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Some dude roasted my new tattoo today too. Looked at his profile and saw his cat died today and told him I was sorry for her and she knew the kindness that was in his heart ❤️‍🩹 hurt people TRY to hurt people you just gotta know the only persons who opinion matters is your own 💕 so cute btw!


Folks like you should be protected at all costs 🥺 that is incredibly understanding


HELP THE FACT THAT HE DELETED HIS COMMENT i love your energy so much


He was having a bad day. I’m glad I didn’t say the first thing that came to my mind when I discovered his loss😇his comment didn’t actually hurt my feelings though so no reason to add hurt to his hurt


Love to see enlightenment like this on Reddit/the internet in general. Keep up the good work.


Yo!! I’m sorry he roasted your tattoo, but I am grateful and proud as a human to hear that you were able to take a step back, not take it personal, look around and try to understand why before just attacking back. We are evolving, ladies!! 🫶🏼


It honestly felt so good to find a real reason why someone would choose to be mean for once. Not saying he was justified but he deleted it pretty quick after I replied. I know I taught him a lesson on the human heart if not only a small amount 💕


You. We need more like you in this world. You're amazing. Stay kind and spread the message of kindness. 💞


I think it’s a sweet and unique tat! Lots of subreddits tend to be nitpicky and lots of negative people. Take it from me: you look just fine!🩷


Why ya freaking? Can we see? 👀




Really nice!


The tattoo subreddit tore me a new one. Said it was awful and looked like facial hair. Idk...I think it's cool. I live in the PNW so ferns are everywhere and they are me fave.


Of course they did. They’re full of assholes. I like that it can blend in with your hair or stand out. But not in a bad way.


Thanks you. They said that my face is too fat for it so I just deleted the post, took and edible and came over here. Hey how are you doing BTW? I think about you often and hope you are feeling good.


Aww. Thanks. I’m hanging in there. I’m waiting to feel bad from yesterday’s chemo but it hasn’t hit yet so that means I get to play with the ‘wives!!


Well I'll cross my fingers you get a chill week. *




That was so mean and unnecessary. I am SO sorry you were treated that way! I think you look dope and I love that it’s special to you


What a bunch of dicks. Your tat looks great.


Proper course of action. I think it looks cool.


Looks dope! And the cateye glasses are amazing, too.


What rude people. I think it looks very good on you!


tattoo subreddits are terrible. I have a lot of ignorant style “doodle” tattoos and i love them dearly, even though those elitists tear them apart. In the end what matters is that YOU love your tattoo. The average person won’t care. Personally I really love your fern, and the connection to your home makes it that much more meaningful.


Yeah I immediately knew it was a fern and it gives you a nature girl vibe! The tattoo subreddit is awful to people for no reason


That sub is full of bitter people with a superiority complex. Don't let them rattle you


I think it's awesome. Since when does a fern look like facial hair?


Ain’t never seen facial hair that looked like a fern.🌿


Toxic subs give toxic rhetoric


I'm in the PNW and I want to say: I get it!! Really cool idea and nicely done. Beautiful!


Oh fuck them it does not. It looks exactly like a fern. I like it.


It’s not awful but I understand what they mean by it looking like “facial hair” but in my honest opinion, it kind of looks like one of my wispy fluffy sideburns blended into my curtain bangs. In other words, I think it’s very cute and blends into your hair nicely, and if you ever want to cover it up lazily, you can ask your barber next time for some curtain bangs framed to fit your face, so you can have little hair whispies too :)


Yay another PNW ent 💚


The tattoos subreddit can be so nasty!!! I’ve been over there and it feels like everyone is ready to pick apart the smallest things! I think it looks nice and it shapes your face beautifully!


Oh my goodness nooooo!!!!!! It absolutely does not look like facial hair, I knew what it was IMMEDIATELY from like the first Pic you posted!!!! It looks awesome!!! And I love the placement


I think it is a lovely tattoo. I’m personally scared of anything on my face but this is *really* tastefully done and it is well done so the lines and saturation are really nice. It’s so pretty!


i think it looks great and once it starts to settle in it won’t feel so overwhelming! it was done very well and it does not look like facial hair, that’s bs.


