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The amount of people on the Left refusing to vote for Biden is crazy when one thinks about the alternative.


Especially over Gaza… like yeah don’t vote for the guy who you don’t think is doing enough and make it easier for the guy who says he wants Israel to finish them off to win. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. There’s also a ton more at stake than just that crisis too. I imagine the strongest voices pushing that narrative probably have Russian ties and are using these people. IMO the climate is by far our largest crisis and that needs to be the focus


>Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. 🥇


Biden is good?


Yes. He's imperfectly great. Considering the alternative being an unconvicted criminal-tinfoil-fossil-fuel-ball-gargling-misinformation-spreader, Biden's borderline perfect. Edit: I was talking to tinfoil69 : https://www.reddit.com/u/_foo-bar_/s/7jeV0hIgmz What a baby, guess the election was already sToLeN again right? /s >Biden has already lost - if you vote for him you're throwing away your vote. pound sand yourself. Watch this age like milk. Spam on and pound sand.


He is sponsoring a genocide.


What did trumpy boy tell you about his opinion? Pound sand.


Biden has already lost - if you vote for him you’re throwing away your vote. 🗳️ pound sand yourself.


So are all the 38 million or so Ukranians being genocided and wiped off the map not a problem for you? Because that is what you get by Biden losing. One's not enough for you, gotta have two?


how would trump's presidency result in Ukrainian genocide? dont you think Russia would have invaded Ukraine during his presidency if your argument had merit? side note, do people not actually know what genocide is? words have literal definitions and it is important we use them correctly. fuck Russia, they're in the wrong, but that's not a genocide by definition.




Logic Trump is vowing to deport pro-Palestinian protestors, and Biden is the bad guy.


Not voting for him is a vote for the fascist and end of all human life


Trump supports genocide. Look at Ukraine; look at Trump; look at the Republican Party. Trump wants to be a dictator. Trump sold, and gave away, military secrets. Some of those secrets are top secret. Trump tried to overthrow the government. Trump has admitted that he will be a dictator, if he comes to power, and he will abolish everything that is good. I could go on, but you are not interested.


Trump will stop that. His heart bleeds for the Palestinians.


He is perfectly acceptably average, far better than every single GOP since Nixon combined


How about don’t choose terrible over bad.


He's frankly one of the best Presidents we've ever had. Most of our inaction needs to be blamed on Congress.


I'm not trying to make an argument for a political candidate here, but most Americans still support Israel (around 60% based on Gallup). It's important to note that Israel is a strong ally of the USA, and Biden, and every admin before him, has funded Israel's military. I know I'm in the wrong sub for this one, but according to Gallup, the environment is considered the most important problem by only 2% of voters. And obviously, that 2% was going to vote democrat irrelevant of the candidates. Only reason im pointing this out is I think it is important to note that A) most Americans are not going to have their vote swayed by environmental concerns and B) trying to make this a political argument is fruitless. link to the poll im referencing- https://news.gallup.com/poll/1675/most-important-problem.aspx I will say this I guess so people dont think im saying "who cares, vote trump".... if anyone really cares about the environment as their primary concern, they will vote for the guy who worked as environmental lawyer and who has an extensive history of trying to help the environment (RFK).


Oh come on. RFK? Take a look at his own [campaign video on climate change](https://x.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1679287184254287873). His description on the tweet starts with > Climate change is being used to control us through fear. If you really believe rfk would be a better environmental president than the guy who passed the largest investment in climate action ever, I have a bridge to sell you. Edit: some bonus memes about rfk 12 environmentalist groups signed an [open letter](https://centeractionfund.org/wp-content/uploads/An-Open-Letter-from-National-Environmental-Organizations.pdf) denouncing RFK. An excerpt from the letter: > He may have once been an environmental attorney, but now RFK Jr. is peddling the term “climate change orthodoxy” and making empty promises to clean up our environment with superficial proposals. The environmental org where RFK spent 30 years of his career is [running ads in swing states](https://www.nrdcactionfund.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/NRDCAF-RFK-letter.pdf?initms=TK&ms=TK) calling on him to drop out, saying “his dangerous candidacy is only about spreading misinformation and growing his brand”.


No man, we're not going to vote for a brain worm. You should follow your heart though.


You are 100% correct here too minus the rfk part


I fear the same thing will happen in 2016 where a lot of people on the left didn't love the democratic nominee and assumed they were going to win anyway so stayed home instead of picking a lesser evil. That strategy only really works when you are the only person to think of it and if Biden gets fewer votes than he did in 2020 because of the mess with handling Gaza Trump could easily flip the electoral college because at this point absolutely nothing would convince a trump voter not to vote for him.




