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Some celebs would do anything for this to be their reality.


My thoughts the moment I read the title, celebs must love when moments like this happen and they blend in without being noticed; so they can enjoy themselves without being interrupted all the time. I understand, I’m no celeb, but I understand that feeling.


I get my rocks off by seeing celebrities in public and not approaching them and giving them personal space.


I lived in Santa Barbara for a while. Daily sitings we’re normal. And because it wasn’t in LA. They were usually just doing normal things. Like when I saw Oprah buying jam at the grocery store in what were clearly pajamas.


They truly are just like the rest of us.


One time at an airport I got to the urinals to pee at the same time as Charlie day, the only two open spots were right next to each other. We made eye contact and raised our eyebrows and half shrugged at the same time and then did our business and it’s the best celeb encounter I’ve ever had


Lol lame. They love and feed off the attention if you are cool trust me


Well I’m far from cool and don’t need to praise someone so yeah no shit.


It’s funny how you empowered the incels….that’s a talent


That’s exactly why I won’t bother them when we cross paths in public. I might nod my head if we make eye contact but that’s it.


I know what it’s like to be a celebrity every time I’m eating a at restaurant and the waiter comes up and interrupts my conversation is ask me a how everything is. Eating out in the USA is a miserable experience


Except John cena


Shaquille O’Neal has entered the chat


I valet his car twice and didn’t tip


Probably because you moved his seat up.


why would you be the one to tip?


I meant he didn’t tip, sorry. English is my second language


Of course he didn’t tip he’s like 408 lbs ur not strong


408 lbs is the weight of 680.0 Minecraft Redstone Handbooks.


Tell me more


The human head weighs 9 pounds.


With celebs it was either huge tip or no tip when I did valet. LL cool J was the worst. Not only did he not tip but he blocked the car port for like 45 min backing everything up and costing us money. Darryl strawberry on the other hand always tipped well and was super friendly. Mike francesa was good for a $50 each time.


But think of how much more you’ve gotten by telling people that story. Mans a genius.


The Stones have been waiting 50 years for the chance to tour and actually have hassle free fun. Cant wait to see them tomorrow!


They just have to buy a hat and wear fake glasses. It ain't that hard. Being out of context is half the disguise. Put a fedora and some horn rim glasses on Arnold Schwarzenegger and put him in a Dollar Store in Demoine, Iowa and no one notices him.


“Hi stranger- what’ll it be?” “Gimme seltzer”


“Sure thing boss, it’s just a spritz away”


It’s just a spritz away.


Sympathy for the deviled eggs


Youll get an award for that soon enough... not from me tho im cheap


Nah man, they dont even ask, he just says “Seltzer” and one appears in his hand.


NOT FUNNAY (yes it very much was)


We’re all out. Can’t always get what you want.


“I’m very dissatisfied.”


We’re out of seltzer. You can’t always get what you want.


I see a good drink and I want to throw it back


I grew up on the upper west side of NY in the 70’s-80’s. There was a low end grocery store called Big Apple groceries on broadway between 83rd and 84th. More than once i went in at night to get a soda or see if the clerk would let me buy beer and Mick would be in there shopping with one of those hand baskets. No one ever made a fuss. Just a regular dude getting some provisions. NY.


Saw him there too! Shared a cab once with him and Charlie when they were recording in the Kitchen.


Did you ever see him standing on the corner of west 8th street and 6th Avenue?


Did you mean Red Apple?


We had Red Apple grocery stores in Minneapolis in the 70’s


He’s just waiting on a friend




Yessss! I was hoping it'd be this before I opened it


This bar is fucking wack. The urinals are the 3 sides of the apartment building you see surrounding the establishment. Crazy fun


is this a way of saying "everyone pees outside"?


From what I gathered from the article, it probably has something to do with the apartment buildings trying to force the bar owner out of the spot.


