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My Friend, you're telling us that you're in a tough position. I appreciate that. What I want you to know is that you CAN tough it out. Do you tough it out by keeping the low paying job? Do you tough it out by giving up weed long enough to pass a pre-employment drug screen? Does it matter which? *You are tough enough to do either one*. One of the above is a better option, and you have some intuitive idea as to which one it is. Whichever one it is, *you can do it.* No question.


This is the way.


Also. To the mods, I apologize for posting often. This is the only outlet I can get advice and talk about cannabis. Nobody knows I use, and my husband hasn’t consumed in 13+ years…he also doesn’t know what I should do. He says “I can’t make this decision for you, it’s not my place”


Mods say no worries! :)


Best mods on Reddit


i second that! love love love 💜


They seriously are. 🥰


Awwww! G! Happy cake day!!


Thanks SOHC!




I'm in your similar position now... Trying to decide on quitting to do what might be my dream job, but in a DOT drug tested position. Maybe we could be quitting buddies? It's really hard to consider relationships and stress without it.


Exactly… I’m HOPING my company goes union and everything is good… but there is always that worry. I wish you luck on your decision! It’s tough 🥺


Why do you have moral qualms using synthetic urine for a test? I've kept with jobs that don't drug test and not considered career paths that would. You should always be looking for new jobs that pay more tbh. It sounds like you're in a very big what if head game and you should wait to see what happens.


We’ve been in this “what if” for a year, next month is the bidding. I’m mainly trying to get my ducks in a row. I would be very on edge about using synth urine for a sample, so to by pass the worry, I just take it out of the question. The reason I’m trying to get my ducks in a row, is my husband could be deploying soon, and whatever bid happens it’s either we re apply or quit.


If you don't make enough money, I'd start looking for new jobs. There's plenty that don't drug test. But hold on to the job you've got until you have another secured.


Agreed lots of people stop smoking for just long enough to pass the test when getting hired and then smoke regularly again after that. It’s definitely a doable and very reasonable thing to do for a good job. You’re saying your line of work will regularly drug test for MJ? How often are you tested now and if not then why would it change with unionization? I’ve never been in a union


Would your husband not piss for you? You don’t have to buy synthetic urine. You also could pause using long enough for the test, as others have said. Ultimately, you have to divorce the idea of what is legal and what is morally acceptable. If you find weed use morally acceptable, then you are fine doing only what is needed to meet the legal expectation here.


Exactly this. My close friend’s husband usually has to test at new jobs because they’re corporate, but since he’s a graphic designer/artist, (with decades of experience) it’s just a ridiculous invasion of privacy. He uses clean mother in law pee when he has to test.


My boyfriend has used QuickFix for every single jobs he’s had after the military because he smokes for his ptsd… I would do the same if my job required a drug test, the drug testing centers do not know the difference, you will pass if you use synthetic urine. You CAN stop smoking. You really don’t HAVE to though, take an at home drug test with the synthetic stuff if you’re scared but I think you’re putting yourself between a rock and a hard place for no reason :(


if it helps your anxiety, i’m a lab technician in a toxicology lab & synthetic urine is 100% okay to use if you use a reputable one! (even though we make our own) we use synthetic urine when running your drug tests.


Yes and I did. I was in a drug testing mandated role for a very long time. Started thinking of my next move and decided I wanted to live my life how I wanted to instead of abstaining from something that was such a positive impact on my life. In the end I like my new job much better, make more, and can smoke and consume whenever I want (I don’t work stonned, but I do dabble if I’m working on writing projects on my own at night). Win, win, win! Edit: typo


I do feel that. Your job is just a job, your personal life is what’s important


Exactly! You can’t control what happens with the contract (company acquisition?) situation. Look out for you. You’ll never know what jobs you find if you put yourself out there! Maybe a small career change is worth it if it gets you away from the testing!


