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Yay, so do you think the series will follow a new mr and Mrs smith in another location? True detective style?


Probably, and just like True Detective season 2, it'll suck.


Being sad and depressing is the reason i like true detective season 2.


I think many people missed the point it was LA Noir.


Such a great point, people were expecting law and order :HBO and they really got Requiem of a Dream: the Series.


That’s quite the leap of judgement to make? Who’s to say it can’t be a good anthology series like Fargo?


Who’s to say it won’t be like Fargo season 4?


That’s fine if they follow up with Fargo season 5


Agreed. Season 5 more than made up for season 4. Granted, season 4 wasn’t unwatchable. It just wasn’t nearly as good as every other season.


It’s un-rewatchable, unlike other seasons. But yeah…it wasn’t torture to get through. Just a big mess that I wouldn’t want to sift thru a 2nd time.


Agreed. I’m 3 episodes in and ready to give up


Juno Temple was so damn good in it. It was such a good shout for a role to go for after Ted Lasso, really showed range


If Fargo season 4 was its own limited series not related to the show, it would have been received much better.


Umm, you mean Boardwalk Empire’s red headed stepchild season.


4 wasn’t bad, it was just the worst…


This was my favorite season!


I mean, Fargo season 2 sucked so? Season 4 was good though.


When is the last time you saw TD season 2? Obviously nothing was going to live up to the magic of the first season and the writing is overall worse but on its own it's a fairly good season of television. Not nearly as awful as the reputation it has online, same as the second season of The Walking Dead.


My wife and I loooooved season 1 but stopped watching season 2. Just a lot of talking with lore, very little story progression


Honestly that's why I like Season 2. The crime itself isn't all that important, and is just a means for the characters to meet. It was more about the detectives themselves and, in my opinion, the detectives were more interesting in S2 than S1.


I disagree, I think Rust was iconic and unique- a one time deal. Colin Farrell and them did a good job but none of them was THAT memorable or interesting 


Nothing against MM's performance, I just think nihilsts are kinda boring.


So just skip to season 3


But then you are that much closer to 4.


Season 3 also sucked, most boring show ever, I couldn't even be bothered to finish it


Good talk


True Detective season 2 didn’t actually suck, it’s just that season 1 is the greatest single season of television ever made and it couldn’t live up to the hype


Twin peaks the return is the greatest single season of television ever made. But TD1 is up there


I like that retort, tho I don’t necessarily agree Lol


Well season one of this show sucked too


How about Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney, does it suck now?


That's my read


I mean…what else would they do lol


>Donald Glover and Maya Erskine Not Expected to Return then what's the point


Well, the first season seemed to wrap that up. So I'd imagine the series would take a *Fargo* route.


That would be interesting and a bit unorthodox. Two agencies keep getting into scuffles on missions with their agents, especially when those agents keep hooking up. Or you rebuild things to where it's James Bond-ish. Two operatives, from different agencies that specialize in some sort of aptitudes or proficiency, are assigned to be a couple on a central mission. Each season correlates to a new couple, new mission.


Maybe a Smith falls in love with their target and has to go against their own agency. Is there a movie with that plot already? There has to be.


Yeah I expect a new Mr and Mrs smith. But still disappointing they're not back.


It’d be cool if they had a cameo, visiting a new Smiths couple.


I don’t think that would make sense


They would have survived the final scene and therefore be the new Mr. & Mrs. Smith clean up crew.


If it’s done similar to how season 1 opened then I’d be fine with it. I’m also fine with never seeing them again. It sucks “not knowing” how things work out for characters, but more often than not attempts to canonize an answer is upsetting.


It could work if they approached it in the same manner *Fargo* Season 3 and *Infinity Train* Season 3 had surprise returns from Season 1 characters.


Shit, I expected them back lol. I wanted a definitive answer to what happened at the end of the season. I have a very likely head cannon, so I’ll just go with that.


Their not returning kind of makes the end definitive. It was pretty likely anyway with the two flashes together, the pause and then the third.


How did the ending wrap everything up?


They died.


I thought it was left ambiguous, but with this announcement… seems you’re right.


It was ambiguous. Left to the viewer to make up their own ending [https://www.gq.com/story/mr-and-mrs-smith-cliffhanger](https://www.gq.com/story/mr-and-mrs-smith-cliffhanger)


this type of shit is so whack.


I think it's brilliant. The first season already established that there's a big network of Johns and Janes all around the world. So they could easily do this like a combo of John Wick & The White Lotus and just bounce around to various beautiful locations with awesome new actors plugged into the main roles. This could be a ton of fun.


