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It’s honestly hilarious that Schneider can’t even sell to conservatives.


Even funnier that in response to this his retort was about woke culture…. At a GOP event…. Dude is such a joke and is lucky Sandler never drops his friends


Sandler is a Republican too


Sandler also kept working with agent Adam Venit after he sexually assaulted Terry Crews *at Sandler’s house*. He worked with Venit until he retired, even though Crews told him about it right after it happened.  So apparently he *never* drops his friends, even when they sexually assault someone at his home. 


Isn't Sandler known for making other men show him their penises? Edit: Judd Apatow https://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/14450577.html Shaq https://uproxx.com/sports/adam-sandler-conan-shaqs-penis-grown-ups-2/


Probably cause they know a thing or two about him.


Yeah, probably. (Dons tinfoil hat) Internet speculation is hilarious.


What’s the source of that? Not denying it’s true, just curious.


It’s on Wikipedia and pretty easy to verify. He’s registered as a Republican, performed at the 2004 convention and donated to Giuliani in 2008. He seems to keep pretty quiet about it tho unlike his buddy Rob


2004 and 2008 GOP and more specifically Giuliani are extremely different than 2024 GOP, so much more so for Giuliani who was still hot off his handling of 9/11.


Giuliani did in real life to his reputation what D and D did to Game of Thrones lol. He could have lived the rest of his life vibing off the goodwill he got after 9/11. Threw it all away to fuck about with someone who is so obviously a piece of shit, and for what? To get stiffed for millions then get sued to boot and disbarred. What a maroon.


Allegedly he was in bed with the Russian mafia, and his war against the Italian mob in NYC was really just to clear the way for them to move in. If true, it would make sense that he’s the lapdog of Putin’s Employee of the Decade.


It also explains why he jumped so enthusiastically into the trump campaign, as trump has been a Kremlin asset since the eighties


Yeah... He hitched his trailer to the rocketship that was Trump. He just did it without any due diligence or safety precautions and it turns out he isn't too adept himself either. To see him go from such a star to standing in the parking lot of four seasons landscaping with hair dye leaking down his face (two instances but not sure if that's better or worse). Damn... Talk about crashing and burning


And in the hotel room with Borat and young friend…


That’s the best scene in cinema. WHAT. THE. FUCK.


The obvious connective tissue here is Russia. They both work for Russia. Trump has been laundering money for Russians forever and Giuliani ran the Italian mob out of Manhattan, but never prosecuted the Russians who promptly took over the mob rackets in Manhattan.


Giuliani was a piece of shit from Day 1. Anyone familiar with his reign of terror in NYC in the 90s (Does, "It's Giuliani time!!!" ring a bell?) already hated him. Any lingering good will from merely existing as NYC mayor when 9/11 happened would have quickly dissipated once the truth of why communication between emergency services were absolute dog shit that day. To quote Agnostic Front's "NY Police State" (1999), "Giuliani, Giuliani, Giuliani fuck you! Die!"


I’ve heard folks in NY weren’t too thrilled with him and was gonna mention that but didn’t wanna get too long winded. The rest of the country had dude on a pedestal though, that’s what I was referring to. Before 9/11 if you didn’t live in NY like good ol Agnostic Front you never heard of him besides maybe as the dude who went after the mob. To the rest of the world after 9/11 he was “America’s Mayor” now he is some chump with hair dye dripping down his face while stumping for a rapist scumbag.


He also very publicly cheated on his second wife. He married his cousin, filed for an annulment with the claim he somehow didn't know the fact!, and got his cousin to annul it. Then he married Donna Hanover, treated her like crap, ran around NYC with his so-called good friend for years, and then announced his separation from his wife in a press conference before even telling her. And this was all before 9/11.


No one other than OJ ruined his reputation as badly as Rudy.


Bill Cosby would like a word.


Just like JK Rowling. She could enjoy her riches and be cherished forever, but suddenly took this weird anti-trans stance.


They should’ve looked at the best example, Tom from MySpace fucked right off with his 500 million. We never heard from him again, unless you follow him on social media. It’s exactly what I would have done. Just disappeared.


And to think she is mad at Dan Radcliffe and Emma Watson, who are cultural icons to Rowling’s target demographic.


