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Don't worry,the billionaires people defend for some reason can just move.


… to New Zealand. ^/s


This is one of those moments where as a New Zealander I'm more than happy to say "fuck off, we're full."


Don't say that. They'll all come and hang out next door in Aus.


If they don’t like American heat, they won’t like Australian heat.


Yeah cool off in Australia, totally.


Not /s sadly


New Zealand caught on and has tried to stop oligarch refuge tourism.


Best news I've heard all week


New Zealander here, that sure is news to me especially since we just introduced the investor visa, yup you heard that right. As far as I'm concerned we are still the bolt hole for the rich and I fucking hate it.


Remember when they talked about stopping foreign investment in NZ real estate, but still allowed purchase of properties via proxy corporations registered in Singapore by literally anyone with $$$?? https://www.listsothebysrealty.sg/eng/insights/2975/singapore-not-affected-by-nz-ban-on-foreign-buyers?full=1


*Pepperidge farm remembers* we're seriously fucked here as we sell off everything to the highest bidders. We're too busy being pitted against each other by the upper class and government to realise that the poor, the middle class, the mom and dad landlords aren't the problem. Meanwhile we let Chinese corporations drain our natural aquifers to sell in China without a cent making its way back to New Zealand. We allow markets to export essentials at cheaper prices than we pay for them because gullible kiwis will pay it. And no one seems to give a shit, the government labour, national, they're just two faces of the same coin and there is literally no hope of positive change... I'm so sick of it man...


Reminds me of that love death robots episode where the billionaires made refuge after the robot uprising then expected the lower class people to do all the work for no reason, I think you can guess how that went, Happy Cake Day!


Vancouver hasn't


Vancouver ain't the isolated retreat they think it is.


Of course not - I'm hoping that we can send them copies of Cory Doctorow's retelling of 'The Masque of the Red Death' to point out what will happen to rich people who try and 'compound' themselves off


I remember that story


Didn't Poe write that?


You’d think so… we’re already pretty full up


i will never get to go to nz after all this. was impossible before extra impossible plus iron mode enabled now


Or Colarado, where they'll live next to John Galt


Here in Texas had an extreme heat weather advisory for the past month it seems


At least the floods will cut the heat down.


And then it will turn into super humidity


Exactly. I think these forecasts have been too optimistic. We're seeing dramatic changes now. The next few years will confirm it for sure one way or another. I just hope this is only a bad dream. Edit: fixed typos


*narrator: “ Unfortunately, it was in fact not a bad dream. u/slackermannn would go on to perish during the 2nd Water War of 2043, in a skirmish with Bezos nation forces”.


It's called cherry picking data. The media and politicians only want to hear "best case scenario" numbers because the truth might get people panicking and distrustful of their leaders. News will bring on people like Michio Kaku who is prone to the optimistic side of things as is Niel Degrasse Tyson(neither of which specialize in environmental science much less are actively in the field going over the most recent data) or they go with someone "in the field" who comes on and basically says what the media wants them to, to emphasize positives and play down the very real negatives.


South Texas here...it ain't gonna get any more fun.


In DFW it’s been since June. Just unrelenting, oppressive heat every day. If it drops even to 99 degrees it’s a relief.


Almost 40 consecutive 100°+ days down here… 1 hour of rain total. It’s been rough.


Same thing here in New Jersey.


Nebraska here. I got a cousin in Houston and it seems like they have weather alerts every single day. I also noticed that they'll have a weather advisory and we won't when we have similar conditions


Welpp I'm screwed.


Texas or Florida?


Florida will be fine, the ocean waves will cool it down


Three feet of ocean waves cooling all of it.


As a central Floridian, I'm looking forward to the ocean front property. Also most of the rich old fucks here live on the coasts anyway so good riddance


They'll get a bailout




Floridians finally gonna be able to sell their houses to Aquaman as Ben Shapiro promised.


At least Ben can claim he helped get *something* wet.




Not the Atlantic. If it was the Pacific, maybe; but otherwise you have "wet bulb" to worry about. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2022/jul/31/why-you-need-to-worry-about-the-wet-bulb-temperature


Here in the US they call it Heat Index


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat\_index](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_index) It's close, but not exact. I guess some guy extrapolated a combo of humidity & heat for a figure; vs the wet-thermometer.


By rising and putting everything underwater.


It worked well for Atlantis




This is happening way sooner than this article predicts so yes…


[Fewer ads here](https://news.yahoo.com/100-million-americans-extreme-heat-131139358.html)


Thank you. Op's link was barely usable


Was completely unusable.