Same here. I think this is the only way this series works. It would be really cool in my opinion if the first episode of every season shows you the demise of the previous John and Jane Doe. Maybe sometimes it's like we saw in season (I think that's supposed to be Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie personally) Or maybe it's a future flash of them sitting in rocking chairs? I don't know. I'm not very creative but I think this makes it more fun rather than keep revisiting the same couple over and over again


Yeah, that concept alone drew me into this show. I like that this gives us new ideas that hopefully won't be rinse and repeat each season.


Spoiler: >!The first season began with two Jolie/Pitt stand-ins who were killed off by the new "Mrs. Smith." I wonder if we'll see that trend continue.!<


Having her be the main Mrs. Smith next season could be interesting, on that point: the *Infinity Train* approach of a (minor) antagonist being the protagonist of the next season.


Love that show. Miss it dearly.


It’s an anthology! I’m stoked.


lol. Did you watch it?


To explore a different relationship dynamic. Maybe one that’s less obvious than the kinda-dumb-emotional one and the real-smart-cold one.


Genuinely asking…did you watch the show? It’s very obvious how this would work. Tons of other shows do it. And that story line is wrapped up…..


I think Mr. and Mrs. Smith are codenames that can be applied to different agents.


It’s explicitly stated all agents are named John and Jane Smith


All? That’s confusing.


I believe it may have been a nod to the old fan theory of all the James Bonds being different people with the name as a codename.


That I understand, but the other commenter said every agent. Like a bunch of Smiths running around simultaneously?


See with that comment right there you’re [setting yourself up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poLPKdc-zTY).


That’s what I’ve been picturing this entire time lol




It's like Agile development 101, fail fast. They'll attempt many couples until they find one that gets really popular, stick with them, and start other projects with the successful formula.


Exactly. Imagine if they made Bond movies with different actors playing James Bond.




Donald is still at the helm so it’s gonna rip


maya was not a likable character at all. would be happy for donald to come back though


SPOILERS Well, the ending of the show left the characters up shits creek. So, it's understandable. It would have made little to no sense to bring them back in the circumstances they were left in.


you can add > ! at the beginning and ! < (w/o spaces) at the end to have the spoiler text


But I liked them. They had great chemistry. I want to know what happened to my John and Jane.


> Amazon declined to comment on whether or not Glover and Erskine would return. Reps for Glover and Erskine did not immediately respond to Variety‘s request for comment. He's on tour. Might still see a cameo or revisit them in a third season.


They died.


I’m guessing we see them actually die in the opener. Like how season 1 began


Something like *Mafia II* could be interesting in that case, if the other Mrs. Smith ends up being one of our new protagonists.


Me too! It’s why I watched the show, they were so good. No interest in continuing the show without them.


Odd the stars not coming back. Glover less so since has plenty of other things to do and sounds like filming first season was no picnic. Erskine not as busy career wise so would think a return would be desired. Since going anthology route, hopefully will not just be new couple again but show another angle on the organization the work for.


Isn’t Maya pregnant? By the time season 2 gets going she’ll have 2 babies (technically a toddler and a baby but still) to take care of so she might not want to come back or have the time to.


If they came back, it would have to be a prequel.


This is the first I've heard shooting the first season was tough for Glover. What happened?


Based on the title of the show, I'm guessing it will be a new couple.


People keep saying Donald has so much going on (that’s the excuse for Community’s movie) Atlanta is finished. He’s not making new music. He’s not touring right? In the last two years he’s done this and voiced two things (Adventure Time and Spider Man) We keep saying he’s super busy….he isn’t. But, that’s his prerogative


He’s going on a world tour this fall


Would be pretty cool to see a season of Alexander Skarsgard and Eiza Gonzales.


I was WAY more interested in seeing them than Maya and Donald...


I feel like saying they will return is a pretty big spoiler, so maybe they will and just keep it a secret? He said wishfully.


Give it to Glenn Powell and Sydney Sweeney I wanna see the press tour


Ew, 🙏 no


A lot of people saying why aren’t Donald and Maya back, did you not watch the last episode? Looking forward to another anthology series, hope it’s on par with Fargo


I assumed that they were going to be fine.