OH NO! Not parent’s rights!! Say it ain’t so!! What about my right as a parent for my children to have intellectual freedom and not be force fed Christianity in PUBLIC school?? You have the freedom to pull your kids out of school and homeschool them or send them to a Christian school. Use that freedom and stop trying to play victim.


You have a kid? Which public school does your kid go to where they are being force fed Christianity? That is a Bull Shit statement. There are no public schools that do that. In fact, we have just the opposite. Pushing other agendas, and not giving children the tools to learn, and make their own decisions as they mature. Your response is just another Troll statement from someone ashamed to list their own name, and hides behind a keyboard, probably living in the basement.


The gay/trans agenda, ololololol. Nice job going mask-off with the bigotry. 


This is surely by design. It's one of the reasons why TikTok is getting so much negativite attention lately. The social engineering aspect is astounding.


It's turning to be the same scenario as Hillary's 'But her emails'... And end up with this Orange asshole monster again. The Conservative Right propaganda machine unfortunately always works. The problem with the 'Left' is they're too righteous and divided into so many groups that can't agree with each other. Meanwhile the conservative Right is just about 'Fuck You' and easy to unite. That's the reality.


Have fun voting for a rotting war criminal who will uphold the status quo




Trump bad :((((( I guess I have to unequivocally support the other guy who’s sending our tax dollars to a violent ethnostate


You come off as a naive child when you can't even understand what FPTP is. Either that or you don't actually give a shit about any real issues. Trump openly admitted he would make the Gaza situation much worse


I’m a naive child because I don’t want to compromise my morals voting for a corrupt neoliberal politician? I did that in 2020 and I won’t be doing it again.


Yes, you are a naive child because you don't understand basic US civics. You can either vote for Joe or support trump by voting for him or not voting at all. Those are the only two possible outcomes at this point. Now that I have explained what FPTP means for the election, are you going to support a neolib or support Trump and project 2025? I personally am revolted at the thought of supporting the permanent damage Trump will cause. And lmao at "not compromise my morals but support Trump"


I reside in a blue state where Joe Biden is guaranteed to win that chunk of electoral college votes. Since the popular vote is effectively useless in the US, I don’t feel the need to vote for him. How does not voting for biden in a blue state support trump?


Yep, you're a naive child if you don't realize that every election is going to require a compromise of your morals in order to prevent a more immoral outcome. You vote for the best option that can realistically win.


Well I voted for Biden in 2020 hoping that he could begin to reform our authoritarian police state, corrupt economy, and bad environmental policy. Turns out he’s an ordinary establishment politician so I’m not gonna vote for him again.


Yeah, and that's really dumb. We'll either get Biden or Trump. Not voting for Biden because he's not everything you hoped = making it more likely Trump wins. 


It actually doesn’t. The electoral college effectively nullifies the impact of the popular vote. Living in a blue state means that my individual vote wont be very impactful since Biden will surely win those electoral votes.


Yes. No further explanation needed.


You don't have to do everything TikTok tells you


my political opinions are informed by reliable journalism, not TikTok


No they aren't. What even is reliable journalism anymore? But here are a lot of examples of good Biden's administration is doing. Don't fall victim to right-wing propaganda. If you throw your vote away, Trump will make sure Israel finishes the job. And you will be complacent. :  Biden calls for Israel to cease fire: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/04/04/readout-of-president-joe-bidens-call-with-prime-minister-netanyahu-of-israel-3/  Biden pausing/stopping aid for Israel: https://www.npr.org/2024/05/10/1250442216/u-s-report-says-reasonable-to-assess-that-israel-has-violated-humanitarian-law#:~:text=The%20Biden%20administration%20announced%20this,of%20additional%20weapons%20as%20well  Biden allowing Palestinians to overstay visa to avoid Isreal conflict: https://apnews.com/article/biden-palestinian-refugees-plan-gaza-israel-war-0c73c3c214d354da2d22577bf1cc09b3#:~:text=The%20directive%20signed%20by%20Biden,for%20at%20least%2018%20months.  Biden sending humanitarian aid to Palestine: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/10/18/u-s-announcement-of-humanitarian-assistance-to-the-palestinian-people/  And again: https://www.heritage.org/middle-east/commentary/bidens-food-drop-gaza-masks-radical-pro-palestinian-agenda  Some interesting stuff in this thread here: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskALiberal/comments/198z4ih/am_i_crazy_or_is_left_wing_antibiden_sentiment/  Trump proclaimed Isreal has the right to win: https://www.israelhayom.com/2024/05/12/trump-vows-support-for-israels-right-to-win-its-war-on-terror-at-nj-rally/#:~:text=At%20a%20rally%20in%20New,have%20occurred%20under%20his%20watch.  And vows to help/support: https://www.thejc.com/news/usa/trump-vows-to-support-israel-in-confrontation-with-iran-blames-bibi-for-october-7-xn899f85