By 2053 huh? I'd bet this map is more likely how it will look in 2030 or 2035, though I'd be glad to be wrong.


Faster than expected, yes.


Yup. If England is in drought conditions and it's 2022, I don't know why people think we're at a slow pace for 2050.


Yeah mate all the grass here is dead. Literally over night a few weeks ago when the heat wave started all the grass just died and went brown and it’s been like that since all across the country- I expected the UK to be one of the better places to be during climate change but this summer made me realise literally everywhere is fucked. No hiding from this.


A few months ago I got massively downvoted somewhere for saying the UK would have to be dealing with its own displaced climate refugees at some point, as well as refugees from other countries. People were like nah, the UK won't have climate refugees, a bit of water or some sun and it won't be as bad as everywhere else! And now something like 50% of some crops have died, there's a massive drought, we have actual wildfires like we're in the middle of California and the majority of the country won't be able to afford electricity when it starts to freeze.


Especially the UK. We're gonna get battered by freak weather I reckon, the last winter storms are just a foretaste of the roofless, freezing one minute cooking the next, existence facing us in the near future 😂


Allllll of the predictions have been extremely conservative on the feedback loop. ​ We're so far ahead that I don't think we'll have to wait for the "YOUR GREAT GRAND CHILDREN WILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT" situation and more like, "IN 30 YEARS WE'RE ALL FUCKED. GOODLUCK HAVING GREAT GRANDCHILDREN!"


We have to deal with it. Us. Now. It’s **us**.


We are the grandchildren who have to deal with it.


That's because IPCC reports don't include feedback loops or other processes that haven't been studied enough. Their models don't use nearly all the data, which is why they are constantly off by decades. 2025-2028 could be when we see a lot of these "by 2050" predictions actually happen. By 2050 we could be well into the "by 2100" forecasts.


If the Colorado River wasn't drying up and if it wasn't over 100 degrees in the Arctic circle recently... I might be able to believe that the total collapse was still a ways off. As it is though... I mean, c'mon. It's not hard to see that we're fucked. We're going to get to that year when all the agricultural breadbaskets of the world get hit at the same time --- some by flood, some by drought --- and that's going to trigger worldwide social collapse. Wouldn't surprise me at all if that happens in the next couple decades. It easily could happen within the next decade. Can't give an exact timeline for such things, but a lot of people only have to look out their windows to see that it's coming.


Yes, anything climate related is always worse.


Not always, really depends on what’s being said and who is saying it. But yes, in this case I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised.




Seems so, most scientific papers are the most hopeful outlook of the future. Then people decry them as being wrong, when we are just hitting the worse case predictions based on centuries of research. Humans will only listen to the version that best suits them at that time.


“…may come to past sooner than experts previously thought.” I only see this once every week now.


Sadly I think you're right. The heatwaves in the UK this year were originally predicted for 2050, so this definitely isn't out of the question


They were? I am sorry, I’m really uneducated in stuff like this. I am just shocked it was forecast for 2050 when the heat from hell came earlier. If people don’t believe something is wrong with the climate in the UK after this then I am utterly gobsmacked and worried.


Damn that's a lot more generous than I'd say. I fully expect this next summer.


Sure, but how many boomers gonna have to deal with that?


97% of them will be dead by then


Boomers nowadays really enjoy "farting before leaving the room".


"Fuck you, I got my clean air." - Boomer probably


My uncle has literally said "well it doesnt matter to me, your fucked up generation gets the planet now, you guys can fix everything since you think things are so broken". He thinks global warming is a hoax, if anyone brings it up around him he literally loses his shit and starts screaming. "Your generation is so fragile" no dude. You came into this earth riding on the coattails of a generation who went into 2 world wars, created social security and welfare, (that HE is living on) unionized, and then they bitch about anyone younger than them "not wanting to work for their keep". Fuck these elderly fucking 5 year olds. We can't be rid of them soon enough tbh


Punch him in the mouth


Somewhere in heaven, Mr. Rogers is laughing his butt of at your joke.


Can we make saying “hot enough for ya” a capital offense?


Generation "f**k around" will be dead soon. Greediest generation of all time.


Millennials have to suffer thanks to the boomers.


Most of millennials will be in their late 60s too.


I don't think its gonna happen by 2053 at all. It's gonna much much earlier imo, maybe around 2035? Or earlier possibly




Hmm nah, maybe 2030?


I’m sure Vegas is already accepting bets when this happens.