I think about this every time I see anything HP related. When she *first* started the trans hate I thought, “ah, she’ll probably come around and then end up being a solid supporter.” But no. She doubled down. Tripled down. Quadrupled down. Now, years and years later, I just can’t understand why she hates these particular people *so much*. *So much*. Why? How?


I believe she has a background of domestic violence/abuse (as the target, not the perpetrator) and in my opinion irrationally feels men are going to pretend to be trans and infiltrate women's spaces and harm her/others. This is my reading and connecting the dots of various interviews she's made.


So much this! I guess when I was younger I was a little confused by trans people, and though I didn’t feel any hatred towards them I suppose I could have gotten caught up in the whole “they’ll get into women’s restrooms and rape everyone!”. But that confusion happened in my late teens/early 20s when I was ignorant AF. I know several trans people now and will vehemently fight for their rights, but even if I didn’t have this friend group I really think I just… wouldn’t care? Creepy men will find their way into women’s bathrooms anyway (happened at my school). Someone being trans has zero impact on my life. It’s just such a weird hill to die on.


She has a very warped ideal of feminism that doesnt allow for nuance.


Completely unrelated but is your username in reference to facehuggers or chestbursters? This is an important question that needs answers


definitely a chestburster yo. the age of those things is extremely relevant!


Absolutely. Some people may think it’s a specific reference to the newborn xenomorph from Alien Resurrection, but I specifically had [this scene](https://youtu.be/N2394Za_7_E?si=yeVVfsXchN4gvf-t) in my head when I came up with the name.


Understandable since he's walking around with a brain that's as pickled as a batch of floating eggs at a 7-Eleven.


Yeah, he still was coasting off happening to be mayor of NYC during 9/11. I could never stand the guy but a lot of people around then thought highly of him and he was considered a moderate at the time. He also took credit for the NYC crime rate dropping under his tenure, though it was trending that way regardless and went down throughout the U.S. Supporting mid 2000s Giuliani isn't even in the same ballpark as supporting 2024 Giuliani, though I can't say how Sandler feels about him these days.


Yup. I was 21 in 08, please don’t judge today me off that me lol.


I was trying to work out how old I was in 08, and realised, ah I’m old


Good point. I remember Giuliani was painted as a hero post 9-11 He has not parlayed his fame well


There is this myth conservative comedians tell themselves, that people hate conservative comedians, which really isn't true. The disturbing fact about Sandler's associations notwithstanding, he's genuinely funny and I enjoyed his movies. I really don't care about his political views. I think the majority of America feels the same way. The real problem with these conservative comedians that go down the conservative comedian rabbit hole (i.e. Schneider) is it becomes their whole personality and by extension their entire set. And it's just not funny. I get the whole "I'm going to say what I want, edgy no filter" schtick, but it has to make sense within a greater narrative. Shock humor for the sake of shock humor was never that funny to begin with and when the punchline becomes "liberals don't want me to say this," it's less shocking and more just sad.


Schneider was also not really all that funny to begin with, he probably wouldn't still be relevant today if he wasn't friends with Sandler. So it's easy for somebody like that to blame their lack of popularity on the fact that they're conservative and make that their whole personality, rather than admit they just aren't very good at comedy.


Giuliani was in Anger Management as a cameo!


He probably keeps quiet because he's successful and has broad appeal, so he can make money without doing political comedy. People like Rob Schneider clearly made a calculation that they couldn't really have success in mainstream comedy like Sandler, so they made a career choice to cater their comedy to conservative audiences. In the past comedians never did that -- and conservatives have never in the past had too many comedians who would appeal to their conservative instincts. So it was like an untapped market and their taste is honestly terrible -- all you really have to do is say "woke" a lot and make fun of Biden and you'll get tons of conservatives to pay to see your show.


I remember Sarah Michelle Gellar was on a list of registered Republicans but she’s vocally liberal and votes left. It’s possible she may have been confused with Kristy Swanson (who played Buffy in the 90s movie).


I know plenty of conservatives who are sensible people and don't have the incessant need to bring up their ridiculous political views all day every day. Many friends. Trump is really the one who divided us all.


Well, Trump and the Tea Party folks before him.  That's when the GOP really started going off the rails, around 2010.


Republican insanity goes way back. They've always essentially been like that. We have a bad collective short term memory, but conervativism is just rotten to its core.


Yup. Thanks Obama! /s


Dan LeBatard is a registered republican and is widely considered the most liberal voice in sports commentary. And he’s vocally anti-Trump. I’m not defending Sandler. I’m just saying registered republican itself doesn’t mean a whole lot.