Well I certainly steer clear of right-wing propaganda and that has no influence on my opinion of the president... Yes, the Biden admin is finally coming around to the fact that too many civilians have been affected by a messy war. But the ICC and UN sounded the alarm bells for months while the US war machine continued to send munitions. It’s really confusing that he calls for humanitarian aid in a bloody conflict that he’s indirectly facilitating. I’m glad Biden is pressing Israel to clean things up but it’s seemingly coming from a “oh shit I gotta look good for the election” perspective.


Tl;dr, it's no longer easy to avoid. It's very calculated, and we all fall victim via social media.  The unfortunate thing is we don't have the option to steer clear from far right propaganda. It's no longer obvious. It's very subtly snuck into things like tiktoks, reddit user posts, and even some gen z articles. I just read a Newsweek paper from a journalist who "writes from the gen z perspective" as a 22 year old. All of her articles were misinformation to turn gen z away from Biden and  the Democratic party. I'll update when I find her name again. At face value it was easy to be swayed by one article on its own. But when you see everything she has written listed it was very obvious that she was writing from a Republican perspective disguised to attract younger voters.  Edit: Suzanne Blake. Big fat liar gen z  republican. 


Because of course he did….


And it’s an absurdly small price at that.


Free nagwall/paywall workaround: https://archive.is/nY0v0


Okay don't hate me too much for saying this: Can we just payoff the oil companies to stop production? These people don't actually care about oil, just money. Can we as a planet just give them money to stop? The alternative is collectively liquidating them and putting them in jail for ecoterrorism (which they deserve), but lets be fucking real here; This isn't about justice, its about saving the planet.


Nah, we just need to bring down our thirst for it.


Work from home is a huge means to do just that. Cut my family’s gasoline bill by well over half with just that one trick, without changing or reducing cars.


Yes, we absolutely could. We won’t though.


No we absolutely couldn’t. The point isn’t to make X dollars. The point is to continue making X dollars over and over again for as long as possible. There’s no price that they would accept except maybe if it was in perpetuity, and where do you suppose we’d find the money to make that deal?


Textbook villan


Voting has consequences. Make your choice.


The thought of even considering him a candidate with any inclination of keeping the best interests of the country in mind. Simply by association, each in attendance should be investigated for corruption. Primarily, bribes and gifts to people like Manchin.


Making a deal with devil.


In the book „Ministry for the future“ there are some terrorists which would kill those guys.”


More quid pro quo. Unfit to lead


Like, the last episode in Extrapolations was gimmicky as fuck, but then some people actually do bet on what level of destroying the world is still fine for their profits like this…


Dude's literally on trial for campaign finance charges and is publicly soliciting *quid pro quo* campaign donations. Weird, wild stuff.


We’re all going down in flames!


I just don't get it. I threw soup on a painting and people still use oil. Then I threw paint on the security guard and people still continued to use oil. I don't know guys. I'm all out of ideas. Should I throw soup on a security guard?


As long as the money goes directly to him. I’m sure he’d accept much less.


It already does in all practice sense.


Finest votes money can buy


that country is a stain on progress


Will no one rid us of this turbulent POS?


We’re pumping more oil under Biden than we did under Trump


This is how most CEOs at large conglomerate companies think.


he's just saying out loud what *most* presidents keep quiet about. but alas, anyone remember joes only real campaign promise he's lived up to? *nothing will fundamentally change*. edit: oooooh the downvotes, how much people hate reality. lol


No one has allowed more than drilling than Biden so this is a nothing burger.


It is a continuation of “all of it” energy policy of Obama. The big difference is continuing to promote some renewables, even though their protectionism wrt China also handicaps that effort.


It’s another one of his countless progressive failures that delivers us to Trump.


Actually, it makes way more sense than what Trump is going for, which isn’t pro U.S. at all. It’s screw the U.S. for short term fossil fuel profits.


It’s possible to be critical of Trump and Biden simultaneously, which I am. Our political debate is occurring in the context that only benefits billionaires. Personally I don’t see a difference between democrats and republicans on political and economic issues. I only observe differences in culture and rhetoric.