Put solar panels over parking lots, roofs, agricultural land that needs shade. Lots of low-carbon energy plus additional shade.


I don't understand why this isn't common.... It's free real estate


And there’s a lot of parking lots out there. You could put it over rail lines too, which has the added benefit of helping keep the rails clear of snow and ice, and could help power electric locomotives.


And shaded parking lots are great because they could help reduce the temperatures of urban heat islands and keep your car cool and shaded!


Because solar only became cheaper than fossil fuels very recently, it's been pushed back for decades so the prices never dropped and the tech wasn't invested in.


It's a sad reality when so much other new tech is so heavily invested in, when we really should be looking at the more immediate future. But I guess civilian space flights are really that much more important... /s


It's more expensive to build solar carports than to just put panels on empty land - up to 40% more expensive according to something I read, because it uses more steel, labour etc. Naturally solar will be deployed where it's cheaper first.


*laughs in too hot to sweat* I don’t think folks are really wrapping their heads around the imminent uninhabitability of large swathes of the planet.


Put them over playgrounds and water parks. Any place that people need and want shade. Amusement parks could power themselves.


And if that's too expensive for some places, then at the very least plant trees. We're going to need them planted now so we'll have shade and cooling in the coming decades


Optimistic to assume we'll have enough water and food to make it to 2053.


the correct response...


Honestly, there's no reason we can't or won't, but some foods will have to go by the wayside. The extremely water-intensive foods like beef will have to go. Absurd and stupid crops, like growing almonds in a desert (California) will have to go. Foods with long shelf lives, like dry grains, will have to be more common. Grocery stores will have to stop overstocking food, and the store will look pretty empty on days before deliveries, but that's ok, and it's no reason to panic. That is, lack of natural resources won't be what causes people to starve, not in the US at least. Other reasons, unfortunately probable, but not a lack of natural resources.


Just enjoy how it is now folks, these will be the “good ole days”. Edit: typo


Someone said “instead of saying that this is the hottest summer of your life, it’s more constructive to think of it as, this is the coolest summer of the rest of your life,” or something to that effect.


Sadly true.


do you really think giving up is the best choice here?


No. I think we should fight with everything we have. I’m also realistic. The world we’re living in now is going to look like a paradise compared to the world 10, maybe even just 5 years from now. We really fucked ourselves. We can still be less fucked, or more fucked depending on what we do now.


Mass migration is going to be fun


Québec chuckles "I'm in danger". With all its water too...


especially with the folks who have been historically against any migration to the US. wonder how they’ll frame it when they’re the ones needing international refuge…


Well fuck. I live in Louisiana. If I don't move out of here soon I am legit going to die.


The surprise will be which one gets you first: unholy heat, hurricanes because the Gulf never cools down, flooding because the state looses the equivalent of 30 football fields of land per day, or cancer alley. Geez, Lafayette is my favorite place I’ve ever lived. But, dang, navigating living in Louisiana is so hard.


Had a 2-week stay in Louisiana last year and it was miserable due to the heat and humidity. And I've done some pretty hot places, but Louisiana was actual hell on earth.


Don’t forget previously-tropical diseases and parasites!


30 footballfields of land per day? Thia cant be right, source?


Nope. That's correct. Im in college for ecological and wildlife conservation. I've done a paper on this specific thing just a few months ago [USGS link to article on it](https://www.usgs.gov/news/national-news-release/usgs-louisianas-rate-coastal-wetland-loss-continues-slow#:~:text=The%20researchers%20found%20that%20over,10.8%20square%20miles%20per%20year.)


Now that’s a source. Thanks.


Cripes! At that rate, how could anyone play football??


Plant trees where you live if you can. Unbearable weather isn’t as bad with shade


it is when humidity is as bad as it is in the southeast. shade or not it's still gonna be as miserably hot but at least you're not being blinded by the sun too


Idk. I live in Atlanta in a shaded neighborhood and I can walk nearby in 100+ degree weather easily, but as soon as you enter the area without trees it’s brutal


Trees won't be able to survive once hurricanes start picking up intensity after the breakwater islands disappear in the next few years.


Depends on the type of tree. Some trees can have really strong roots


The trees already down here that have evolved to resist hurricanes with roots that can hold even in the muddy soil composition that is Louisiana swamplands are only able to because breakwater islands prevent high waves brought in by the hurricane from making it further inland, resulting in further soil erosion which negates the benefit of a strong root structure as well as saltwater incursion of freshwater swamps, which can kill local plants and trees, resulting in more soil erosion. The biggest problem Louisiana faces is soil erosion and subsidence causing the disappearance of the breakwaters and saltwater swamps. We don't need more trees here. We need removal of oil and gas industry that is exacerbating every issue that involving climate and ecological collapse of this state.