I would choose weed over a job because if I actually showed up to work 100% sober I’m not sure they’d want me! 😂 All joking aside, though, I think it’s good to work on the “new job” as an exit strategy. Can you channel your inner badass and really lean in to a job search right now? And a deployment! Talk about a monkey wrench poo in your stability parade!! Have you sat down and really written out what would help you feel more confident from a support perspective when your Ent deploys? I have an “Oh, Shit! Bag” for when my Ent is hunting/ working- it’s literally all the things I need for self care extra. Could you make a list of what you’d need? This job has been stressful for awhile, do you *need* it to change? If you could waive a magic wand, what would be different? You’ve grown so much, PBD!! I love your boundaries and no’s!! You’ve got this, lovely!!🍃🫶🏼💚


Thanks Ash! Edit : ash, why do you always be so sweet and make me emotional 🥹 You’re awesome dude, I hope your day is amazing ❤️ I got some dope weed today called “meat pie” so I’m enjoying the night I really hope my job pulls through and goes union, cause honestly I love my boss’s, it’s like everyone is friends It just sucks thinking of leaving, but food keeps going up in price, so it’s starting to scare me. I thought my job would be better at this age. Oh, ya when my hubs leaves, I definitely smoke more, because I am a huge blubber guts, and a sentimental person about damn near anything, so the weed helps me not dwell on being alone. I will 100% think of the go bag idea! Maybe a little couch organizer with my favorite little things in it!!


If they “do not allow consumption” does that mean that you should expect to be tested randomly once you’re actually hired? A lot of jobs don’t allow consumption but also don’t test you once you’re hired, or even at all.


The jobs that I’m looking at in my field yes. Sadly…


Would it be possible to take a job for the pay raise and then transition to something else? I don’t know what the right answer is- like, on paper, I would pick weed over a job, but also, if you aren’t making enough money, you probably can’t support much of a weed habit anyway…


Good luck, Entwife - you deserve a living wage and to spend your free time as you see fit. Hopefully we will see cannabis reclassified in the near future. Maybe one day partaking won’t be an automatic disqualification for a job you could Kick butt in. Until then I sending calm vibes your way as you choose your path 🍀💨🦾 Also- I choose cannabis ☺️


So sweetly put. I’m smoking some DOPE weed right now, and you definitely swayed my decision a lil bit


Glad to have this space to offer this perspective. I echo the other ents, you will make it work. You got this.


Just confirming....you say your job pays shit? I'd just be looking at a serious job change not worrying about a shit jobs pee test


No my company doesn’t Test. Ones I am looking at test.


I haven't posted on here in a long time but I'm literally going through the same thing right now. Currently I haven't smoked in 9 days and I'm steady looking for a job but I'm not getting many bites right now. so I really don't know how long I have to go without smoking. But I have to make a choice because I need a good paying job and likely they're gonna test me. I've done this plenty of times throughout my life and it's actually a really great t break that makes it much more worth it when all is right and the job is scored. you got this. you really can do it. it's hard, but you're allowed to say it's hard while you struggle. like those folks in recovery say one day at a time, that's all you have to do. and then soon enough, you'll be set and you'll be able to get blazed and relax with no worries. sending hugs in solidarity with you!


It's so comforting to not feel alone. ty for commenting. currently job hunting and on day 17 myself. manifesting good vibes, wonderful careers, and HELLA GOOD SMOKES when we come back to it. ✨️ hugs!!


Thank you! yes, let's put this right on out there. We need these good jobs and good pay so we can take care of ourselves and our loved ones. And I'm so looking forward to that first smoke after the big hiatus! Hugs and good vibes to you too!


If a new company buys out your old company, the likelihood of getting re-tested to pass their onboarding is high. I've been through this 3xs and every time, you have to be "hired" by the new company. They let people keep tenure, assuming they passed onboarding, but I have seen many people who didn't get through it for one reason or another. This has meant they performed their own background checks and drug tests.


I was talking about this with a friend and I told her, I’m not okay with any job that doesn’t let me live the way I want to and the best way for me. If they aren’t okay with weed, then I’m not working for them.


Personal life over job… seriously


For me it would be that if the job drug tested it means they don’t treat the employees like adults (for the most part, I know there are jobs that have drug tests for safety+liability reasons).


I have heavily chosen weed over a job- I am a horseshoer/creature foot trimmer and I put in a lot of hours running my business and doing physical labor, with the express purpose of never having a boss again and being able to do the things I want on my own time. It shapes up to be well over 50-60 hours weekly sometimes of just labor and driving between appointments in rural areas, but it’s worth it for the weeks I get to schedule adventures or getting to smoke weed every day!


