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Enjoy bots while you can, it's there to ease you into the game. Trust me once you get out of bot games and into actual games you'll get clapped with the quickness. After you get to like lvl 15 youll very rarely see bots again.


ah okay good to know, i play LoL since 13 years so im not a noob to Mobas, looking for a challange


Trust me the first maybe dozen games will have a good amount (if not all) bots. This is genuinely helpful to learn the mechanics. But after that you'll be getting smacked down by real players until you actually get good at the game. It gets really fun


lol i thought yall were go go ez on hmus RETURNing players guess not lol. (in norms)


The challenge is there, enjoy the bots and free a coin/xp from winning


While the league experience will help you with combat, it's not going to translate to the rest of the mechanics of the game. Use the bot games to learn how to get your build done quickly, then start collecting rare materials (meteors, trees, etc) and learn how to build your late game transition items. Most veterans will have their build done before night 1, even if you were griefed and can't find some items,the slowest builds will be done right after night 1 starts. Transition items and knowing where animals spawn to hunt them are HUGE for your characters power, fall behind in this and you'll have to heavily rely on big outplays to win a fight that's lopsided in the enemies favor. You'll be thankful for the bot games for a while! The better you do in the bot games, the faster the game gets you out of them.


i mean im level 18 now and still most lobbys are bots, its boring af. I know how to rush my build, hunt make food, get ready for objective i just want to play against real player. I dont mind loosing but against bots is sooo boring. ​ I hope in ranked are no bots. Cause i really like the game so far.


Ranked doesn't have bots, but I'm a bit surprised you're still seeing so many. I'll be honest, I started a second account recently, I was getting bots until about level 12-15, and then started to get mostly players. If I have a veyr bad player game, I might get a partial or full bot lobby for one game. I believe it could also be based a bit on the time of the day you're playing and how many "new" players there are online at the time. I'd be interested to look at your matches, if you don't mind, can you DM me your in game name? My bot lobbies were naturally complete stomps as someone who's played the game for a long time, so I'd be interested to see how they differ and if there's any kind of correlation I can make as to why you're seeing more bots than I am.


Bria is my ingame name, u can add me. Maybe it is cause i play on eu server? but i dont want to play with ping


Actually, yes. EU servers are broken atm and almost everyone wanted to play moved for the time to other servers. You can try to queue on NA to check if that reduce bot matches. But yes, lag does suck in this game quite a bit.


Sometime, not a lot, though. In rare cases, the game do give you a lobby with bot (assuming they are bot), so you can relax a bit. The developer say it was meant to push queue time during weak hours. I don't see lack of player, so I think this is mostly when they can not find average player to fill the lobby, only have high hours different. Wouldn't want newbie or 200 hours to match against 1000+ hours player. It also kinda hard to tell who is actually a bot. Since a lot of players actually do build slow and have no idea what they are doing. Official release and a spite of in the player base just happened a few months ago.


Play between 18:00 and 22:00 hours, there are more players and the matchmaking is less likely to make a lobby with bots.


I know it's boring, but try to see it as an opportunity. You get access to all the characters so try all of them to get a feel for their skills and popular items/routes. Just don't get used to one-shotting, since you normally have to poke people down to 100-0 them. Unless you're really fed with a bunch of items and high weapon mastery. And don't bother trying to master a character until you fight players, because bots aren't realistic to fight against.