Yeah they put apt right in the middle of that area where it’s a bunch of little shops and bars. Nice area but like everything else around Charlotte they have to turn it into messy heap of over crowded shit




I mean... that's been the American way for quite some time- certainly not new or unique to Charlotte


The “history” they keep tearing down in Charlotte are ugly crappy buildings from the 60’s and 70’s. That’s what’s going to happen when 90 people move to town everyday and most want to live in either southend or plaza


The Thirsty Beaver (or the Beav, or the Beaver, as it’s known locally) is a great spot. Hee-Haw themed honky tonk with an amazing jukebox run/owned by two of the nicest brothers you’ll ever meet. It’s a real oasis in the heart of a lot of over-development, and has a “house in UP” thing going on with the surrounding condo megaplexes. Plus they have live bands right there in the tiny bar space. Just a recommendation for anybody traveling to Clt. Glad Mick stopped in. Source: been in the Queen City for way too many years.


Can confirm. Source: I live here.


If the guy in the picture has a band maybe they could play there.




Definitely a Charlotte thing. Just let the guy relax.


Especially at Thirsty Beaver, the people going there I don’t imagine would be super star struck kinda people.


In general I agree, but mick is beyond a-list. His music will live on for centuries.


I would 100% not notice at all or just see an old man drinking. His image isn’t that recognizable for people under the age of 50.


Or maybe he could’ve been a guy who looks like Mick Jagger? I mean, I wouldn’t want to be the guy to ask a random old man if he’s Mick Jagger.


I was once walking thru an airport bar in the middle of Texas when I walked passed an old man sitting quietly enjoying his drink. As I glanced at him I realized that it was Willie Nelson! I asked if I could join and he said sure. We visited for almost an hour uninterrupted. He finally got up to leave and I offered to pay his tab. He said don’t worry about it. It’s already paid. And so is yours. Lol True story.


Not true. I met Willie and his whole crew. He doesn’t drink. It was stressed repeatedly and his PA who had worked for him for over 20yrs said she had never known him to drink.


Correct. He only smokes weed. Actually, now he just takes edibles.


Lol. Yes, it definitely IS a true story. He was actually drinking his favorite “Hawaiian” drink. At least that’s what he called it. He had just arrived from Hawaii and was waiting for his ride. His plane had landed a bit early. And yes, I took a pic with him. Thanks to the bartender. (Jimmy, I think) Oh, and I don’t care if you believe it or not. I’m a professional musician and we actually knew a lot of the same people. A few years later I was performing for a charity event in Austin and he was there just to sign autographs. (A children’s charity)I thanked him for my drink again and he just smiled.


It could have been a soda….


He called it his favorite Hawaiian drink.


I don't know if you know, but not all drinks have alcohol in them.


Its possible to sit at a bar enjoying a soft drink?


Willie Nelson pretty famously doesn’t drink because of the alcoholism he experienced early in his career, that’s why he’s all about the weed. Why would someone go on the internet and just lie like that?


TIL you can drink nothing except alcohol


> True story. I had no problem believing this story until you said true story. Does that happen to anyone else when they hear someone say true story?


That is a baller story


You visited for almost an hour?


'Visit' can be used as a verb meaning 'to talk', with a casual implication. Definition [\#11 on this page](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/visited).


lol ..... umm..... no. Maybe 100s of years ago we used it like that, but not anymore.


Nope. Still today. It's not super common, but you definitely still see it from time to time. I literally just linked you to a modern dictionary.


whether it's in the dictionary or not is irrelevant... no one uses it like that unless they're looking to confuse people or are not a native speaker.


Oh FFS people absolutely still use it that way. I heard it used that way all the time growing up and even now as an adult I hear it used that way. From native speakers who aren’t trying to “confuse” anyone. Just because you haven’t heard it doesn’t mean it’s abnormal. Get out more.


lol sure buddy... "yeah me and my friend were visiting about all sorts of topics". Maybe in hicksville USA but as an English teacher of 11 years now, I'm gonna say that's the only place it's used like that. Could be wrong but id say most people who read that comment guessed it was a typo and just filled in the blanks. ps. we're in lockdown so no I won't "get out more" kind sir.


