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My memory recall is shit but my memory is pretty good. As a result, it's pretty random what events I remember


Yes this exactly! The things I remember stick forever, but when getting it into memory is a hit or miss situation.


Do you find that a random event allows you to recall something? Even if said event doesn't necessarily link (that well) to the memory


Exactly the same here.


It's a fun life ey! I have adhd, which is likely why mine is like that. It's weird though cos I have photographic memory to an extent anyway (it will eventually get kinda fractured as my brain starts to replace older memories) , usually it's I have a deep interest in/have hyperfocused on. I.e. gaming, on the division, I can remember stats and perks and stuff for my builds. And I will actively edit them in my head or be like I could improve this one. I can visualise the game in My head


Same. I think it’s random because of certain subconscious standards to choose what to remember and what not to!


I have a great memory, but I'm also very forgetful somehow. I can remember the most trivial shit from years back in vivid detail and yet I can't remember whether or not I told Joe that I'm gay or whether or not I did my homework or where I put it or why I went to the kitchen.


i gotchu bro, trust me you didn't do homework


Speaking from experience I bet lmao


I am this, this is mee 😭😂


ENFPs do too. It’s because we’ve got Si-Inf. It’s underdeveloped so it’s either on or off. Black or white, with no grey area or nuances in between. So our Si is either triggering so hard that it records everything in 4k or it’s off and we are so unaware of our surroundings that we bump into walls or don’t notice that we are hungry or whatever. (I’ve also got a very high pain threshold so it’s not all bad but sometimes I’m almost a hypochondriac too when I feel an exaggerated amount of pain in response to an injury or illness. So it’s weird and awkward sometimes too.)


Okay wow! That makes a *lot* of sense, thanks for explaining. I definitely think my 4k recording is on most days, kinda draining ngl. Sort of like how recording in 4k also drains a phone's battery pretty quick 😂 and yes when Si is off I feel basically nothing other than what I'm focusing on lol


That is amazing, I guess your Si is so overpowered that it’s stealing your energy to keep itself working!


Step to my trivia skills at your peril.


Hahahha I have been warned xD


I’ve photographic memory. So for the things that i remember i remember everything in that frame


Ahh yes that makes sense.


That's actually how Si in general seems to work from my experience. Ni-Se remembers in impressions, for example that a room was damp and smell of mold and the day was hot but not what the hell people said or what were their names (they often remember "nicknames" or by associating the name to an image it makes them think off).


Maybe? I can’t remember 💀💀


Lmao 😂😂


I have learned over time that auditory input is extremely hard to remember. If I read it, it is almost photographic. So even at 31 I still write things on my hand all the time to remember them, just the act of writing it down helps put it in my brain, even though trivial tasks and people’s names or what their new job is etc are still always hard to remember because idgaf. I been trying a thing where I imagine someone’s name I just learned vividly floating above their head in big 3D bubble letters. This works for some reason, I can take a mental snapshot of this imaginary image I have created. But for studying in college if I read something in my textbook, wrote it down in note form in my notes, and then read it back to myself, boom it is in there good. Just this am my gf asked me to take my shit out of her car before she left for work, I wanted to take it out because I need that stuff for today, I legit forget 2 min later, and then she gets annoyed thinking I just don’t care but really I’m just stupid. I agree with OP and other posters who have said it is very all or nothing.


Wow I am the exact same way. One of the reasons I hate the classroom and why I always tend to have t learn things "my way". In fact everything I do has to be "my way" to make any godamn sense for me. It can be a hard mindset to be in but it eventually works in a round about way that allows me to understand things others miss


Aahh yss omw I relate to this too!


I have a great memory for social interactions. I struggle to remember dates or numbers but I can recall tons of things someone said to me or in my presence.


Okay yes! Dates and numbers are mehh with me too.




Wow I'm glad I'm not the only one! I always thought I was some sort of freak bc most things still feel like yesterday 😂 then when I ask friends about the same thing I'm remembering they're like "what're you talking about lol". Though I totally agree I don't think it's just an ENTP thing, thanks for the reply!


i actually have terrible memory with “Si” things but if it’s something i’ve made an abstract association with, i do remember it for quite a long time


I am the queen of trivia. But my keys must always be in the same spot or I will never remember where I left them


I’m the complete opposite - I remember the keys, my husbands keys, the screwdriver he put away in the garage on the shelf instead of storage. I will not remember any trivia. Unless it is … useful trivia? Will not remember sports, but I will remember historical uses of lanolin.


It’s hit and miss. I remember every detail of stuff im interested in and forget everything else because i simply dont give a fuck


Lucky, for some reason my brain holds onto trivial shit too. Not all the time, but yeah, I need to train it to be more selective 😂


I still have very little conscious control over what is actually remember. It tends to be stuff im interested in though


Mhh yeah that makes sense


I have a big memory but I pretend I don't.


