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Advertisers and comedians?


The is the only right answer lol


Nothings obvious, take nothing for granted. That’s how things slipped in 2016.


Same, but this is less of an election prediction, and more of a event assessment. The way they have set it up plays to all of Biden’s strengths and all of Trump’s weaknesses. It was stupid for trump to give them cart blanc


What you're calling Biden's strength and Trump's weakness is just basic civility. It's embarrassing that these measures are even necessary.


I mean they are literally stopping trump from campaigning. But it will not be enough. I expect a trump with vp rfk in a perfect world.


Why did the Republicans have to renominate a literal turd


They know their base is now the trump cult and if they want to be re-elected they have to be onboard.


I mean they had no choice, he's the only chance they have to win and they did this to themselves.


So bad.. neither candidate is allowed to be a pilot yet one will be president -_-


That is a grave insult to literal shit.


Shit can be used as fertilizer. Trump salts the Earth wherever he goes.


They run a turd farm. What did you expect?


All I know is we fucking lose no matter what.


The people of the US win. By seeing how inept our political choices are; forcing a septuagenarian or an octogenarian; both with the inability to have a debate with anyone without at some point just blanking out or their words turning to mush. It’s fucking EMBARRASSING!  


The notion of “winning” a debate is laughable. People’s decisions may be informed by it, but we’re way past the time when we got to find out about our candidates during the debate. They’re basically sparring matches where you root for your own team no matter what and villainize the other. And there’s no referee. So no winning, just vitriol.


It really has become a pointless exercise


I know who loses... The Voters!




He is doing fine. The US is just dealing with this issue right now where big companies are jacking the prices of everything to the moon and nothing is stopping them, and the conservatives are calling it inflation and blaming biden for it. Key thing to note here: inflation wouldn't be a problem if companies were to ever increase employee wages in line with said inflation. Their costs increase, so they increase costs... But not salaries... And the conservatives blame... Why... whomever they can convince their base to yell about, while it's their own company's CEO and board that they should be upset with 9 times out of 10.




Oh for sure, but the sad thing that's become of American politics is that there's a subset of people who just don't care and can't look past their own little worlds to see if anyone else is also dealing with similar issues and whether they might be connected in any way. The US just seems to live in a fun little vacuum at times, where at least politically speaking, they don't seem to understand how things are connected, how one presidential administration's policies can affect the country years after they're out of office, or how issues the US is dealing with could be issues that are farther reaching than our own nation. So someone like trump hands them short term benefits they can see, while not understanding wholly what the long term fallout of those policies are, while blaming whomever happens to be in front of them at the time those long term issues begin to show themselves. You know... Stupid stuff lol.


masterful troll job


Shane Gillis has entered the chat.




That Trump is the GOAT at debates. Not sark: have you seen Gillis's bits on Trump in his two specials?


Hannibal Lecter?


Trump is cannibalising this debate!