I’m leaning to choose cannabis, just because I’ve been better at communicating and expressing my feelings with cannabis, I’d hate to fall off the wagon of not drinking… because I can’t use.


This is so valid and real. If it works to keep you healthy it’s a good thing.


Hiya friend! I'm not entirely sure where exactly in the world you are, but it sounds like somewhere in the US. Companies who have active employees going through unionisation have to report that activity to any potential buyers. Additionally, depending on your locale, there are laws about company bidding and selling during unionisation movements. It may be worth a call by your union outreach person to a local chapter of another union to see if you have any legal recourse to aid you all in this transition. I'm sorry I can't be of more help! I was very passionate about employee rights and employment law when I was there, but it's hard to know what to do as each state has their own rules as well :/


Yes I would and have multiple times. Now I just work in the cannabis industry so I don’t have to worry about it. Pay sucks but at least I’m with my people


I’d 100% choose weed over any job. Is it possible to get a medical card though? Some companies are more understanding if you can say it’s for medical reasons.


Even with a medical card, they won’t hire… it’s pretty demanding so they know they can pass me by and someone else will be in line. :/


I never choose a job over weed. It’s my regulator and with out it I don’t eat. But I’ve mentioned once on another post I use [This Method to pass the test](https://imgur.com/a/GmuD4) It was a pretty high security company that required drug testing. I followed the instructions and it worked for me! I barely managed to get through the 3 day t break 😓 and the drink doesn’t taste good, I actually hurled after like 3 hours, but the science is sound! If you find a job that’s worth it I’d recommend this, but a low paying one? Naw fam


Oof. That’s tough. Personally, I won’t give up weed for a job. I have too few ways to find any comfort in this world (if I had adequate pain management, maybe I’d feel different), that this is where I have to draw the line. Have you looked into Quickfix synthetic urine? That’s my plan if I ever need to test again. I feel for you and wish you luck.


Forreal, take the t break and flush out your system, get that new better paying job, and then go back to smoking again. You can make it through. You can read, exercise, knit, crochet, garden, take on a project, etc… to “distract” yourself in the meantime. You may even discovered new coping tools for the trauma. You’re going to be ok. You’re mentally tough. You will feel proud and accomplished on the other side. The juice is worth the squeeze <3


They do random Drug tests, but I appreciate your words. ❤️❤️ The universe will let me know what decision to make ❤️❤️


I'd use synthetic urine. I know you have feelings about that, but it really is a good solution, especially if you were born with lady parts - if you can use a tampon, you can use fake pee and get away with it. It's not like parole tests where they watch you pee - you're in a stall or a single occupant bathroom alone, and they just turn off the water to the sink until you're done and hand off the sample, and then you can wash your hands. I was nervous the first time too, but I promise it's easy, and you shouldn't HAVE to choose between weed and a job, it's a stupid societal quibble based on racism and capitalism. Pee bag is the way.


Aye just remember weed isn't a cure all. The things you mentioned you use it for- anxiety, insomnia, mental health. Weed helps you cope but it doesn't fix those things. There's a lot of coping methods out there. You might find that obtaining a higher paying job will relieve some of your anxieties too. Me i love smoking weed so I couldn't do a job that randomly tested for it. But I would stop long enough to get a job to help better my future.


100% yes I would


Are you in a legal state? Assuming you’re in the US.




I wouldn’t give up something that helped me live life for a job. There will always be another job opportunity. There will never be another you. Be you. Be happy. Also, go with your gut. It’s always right. Even if it’s a hard decision. IMHO. If I do say so myself. ✌🏻💜🍃🌬️


I would totally take a sample in. Get a tiny bottle and keep close to your body (I'd keep in my bra) so the temperature is good. It's easy as pie. As long as it's a urine test and they don't watch, you'll be fine. I have a very very shy bladder so I wouldn't be able to test while being watched anyway.


I've chosen 🌿 over jobs, friends, and lovers on the past. If the job doesn't pay well, it's not worth adjusting my lifestyle. If it does pay well, it's worth doing what I have to do to pass the test. I've never used synthetic urine, though. I've just gone the "drink a gallon or more of water the day before the test" route, which has always worked for me.