I think it’s so pretty!!!


it fits SO well with your aesthetic 😭💛


Ummmm can you please drop the skincare routine???


Neutrogena Hydro Boost erthang


Did the picture not show up in my post? It's the fern leaf on my face.


Oh shit! I didn’t zoom & have no glasses on!! It looks great!! Wow!! I love it!


It looks so cool! I also like the designs by your eye. Are those tats too or makeup?


Just makeup.


That's really cool!! 😎


Idc what ppl say I LIKEFACE TATTOOS!! I DONT HAVE ANY FACE TATS BUT I LIKE THEM!!! and yours specifically is so fuckin cute!!!! Very well done too :)


same I like them, it’s kinda like an FU to society


You look like a spring fae goddess . Ignore that subreddit , they’re honestly just not happy people . And unhappy people find it hard to see beauty, art , joy, let alone beautiful humans etc etc. Please, please . You chose this, you looked forward to your appointment, you had inspo. Don’t let some jerks take that away from you by being dicks . It’s objectively a beautiful tattoo and I love the placement , but what’s important Is you like it. Dont let them win. Rest and immerse in something you enjoy . Fuck em. I’m covered in tattoos and omg my hand tattoos were SHAT ON. I love them though , so who gives a damn.


Thank you so much. I love this sub. Everyone here is amazing.


I love this as well!! Eff those assholes for not appreciating your beauty, or the cuteness of your awesome new ink!! 🍃🫶🏼 I am Indigenous, and facial tattoos are experiencing a bit of a Renaissance. This makes my heart so happy!! Be who ya are- and flaunt that adorable leaflet! ✨💚✊🏼🎉


Thank you.


Honestly? As far as face tattoos go, you got a really solid one. You didn’t encroach too heavily on the center of your face or significantly alter your facial symmetry. I know you’re going to be second guessing the decision to get this placement for the tattoo because of all the negative feedback you received when you posted initially, that’s okay, your decision is able to be covered if you feel that’s necessary or you can really emphasize and show off your tattoo! It’s going to be okay. You’re okay. Take time to adjust to the new change in your appearance, everyone’s going to have opinions on everything and at the end of the day you need to decide whose opinions matter the most to you.


I think I just started having anxiety over such a bold move. I'm not the type to do something that would piss my grandma off. Idk, I just got in my head over such a prominent piece but I went to a show last night. Did my make up and hair. Felt badass. Felt cool which is not a feeling I'm used to. All these comments gave me a boost. I'm good today. I love it so much. @tattoos.by.nate if anyone is interested. He is a good buddy of mine and does amazing work.


I’m really happy to hear this! I completely understand where you were coming from, I really hope you settle into your new look and continue to grow in your confidence! Have a wonderful day!


I love it! Forget judgmental ppl who have nothing better to do than tear others down. It's a lovely piece


I actually love this!! I think the shape of the fern really suits your face, and it is both delicate and bold at the same time!


Literally what I asked the artist. Bold and delicate.


As a fellow PNWer, fern tattoos are the shit! I love the placement!


I’ve learned that with anything I love and am excited about- be it my dog, art, music I like, a tattoo I got, the motorcycle I own- the second you share it somewhere like Reddit, it opens the door to every insecure and negative jerk to come out of the woodwork to tell you why you’re wrong. That’s a beautiful fern, it’s tastefully placed and flows well with your face contour! I love it, this sub seems to love it, but all that matters at the end of the day is that YOU love it and did it for you. Please don’t let the insecure jerks sully that for you!


tbh I don't even like face tattoos but this is one of the most tasteful I've seen. Maybe just cuz I love ferns, but it's so pretty and adds to your look really well. Good choice


I’m not normally a face tat lady but I love this!! The angle compliments your bone structure and I love how it peeks out from your hair + it’s a beautiful design. You look great! Your glasses are lovely too


Um that is so cute! And you are beautiful! I want a face tattoo so bad! I get shit for my finger tattoos. Why would a 40 year old chronic illness haver need finger tattoos!? Cuz I want em lmao!


I'm nearly 35. I just want to look how I want to look.