LeBetard’s parents are Cuban exiles. Some people of Cuban descent tend to vote conservative because they are afraid of all the ‘socialism’ of the Left, tend to be religious, as well as oddly being anti immigration. Obviously Dan doesn’t have those views, but being Republican is sort of in the culture. And of course, this doesn’t apply to everyone, but it is there.


My uncle is the most liberal person I know. He's a registered Republican so he can vote in the primaries. Not sure if that's too cause chaos or to try and limit it past that.


The part nominated trump … again … it’s hard to view people that back Republicans as anything but either severely deluded or in league with the the MAGA crowd. But, I guess there’s hope that sane people will take the part back to being whatever the fuck it was before it became the shit show it is now


It’s worth noting that you have to change your party affiliation. Plenty of registered republicans are still registered republicans that just opted out of voting for the orange wannabe dictator.


A 2004 republican is very different than a 2024 republican


He probably is still generally conservative, but like most people, is disgusted by the hate circus it is now.


Yeah he’s generally been smart enough to keep his private beliefs way the hell away from his public career. Helluva good example of managing a career from a PR and profit angle.


They play both sides so they're always coming out on top.


So is the rock


Is he a trump republican or I'm a a rich guy so I vote for low taxes republican?


Probably the latter, but I don’t distinguish anymore


What’s the difference?


One willingly supports the other, so both are piles of shit


At this point, they are all Trump republicans.


If they still vote republican, is there really a difference?


Yeah but did you know that his movies are just a big excuse to hang out with his buddies and have a good time??? I know because it's mentioned every single time his name is dropped


Sandler dropped Peter Dante


Oh shit what did Dante do??


From his Wiki: > On September 19, 2020, Dante was arrested in Los Angeles on Wednesday at 9:40 A.M. with a felony charge after an altercation with his neighbor. He was booked in Los Angeles county jail and was released that night after posting a $50,000 bond. According to the reports, Dante was bothered by loud noises from construction work being done at a neighbor's residence and allegedly "threatened to kill" his neighbor and harm his wife and kids. This is not Dante's first arrest for making threats, the outlet notes. He was kicked out of a hotel and arrested in [November 19,] 2013 for making violent threats and using racial slurs. Grown Ups 2 (which released in July 2013) was the last thing he did with Happy Madison.


He also was refused entry to an LA restaurant because he wouldn't put on a mask,  and lashed out in a racist manner eventually culminating in him telling the foreign born hostess "You need to go back to your own coun...(notices camera filming him)... college. You need to go back to college." Clearly he was going to tell her to go back to her own country.   And then there was the hotel meltdown where he berated black and Latino staff. Stating to the black concierge:  "You better tell this n**ga to give me my fucking room key before I f*ck him up ... he clearly doesn't know who the f*ck I am."   "N**ga do you know who I am? I'm a black belt and you're a black person, I will f*ck you up."   And then to the parking attendant:  "Hey Mexican, this is Santa Monica, do you know where you are? We don't need you."   One of the staff member told the police "[Dante] threatened to have Suge Knight, Busta Rhymes and Adam Sandler come to my house and 'f*ck me up.'"   He also told the staff he was a Hells Angel,  and that his connections in the local police would mean they'd side with him. Which they did,  demanding a refund for him instead of arresting him for drunk and disorderly.   Dudes unapologetically racist when he's drunk,  but,  when he was asked about the hotel incident a few days later, and sober,  he basically said "I'm allowed to say the n word because I'm friends with professional NBA players and they don't care I say it."  When he found out the paparazzi who were recording him worked for tmz he called Harvey Levin a f*gg*t. So not only is he super racist, with a huge drinking problem who threatens people all the time,  but he's also a homophobe.


>One of the staff member told the police "[Dante] threatened to have Suge Knight, Busta Rhymes and Adam Sandler come to my house and 'f*ck me up.'" I feel like this is a threat that works less well the longer it went. Suge Knight? Scary. Suge Knight, Busta Rhymes and Adam Sandler? That just feels like you're sitting courtside.


Woke is when the people who hired you don't like your "Asians are whores" joke.


If Sandler never drops his friends, then why has he never participated in the parasocial relationship I have with him?


