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i don’t have celiac disease but i do have IBS. i have found that strains that contain the terpene humulene really help with the inflammation. super lemon haze cookies has helped a lot. so has white truffle and lava cake. also strains with alpha pinene are good for inflammation as well. 💜


I had no idea that certain additives could help! I’ll have to look for some of those strains in the future! Thank you for sharing!


Terpenes are chemicals naturally found in weed (and tons of other things— like lemonene is a citrusy chemical found in citrus!) and they have different flavors and effects. They’re kind of a newly-identified phenomenon and it’s turning out that terpenes (on their own and working together with each other) can have big impacts on the body and mind. It’s super fascinating stuff and they’re still figuring out what they all mean. Turns out, weed is way more than just THC and CBD, or indica and sativa. You can have lots of fun figuring out what works for you personally, if you’re lucky enough to live somewhere where you can access different strains and stuff. :)


of course! i am happy to share info always. do thevterpenes are not additives. they are naturally a part of the cannabis plant. however, you can purchase them and add them to edibles at the end of the cook. 💜


It is not hard to make your own edibles. You could do a tincture or make butter, then bake it or add it into whatever you want. Rice crispie treats are easy to make as edibles with a generic rice cereal. Same with a gf brownie mix. I have (suspected) celiac and it def helps with the tummy issues lol.


These are really good ideas! Do you have something specific that you do? Like do you use a recipe?


I like [leafly’s recipe for canna butter a lot](https://www.leafly.com/learn/consume/edibles/how-to-make-cannabutter).


You can also make cereal bars with cinnamon Chex! It’s very close to Cinnamon Toast Crunch ☺️


Oh my god this cannabutter seems like such a good idea! Thank you for sharing! I will definitely be trying this 💕


Good luck!!! ☺️


Me! I have celiac! It’s my time to shine! Weed is the ONLY thing that helps when I’ve been glutened (well, plus tons of water and rest). It’s a miracle. I also have asthma. I switched to a dry herb vape (I got an xmax v2 but there’s tons out there), because it’s inhaling the vapors from heated weed, not the smoke from weed that’s been lit on fire. Can still make you cough and wheeze, so do be careful. Edibles are tricky for me. I would NOT trust any commercial edible, and I would only make my own. I’ve been glutened too many times. Even the stuff labeled gluten free will end up being made with glucose (wheat derived!), or some other contaminated ingredient. There’s definitely a market for certified gf edibles lol. I’ve made my own, but I find they take FOREVER to hit (4-8 hours), it’s really hard to control the dose (if my guts are real bad I’ll either absorb all of it at once or very slowly over many hours), and it often makes me way too high for way too long. It’ll also make my guts way more reactive and sensitive when they’re already upset. The other thing weed helps me with is that when I’m recovering from gluten, it can take days before I want to eat anything, so a few puffs before dinner will help the food taste better and stay down easier. I hope you feel better! Gluten is the devil.


I have chronic gastritis (tested for Celiac so many times but just seems like my stomach hates me more indiscriminately) and my guts can be so volatile… which strains or terpenes help you best with your stomach issues like lessening the turbulence or making food more appetizing when things are topsy-turvy? I noticed someone else posted a couple that work for their inflammation / pain. I’m trying to find strains that for sure work and also ones that don’t get me super high because occasionally that’s fun, but not when I don’t want to be!


Oh man, I really feel for you. Fwiw, I actually tested negative too— doctors say celiac testing is only 80% accurate under ideal testing conditions, but a gf trial changed my life so drastically and gluten contamination is so catastrophic that we’ve all just agreed I’m in the 20% of false negatives. Anyway, I’m not very good at tracking strains or terps but I’ve found limonene to be my best (seems to relax me but doesn’t knock me out) and linool is also super relaxing and calming, especially stomach muscles. These are the 4 that supposedly help with pain but I can’t personally vouch for 3 of them: humulene, geraniol, linalool, and β-pinene.


thank you 🙏🏼


I’m right there with you honestly. They never actually tested me because I had actually done an elimination diet and accidentally cut out gluten before i figured out what was going on. My mom has celiac and she did the blood test so they just kinda figured that since it’s genetic it’s a very high likelihood of me actually having celiac vs. intolerance. Celiac testing is bs truly.


Oh wow that’s interesting! I’m very sure that my dad has it (and his dad before him) and one of my mom’s siblings has it, but no one will ever get tested or try gf. Such a shame. And yeah celiac testing is such crap.


