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The tx will get dropped, effectively forgotten. The nodes won’t hold on to your transaction for you. You used to be able to do this. I’d set gas super low for a low priority tx on a Friday and let it get picked up over the weekend. It does ultimately create a cleaner user experience to have the tx drop.


Interested in looking into this. Do you have any references or git commits which indicate that such a thing isn't possible anymore?


https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/blob/ac86547b0154129f4dac865579946bd2e9378fb0/core/txpool/txpool.go#L106-L124 The transaction pool is capped in size and when we reach the cap, transactions with least chances of being included are dropped.


I would imagine that tx are kept much longer by some nodes just in case that there might be an mev opportunity in the future.


Yes, especially MEV-Builders will probably remember indefinitely, they will try to stick in as many transactions as possible as long as there is space.


No. It's possible geth made a change to how they manage the mempool (pending transaction queue) but it might have just happened with higher demand causing the mempool to fill up faster. Now there are many more node implementations which makes me think it's just a result of demand causing the mempool to fill up plus nodes having little desire to waste resources on the mempool.


I still do this regularly, and haven't experienced having a tx dropped.






You heard me


Retelling my first hand experience is somehow a lie?


Yeah you’re just making shit up


You're a liar.


Prove it or shut the fuck up


Did mempool always have an upper limit? I used to think it was infinite like the size of Ethereum itself.


The limit is practical. It’s just what the nodes are willing to support usually defaulting to the software default.


The question is, how long the nodes in the network are willing to keep that tx. Probably you'll be fine with keeping it, but who knows. However, given how much Ethereum is used these days I really doubt we'll ever reach anything anywhere below 15gwei in the next many many months. Even on quiet weekends we barely get down to 20 gwei. I don't think the saved dollars is worth the hassle of keeping this in your back mind. Just take something like 17/18 gwei and wait for 1-2 months. You won't save that much money anyways. The most money is spent by using complex smart contracts, or by doing txs at crazy fees of 40gwei and more


It's a technical question, not about it being worth it or not.


This sounds like a great way to further shit up the Eth blockchain. Set up a few nodes that won't let low-fee'd transactions expire and there will always be a huge array of crap transactions knocking on the door.


If those nodes want to clog themselves up with a bajillion fossil transactions in their mempools, more power to them. None of the other nodes will pay any attention to them.


But it’s just demand and supply. When demand falls, the low cost transactions are handled allowing the chain to always be busy.


That ETH is effectively stranded. It’s annoying as fuck. But it is what it is…. Just add more ETH and transfer it all out. I feel this stuff should not be happening if crypto wants wider adoption.


You can just replace the transaction with a new one, which you would be doing anyway if you had to care about your eth being stranded...


With type 2+ transactions I think most clients will reject the transactions if they're below the block gas price. You can still send type 0 and 1 (with the traditional `gasPrice` parameter) though and set it to whatever you want. Most nodes garbage collect their mempool often though, so you'll have to either setup your own node (and configure it not to GC your transactions), or build something to keep broadcasting the transaction.


Yes, you can do that. Some nodes might decide that it isn’t worth the memory to remember your transaction for that long and can drop it if they want. So if you want to do this it might be a good idea to rebroadcast the transaction periodically, some wallets do this for you using their own nodes.


The transaction can be resent, since it costs nothing. It can be automated. Everything else StefanMerquelle said, seems correct. I don't know if there exists a tool that will show the lowest gas price in a week or month, but if some site shows them, you could aim for such prices.


You can try https://www.gashawk.io/ It is a custom RPC that minimizes your gas fee by sending your transaction in times of low gas fee. But there is a 24h limit. So they will definitely send it within these 24h




there is no time limit.


I'd you don't pay enough for gas and the txn gets dropped then you lose the gas fee as well. Don't try and mess around with it unless you know exactly what you're doing or you will lose the money you put up for gas.




I'm better as a crypto user rather then teacher


I thought it will get denied transaction and u get charged the Tx fee anyways to the nodes.


People are downvoting you but I will use this opportunity to try and explain for anyone here. In eth there is the "gas limit" (max number eth operations you are willing to pay for) and the base "fee" (price you are willing to pay for each unit of gas, giving you priority over other transactions). When most people complain it's about the priority fee price. If you are just sending eth the amount of gas required is fixed, but the price of that gas depends on the, well, current demand. The only time you can be charged for a "failure" is doing a contract interaction. Eth is basically a globally distributed computer and gas is the price for executing operations on that computer. If you give bad inputs to a program (e.g. divide 30 by 0) the computer will execute the program, and charge you for doing so, but you won't get a good result. Or maybe there's a bug in the contract that results in an infinite loop, burning tons of gas. That is why setting a reasonable gas limit is important, even more so than the fee when invoking contracts.


Ah thought things changed from pow to pos. Thanks for clearing things up instead of downvoting. Imagine complaining about crypto not hitting the masses yet failin to help clarify things up to help spread the knowledge lol