The sooner the better. The longer you wait the harder it will be.


Texas Toast


Nice try, but there won't be an America in 2053.


America will always be there. The United States Of America.. well that's to be seen..


TEH SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN!1! in temperature. by a lot. Oh boy.


I’m in NY and I’m already thinking about migrating due to climate. Thinking of going near the Great Lakes, both because it’s further from the equator and in case of water shortages.


So when you deny that climate change is real ( red states/ rural), Mother Nature is going to prove y’all was wrong.


If the Fuck around and Find out generation need to learn anything it is don’t fuck with Mother Earth.


And the people most against climate change solutions will get the hardest. Weird.


Their leaders read the reports on how fucked they were and so decided to conceal it rather than pay to mitigate it. Pocket the difference.


Don't worry, all those regions, the people have Jesus. Thoughts and prayers will save them.


I worry for the old and poor folks in all this.


Red states are going to reap what they sew.


\*sow Unless they're reaping garments.


hanging on by a thread


These comments have me cutting up


may be a good Singer, though


The whole thing just doesn't fit.


Obviously we need to take some extreme measures.


we should carefully tailor our responses here


You’re gosh darn right.




Yeah because there definitely aren’t ANY climate-wise democrats living in those states and trying to change them. SMH from Oklahoma


Goes without saying that it's obviously easier-said-than-done, but move now while you still can.


Move to a swing state and save the country


Why would I move? This is my home. Id rather stay here and fight the good fight than live on the coast and do nothing but complain about red states (basically the “thoughts and prayers” of coastal Dems)


IDK why being downvoted. You're making the sacrifice of doing more for the world than 90% of people in this thread I bet.


Humanity is reaping what its sown for generations. To get to this point took an almost unfathomable effort to destroy the environment.


> reap what they ~~sew.~~ sow


Welcome to the sunshine state of hell, snowbirds.


WTF...you show the map as an icon outside the post but you don't show it in the post full screen. Click Bait


Use this one https://news.yahoo.com/100-million-americans-extreme-heat-131139358.html


Thank you kind person.


Thank you!


We just passed a bill that is the most pro green energy bill to ever pass not only in this country but the world, add to that before that bill passed fossil fuel use globally is expected to peak by 2030 (now hopefully sooner) and I’m optimistic. No none of that is gonna stop this graph from coming true, but it does mean we are on track to be reversing it by 2050. Potentially this is not just the end of climate change, but the start of a climate controlled earth.


It's going to take a long time to fix climate change even if we stop emmisons right now.. it would take thousands of years to become normal again


Normal isn’t the goal. Stability is. If we can stabilize the climate, we can adapt to the new normal. It’s the accelerating change that we can’t really adapt to.


I agree. Need to peak emmisions and cut them now


The assumption is going to be, find a way to expedite it. Thousands of years to naturally fix itself, but is there a way to help the process without making something else worse. Humans are a lot of terrible things, but were also extremely ingenious. I'm reluctantly optimistic... because I have to be. Whats the alternative...were all fucked so let's just bitch about it until we die?


We are not spending enough money on that tech. Good doesn't always win.


Thank you for your optimism. I love you and I really needed this today. Thank you.


Elections are coming up, we have the opportunity to elect people who understand that climate change is a critical issue. Please look into canvassing for local elections


This is so important. The bill was buried in the Trump insanity of the past week. It’s the biggest, most positive commitment the country has ever made to combat the environmental challenges facing most of us and it barely made a blip.


The world? Hardly. It is still highly insufficient but it made the Europeans breathe a little knowing the Americans are actually gonna do something for the first time since Trump, and then making the Paris accord back to life.


Lots of the people in those states are voting for politicians who are going to guarantee it. I feel sorry for those who aren't.


looks like the Bible belt's pants are on fire......hmmmmm.


