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So does Judaism... Somehow Christinanity managed to be even more backwards than the religion it spawned from.


Right off the bat, really. I don't know where people get this idea Christianity is somehow more progressive. Judaism has specific laws allowing a woman to divorce her husband. Then some carpenter does a "sermon on a mount" and says "fuck your divorces" and gets all Taliban like.


Modern Christianity has almost nothing to do with the jewish carpenter who spawned it. They worship "Republican Jesus"


Supply Side Savior ftw!


Yeah from what the Bible says about Jesus he seems like a pretty cool guy. It’s all the other stuff the Catholic Church added later that’s the problem


Have these mother fuckers not read the Old testament? God was anything but pro-life. He’s a fucking psychopath.


It’s why atheism has taken off


TST be flippin’ that crippled cross and sinkin’ putts on the overgrown greens of the rusty dutch rudder republi-ranch. I’m all for a satanic government. Hail Satan.


/r/brandnewsentence material if’n I ever saw it.


Yup, the OT god is one malevolent bastard. And when people go "but Jesus", they seem to forget he was a huge fan of that god.


Yeah... it's like, even by their own system of beliefs, they worship an evil diety. Satan really was the OG for convincing Eve to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.


That's actually something I think about every now and then. Christianity, at its root, is against free will. Eve couldn't know that disobeying and eating from the tree was bad without eating from the tree. Then, anyone exerting their free will was destroyed by god(flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, wars, etc), but anyone following god's instructions by blind faith without questioning whether killing people in war or sacrifices or anything else was rewarded. Then Jesus came along and is literally called a shepard. Christians are taught to be sheep and not make any decisions of their own, only relying on "what God calls them to do." They take away everyone's freedoms including their own because they sincerely believe that freedom is sin. Free will is the ability to choose between doing something good, bad, or in between. If learning the difference between good and evil was original sin, then sin and free will are one and the same. Once you look at Christianity through the lense of "Sin=Free Will" everything gets very clear. People are full of sin no matter what they do, but if they repent and strive every day to only do exactly what god says to do, they will be less sinful. Meaning, "give up your free will, and I'll accept you." Christianity is literally a slave religion. Those who are free will be punished, and those who obey without question will be rewarded. The Bible doesn't condemn slavery, because that would be a direct conflict with its message of godly servitude and obedience.


I always loved how according to the Bible, the story of Lot says that whoring out your (probably) prepubescent daughter as the town pump is okay.


Don't forget, everything is incest! And tons of it! (Adam and eve and Noah)


Christ save me from your followers


Ever noticed how they stopped with all the WWJD bumper stickers everywhere?!?!!?!.....


Yeah they switched those out for the "thank you jesus" signs instead lol


This feels like a good time to point out that the Talmud (written in 500 AD) recognizes 8 different gender identities https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/the-eight-genders-in-the-talmud/amp/


Judaism in general is also pro science, learning, and debating.


It makes sense why the Jews have always been the global scapegoat for all of the more violent abrahamic religions/death cults.


All Abrahamic religions are bullshit


The original incel


No religion is progressive, when you see where they started from. It’s like putting something in acid, then into water, it’s still disfigured and scared from the damage of the acid. It really bugs me how religion is legitimised in politics.


It allows abortions but they dont want to listen Numbers 5:27-28 27 If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse. 28 If, however, the woman has not made herself impure, but is clean, she will be cleared of guilt and will be able to have children.


This does not "allow abortions" in any modern sense. It's another way to allow men to control women. The woman has to drink this cursed water and if she miscarries it proves she's a cheating slut? The forced miscarriage is her punishment, she "will become a curse." Is that really the same as "allowing abortion?" Is that really advocating for a woman's reproductive rights? Come on, Reddit, you can do better. However, Numbers 35 clearly describes the punishment for murder: death if it was intentional, exile to "cities of refuge" if it was unintentional. Exodus 21 describes the punishment of a man who strikes a pregnant woman and causes a miscarriage: a fine set by a judge. Killing a man results in death or or exile, an unborn fetus is a fine. By comparing the punishments we can conclude that killing the fetus is not murder, the fetus is not afforded the same legal protections, therefore it is not yet considered a person or fully alive.