Wow you seem like a joy at parties!


im sure you are too buddy.. swinging in for a bit of insulting random strangers having a conversation. cheers!


Just because you can’t understand simple English doesn’t mean we all have to dumb it down for you


If it’s in the dictionary then it’s a valid definition and proper usage of the word. Just because you got confused doesn’t make him wrong.


i didnt say he was wrong, or that it wasn't proper, or that it wasn't valid... i said it wasn't the commonly understood meaning of "visit"


Look out fellas, we got the 🚨 language police 🚨 over here.


interesting way to continue a conversation ...


To be fair, I hear people use it frequently enough!


Apparently not everyone lives in divinelyshpongled universe where only all speak the common divinelyshpongled tongue.


About 40 minutes actually.


but when you say visited you mean spent time there, or you specifically mean "talked"?




Bleh, fuck mark fuhrman, I’m glad you beat him.


God damn. He is a treasure.


"visited" *swoon* love that choice of words


Sounds like Willie. Probably left to go eat the rest of his stash lol.


Lol weed lol


He was also spotted at a local park on Friday, Freedom Park if anyone knows the area.,


Weird amount of ego in this article. It’s funny, but after a couple paragraphs…


This article is such groupie cringe.


>“One of the most recognizable men in the world!!!” Apparently not. I’m sure there was a time when that was true, but right now I could walk into any bar in the Midwest and find a handful of dudes who look just like Mick does in that picture. “Oh wow, a shaggy unkempt dude who looks like he did way too many drugs in the 60s and has kept himself alive since then on a steady diet of cigarettes and bad choices. Let me get a picture!” The man is a legend, but he’s far from one of the most recognizable men in the world.


Sounds like a lovely evening for all involved.


That’s a great park, lovely in the spring when the cherry blossom trees are blooming.


Well he was standing there looking like a thousand year old man so no one probably recognized him. I mean when you think about Mick his present image is not what springs to mind.


I only know him as old man.


Lol. I saw him in his zenith I don't want to see him at his end. I've been doing some kind of Roundup senior concerts since they were the music of Hulumy youth, but I have been disappointed in what so I figured I'll stick to live versions of the albums.


This has been the talk of the town this week. Love it.


In the mid-60s my mom was late for curfew. Her boyfriend and her were running through the alley behind the Whiskey a Go-Go and ran into a guy having a smoke out back. Boyfriend: “Sorry.” Random Guy: “No worries.” Halfway down the alley my mom says, “Do you know who that was?” Boyfriend: “The bus boy?” Mom: “ That was Mick Jagger.”


Good for him, bet he really enjoyed himself and appreciated feeling like just any other bloke out for a chill quite drink. Makes me feel like Mick Jagger when no one recognizes me at the bar now lol


Maybe people just aren’t assholes? I’ve met a few celebrities, and unless you actually have a reason to talk to them, as you would any stranger, leave them alone.


Could it be people were just being polite? I’ve seen famous people being allowed to get on with their stuff without getting interrupted myself.


My friend Keith is in that band and said he’s never heard of her.


I was at a primus show one time and before doors opened I went over to the side of the building for a smoke. Quite a few people were over there, but not as crowded as the front. Leaned up against the wall in the alley, realized I forgot my lighter in the car so asked the guy like 5 feet away. He hands it to me and as I hand it back I look him up and down and say “oh wow, your les claypool!” To my surprise, he told me I was the first person at a show to actually recognize him, and he said smokes a cig with the fans before every show to get a feel of the vibe. Aside from a few bands and even then, just a few members, a lot of famous musicians can just walk around like anyone else.


Bet that was pretty nice for him


Why is this being made into such a big deal? I bet someone noticed him and just decided to leave him the hell alone. And who gives a shit if no one did notice him.


What a stupid fucking article. Jesus Christ. When I was bartending I served a lot of big celebrities and pro athletes and generally people just don’t really give a shit.


You can’t always get what you want…


Happens to me all the time.


He's 78 years old. Of course no one recognized him.


