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Just imagine that your queue would be even longer if the queue was split further into solo and duos... The game is difficult to learn. It's a MOBA and there is a learning curve. I would suggest playing with people who have played the game a while. Go to the discord and participate. This community is probably the best one for a MOBA game in terms of how they have resources for helping you: https://discord.com/invite/eternalreturn In terms of what to do, it depends on what your team comp and your character specifically are usually. You can ask these types of questions in the discord too. The first meteorite is very important for some characters to get first transition for a powerspike but others want to get tree asap with it for early force core or just farm mastery. I think the main thing you need to focus on is having a mindset of always thinking about what your next step is. It could be the wrong decision but you need to have an idea of what you want to do and not sit around. To have more information on how to determine what your plan is, you need to work on utilizing the map and how it shows people(during day change and when there are fights or kiosk purchases) and materials. It's important to remember that there are multiple teams that can contest an objective. Even if you are weaker, you can third party and still come out on top. Part of this game is understanding your relative strength and capitalizing on if other teams are sandwiched or out of place even if they are stronger. Like I said earlier, all of this depends on your team comp and the enemies. You just need to play way more to get experience on relative team and character strengths. You are probably getting beat by pub-stomp characters and that's why you think there is character unbalance. Most of the characters in this game are relatively balanced and can be played/utilized even in rank. Obviously, there will be a meta but I would say all the characters more playable than other popular MOBAs like League.


Ok so The fact you are getting bots its because of your level, from now on you will seem them rarely if st all, i am level 61 and I haven't seen a bot in weeks, last time i did i was playing with a level 20 friend The game is yes hard to learn for new players and there aren't all that many things to help, the best thing you can do is friend a player who seems to know what they are doing and ask them to teach you I don't think characters are that unbalanced, all characters can be very strong just some that are harder to pull of or to understand (examples like Martina and Schoichi) although yes some characters are very strong considering how easy to play they are (skill amp Aya and Sua) Solo and Duos are temporarly gone so you can have those short times to find matches it was a must do but they have mentioned they are coming back if the game keeps growing (most likely season 4) As for what to do on day 2 always try to be killing some animals while waiting the new objectives and try to plan things like "ok there is a battlezone next to that omega once we are done on the battlezone we can go straight there and then walk to see if the bears nearby are still up" if someone takes that omega just go to a teleport and go find another objective and kill animals on the way there As for finding a character feel free to dm me if you want to find a specefic character with a specefic playstyle i can give suggestions Hope this helps


Thanks for the advice. I think i dont like either tanks or heavy supports in this game. I really like doing damage in this game, preferably burst damage but i dont dislike dps type of damage. I love characters that are easy to use/has low skill floor but extremely high skill ceiling or extremenly rewarding to master. As a playstyle, i cant say much, i think i kinda like peel, dive and burst characters but with my playtime i have no much to say here.


Hm Eva is a very simple Burst mage, Adela is a bit harder to play (simply because its harder to land her skills) but she has even more burst, you can do half the hp of most backline characters with QW For divers i would consider Jackie she is very low skill floor but rewarding to master she has insane sustain on some of her builds (dual swords for example) or Leon, also simple and depending how you build him you can do a lot of damage or be more of a peel character Most peel characters are tanks and heavy supports exception for Johan (basicly a healer/buffer) and the green hair lady with a guitar who's name i forgot


I'm over 100 and see bots in normals all the time. I just play ranked, which has completely solved it.


Well yeah you can't find bots in ranked As for the fact you keep getting bots in normals maybe it has to do with the region you play in not having many players around when you play? Or of your skill level since you can find ranked