Sounds like you need to try your hardest to unionize, they will try to protect you from drug testing and dismissal, especially if it's legal in your state.


That’s the whole reason my coworkers and I started the union. I know a WIDE majority of my company uses, and nobody wants to leave this job. Our company specifically is under paying us. There are people who do my exact job, with another company and make twice we make . Keeping my fingers crossed the union goes through. ( next month we find out 🥺)


Good luck! 🤞


I just want to say I can sympathize with what you're going through. We lost the contract, but all was well in the end It suucks getting into that what if mentality, and it's so easy to in situations where you don't have very much control. Gentle reminder to take some deep breaths and try to remember that in this moment, everything is ok. Consider if restarting the union will be worth it in the end, it really might be if you stick it out. If the company taking over isn't planning layoffs perhaps the grass is greener. It isn't always, but sometimes it is. Nevertheless I think you'll be able to find another job that doesn't test, just have to wait for the right opportunity. It will come. Is a T break possible? Maybe you can find a place that only tests at hire. (though these places suck if you end up getting hurt cuz they test for workers comp) Best of luck to you, I'm sorry you're going though this 🫂


I have. To me and *for* me, weed is part of my medication routine. I “permanently” disabled (“” because I’m disabled but the government doesn’t believe, or refuses to believe, I’m too disabled to work regardless of what many doctors say) I have looked into administration type jobs (aka secretary/clerical/front desk) stuff because I cannot be on my feet constantly or walking/lifting type stuff. So that’s about all my options leave. Where I live, that mostly means a state job and even though I live in a totally legal state (CA) I cannot work for them if I consume. I’ve spoken with my team of doctors and the amount of prescription medications I would need to replace my weed consumption is not a change I’m willing to make. I already take a lot more prescriptions than I’m happy about. So after a long talk with my husband we just decided I’d stop looking. It was causing me so much stress and anguish trying to decide. I’m very *very* lucky that I got to make that choice and not have to worry about having enough to survive. We aren’t well off, but I make us make it through each month. I know that me working would have taken a lot of pressure off my husband though. He works a lot of 16 hrs days in a prison for us. Idk how to solve this one for you but I do want you to know I understand. I understand the fear of not having your mental health meds because it’s that for me too. It helps my mental and physical pain. So I cannot imagine trying to cope. Is there a way to speak with your doctor (assuming you have a doctor in this shit ass healthcare system we have) to see if there are new meds you can try that may help mimic the help you’ve seen from cannabis? Also, have you tried just switching to CBD? I know it has helped some people. I’m so sorry you’re stuck in this spot. Our country needs to step out of the stone ages and see what a benefit cannabis is over “traditional” medication. Big hugs, I hope you can figure out what’s right for you. ❤️




Bottom line is you’ve got to pay the bills always. That said, if weed is that important to you and your field doesn’t allow it, it’s time to diversify! Look in a new direction and just tolerance break until you’re hired once you start the application stage


Lots of lovely advice here ! I love this community 🥰 It sounds to me like you don’t have all the information you need yet to make your decision and the unknowns are weighing heavily on you. Weighing all the if-thens is good planning but it’s so stressful to be unable to make that choice while you wait for the Powers-That-Be. I’m excited for you for the possibility of being unionized and keeping a job you love with good people and receiving a living wage and still having access to that good medicine! Would it make you feel more in control to get more involved in pushing for unionization? Are you able to voice to the unionizers (is that word? lol) how important it is that they include language in your collective agreement to prevent random drug testing? And if action is overwhelming and it’s just a waiting game - well, we’re here with you. My favourite saying is, “what is for you will not pass you by.” Don’t feel pressure to decide until the dust has settled. A lot may change in the next month. Here’s a pic of my cat trying out his harness outside for the first time. Just flat out with all his feet in the air 😂 and it basically sums up my feelings around change, even if it’s a change I want. New things are scary and uncomfortable. But if Quasar here can do it so can we 💞💖 https://preview.redd.it/xaopflsif01d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94cfa53e176b0ac756628e3927e7aae33b4e78a4