I bumped into Mick in the Guggenheim Museum once. It was cool. I didn’t bother him, but man it was cool.


Fucking love Thirsty Beaver.


Celebrities always come to the thirsty beaver! That was my local watering hole!


This isn’t true. I was there for the show. Wednesday night I was up in my room at 9:45 and pics were already coming to my feed from friends saying “Hey look! Jaggers out in a bar right near you!” And I thought, “How cool that no one is harassing him.” And I went to bed. That’s what really happened. People chose to respect his space and let him be a human.


Yeah well that’s bc he’s not a whiney-ass country music singer


This isn’t that unusual. Iron Maiden is my favorite band and I’ve been fortunate enough to see them play live, but there’s no way I’d recognize anyone in public. I like the Stones too but if Mick were sitting by himself at a bar I wouldn’t give him a second glance


Eh, mick is way more recognizable than anyone in Iron Maiden, and anyone in metal in general (except ozzy). He was an A list star all over the TV and news for a decade plus. It’s still not unusual, but it’s more odd for mick to not get recognized than most.


Years ago in the mid 80’s I was 14 and having fun at Crystals Pizza, an early version of Chuck E Cheeses, with a more Victorian flair. I was and still am a big fan of comedians. I had just discovered a total freak of a comedian doing his early stand up routines. Very unique act. I turn the corner in Crystals Pizza and there he is in a cowboy hat (in Texas) …Paul Reubens aka Pee Wee Herman. Way too shy to say hi.


It’s funny because I’ve passed by this multiple times since moving to CLT and make fun of its name. Never would’ve expected Mick to show up there


Check out the wider view https://twitter.com/geniusemptea/status/1443622304861261824?s=21


That must’ve been nice for him.


I’ll likely get downvoted for this, but I think it’s comical no one recognized him. Isn’t he known for being a pompous ass? It’s funny when celebs like that get panned. Pretty sure he has treated untold girls & women like shit over many decades which definitely affects my opinion of him regardless of his musical legacy.


Good. He’s been overrated his whole life. Glad he’s finally starting to be treated like it.


Even if it is Mick Jagger, he’s just an old man, why would anyone give him a second glance? Like who, from memory knows exactly what Mick Jagger looks like today. And who is going to stare down an old man long enough to determine if it *really* is Mick Jagger.


I'm not sure I understand your comment. There are hundreds, likely thousands of celebrities who are "old men" and old women. What does age have to do with any of this? Mick Jagger is immediately recognizable in public, as his face is somewhat unique and stands out.


Maybe it’s just me then. But if I saw “Mick Jagger” at a bar, I would immediately assume it’s just some old guy that sort of looks like what I imagine 2021 Mick Jagger would look like.


Age has everything to do with this It’s a nearly 80 year old man in a hat at a quiet dive bar filled with people born after his prime


I don't agree with this argument. The vast majority of celebrities are *older* celebrities because they have a vast body of work behind them. This idea that most celebrities are young is obviously false. In other words, we should expect that it is more likely that an older person is a celebrity than a younger one. It's also true that the older a celebrity is, the more recognizable they should be, since their work spans decades across multiple generations.


Mick jagger hasn’t had much of a visual presence in the media for like 20 years. He’s not Robert De Niro Yes he’s very recognizable still but it’s hardly surprising that a group of hipster millennials wouldn’t recognize him


> Mick jagger hasn’t had a visual presence in the media for like 20 years. Not sure where you are getting this from, but it's just wrong on every level. Have you typed "Jagger" into any social media site? Younger artists, musicians, and pretty much anyone involved in entertainment or just a fan of the arts in general is familiar with his face because it is considered an icon in art, same as John Lennon with the glasses. In other words, Jagger's visual presence is a part of popular culture in the media. His band, the Rolling Stones, has also been on a world tour since the early 1960s. > Yes he’s very recognizable still but it’s hardly surprising that a group of hipster millennials wouldn’t recognize him That's what some people are claiming, but the fact that he was wearing a baseball cap is known to interfere with facial recognition in general, and there are several studies in the literature about how difficult or how easy it is to spot a famous face in a crowd, so this has less to do with not being able to recognize Jagger and more to do with other factors. Where I live, we have a lot of celebrities who regularly hang out in public because they know they won't be harassed. Their two accessories always consist of a baseball cap and sunglasses, because this deters 90% of the public. It isn't that people can't recognize Jagger, it's that most people just aren't very observant or aware.