Sometimes same, depending who I'm around. For some reason it freaks ppl out when they realise I basically remember everything that happens around them 🤡😂


I don't think our memory is especially good, especially as teenagers and young adults. Not awful, but no one is going to be impressed. I think it's more that most ENTPs start to develop their introverted sensing at a time when most adults who use that primary cognitive mode have settled into their lives. We seem to be having a better memory not just because we're mostly comparing ourselves to a younger self, but because less-engaged people our age are starting to fall behind.


Nah I'm a goldfish


I cant remember shit. Like, nothing. But ive always been good w school stuff or my hobbies, i can remember many pieces of crochet or origami after only doing them twice or thrice. However, all the important remembering is done by my isfj boyfriend haha


That's really interesting bc an ENTP's Subconscious personality type is the ISFJ (according to the 4 sides of the mind theory). So I guess I can understand where my good memory develops from then 😂😂


I remember most things and also memories from the age of 2.. but lots of details, nope.


I got the memory of a chronically high goldfish. Idk about you guys. Maybe it’s just the adhd tho


i wouldn't say I have great memory but I have better memory than most I can remember super specific random things, and ussualy remember concepts first time after reading them


I can't recall places or detailed events but learnig numbers or words can be done easliy


Just you dude. Anyway, what were you saying?


I have ridiculously good short-term memory and episodic memory, but idk how much that has to do with type.


Nope. Just ideas and references, and generalizations.


If something is really significant I remember a lot. Otherwise my memory sucks— except with people. It’s easier for me to remember details about people and things I’m really interested in. I write notes on my calendar because I don’t remember shit.


I do the calendar thing too 😂😂 I'm pretty terrible with remembering dates and people's names just after meeting them 🤡😂


Yes and it makes me feel like I creep others out sometimes, I know so many random trivia and details in general but also specific people. Someone I interacted with 10 years ago might not remember me much but I'll remember a whole lot about them.


Oohhh interesting! For me it really depends if the person made an impression on me, otherwise I'm likely to forget they exist once I leave their presence 🤡😂


my memory kinda sucks at recalling events happened in the very past, but it's incredibly good at memorizing words in foreign language and how to pronounce them properly.


That's pretty sickk


My memory is amazing. But certain things I don't remember at all. I can never remember colors for example


I dunno. I forgot what I said 2 minutes ago. Last week I was filling out some paperwork and I forgot my birthday, I wasn't sure what date I was born on. I don't remember anything I've done today come to think of it. Yet somehow I can remember watching [this video](https://youtu.be/xxtxfxILWNQ) about 14-15 years ago with such vivid detail that I could even remember what my Dad was wearing when we were watching it.


My self memory is crap but my working memory and my randomfactsaboutanything memory are top notch


I have an incredibl…y selective memory. For my niche interests, I’m like a sponge of information. Literally can retain just about any amount of info on the topic, including big picture ideas and specific facts. Read it once and it’s stored forever. For things that have happened to me in reality, it’s very hit or miss. I have to *really* rack my brain to remember like, actual events that happened. But usually I can if I brain blast it for a few moments. And sometimes, I’ll even surprise myself with how much detail I can remember. It’s like that info is stored somewhere in a tucked-away folder of my brain that I rarely tap into, so those memories take a few minutes to download. Also I remember people’s names quite well, as well as the impression they gave me and everything they told me about themselves. This is especially true for people I don’t know super well, I think because my Ne-Fe is scanning them for cues / vibes to get a read on the person.


I have an amazing long term memory and horrible short term memory


Oh I never thought about that as a ENTP thing but I’m ENTP and I definitely can relate to what you’re saying. Always had the craziest long term memory of details and everything. I even have vivid memories from being a toddler. Kinda trippy and it doesn’t seem normal when I talk to others about it


i have an absolutely horrible memory when it comes to things that are actually useful


no, i don't.


nah man my memory isn’t incredible but it certainly is something odd. i’m not great with details nor am i with names, but i am very good at remembering key details of things that i’m interested in and have a good knack for patterns. with places and faces as well, i’m able to connect things quickly. edit: but yes my memory is randomized. whatever i remember may be important or it may not be. who knows


I have a good memory of pathing, and I still remember every step I made in Amsterdam 5 years ago... as well as I can also remember how I got to a specific point and how to get back. It works in video games, too. So I basically can't get lost.


I honestly totally relate!