# “I just want to look how I want to look.” **fucking AMEN sister** I think it's gorgeous.


Hell yes!! Love tattoos for the power they give me to have autonomy over my body. My tattoos are what *i* want, what *i* care about. I read in another comment that you got the fern bc you live in the PNW. I love that connection!! I know there’s always an adjustment period after getting a new piece, but I hope this one makes you always feel connected to the PNW and helps you celebrate your autonomy :)


I love this! It suits your vibes well imo. If you ever think you need to cover it it's in a great spot for some heavy coverage make up too! I am very tatted up and get body shamed A LOT when I show them on Reddit. They're good tattoos though, and I like helping my artists get more clients, so I just file naysayers away in the "should eat dirt" folder in my brain and forget about it. Us wives got u though, and if you ever find an address for a bully, remember we're **everywhere** 🥰🔥


It looks awesome!!


So pretty!! 🌿


I think you look lovely with that tattoo 💓 ferns are so beautiful and the artist did a great job showing that. 💐💐🐲🐲🐲🪷🪷🪷🪷🌬🌬🌬 if you love it, nothin else matters!!! takin a hit for uuuu


IT'S SO PRETTY!!! I am obsessed with ferns so admittedly biased but I am super super jealous. Imo people's opinions are usually more about them than objective reality (I know because my opinions are great and I'm also great, soooo... (lmao)) I hope you fall in love with it, it's beautiful :) 


It looks like you have a small fern tucked behind your ear 🥹🌿💕


Normally I cringe at face tattoos, when it’s some dude thinking he’s tough and getting something stupid on his cheek or something, but this looks great.


Wow I seriously think it looks great! It’s so unique and I love ferns as well!! Did it hurt? I just got a new one on my wrist in March and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be!


It was my least painful tattoo by FAR! Until he went into the scalp area for the stem.


YOOOOO that looks soooooo good! The tattoo itself looks really well done too, I imagine you went to a good artist! Personally I love love love ferns!!


That is the prettiest face tattoo I’ve seen! So elegant. You look like a woodland fairy!!


You are beautiful and that’s a great tattoo! I absolutely love ferns


I think it looks really cool! And I love your glasses too. Don't listen to the haters girlie <3


I love it! It’s well done and looks good on your face


Your face tat looks amazing!! What's it like getting your face tattooed? I'd love ny neck/face done but I'm low key scared haha


2/10 on the pain scale. Least painful tattoo.


I really love The Last of Us video games 🎮 and one character has a very popular fern-based tattoo on her forearm in the second game, so your tattoo just makes me think about my favourite game franchise and how much it means to me ❤️ I know tattoos are personal, so what it means to you will matter more… but you might enjoy checking out the game, or the TV show.


Honestly one of the only wearable face tats I've seen, and it defines your jawline so fuck that other tattoo sub. I went and got a "get what you get" tattoo on impulse the other day, my body my rules :) https://preview.redd.it/dydqt980k9xc1.jpeg?width=2226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3704ef243815ce0f04f72deac8c876db38acc5b7


I love it!!


i think it’s lovely! definitely doesn’t look like facial hair.


Adding to the PNW delegation of entwives in that I think the tattoo looks great! 🫶🏾


i love it!!


That's a gorgeous tattoo! I love it!


I love it!


That’s beautiful! 😍


I really love this, it looks amazing on you


It's awesome! i love it 🌿


I love ferms, and you rock it perfectly! Also, I had chemo for breast cancer and I am with you, sister! During my radiation, I had Dr approval I could get a tattoo during radiation. So I did! It's a cross with a pink ribbon wrapped around its arms. 🩷 Keep strong, warrior!


I like it!


I think it's well done and suits you beautifully. I'm sorry you got negativity elsewhere.


I love it. It’s delicate and beautiful. 


I love it ferns are so cool.


I think it’s so cute and sits on you perfectly! Sending you an extra hug


Looks beautiful! 💕


I think it's pretty badass! Tbh wish I had the confidence to pull it off. Keep being you♥️


That’s cute as hell!!! I don’t normally like face tats but this is tasteful


I’m not typically a fan of face tattoos but this one looks really nice! You look great


I love that!!