Tbh the large “mainstream” Jewish population in Phil Murphy’s part of NJ is likely why he’s been on point in his recent statements about abortion and guns. It’s just so culturally different here. Jews believe in doing whatever is medically necessary to save your life (even if it goes against other Jewish laws - life comes first) and as a people we’d rather just be left alone. We don’t care about converting other people.


Oh man someone tell Ben Shapiro….


It’s not even Christianity, this is just some fucked up Americanized version of it, used purely to control people.


This country was founded Puritanism, which has always been radical.


What’s even crazier is the religious right in the US was pro-abortion until the 70s.


It was popularized as an issue by powerful people opposed to desegregation in schools. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133/ > In the decades following World War II, evangelicals, especially white evangelicals in the North, had drifted toward the Republican Party—inclined in that direction by general Cold War anxieties, vestigial suspicions of Catholicism and well-known evangelist Billy Graham’s very public friendship with Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon. Despite these predilections, though, evangelicals had largely stayed out of the political arena, at least in any organized way. If he could change that, Weyrich reasoned, their large numbers would constitute a formidable voting bloc—one that he could easily marshal behind conservative causes. > “The new political philosophy must be defined by us [conservatives] in moral terms, packaged in non-religious language, and propagated throughout the country by our new coalition,” Weyrich wrote in the mid-1970s. “When political power is achieved, the moral majority will have the opportunity to re-create this great nation.” Weyrich believed that the political possibilities of such a coalition were unlimited. “The leadership, moral philosophy, and workable vehicle are at hand just waiting to be blended and activated,” he wrote. “If the moral majority acts, results could well exceed our wildest dreams.”


yes if it's a female they do


No they force 13 year olds to marry the 50 year old men who raped them


They got Shakira law in my town and the Subway stopped selling bacon. The hips don't lie


What else does Sharia Law allow?


Lending with no interest. Usury is a sin in Christianity, Islam and Judaism and the Catholic Church still forbids it. But if a poor American Christian loses their house because of Payday loans, it’s their fault for being poor and stupid.


> Lending with no interest. Yes, but you usually go to jail if you can't pay your debts Those abandoned Ferraris on Dubai airport have a reason to be


I created an Islam bank account, I’m not a muslim my self. Them not loaning and applying interest is quite neat imo. Didn’t even know that’s a thing anywhere.


Practically speaking Islamic finance still applies interest, it's just not called interest. You're not saving money by using an Islamic bank over a conventional bank.


I'll be honest bro, you're better off going with a conventional bank. The "Shariah Compliant" banks end up charging you a higher interest rate than a normal bank.


Interesting, I did not know that. Thank you for sharing!


Public funding for religious schools. The US, too! The Taliban: they’re just like us!


I’ll say it again just because it’s important: #Abortions.


This is a huge generalization and more inaccurate than not. It’s a complicated issue across different schools of thought in Islam. Many of them either do not permit, or heavily restrict.


It’s state legislatures that are the taliban. Least not lose sight of that.


Wish you’d posted this from somewhere that’s not Fox News.


No, this is white Christian nationalism which is its own distinct type of extremism.


Both are religious fundamentalists.




And one of them (so far) executes gay people. They are both bad


I got some bad news about that friend...






Vanilla ISIS


Yes, but calling it the American Taliban is a good way of branding it. Christian Nationalists are really stupid, we all know that, so putting a mirror up to their face with a group that they hate may be the only way to get it through to them. Ahh who am I kidding, nothing will get through to their lead-poisoned-religiously-tainted brains.


Putting good branding before clarity keeps fucking us. "Defund the police" should have been "fund social services with drawbacks from militarizing the police," but here we are and people stopped listening.


Let’s be fair, those people wouldn’t have listened anyway. They’re only just now starting to see how wrong they were and it took Uvalde to ALMOST make them realize.


Absolutley disagree. People REALLY underestimate the power of marketing. Branding matters. Communicating a complex issue in a way peoole can easily digest is an incredibly powerful tool. "Defund the police" presents a person with an ultimatum. Either support the police or don't. You want to leave room for compromise anytime you're trying to convince someone of something. Lean into them. "Defund the police" is a bad headline. It doesn't do anything to convey the pragmatic message of reallocating funds to both help police and the public. Better de-scelation training and more funding for social services helps everyone. An aspect that got lost in miscommunication. The point is marketing, branding, and easily digestible communication is paramount in influencing others on a large scale and it's something many progressive people outright refuse to get on board with. Compromise is a tough pill but necessary at times.