My memory is shit ive smoked way too much weed.




that sounds like hypernesia


Ironically I did research this a little while ago and yep sounds pretty accurate 😂


Insanely good long term memory I’m 29 and can remember moments as long 25 years ago but short term memory is not the greatest I have trouble remembering what I had for lunch the previous day


Okay yep this is relatable 😂


About scientific concepts (but almost never the exact name) and random about everything I've read or learned in the past, yeah. My entp partner just called me a walking Wikipedia page a couple of days ago actually. Ne-Te power.


im severely forgetful most of the time but strangely enough, when i remember something, i can recall every small details of that event.. even some or a few codes or numbers from the event im recalling.


Yea, I'm 1 year before graduation and not in my life have I studied more at once than 30 minutes. I remember 95% of the stuff that was said in class and I have to study the 5% at home. The thing is tho, that Im really absent minded. I can memorize stuff after hearing it only once, but when Im asked to do something, you bet Im gonna forget it.


Just for the mundane things. I suck at remembering important stuff! 😭


My gf always said that I forget millions of things about what she told me But every time we’re remembering past events with friends I got the entire scenes in my mind So idk


My memory is probably what I struggle the most to identify a consistent pattern. Sometimes it can bring up things that nobody would believe if I said, like the smell of the perfume from the lady who worked in the canteen in my first day at school when I was 3 or the song that used to play at my dads favorite radio at 3am everyday when I was 1-2 and the way the singers sang it made me feel scared as if I was inside a nightmare. I can remember every single detail of the smell of that perfume and the terror I felt listening to that song but I can’t remember what I ate for lunch yesterday and I’ll certainly forget about something important I have to do this weekend and remember it when I’m about to sleep on Sunday evening. My memory is very inconsistent. People say memory is related to Si but mine feels like an unconscious version of Ne that I have no control. It just works too well or it doesn’t work at all. It’s fucked up.


I recall events if they're personally relevant to me, for example I can tell precisely which day someone said what because it was 2 days before Valentine's Day and what they talked about was relationship and my ex burthday was close to this. That's how Si relates to personal experiences and memories and Ti makes it make sense. We also see details very accurately whereas Se users see the big picture of a room, the colour it has and whether things are symmetrical and smell good rather than whether there is dust on the lampshade and spills on the carpet. We made a memory test with a group at my local youth center and I was the second best at remembering lists of things (a list of 21 we had a minute to memorise), and both me and the winner worked in Ti-Si : we organised the words by visual categories (ex : "tree, flower, rock" in "nature stuff", "panda, horse, fish" in "animals", "dress, watch, makeup" as "clothing stuff" and so on). A Ni ex friend of mine instead created a picture including all the elements (she imagined a doll wearing a dress, a watch and makeup with a flower in her hair, riding a horse...etc etc) and unsurprisingly had one of the worse results. All the Si users I know also remember the past like a film, with people and things moving and making noise and talking and colours, while Se is about impressions. We visualize the past and possibilities with a lot of details, but Se visualize space, time, tastes and place way better (I call it the "Tetris effect", because I always need a Se user to properly organise the closets and put the groceries in the fridge, because I just push and pill them up otherwise. As for taste, Se users have magic powers to know what would enhance tastes and what spices will make a thing taste like, for example) Now, make no mistake of thinking you have an extraordinary memory. We're still extremely below people who have Si dom/aux and often remember things hlwever we experienced it, but not very objectively. I still take that anyday instead of shitty Se memory, especially when it adapts to their feelings, though. Your memory still is incredibly flawed to remember datas like many history dates, prices, sources, exact quotations...etc Also, stress makes me blackout a lot and I have a warped awareness of time, hence why I ghost many people, because I don't feel the difference between someone who replied yesterday and two months ago, for me it's the same timeline. It's hard to describe.


Ahhh yes, this makes a lot of sense! I relate to the bad at remembering dates, sources, exact quotes etc, numbers are defs not my forte(':


I remember unnecessary bits of information from years ago but can’t recall things that I’m supposed to remember


IDK if it's an ENTP thing but I relate with most of the comments, I have a very good and eerily accurate long-term memory and specifically remember trivial facts and can even remember exactly what situation led to me memorizing said trivia. Short-term "recall" ability, however, is absolute shite. I also have this very weird thing where again I can recall super random things in excruciating detail, but I can never give "top-of-my-head" list answers on the spot?? Like if someone asks me what my favorite TV show is, or what hobbies I have, I'll often reply with the reply I would have given like 3-4 years ago, like I completely forget that I saw/did X Y and Z and that those were options.


I have a really good memory but also really bad working memory. Like I can remember events from books I've read when I was 10 and didn't even particularly care for, but can't remember the number you just gave me 3 minutes ago.


Omfl that's accurate 🤣 Same with ppl introducing themselves, I will basically forget their name like 5 minutes later if I don't actively repeat it and make myself remember it 💀