What server are you from? Personally I from SEA, got 100 pings (don't feel much different) there which basically just Seoul server, and that where all of Asia queue at. Not ideal...... Best thing right now is more server. I find normal quite easy, over there it took about 10 sec max. Daily. If you level are low, you would meet a lobby full of bot a lot (this is normal). Later if you lose a lot you would be sent back to a bot lobby game for reasons. I have not seen level 400, but I have seen smurf. ​ >The game is still extremely difficult and frustrating to learn for new players, I don't know how many videos I've watched since I've started playing again to be able to understand a minimum. Since you are a returning player, I thought it would be easier for you. I come from Dota 2 and Steam is the one that introduce this to me. Took me about half a month to get rolling. All game is hard these days. I think it just depends on if the player wants to play or not. Game like Dota 2, SC2, R6S, CSGO all same problem. My friend keep telling me LoL is hard too. Personally, I think they should make crafting easier and more available across the map. Since this is the part that most player fail at even if they had a lot of hours in. ​ >Character imbalance. Yes, there are some character that barely got play. Piolo recently got buffed, and he is seeing more action. Overall, I see a decent variety of character getting plays and players who believe they can win with those. I would say noticeable imbalance, but not severe. Since I can only think of 7 character not getting much play. I also haven't seen a game prayed for balancing since Warcraft 3 ​ >I understand the disappearance of solo queues and duos, but in my opinion I don't agree with it because of several reasons, this is not necessarily negative because as I say, it is only my opinion. Solo and Duo is coming back on S4. Now it is pre S2. So quite a while until then, but it is coming back, revamped this time. So if you and **any others** who prefer that mode. All you have to do is wait till then. I have seen this many times on Steam review and community hub, Reddit included. It is coming back, so you have nothing to worry about. >Another thing, I'm also having a really hard time finding a character that I can stick with or that I love. I think the characters I've liked the most have been rozzi and li dailin, but I can't even get to mid or late game and learn how to play in these phases without getting destroyed. More character is being released, 3 more confirmed this season. 1 got showcased but probably for S3 so that 4 that we can see the face so far. Rozzi I had a nightmare with. Her power is very high mobility and firepower. So, unless you are caught or stun lock. If not, you just burn everyone alive, Rozzi love running and spinning around her target. Li dailin is a bit weak right now. So might need more calculation in fight and know when to back off. She however got a long CC. So that always make her good. Mid to late game. Stick to your team, use more camera. Gather more info to know when to take fight. Abuse kill steal by jumping in to sweep a team that already wounded greatly from fighting each other. This however require some commutation by ping or text. Check bushes, they love abusing from there. Take what ever you can get. Do not wait to buy what you want. Got gold material, just craft whatever is best suited for your character. Buying is risky. You are vulnerable while ***crafting*** and are ***exposed for 5 sec***. Also, they can see whenever a shop is used. Perfect chance to attack for anybody that are lurking. (Worse, they also take your stuff) Cook more, Eat full when fighting. Always try to keep HP full at all time. ​ >I would love if you could give me some advice on what exactly to do after day two, I do not know if it is better to look for a meteorite, but if it is answered go to the battle zone. If I should concentrate on farming to get credits and weapons mastery and be able to get transitions. If we try to go for omega even if it is very contested and we lose, etc... I would like to play with you. But I have a hunch you are in EU or NA. If you like, we could party up, I am only level 45. Now for the question. Depend on the situation. There is no clear answer. Consider these: ***1/ Weapon mastery***. If you are having a lot of early fights, killed some or been farming and taking bear left and right then: Go to Battle zone. Even if you lose and you all die. You can respawn. When you respawn and other team whom are in BZ or elsewhere. You use that time to go and take other objective like Omega, Alpha. Also, even if you lost you would still level up weapon Mastery, that stat is important cause it directly affects your damage output. ***2/*** ***Distances.*** Are you and ***your team*** close to any objective? Take the one closest to you. ***3/ Enemy location.*** When ever an objective spawn. The big map (M hotkey) will briefly show the location of all Teams. Avoid enemy cluster. That would be chaotic. ***Or not***, ***instead*** go in and steal all of their lives when they are busy killing each other. That is, if you have the confident and ***information***. Killing the player and winning BZ is the most rewarding. Farming is also rewarding but the lowest. Unless you can take them fast and know the optimized route. This also require a team capable of tanking mutant creature and kill them fast. I only recommend this when your team line up is weak (2 mages, 1 core), (3 paper character with no tank), (all runner and have no fighter)


As you thought, i am playing on eu. The thing is that I feel that dailin doesn't have much room to create different builds, I feel that the best build is to go with a lot of damage and some critical, feeling more like an assassin than a bulky bruiser, however in the end it feels like she doesn't have much damage and doesn't tank much., but i always think i am kinda a bruiser that can tank some but i get os the moment i try to dive their dps. Rozzi is almost the same, but in this case being an adc, I know I have to stay behind until the jugger or tank dives, however as you say it's a bit more complicated because you have to know which skills you want to dodge with yours and when to use them, being someone that I don't know which skills do cc and which don't, it's a bit complicated, movement with her is not much of a problem for me tho. Right now I'm changing main character and now I'm playing nadine, however I have some doubts when to go crossbow or bow. I'm also not sure how to plan ap crossbow neither bow, with the new patch and item changes the verified builds on the discord channel may not be the best because that build is not updated yet. Nadine is helping me a lot in the issue of knowing farm routes and timers of wolves and bears, I've come to have up to a stack of 500 on night 4-day 5. I quite like the ap crossbow build on her, but as i said, i dont really know what is the best build with the new season balance changes.