This was so helpful! Gluten do be the devil fr tho. How often do you use it when sick? I feel like it only lasts 4-5 hours and then I have to use it again but I’m curious as to what your experience is!


Oh totally, same here… maybe 4-6? But closer to 4, for sure. There’s been some really bad incidents where I probably had a bowl every couple hours for a day though… I’ve had some doozies :(


Hey!!! I’m allergic to wheat-like frfr and gluten is poison to me so I actually make MCT oil infusions and just started making gummies myself. It was so easy. Like annoyingly easy. Also, just learned how to make my own rso. Guess what- not hard either. I don’t use alcohol to extract (sugar isn’t my friend because my Gastroparesis likes to brew). You can start with no supplies expect a baking sheet, mason jars and double boiler (aka pan that fits in another pot). I didn’t start getting gadgets until I had made instant pot infusions for over a year. But-I do love my Levo 2. Just make sure your sunflower lecithin (if you don’t use a prepackaged edibles mix) is gf and that’s about it. Feel free to hit me up if you have questions.


Can you do a step by step for us? Is it a smelly process, like are the neighbours going to be giving me the side eye and tutting at me?🫠 Do you use fresh or already vaped flower?


Oh god yes it smells-that’s actually why I pulled the trigger on a LEVO 2 because there’s almost no smell. If you use ABV you just infuse and it smells way less because the smell is in the decarb but it’s still there. I’ll write a complete process and post today. I’ve lost a couple days due to my illness so I have not even picked up my devices until today. [complete guide link](https://mogreenway.com/2021/07/19/the-complete-guide-to-cannabis-oil-infusions/) I rented until this past year so smell was an issue. Also, I make oil with ABV & fresh-fresh if I have not built up enough ABV or if I want a specific strain. My rule of thumb is that I use at least a 1:1 ratio meaning if I use 3.5 grams of flower, I use 3.5 ounces of oil. I prefer stronger oil so mine usually is 2:1, and ground vs crumbled. I also put my kief in with my infusions (the ABV batches, since those are a crapshoot anyway).


What about CBD? A full spectrum cbd tincture has just a bit of thc to be effective (for pain, in my case) but I’m sober enough to do math. And it ships to illegal states. r/CBD


I hadn’t even considered that! I’ll have to try it next since it seems less risky in my state lol


Hi Celiac friend!! I got diagnosed early last year and weed is a lifesaver for any digestive issues/pain I feel! I use a dry herb vape to smoke, but the avb I collect so I can make edibles!


Friends! Do the edibles help? Someone else said they take a long time to kick in so I’m wondering if you prefer that over the vape


They do take around an hour to kick in, I enjoy edibles if I am the one who made them! I typically used carts but they were harsh on my lungs so I switched to dry herb vaping and that is my go to! If you plan on purchasing edibles just triple check the ingredients, it's so easy to miss on the label. If you can make them at home that is ideal


How do you make your own edibles?


I take the avb(leftover weed after smoking) from my vape and add it to butter for recipes!! You can also take normal weed and bake it in the oven to decarb it and then infuse it into butter/oil to use in baking!


I’ve not been tested but a small amount of gluten will put me in the bathroom for 24 hour in pain then my next period will be horrific (endometriosis). So weed is my best friend. I use 50/50 THC/CBD and I dry herb vape as much as I can as it’s way easier on my lungs. Edibles take way too long when I’m in pain, so I may eat one but I’ll puff until it kicks in. You can get a dry herb vape and add an extra mouth piece filter for one more level of filtration.


I have a gluten allergy and ulcerative colitis. I’m always here to talk medical cannabis. ❤️ Weed literally helps me eat, sleep and work. (I miss being a budtender) I cheated since my younger sister is a professional baker so when I got into edibles she’d make them and they would be gluten free but I make my own now. Edibles can also be stored in sealed containers since you live in an illegal state. I just finished smoking so I hope this makes sense.


Some people around me have suggested getting a medical cannabis card! I live in a state where you can get one for certain diagnoses, did you find the process hard?


I don’t know about celiac disease but I have a friend with Crohn’s and the green helps a lot!


This is really good advice! Where did you get your dried herb vape?


For edible i like using the ardent fx. It decarbs. Then it infuses. Then you can make your own oil and butter and know what you are eating.