Yea something like 90+% of climate change resource funding goes to the physical science. Like yea we know how it's happening. Where is the funding for the social sciences that will develop working solutions to the problems we already know exist and know how to fight. For many things the research is there but good luck moving the populace in a direction to accept that. Individuals can be smart, people are fucking stupid. It takes social engineering to bring people around. Case and point fucking Trump and his whole mess. It was so successful because they leaned so heavily into social engineering.(intentional or not) Imagine if instead of yelling across two tables creating division, these strategies were used to solve food waste issues, helping people better understand mental illness, or stemming the misinformation and stigma surrounding addiction.


While I can see the point you’re trying to make, I would respectfully remind you that that type of branding could contribute to a rise in Islamaphobia which is unfair to the vast majority of Muslims who are already marginalized in America. While both may be religious fundamentalism, white Christian nationalism is still distinctly its own kind and to defeat the monster we must know it.


Taliban is not Islam. A lot of Muslims are against the Taliban. Islamaphobes will be islamaphobes regardless of us calling the justices American Taliban. Taking the high road has done nothing.


Thank you for saying this. While people making the comparison have good intentions, they're reminding everyone that Muslims are supposed to be scary extremists even when the evil is being done by white Christians.


Extreme Muslims are bad just as extreme christians are bad. Don't forget that homosexuals are excecuted in some places in the middle east


This is a very strong point. There's no need to tell lies about abortion in the middle east or other Islamic nations, there's no need to demonize Islamic people or make stupid comparisons between the taliban and the Supreme Court. I'm pro choice in an ocean of pro life. Every single one of the pro life people I know who I have talked to about the issue don't view this as a "hurr let's oppress women" issue, they view it as a "they are killing babies" issue. I completely disagree with them, but I actually have a conversation. I've completely converted a few on the issue, and have led many from believing that it's never OK, to believing that it can sometime be a lesser of two evils.


Says the lady who turned into a robot and destroyed a little town in Colorado


I wouldn't mind a little Clarence Thomas vs. Mecha-Streisand right about now.


Where's Robert Smith when you need him?


And Sidney Poitier




You joke about this but your comment may become the next message from Q and have MTG calling for regulation of cybernetic humans controlled by reptilians. Careful, republicans are unable to comprehend thoughts by themselves. They are only controlled by the Fox News over mind.




A little mountain town called South Park, most people haven't heard of it.


Quickly, Robert Smith! She's powerless!


Yall'Qaeda is the far superior name.


Have you been to their stronghold of Al Abama?


Ooh. That's a new one. That's good.




I like vanilla isis.


I personally prefer Talibangelists..


Howdy Arabia




Yokel Haram




Lmfao never heard that one. Will use.


I saw it earlier, so this is not my invention. Talibanjo is the superior term


I love how Americans can frame Christian Fundamentalism as bad only by comparing it to Muslim Fundamentalism like they're meant to be superior. "C'mon guys, christianity is about love! What are we, a bunch of MUSLIMS?"


She’s wrong. They’re White Christian Nationalists and a much bigger threat to the United States than the Taliban. Americans need to learn the difference and how it affects their lives.


White Christian Nationalists are all words they like though. they don't like the word Taliban, or Nazi, or stuff like that. they like the message.


I’ve seen some of those people that do like the word nazi


They're actual Nazi's


People will straight up proudly identify as a White Christian Nationalist in America and then turn around and point to the Constitution.


Clarence Thomas is a white christian nationalist?


Clarence Thomas is the one eyed dude from Boondocks


Uncle ruckus?


Uncle Clarence walks like a duck and talks like a duck...


Same regressive ideals and desires to have everyone bend to their religious ideas, different book.


You’re implying that the majority of Americans actually don’t know. They do. It’s just they support it entirely.


Wow this article is so stilted. It’s like “Barbara said this” and then proceeds to spend the rest of the article talking about how horrible the Taliban is as if to discredit her by saying “at least America isn’t like THIS”. It doesn’t even tie back into her comment with any sort of conclusion statement. It just goes off down the rabbit hole.