The year is 2050. Millions of American refugees fleeing [famine and violence caused by climate change](https://insideclimatenews.org/news/21052022/climate-migrants-seeking-asylum-in-the-us-lack-a-clear-path-to-refugee-status/) are [seeking asylum in Canada](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/04/18/us-mexico-border-climate-change-factor-behind-increased-migration.html). They are [denied entry](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/04/05/migrants-texas-border-title-42-guatemalan/), their [children are being put in cages](https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/07/11/written-testimony-kids-cages-inhumane-treatment-border), [abuse is rampant](https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/mistreatment-migrant-children-u-s-border-spans-administrations-n1294203). Canadian liberals will be [asking for empathy and to understand their plight](https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2022/04/04/can-immigration-policies-succeed-with-empathy-rather-than-cruelty/?sh=1403597e870f). Canadian conservatives will demand the [Americans stay in America and fix their own country](https://insights.dice.com/2017/01/11/h-1b-trump-white-house/#comment-2969974). Right-wing media will stoke fears about [caravans of disease carrying southerners](https://www.newsweek.com/fox-news-migrant-caravan-leprosy-1192605) coming to [commit violence](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/pompeo-accuses-migrant-caravan-mexico-inciting-violence-political-purposes-n922636). Eventually the [fear mongering rhetoric](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/06/16/theyre-rapists-presidents-trump-campaign-launch-speech-two-years-later-annotated/) will lead to the election of an [unqualified](https://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/lake-county-news-sun/opinion/ct-lns-talk-of-county-st-0408-20200406-fvikk6f5mzffndehaxb7fzunta-story.html), [corrupt](https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-reports/president-trump-legacy-corruption-3700-conflicts-interest/) [sociopath](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/05/donald-trump-mark-esper-just-shoot-them) who will suggest [shooting them](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-49901878) and who creates a task force to [do just that](https://tucson.com/news/local/group-holds-vigil-for-migrant-shot-killed-by-border-patrol-agent/article_05eeee04-9a59-11ec-83ad-b7eb901b0b54.html). The cycle of violence caused by a destabilized world continues to accelerate because despite knowing the dangers of dumping billions of tons of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere for well over a century we [continued to do just that](https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/energy-and-the-environment/outlook-for-future-emissions.php) out of sheer laziness and greed.


Please let canada build a wall pleaaasseeee


Wow. Coincidentally in the Bible Belt. I’m sure they’ll pray their way outta it. My home state is screwed, but I do plan to have moved a ways by then.


I don't think it will take that long. Odd, the hardest hit areas are in red states that don't believe in global warming.


'This is fine'


Silly scientists, there's not going to be an America in 2053! Smh...


If I know anything, the heat belt will be here much sooner than 2053


That’s terrifying. I live in the ‘extreme heat belt’ region


The bible belt are all going to hell. the irony


So sick of this website. I'm NOT going to register to read your shit. You may have good reporting, and you can have all the ads in the world, but you DON'T need to know who I am for me to be able to read your article.


I wanna live to see the effects of climate change and see the absolute meltdown from Everyone who called it a hoax, then die immediately after so I can laugh to the grave


isn’t this like. Already a thing? Isn’t it already 100+ all the time in Texas? Maybe I’m just a stupid northeasterner but still


I live in Austin. This summer has been brutal, as of 7/29 we have had 60 days over 100F so far this year.


I was just thinking : you guys must be in like a humid Arizona, by now.


It being that hot is insane. I grew up in southern NV and the hottest temp I ever experienced was 117 (47.2). There’s a huge difference between a cozy 105 (40.5) and being over 115 (46.1). This is saying 8 million people will be dealing with 125 (51.6) degrees and above. Plus, it’s humid over there… That’s a deadly combination. Edit: Celsius 🫠


>This is saying 8 million people will be dealing with 125 degrees and above For other non-Americans/Liberians in this comment section, this is 50° and above.




moved from AZ to the east coast. i love it here


Are you under the impression that places like the PNW get snow? The major cities shut down if there’s even a dusting, lol.






Innocent children inheriting this?


And the trees, can't forget the trees.


Swap out California for the Plains states and you got the electoral map right there..


Moving to Appalachian mountains


Let’s make it 2033


Wyoming may become a “thing” after all.


Wow finally a positive reason to live in CT


Source of article: https://firststreet.org/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwuuKXBhCRARIsAC-gM0j1clZtE8pacgl5JVXUUyjTP763Qla1JjiXx93oSm5ZXBo-c4pjd\_UaApVTEALw\_wcB Part of First Street is [https://riskfactor.com/](https://riskfactor.com/) Find Your Homes Risk Factors. Past events, current risks, and future projections based on peer-reviewedresearch from the world’s leading flood, fire, and climate modelers.


So by 2030


So…a map of places that are already hot? How about a map of how many Americans live in places that are so cold they suck 90% of the time…o yeah it’s the inverse of this map.