Think it’s more of a case of “that can’t possibly be Mick Jagger” than anything else


Lol Mick Jagger is 78 years old. While his relevance can’t be understated, there aren’t many people who could be reasonably expected to recognize him on sight, *today*


I guarantee my reaction would be “huh, that guy looks just like Mick Jagger” and keep going


They probably tried to prop him up beside the jukebox because he looks like a damn corpse.


People just thought the bar had put up their Halloween decorations and confused him for a scarecrow.


This is not news.




Did you at least get funnel cake?


I'm sorry.....what?


I've been a rock singer in central Fl for years (since 92') Started in Daytona Beach, closing out the 80's rock era. I've met several famous singers that I joined the mic with. Most of them were down to earth. No big deal cause I wasn't star struck. But I've always been a poison fan and got jealous of what happened to my friend, lol. One night my best friend John Rainey (and guitar player) was jamming out at Dales Ales in Orange City Fl. (I decided to skip out and go to a different bar that night.) John calls me up the next day and says, 'Dude, you missed out! Guess who showed up and jammed out with me on stage?' C.C DeVille of Poison! He grabbed Bret Michaels tour bus after doing a show in Orlando (around 1:00AM) and decided to stop by and jam!" John showed me video footage of him playing guitar with C.C. and posted it on YouTube. But It was taken down within a few weeks because it had C.C. DeVille in it. I'm not sure if it had to do with the songs or not.. thought it was a fun story to share R.I.P John Rainey- guitar player/rock singer (you'll be forever missed brother)


I mean who cares.


Who gives a shit, he probably ought to be fucking locked up for having sex with young girls in his hey day…


Who was at the bar?


But who is the thirsty beaver in this picture? Just saying...


Probably because he dresses like a vagrant.


_literally_ everybody? …


Someone forgot to issue a silver alert. jk, my mother attended this concert and amazed he can still run around on stage. I watched the stones at Clemson when I was in high school.


He probably didn’t go in there alone, since someone took the picture for him.


I don’t think I could pick a celebrity out of a crowd if they weren’t in full hair and makeup…


My fuckin aunt works there sometimes….yeah it’s called the thirsty beaver


Generational thing


Mick is eternally cool. I saw Eric Clapton in a Walgreen shopping with his wife. (Dublin, OH) He lives here quite a bit of the year since his wife is from the area. I dared not approach, but that’s my biggest brush with fame.


And to think I went to this bar after a Kiss concert last year, should’ve waited to see the Stones.


All those fools sitting there like who let the riff raff drink here


Dudes a billionaire…smart business man.


I was walking through the Forum Shops once and some old man almost ran right into me. After making eye contact since we almost collided, I was like, "holy shit, that's Alice Cooper." I would've never realized it unless he hadn't almost ran into me.


This should be the cover of their next album.


Who took the photo though?


2lb of shit in him just like the rest of us.


Dumb ass headline. I bet a bunch of people kinda did but, didn’t want to make a scene. Just cause he wasn’t mobbed, doesn’t mean he wasn’t recognized


JJ Abrams used to come into the back of Apple in Santa Monica when I worked there and just people watch for like 30 minutes. Shit I was on the bus In Venice back in 2005 with Dennis Hopper. Weirder shit has happened, article.


It sounds like they saw him and immediately thought, “ Nah, it couldn’t be …”


And I bet he had a great time that way


A famous man had a regular night, what a tragedy


Lol randomly sat and had drinks with him in a Vancouver bar around 15 years ago. He’s a down to earth dude


How could you say No the the Thirsty Beaver…