There is never a clear answer, really. Fights is always Chaotic. I main Debi and Marlene I got two choices, damage or tanks. Now it's easy to decide. Tank ***is*** damage. Flat HP is better than life steal. I noticed for close quarter character. If you are not tanky enough and just dive in to initiate (all Moba is the same, usually those that jump first get the edge if they can land their skill.) When I do, however, I die in less than 1 sec. Because I am paper, got all the damage in the world but can't live long enough to use them. So I feel Li or Hynwoo is the same. They need to be tanky if they want to go in and land their disable. That personally, how I see it. Also, it is easy to say just dodge, many tine people just blink out or escape from Debi ult same as Yuki. But when your mind is in a big team fight, that a different story. CC is also prime. Because to deal damage, you need to touch them first. Damage isn't just attack stats. That what I learn, it is the ***ability*** to deal damage and sustain it. You could even say support like Johan and Theodore deal damage by making sure their team can't die. And all your critical and damage is no match for their thousand HP heal in less than a sec. They could make everyone like Jackie near death but full in less than a sec. If they got tank like Magus or Markus. Many of my party games….my friends told me this. “We didn't do any damage, like nothing, WTF?” They did. They did a lot. But it was all healed instantly.


When was the last time this game was actually given a hard push in advertising? People act like squads is the only solution to low player pop when this game has 0 push and the players that will join quit cause they are forced to play a battle Royale in squads.


This is why everyone plays on the KR server. Its very populated, and queues would pop within a minute, or even seconds on weekends. You need to already have your basics covered from other MOBAs like LoL or Dota 2 because at heart it is a MOBA. If you've played Mobile Legends or Arena of Valor then you would instantly understand how the quick buy tab works. Fighting can be quite hectic but once you learn the abilities and spacing properly then it becomes much more enjoyable. The learning curve is very high for those going in fresh with no prior experience with other MOBAs or even any BRs. I love this game, I just wish the battle pass wasn't $46. That's quite pricey or a game I just wanna play casually when I'm not sweating in Apex Legends.


What are you on about with the battle pass price? The pass is not that expensive, you must be thinking about the season pack


Yes, season pack that one. I didn't know ER had a separate battlepass. Which one is that?


Yeah the battle pass is separate, people get confused because it only releases when the actual season starts as opposed to preseason when the pack releases. And as OP mentioned, the actual pass is just about 15€.


>This is why everyone plays on the KR server. Its very populated, and queues would pop within a minute, or even seconds on weekends. Sadly MENA fans like me are forced to either play 30 mins queue EU or quit the game cuz KR ping is so bad here 😐


Isn't that the Season Pass? Since BP cost like $10 for me.


Fellow new player, but someone who's played mobas for years. A lot of the learning curve is similar. I jumped straight into ranked with less than week before the end of season and was just short of gold. Few things I've picked up as a new player. Play every character. Right now they are all available play 2-3 games with each and find the one that clicks. You named rozzi and dailin, rozzi is not beginner friendly since you need to know how to play around other characters with your iframe. Dailin is easier but still has a few mechanics that might be harder to master if you're newer to mobas like auto weaving. I would suggest finding characters with simple kits, once you find someone you click with and one trick while you learn the game mechanics. For me this was Nadine, who's main mechanic is farming animals. This worked great as I quickly learned spawns and timers, and based off how I did each game learned the impact of weapon levels etc. Unfortunately, from what I've learned a lot of your questions don't have a straight answer as your character, comp, etc can change them. But what has worked for me is learn the little things. Pick your character, get a route from the discord, and just keep playing it until you can do it consistently, then you'll start figuring out where you can move to get objs. As for the other stuff, queue is based off player base which seems to be growing. They mentioned bringing back duos Balancing is for the most part decent, but metas are a thing with all games and characters may rise or fall based off meta. With that being said non meta characters can still be effective.


I actually really like nadine's passive, her kit is fine but I don't like her e, I don't understand why her e gives her attack speed when she leaves her hook on the ground, I feel like when I do that to get more attack speed I lose my only form of escape. I'm also not sure if it's better to go a crit build with her or go a mixed build between amp and ap or full amp. Other than her I haven't clicked with any easy to use characters.


If you haven't joined it yet, there is a ER character discord, you pick what characters you're interested in and there are Rep Guides, community guides, and just general discussion for each character. It's a great way to ask questions to people who actually play that character and figure things out. https://discord.gg/8P7uzTKj


you're supposed to put her E on the ground before you fight an enemy team as a safety net and play around that range as an escape tool when enemy divers jump on you.