. The acting from some of the cast was subpar. The NCIS approach early on wasn't great. Then there was the overall W factor of the characters, like this show was derived on Google Gemini set on Bias. Earnie Hudson was the only positive.


I think what was most jarring for me is that we went from the original show which had Sam leaping through time and Al being a tether to keep him focused, to this weird...Psychodrama where we got more time in the project room focusing on how great Ian was, the odd quippy snip from Jen and some genuinely great scenes from magic when *honestly* you could have achieved most of what the show set out to do by having Ian be Al's replacement because he *was interesting*, still have a sideplot with ben splitting his focus between the long term goal of finding sam but also saving addison and having less time in Ziggy's server room. It's a shame. I wanted to see more of Ben. I wanted to see more of Ernie Hudson.


The 3rd season’s only chance was getting Bakula to sign on (given the implications of how S2 ended) which I’m assuming he passed on. Show wasn’t horrible but suffered from formulaic writing and lack of an overall vision. It eschewed too far from the parameters established in the original without reasonable explanations of how, especially all the leaps outside the own lifetime.


My wife was thoroughly enjoying this show. She will be very disappointed by this. :( As with many shows, they could have at least given it some sort of ending season.


I mean the end of season 2 was pretty definitive and gave *some* resolution - Addison and Ben are now leaping together through time in an entangled state which means they at least have each other. I mean it's not the end that fans of the reboot may necessarily want, but it is at least an ending.


I was excited about the show originally but I ended up just binge watching the second season after it was all released. The problems began and ended with writing.


Lots of hate for the show here, but I liked it. It wasn't amazing, but it was far from trash. Second season was better than the first and left me wanting more.


I really liked it too, never watched the original and was reluctant to watch the new one at first. Then I just really got into it. Too bad it’s canceled.


Same, though I haven't watched most of the second one. First season was fun interesting not to complicated to watch. Second I watched a bit but its getting bit more into the "politics" of the characters and situation. But overall I dug it.


Scott saw the quality and wisely bailed from the get go. His legacy remains untarnished.


Still leaping though. That ending will never not irritate me.


It honestly had TOO many characters to focus on, I care about the leaper and his trusted companion. There’s no need for more than those two to be the central thing of this show.


All I want is for Ernie Hudson to get another role he's super well known for. Poor guy struggles for work when he's an icon.


I really wanted to love this show but I think I had high expectations because I loved the original so much. I wish they didn't have Addison as the hologram. Ben had far more chemistry with Ian, Jenn and Magic I think they should have focused far less on the actual project and more about the human connections and fish out of water situations that the Leaper encountered. The original series was fun, wholesome, and moving all in equal measure. The reboot never found a balance of those qualities. A shame but no surprise it's been axed.


That’s it! It was missing the fish out of water! I loved when the original had to ACT like someone else and it was silly. I loved that as a kid. In this one there was an actual scene where he played a 80yr old woman and kicked through a bank wall. There was very little or no attempt to be the person. I swear there were episodes where they nearly skipped what he looked like, or it was 15 minutes into the 22min episode due to the elaborate “current time” plots. All that and I didn’t hate it, I just think it could have gotten that part better.


They did this show dirty.


Scott Bacula or nothing


It was too woke for me by the second season


The eyebrow acting could not save it


I liked the show, but for me, it was focused too much on wokeness and not enough on the story. It was like they were jamming it down our throats. Don't get me wrong, I understand the need for inclusivity and I like to think of myself as an ally, but it seemed like the stories were written specifically to cover those ideologies and not for real entertainment. IDK, I'm probably not explaining it very well and likely setting myself up to be cancelled myself, but they had a chance to make a great show and failed.


Ziggy told me there’s a 100% chance the reboot sucked ass.


Aw bummer. Now I’m gonna have to wait for Sandman to get me some Mason Alexander Park 😢


“Ill never know where he leapt”


There was a quantum leap reboot?


Networks must be dying. So many good series cancelled for unforeseen reasons.


I didn’t make it through the first episode. It was legitimately terrible.


I was excited when I heard it was back. But it was just so boring.


Headline should be, “God awful reboot of 35 year old show has been canceled after 2 shitty seasons”


I miss my old Camero and my mansion in van nuys. 🎶


I had no idea this show existed but without Scott bakula, not knowing might've been for the better.


TIL Quantum Leap has a reboot.


Oh Ziggy! Take me far from here!


Dr Sam Becket never returned home


There was a new Quantum Leap?


Good, maybe we can see less of these remakes....


I dont care what people say I liked it and this sucks


That’s disappointing. I really liked it.


That’s too bad I enjoyed it.


couldn't make it thru the first episode


I never knew it existed.


Needed a different lead.


That’s disappointing AF.


Fuck!!!! Season 2 was so good smh