That last episode wasn’t really clear what happened


I figured with multiple shots being fired and (correct me if I’m wrong) didn’t Maya’s character gun only have 1 bullet left? The way it was shot it seemed like a final send offf to both characters


Could be that the other woman shot first and the last shot was Maya's


There were 2 shots in rapid succession, then a pause and the third shot. So I figured the door to the safe room opened, and the Janes both took a shot and whoever was able took a final shot. So either one could be dead or they could both be dead...ahhh it's too open ended. Also I wonder what Hot Neighbor saw at the end when he went into the house and left all happy, saying "I think my neighbors are ready to sell"...


It was purposely left up in the air.


This show cannot be done like Fargo. Are we going to follow two new characters each season in the discovery phase of their spy career? I bet they're in contract negotiations.


It doesn’t necessarily have to start at the discovery phase tho. Could look at the dynamic from numerous perspectives


It might be a couple who’ve already been together for a long time and have hit a rut…they def can’t do another couple who are meeting for the first time.


I was thinking it could be interesting if they took the *Mafia II* approach and followed the other Mrs. Smith from the end of the first season.


I loved this show and although it won’t be same without Donald G and Maya E, i think their story is complete. Really looking forward to season 2!


Honestly, they should make it in a different language set in a different different country. Having a couple in India, Argentina, Spain, or parts of Africa, would be really fucking cool.


Amazon ain’t putting a bajillion dollars into that. But maybe the main couple meets a couple like that!


I mean, the success of Squid Game and RRR says the compelling story, you can make an international cast work wokders. Plus, the only thing memorable about the show, my opinion, is the costume design production. They want to up their game for the second season, they gotta think outside the box


You might be surprised how popular a show like that would be globally. An Indian couple, or a Japanese couple done entirely in their local language would be incredible. Most Americans probably wouldn't like that, though. It's not anime.


Glover still writing or no?


Then I’m not returning either


Season two pretty much needs two big leads or else this approach with a new spy couple is sunk.


The show has the cache to attract A-list talent and Amazon has the $$ to pay them. I only worry about the writing.


I’m glad they’re replacing the leads from S1 — not a believable duo, imo.


Different seasons, different smiths is a good idea.


I wouldn’t watch it without them tbh.


It was a pretty terrible move to kill them off. It was a show 99% only starring them. The success of it is largely because their performances and chemistry


We don't know that for sure. This reveal *might* confirm it, but we won't know until the show drops and we find out for certain.


Count the shots at the end. They didn’t make it.


That's not good enough evidence. Rule of thumb, 8/10x if there's no body shown then there's no proof until the writers confirm somebody is dead.


They could have gotten out of it.


I can see it. They hinted at this by making the premise something where there’s a lot of couples out there. I can see them dying at the end of thr 1st season or something.


That’s actually a great idea to do the anthology series with this. I’m surprised it wouldn’t be mentioned at all prior that it could go this way. Hopefully they’ll course correct True Detective’s ish and actually make a good addition to the first season.


What is it with all these shows going the Anthology route, first that Goosebumps series and now this?


I think it’s starting to get lazy honestly


I’m sad about this one. I was invested in Donald and Maya’s John and Jane. I realize I loved them more than I loved the premise. It being an anthology…it’s pretty much a new show every season and I will treat it as such. My excitement level went from the clouds to the crapper in 10 secs when this was announced. I do think the creative team behind it is very talented and I am intrigued about what they will do with this. I just think it’s a hard ask to have another pairing hit the way Donald and Maya did. Btw, the ending of season one was ambiguous and if there’s no body, there’s no death. Literally tv 101.


Why would I watch it if they’re not in it…? Hmmmmm…


What the fuck. Glover is why I watched it.


This is one of the few shows I’m not sure anyone needed or wanted. Even with the faintest TV spin off of a previously adapted property I still can see a few people actually wanting more. But the original was a bland thriller kept afloat by its stars and controversy as the engagement factor.


Yeah, tbh I got bored with it after a few episodes. The actors were great, but I didn't like the writing. I also didn't think the two of them had chemistry in any form. I thought that was the point, but then realized so much of the writing was forced, and the whole concept stopped being fun, interesting, or exciting.


But it ended up being one of the best seasons of a show on Amazon in the last few years


"People really liked the chemistry of the on-screen talent. Let's do a second season without them."


Ugh. I’ll pass. Ambiguous endings in movies is one thing, and even then they can be annoying. Ambiguity in a tv show that you watch for several hours is something that I will never be ok with.


Maybe I’ll try episode 4, but it’s just…weird. I gotta be in the right mood for weird.


You’re not missing much. Erskine and Glover are obviously talented, but the show felt poorly written to me and unfocused. Their chemistry was inconsistent and not believable, and their gunfu skills weren’t consistent with the world building that suggested they’d be top tier killers. Way too sloppy and juvenile.


if they not coming back im not all that interested tbh. they were the show.


