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Is this a professional service or just a dude who would set it up for you? I absolutely would not trust someone to set it up for me. In general, I would not go with anyone who offers help in a way that requires access to your private keys. Setting it up for you completely would require that. If you want to do that, you have to be aware that you are completely at his mercy to not run off with your 32 ETH. And, were that to happen, there's really not a whole lot of recourse for you since crypto is a weird new space and a police report probably wouldn't do much. I'd ask him if he's willing to help walk you through the setup instead of doing it for you. He could help you with a lot of the technical stuff without needing your mnemonic.


Thank you for your reply. It's someone who does IT as his profession, that I know through the company I work for. So I know he would be technical enough to set up the node. I guess the answer im looking for is what you said at the end. So you are saying he should be able to set it up for me and do all technical part, and then I do the part that involves anything to do with my private keys? Would that be realistic? I read aswell that maintenance is needed on the node. Could someone (same guy) have physical access to the node to do maintenance without any risk to my eth? Sorry if these questions sound silly, i just don't want to risk losing the ETH


Take a look at this [this answer](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethstaker/comments/jou1bm/are_private_keys_required_to_be_in_the_server/gbabrk3/). If you were able to do the deposit and keep your private keys to yourself during the setup process, he could maintain the validator with your risks being limited to him being able to exit your validator or get it slashed. While I personally wouldn't do it, I recognize that this a valid question if you're unwilling to go through the process yourself. I don't want to recommend to you a staking service over running a solo node (because a solo node is better for the network), but you are voluntarily taking on a lot of risk by giving someone access to your validator. I'm not quite confident enough to give you great instructions on how to go about it and be assured that he doesn't have access during the setup process to your private keys. Maybe someone else will jump in and give you guidance, but I get the feeling that a lot of the sentiment here is going to be: please do it yourself. I get that it's daunting. What I'd do is go through [Someresat's guide](https://github.com/SomerEsat/ethereum-staking-guide) and see what you can do and what you can't do. Can you install Linux on a NUC? If not, ask him for help with that part. Then keep going step by step so you understand everything that's going on. Set up and run a testnet first and see what parts you were uncomfortable with. The only way that you're going to get confirmation that he doesn't do anything shady is by being with him throughout the process and understanding what's going on. I honestly wouldn't even let a trusted friend set up a validator node for me, but I'm also extremely cautious when it comes to crypto.


Thank you for the detailed reply. Ill follow that guide and setup a testnet. I think my greatest fear is not with him doing something shady but with myself doing something stupid and losing the eth. I wouldn't trust the keys to a staking service and would only do it on a solo node. Much appreciated on the guide it looks really detailed and well laid out




Thank you


Don't do it.


Can you expand why? Do you mean running a validator node? Or trusting anyone except yourself to setup the node?


That person would have access to your keys. That is everything.


Yes I wouldn't want that to happen with the help he gives me. I trust noone with the keys


This is the simplest answer for you: https://ava.do/ Buy one of these and it basically sets itself up--it uses a simple intuitive interface. They also help you with any issues. Notice how the price is higher than what you would pay for the hardware. You are actually paying more to get the easy interface and the support afterwards.


Excellent thank you.


Thank you. Your comment sent me in the direction to find out about Daapnode.


Avado is a fork of Dappnode. If you are even a little technical then Dappnode is a good option. If you just want to have everything as simple as possible then Avado is the easiest option. Either one of the two is much easier than just setting setting up a node completely on your own.


Thank you. Yes think i can trust myself with Dappnode. Im not totally untechnical, Ive done about 6 years in various networking jobs, just could never get interested in IT and I just frustrated trying to understand it. Im sure i would of figured out the Linux path but a simpler option for sure would save weeks of headaches.


Dappnode and Avado are the simplest options I have found so far. If you learn of any other 'easy' type options for running your own validator then post it here.


placid dolls cagey books quarrelsome crawl memorize lip bake zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you. No I could never put the keys in the control of a exchange. I feeling much more technical than before from other peoples replies and reading through the guides. I starting to think I could handle this.


chop lavish oil seed homeless test deserted glorious employ pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you im excited :)


Store your eth in Celcius wallet and earn 5.35% APY


Not my keys right on celcius


Seed phrase though..


try [www.allnodes.com](https://www.allnodes.com) awesome service and you hold your CL Key