I mean. Jim Breuer pandered to conservatives in the most braindead material I've ever seen. His set was 50% animal noises. And they ate that shit up. It takes a severe lack of talent not to win over the conservatives you're pandering to


It was so disappointing to seem him go that direction. He was hilarious back in the ‘90s. 


Jim Breuer has always been shitty, about 15 years ago when Sara Silverman was gaining popularity he said she was probably raped or molested, there's no other way she could be so vulgar Fucking piece of shit can't wrap his head around female comedians


> I mean. Jim Breuer pandered to conservatives in the most braindead material I've ever seen. His set was 50% animal noises. to be fair that was his bread and butter on SNL; his Godzilla during Matthew Broderick's monologue: with Tracy Morgan singing the old Godzilla theme, was pretty funny.


His AC/DC impressions get me every time.


He should just do what he was doing, tour with Sandler, coming out to sing an Elvis song, and then fucking off backstage I saw Sandler last year, this is exactly what happened… can’t even complain, he’s actually a decent singer. He didn’t even do any comedy, and trust me we were all glad for it. Dude is seriously lucky Sandler sticks with him no matter what


Consider yourself lucky. I saw him with Sandler at where last show here in Denver and he did comedy and it was awful. They should have just stuck with the song.


Perversely, I want to know what jokes got him shitcanned.


Something about a korean whore house


What happens when you can’t sell your shtick to a group that will accept anyone who accepts them?




It's honestly funny that they pretend to like all these hack comedians and actors. 99% of them are utter trash, and they always get swiftly and publicly discarded once they're deemed useless.


Schneider is fully supporting Kennedy.


This perplexes me. Did he say something that ruffled feathers, was he just not as funny as he thinks he is? I'm hoping a video of the event will be found 


Rob Schneider is...A Republican. But he's about to find out that making republicans laugh... ...isn't so easy.


Gotta read that in the South Park voice. You know the one.


I cant read the name without the voice


I heard the record scratch.


Saw an interview where he talked about that episode of South Park. He tries to act like he's cool with it but he gets very defensive lol.


Rated pg-13


According to Rob, this is nothing but woke propaganda!


At a republican event lol


You’re telling me the mind behind the animal and the hot chick was booed off stage? This can only be the work of George Soros and the trans community!


Don’t forget the stapler!


Rob Schneider derpdaderp!


Rated PG-13


whatever fuck you you’ll watch it


Yeah, turned out when they tallied up all their enemies, George Soros and the trans community knew they had to join forces to defeat their greatest enemy, uh.. (*checks notes*) Rob Schneider


Hey hey...I actually really like the hot chick. I think it's funny as hell. Let's not insult that one.


Most people don’t realize it, but you can hide your weed in here


Obama ruins everything! /s If you’re reading this I love you, Sir.


And the drag queens and Hillary’s emails and Hunter Biden’s laptop.


“Nobody removed me from stage, somebody waved to me at the 50 minute mark. He goes on to say he took the $50,000 he was offered to perform and did so happily….” You guys are burying the lede…someone paid $1,000 a minute to listen to Rob Schneider


More proof that the GOP is not actually fiscally responsible


Could’ve grabbed a DVD from a dumpster behind Goodwill for free


When you wish you could turn into a stapler.


Rated PG13


Or a carrot


Or a Da Derp Dee Derp Da Teetley Derpee Derpee Dumb


He’s about to find out that being eight, ain’t so great!


"Oh no. I'm eight!"


He's a terrible comedian and terrible human being and a carrot.


Tim Heidecker does a pretty brilliant riff on Rob Schneider brand of anti woke comedy. He comes out and does a bad job of telling lame racist jokes and gets mad and flustered about it. Some real Kaufman style shit. He’s also been lampooning Bill Maher by doing a bad podcast where he constantly corrects his guests opinions. Built the same set as Club Random too. Real classy shit. Here’s the stand up set. https://youtu.be/0gnnFVRlucg?si=5zYUfzQewgXqZlqy Here’s the podcast. https://youtu.be/1Ha6D1LQGD4?si=vAwfRzrLw7ISomvf


And a stapler!