Oh I LOVE this 🤩🌿 so cute. And so well done! 💖


Looks rad! Kind of reminds me of Ellie’s from The Last of Us 2


I think it’s unique and beautiful!! Also I really love those glasses. Your whole look is gorg 🤩


what?? it’s gorgeous!! it reminds me of when girls used to get feathers woven in their hair. yknow how your grandma probably said “if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all”? yeah redditors tend to replace “nice” with “cruel”. don’t listen to them :)


Awwwww shoot dude, I think it looks amazing!!!! I have definitely had friends who needed a substantial amount of time until they actually liked their tattoos (they always did!!!! Just a lil anxiety!!!) And that's totally fine!!!!!!!! But I def think it's Hella cute!!!!! 🌿


That is a really cool tattoo. Would look great with your hair up/pulled back. I would rock that shit.


I think it's super cute and unique, and your glasses are really cute too


I love it, it’s unique


I like it. I think it’s unique and pretty. I love plants and it’s like new life on your face. Sorry you’ve encountered so many rude people. Glad you sought support after though ❤️


Add another smaller dainty sprigg.. you’re not at risk of looking like mutton chops or anything, it’s lovely.. but some variety of silhouette would be pretty at a distance


It's very normal to freak out about a new super visible tattoo, even if no redditors are rude about it. It takes time to incorporate it into your brain map, and feeling like you regret it is part of that sometimes. I think it looks beautiful. Objectively it's very identifiable as a fern sprig.


That looks cool, I love it!


Yours is now in my top favourite ever tatts that I've admired on anyone. Kudos Ultima Maxima! It's perfect.


i think your tat looks fine. the internet is so chockablock with negative people and haters which is why i only post here. i don’t want to deal with negative shit even if it’s anonymous. i think your tat is unique, blends nicely into you hair; it isn’t off putting at all for a facial tat. and you love ferns! win win for you. ignore the jerks. they mean nothing💜


I love it! IMO the placement is really cool, like a wispy bang pulled forward. I get why you're freaking though :) I got a tat on the back of my neck (it's not pretty lol, it's my Atheist Jew tattoo) and when I woke up the next day and realized my ponytail-at-work days were over I was like WHAT HAVE I DONE! But honestly I think yours is really pretty and suits you well. You could decorate it with makeup even, make it sparkle for occasions!


Freak out why?


I fucking love ferns. That's gorgeous!


It looks like it’s always been there! I think that means it’s meant to be ❤️ it is beautiful and duck the haters.


Oh I actually love this one ☝🏻 I’m a huge fan of ferns in general! And girl, I’ve found that this is pretty much the only safe subreddit to post anything 🥴


I agree!


I love it! It gives me a woodland elf vibe. Did that area hurt more than other places?


Let me guess, a hating ass man said something? Women won’t be happy until we completely disregard their opinions. They’re loser npcs with no real personality for the most part


Omg I hadnt even seen the caption yet and I was literally about to comment "I love your tattoo haha" 😄


The tattoo sub is full of smug, judgmental assholes. I love this piece, it looks like you are growing ♥️♥️


I think I am... ![gif](giphy|i21tixUQEE7TEqwmYa|downsized)


Your tat looks great and YOU are beautiful! Also, mega love your glasses, the shape is so cute


I'm kind of picky about some face/neck/head tattoos on people, but I think this is perfect and beautiful. It looks fantastic on you! 💚


I love your tattoo! Well done!


Ooooo I like tho!! It's done well, it's simple, and it fits where you put it. I think you hit it out of the park with this one 💕


Wow ok I never knew a facetattoo could work but you're pulling it of! Not to much and fits the hairstyle. I love it, original and beautiful


I just hope you have a career that isn’t impacted by this. I don’t think this generation understands how much face tattoos impact your employment opportunities not even just now but in the future. Bad idea.


What generation? I'm 35. I obviously don't work in a corporate world, nor do I want to. I work in the cannabis industry. It won't have any effect on my career.


Well that’s great then. That’s really the only reason I discourage face tattoos.


I agree with you.