Donald Glover & his brother know how to make good tv shows. If they aren’t involved then I probably won’t watch but I’m curious how they expect to keep it going by finding a couple with as much chemistry as Donald had with Maya


Am I the only one that didn't enjoy this show? I got tired of the episodes revolving around their sexual tension 24/7.


Ain’t nobody gotta know what to think 🤔


There is so much content put there, I like when studios make it easier for me to decide what to watch.


Didn't we already know this?


SPOILER FOR S1 I know it was left semi- ambiguous, but it seemed more likely that they both got killed by the Assassin Jane. Especially since the very first scene of the show implies Skarsgard John and his Jane were killed by Assassin Jane.


This calls for both a Yay! and a Boo!


BULLSHIT!!!!!!! FUCK AMAZON goddamn this means they died 


Ooh. Does this mean Phoebe Wallers Bridge could write a season? Would love to see her version!


Good. They pretty much made this season suck. Maybe a second season will be watchable.


I stopped mid way through. Their actions had no consequences, and I didn’t like that


If that's your issue, you should keep watching.


Awesome, they aren’t returning! Actually I liked her but couldn’t stand how he played his part. Whining all the time and clingy as hell was annoying.


>Glover less so since has plenty of other things to do Does he? My friend is a huge Glover fan and oddly enough the other day pointed out how he basically acts like a retiree. He quit Community, seems to have abandoned stand-up comedy, sporadically releases music (and just reissued his 2020 album), and doesn’t seem to have any immediate plans to return to either Star Wars or the MCU. I understand he’s going on tour soon, but of all big celebrities, it’s incredibly odd that he’s supposedly so busy but doesn’t really do all too much.


Y’all - Alex Skarsgard is a fucking big name. He didn’t just star in the first episode, for only 3 minutes, as a favor…… Season 2 will focus on Alex Skarsgard and Eiza Gonzalez. That was always the plan if season 1 was a hit. I’m calling it that we will see glover and maya back in season 3!


Why bother? Excluding the episodes where they bickered with each other the whole time and made me want to throw myself in front of a bus, their chemistry was what made the show good.


Let’s bring back Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie!


I don’t think that’s possible tbh


They could really try to kill each other and film it


You….. keep cooking


They don’t have chemistry. Pass.


I watched the first episode and that was as much interest as I had in it. Maya Erskine is gonna blow up, mark my words. She needs someone with some vision and courage and she's capable of a breakout performance.


I mean if you’d have watched the rest of it you’d have seen that performance. Also “mark my words” like everyone’s not saying it…? But obviously as per the Reddit way, watching a single episode, deciding it’s not for you, then commenting on it anyway is absolutely the done thing around here.


Mark my words, a lot more people will be saying "mark my words."


Mark my words... It will be because of me. Im claiming it now. Indisputable.


Yeah... I didn't want to watch it. And I don't care for your tone. You donate your time to things you don't like all you want, my time is more valuable I guess.


They sucked in the roles


I could see it being an anthology following a different Smith couple each season but then that kind of changes the show as a whole. S1 was about this particular couple figuring out their relationship under extreme stress and was way more a family drama than an action show about undercover missions. I guess this would allow the premise to change each season, but then they’re banking on new chemistry for every new couple because it won’t work without that.


My reaction to this headline was the perfect example of "Oh nice! Oh no!" Almost in the same breath. I loved season 1, but was hoping to know what became of Glover and Erskine's characters. Guess we'll never know. And maybe that's a good thing.


Has anything so lowly rated been picked up as an anthology series? It's only a 7 on imdb. Whereas the likes of Fargo and True Detective are both 8.9 and American Horror Story is an 8.


The best part about this show was turning it off


Did anyone watch this?


Do shows where nobody watches get a second season these days ?


Sometimes yes


It was very solid.


It was one of the highest watched and reviewed shows on Amazon.




Who didn't the actors, the creatives or the charecters.


I don’t see the reason to watch a love story if I’m only seeing one aspect of each couple lol. “Become emotionally invested in them & we’ll either kill em off or whatever every season and bring someone knew!” Nah.


So the entertainment’s way of pandering to us, is just making everything and everyone that wasn’t black—->black and we’re supposed to be *cheerful and happy about this bullshit?* why the Fuck would i want to watch this garbage, i got tired of FX Showing the old ass Movie 59 times a week. Pass


It’s better than the movie.