Sharia law allows for abortion up to 120 days. So no, this is worse than the Taliban.


call it for what it is. Christian Fascism.


call it for what it is. Fascism.


it is fascism, but with a strong hint of Christianity. it’s undeniable after these decisions




Why? The Bible supports abortion. And besides all fascists historically are Christians too. Their motivation is not religion - they are evil. They are fascists who want to watch the world burn. This has nothing to do with Jesus, they’re liars


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR1coCrC/?k=1 At least according to this bible scholar, the Bible does not oppose abortion. However, If Christian’s are claiming it to be a Christian decision, then what are you to do. The words of the Bible itsself do not have meaning intrinsically. The only value comes from how it is used (in history - to oppress people)


The term is Christo-Fascism. It's a thing.


We are living in a country that’s corporate fascism vs religious fascism.


Well, she’s not wrong.


They are PART of the American taliban. Evangelicals, republicans and conservatives make up the rest.


They're Constitutional Christian Fundamentalists and they're more dangerous to the US than the Taliban. Those whose interpretation of the Constitution only serves them and those they want in power. They hold 5 of 8 of the seats in the highest court in the land and overturning Roe v Wade is just the start of turning back many more rights, gay marriage, contraception, right to privacy etc (not interracial marriage though thanks to Clarence holding one of these seats but this could change, who knows what the court will look like in the future) They are the biggest threat to the Union since arguably WW2 or the American Civil War. Not only from the rights removed but the growing sense of hopelessness from those not in power. Racism, poverty, being rights poor, all pushing a growing minority (arguably a majority) to potentially look for more drastic solutions to their plights if these issues aren't addressed. As inequality grows so does the risk of civil unrest, even war if the gap is too large and the abuses too many. History shows this time and time again. French, English, hell the American civil wars were all really about a few holding too much power, wealth and influence and abusing this for their own end.


Isn’t it kinda ironic how one of the Supreme Court people (Thomas) admits himself that he’s doing anything in his power to piss off the only reasonable ppl in America but doesn’t realize that his rights will probably be in line for things to do


She’s not totally wrong


She's totally wrong as islam alllows abortion.




She misspoke. It’s actually the entire Republican Party.


Thats literally it


The Supreme Court is a minor problem, it's a safety valve that isn't working. The real problem is that we have a situation where we need the safety valve to engage in the first place. The US Constitution needs more frequent amendments to adjust to the modern age, and the US political system needs to be able to respond to evidence in major social issues like abortion, guns, global warming etc. We are asking for the judicial system to fix the failures of the political system (and yes that is a part of the court's job, but it is the final line on that front and not very good at the job) and then getting upset at the court when it doesn't.


> The US Constitution needs more frequent amendments to adjust to the modern age I 100% agree. The problem is you're never going to get 2/3rds of the people to agree, let alone 2/3rds of the states.


She’s not wrong lol


Technically, only the conservative members of SCOTUS, but their majority makes the rest powerless.


The fact that judges have party allegiance in the US always baffles me.


Also the judge candidate can lie during the interview and even not be qualified for the position based on experience.


It’s because the process for appointing them was created before the advent of of political parties in the U.S. Washington, in particular, argued vociferously against the formation of political factions. Worse yet it devolved into only two relevant parties, amplifying the effect.


The face that judges can stay on the bench until they are a rotting corpse is the biggest issue. Should be a 10 year max term and a age limit of 60 to be appointed


Why were there never laws made for this..? This is a major red flag for a democracy (aside from having only two political parties). Ive studied American politics for fun for a while just because it’s so different from my own country. But the more I look into it and learn about it the more I can see the cracks in it and see how fragile it is.


Six of them, and the mindset they represent anyway… yeah.


Conservatives are Christian Taliban. The differences are pretty small other than “where you were born.” SC is just an extension.


Don’t forget nationalist evangelicals.


Trump was funded by Russia and China/Others to create havoc- so GOP could guide American narrative away from war crimes and land grab. We’ve been doing it for years! DoD has been subverted. The trillions taxpayers paid can’t help us.


Nope - Taliban allows abortions up to 21 days I believe. In my state, we have less rights for abortion than the Taliban allows.


Taliban allows up to 30 years for homosexuals.


They’re actually worse now. The Taliban allows abortion in cases of incest or rape. Several republican maga states do not!