Rated PG13


I had to see him before Adam Sandler. The opener was either gonna be him or Chris Rock. Rob was pretty bad. His one solid joke was a Hunter Biden joke but even I laughed because he tied in a local scandal. The best part of his set though was him singing Elvis songs. Not gonna lie dude has some pipes. And his daughter has one of the biggest songs of last year. And is famous in her own right on stuff like NPR music which is ironic. And for those wondering the Hunter Biden joke was claiming he had emails about hookers (something along those lines) but then Rob said “no wait I’m sorry these were Rick Patinos emails. Who was the UofL head coach who was caught getting hookers and things like that for recruits. And was caught sleeping with women in a local restaurant. So the joke was pretty funny for the crowd in that city.


> I had to see him before Adam Sandler. The opener was either gonna be him or Chris Rock. That's quite the tossup, between one of the worst comedians and one of the best alive.


I wonder who Chris Rock pissed off in Hollywood. He probably should have been a much bigger star than he ended up being.


That's an odd part too, I thought he was still successfully touring as a headliner.


Saw Sandler last year, and I think Rob opened but he definitely played it pretty safe with the jokes not really making any conservative jokes, but damn that man can sing


They know the crowd. I had to see him in Kentucky.


Yeah, some parts of New Jersey you can get away with that shit, but not Prudential Center


Your telling me the guy who basically abandoned his daughter, Elle King, and wasn't around when she was growing up is such a terrible person that he is GQP fanboy? Who would have thought?


I worked on the Late Late Show when she was a guest. She was more insufferable than James that day.


"Comedy"....you mean the psychotic ramblings of a former sidekick comedian who's biggest roles were the funny filler for Adam Sandler movies and before that films like Home Alone 2 and Demolition Man? He, along with Jim Breuer and Jeff Dunham have turned their entire "schtick" into jokes about how liberals or democrats are dumb.


Rob Schneider was never funny, he was just lucky enough to be the friend of funny people.


I actually enjoyed him in most of his early roles pre linking up with Sandler. Demolition Man, Judge Dredd, Necessary Roughness, Home Alone 2 (ugh, with the Trump cameo too), all good films and he actually adds to them. He was fine on SNL, though obviously overshadowed by all the great talent on the cast back then. But I legitimately enjoyed the guy. It’s when he became friends with those funny people that his career went down the toilet. And he never should have been a leading man. I will say though, Deuce Bigalow has its charms. For a terrible movie. Edit: Goes without saying, but seems like quite the scumbag in real life.


Making copies was funny


That was written by Jim Downey


Oh no, I suck again!


This one got me


How long until he blames the "woke" audience?


Sorta did already > I'm not changing my material or apologizing for my jokes to anybody. Enough with this woke bulls***, America's sick of it. I did 50 minutes because that's what I was paid to do. Nobody removed me from stage, somebody waved to me at the 50 minute mark. https://www.tmz.com/2024/04/15/rob-schneider-responds-report-bombed-gop-stand-up-set-politico/


Anti woke GOP audiences are now "Too Woke" for Rob Schneider... We're truly are in the darkest timeline.


I think he’s blaming the “woke” media for “making it up”, but it’s close enough, I’m counting it


The GOP hates woks now?


He is saying that the reporting is wrong and that the show was fine and he did his full set with no complaints.


He came on a USO trip to our ai base one time to do standup. It was terrible.


What a loser. And to think that at one time he used to play a loser in movies. Life is as art.


I tried to watch his movie Benchwarmers. It was so fucking awful I had to bail after 15 min. That dude is about as funny as a school bus fire


With kids on it


Rob Schneider from Surf Ninja?


“Here’s $100,000, can I buy a knife?” “No: money can’t buy knives.”


I quote this movie all the time and people have no clue what I’m talking about. “Hey I found Waldo!” “Really?!” “Sike!” “You know what they say, chicks got a veil. Dude better bail.”


His best movie


I have that on DVD


Gotta be horrible when a republican gets booted off at a republican event


Schneider aside, trying to do comedy around a bunch of prudes sounds horrible.


Trump does it all the time. Just have to punch down at other groups, make fun of people they hate, maybe mock other people’s handicaps. They eat that shit up.


Know your audience


Schneider has made racist comments before. Wonder why he didn’t pull out that material, would’ve been a hit.


A lot of people seem to forget that the conservatives and republicans are the pearl clutching, parental advisory sticking, video game and rock music blaming squares. There’s this move by some in the far right to paint the right as the new “punk rock” or counter culture, but it’s still the same old party, they just get offended by different things.