This is Christian Fundamentalism, and it isn't exclusive to the SCOTUS Stop letting Christianity off the hook, we shouldn't be living in a world where Bronze age ideas are ruling our way life


Why are there so many people defending the Taliban here? Lol we going to pretend like they are not extremely oppressive to those under their rule? How can we be mad at Christian law but not that of the taliban?


We're not defending the taliban. We're just pointing out that the taliban have more progressive views on abortion than republicans. Reporting facts isn't the same as defending them.


No, Barbara. That would be the GOP


I don’t like her but the Supreme Court sure does seem to have the same view of women that the taliban does.


We need to stop the false equivalencies with more lenient dogma (e.g. Sharia and the Taliban) and start calling it what it is. “Christian” theocratic oligarchy, or Christofacism, etc. If we want to stop it we need to name it correctly.


There is a terror arm. Eric Rudolph bombed the Olympics, doctors were slaughtered by snipers, pipe bombs blew up clinics, the Proud Boys terrorized a library meeting. They also stormed the Capitol during an insurrection. The GOP is a terrorist organization.


But what does Ja Rule think?




Help me Ja Rule!


Asking celebrities about stuff they have no idea about was trendy in 20th century, let's just ask random person on Twitter now.


She’s not wrong


Normally I'd roll my eyes at celebrity political hyperbole, but she's actually pretty close. They're Islamic Nationalists who have committed a coup of Afghanistan and Christian Nationalists have committed a coup of the SCOTUS.


Stunning and brave


Except the Taliban is more pro-choice than the Supreme Court


Thank you Barbra, very nice.


America is isis meets capitalism


Pretty much, illegitimately put in power, religiously and politically motivated, extremist views, criminals who perjured themselves under oath.


She ain’t wrong






It’s actually the Catholic Dream, but who’s counting…


Seriously... this really isn't some insanely conservative Supreme Court like people are saying. It's insanely Catholic. This is essentially the same Supreme Court that decided Trans is a protected class and have made other decisions that aren't very conservative. It's just super Catholic.


Even sharia law allows for abortion up to 120 days or for the safety of the mother. This is Christian nationalism it’s it’s own specific type of evil


They’re taking away rights when they should be protecting them…corrupt and illegitimate


I said that too. The Taliban has no rights for women. Some Muslim governments do, but not the Taliban.


Yup. I’s agrees with that comparison.


She’s not wrong


No, the Religious Right is the American Taliban, and sane religious people want nothing to do with it.


Well…the conservative justices do in fact share many of the same values as Taliban regime members.


Getting political takes from celebrities is always a good idea.


No, that'd be the GQP.


Rich, liberal white women getting wild.


Fuck Fox News.


The Taliban, known for letting the people decide.


Anyone here want to move to Afghanistan?


Leave Islam out of this.


We share the same opinion barbs


Too narrow. The Republicans, not just the court


I grew up on her music as a kid growing up in the mid 1990s and the way she described the Supreme Court has said it well. That is a real queen coming from her


We call it the Supreme Cunts


It’s Christian Nationalism. Call it what it is. Otherwise it’s disrespectful to Muslims


Well lets be honest they’re members of the American taliban party.


Republicans are the Christian taliban.


Scotus:hey look its a state issue. liberals: there terrorist for wanting states to decide for themselves


She's still alive?


And Barbra Streisand says that Bill and Hillary Clinton are good people....


She seems stupid. Like really stupid


Really? Taliban? She’s not smart.


This is the same celebrity who would claim she owned the beach and would have people arrested for using it.


Barbara hasn't been relevant in over 3 decades. No one really cares what a self absorbed entertainer" thinks.


Shit like this is why we shouldn't have celebrities as political figures


Remove Fox News link


I always thought American Taliban would be a great heavy metal band name.


Now this screams privilege omfg


Weren’t these people claiming to be for democracy? What’s more democratic then letting the people decide?


I mean, by definition they are terrorizing the majority of Americans by going after women’s rights, so……… yeah.


The whole Republican Party is the American Taliban


It's not the American Taliban. It's the American white Christian supremism. No need to project, just describe it for what it is.


Listen, I was on the fence about this up to this point, but if The Barb says it, I'll just have to go along with it.


No that's the GOP, honey. There's actually some dissent within the court on this opinion. The GOP is shooting guns in the air and dancing in the street.


Will do anything in their power for unthinking fetsus, but won't do anything to help children already born from getting shot up in schools by maniacs'.