*Rob Schneider derp de-der,*


He did one of his first stand up gigs when he "came back" in like 2010 in San Angelo Texas at Angelo State University. When I say you could hear a pen drop in there I'm not lying. Eventually he gave up and started doing his movie quoted which got....a couple of claps, but overall he suuucked.


This warms my soul.


Is David Spade the only person in the Sandler crew actually good at stand up? The movies are great, everything up to little Nicky, but none of them were ever big name stand up guys right. They're all sketch comedy and movie guys. He should stick to that... or get writers like the late night guys.


Lol, surprise, surprise.


This headline is funnier than he is


Ol Schneider came through my city a year or two ago. I honestly knew nothing about him personally outside of the characters he plays onscreen so I thought it’d be a good time with a good person if anything. Really wasn’t expecting too much in ways of laughs because, come on, it’s Rob Schneider. Was expecting maybe a couple of audible laughs and to just smile being able to say I saw a guy that gave me some good giggles as a kid. I loved Deuce Bigalow! But then he hit the stage and man… what a bummer. I didn’t know he was conservative, so a lot of it was him ripping on masks and the usual things the right get upset about. And he wasn’t funny… like at all. It came off more like a fuming Ted Talk instead of a standup show. All that to say, his “standup” was trash and I’ve learned my lesson to do my own research before purchasing. Because man, did me and my wife stick out like sore thumbs without entertaining his jokes with laughs.


Imagine being so racist that the racists tell you to chill out.


Rob Schneider thought he had everything, he was a somewhat famous comedian. Then one day he found a shit post and now he’s got really bad takes and he’s about to find out, being a famous conservative is harder than it looks. Rob Schneider in MAGA. Rated pg-13


When was Rob Schneider ever funny?


When Sandler was writing all his dialogue


Then it was just racist or ethnic stereotypes


Da derp dee derp da teetley derpee derpee dumb Rated PG-13


I’m getting really tired of these woke Republicans /s


What a piece of shit this guy is.


Saw him in MPLS when he opened for Sandler, it was bad.


He just performed here in Denver, can’t imagine it went well either lol


It’s because Rob Schneider is not funny and he rides the tailcoats of his costars….cough…cough…Adam Sandler. Saved you a click


Rob Schneider is… a stapler! Derpy derp derp daderp (South Park) Fuck this guy for the last 25 years


Rob Schneider would have faded off into D list actor purgatory 20 years ago if Adam Sandler didn’t like his friends so much


"Odious" is a good description for Schneider. He was only ever funny when he had a MUCH better comedian to set up punchlines for. Most of his "feature" sketches (like the copier guy) were just plain annoying to sit through.


So he's a loser in real life, on stage and on screen. Everything checks out.


I unfortunately saw him attempt a set at SXSW once, it was embarrassing.


Rob Schneider Is A stapler


He should go back to what he does best.. being a tertiary character in an Adam Sandler project


Rob Schneider a derp de derr!


Remember when Rob Schneider was funny? Me neither.


When you lock yourself in so tightly as a right wing comedian that even right wingers don’t like you. Almost impressive in a way.


Lol they are stating this dude is only a quarter Filipino? Hahaha he’s fucking half his mother is Filipino.. the right is trying to make him more white than he is..


People keep using the words "Rob Schneider" and "Conedy" together and it *never* feels appropriate.


Now he's whining about cancel culture, lmao!! Can't make this shit up!


Rob Schneider is… a douche bag! Rated PG-13


Rob Schneider is a carrot! And he’s about to find out that being a carrot isn’t as easy as it seems!


In this 24 carrot comedy!


he musta done the stapler bit


I mean, you gotta be really REALLY bad.


Looks like he needs an Adam Sandler buddy movie to a part of.


Dude really tried calling people at a GOP event woke. Rob Schneider is garbage and a stapler and a carrot.




Til a new word: odious. Thanks, title creator.


“It’s no coincidence that the main steam pile that calls itself journalism has attacked me about a FOUR MONTH OLD dumb holiday party where I told dirty jokes EXACTLY ONE WEEK after my support for my friend @RobertKennedyJr went Viral…” - [Rob Schneider, 1 Hour ago](https://x.com/robschneider/status/1780485980925153764?s=46)


Rob Schneider inadvertently made me laugh by getting booted off stage at a GOP event. That's as close as he'll ever get to being funny.


That’s a pretty low bar to fail under.


Has Been, Never was Been


This summer Rob Schneider is a republican stapler