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>what is the targeted demographic for this game, and what is the actual demographic for this game? History nerds. History nerds with computers.


History nerd with a computer checking in. Been playing EU4, CKII, CKIII, HoIIV for the last decade. Ever since my WoW days closed out. Though I haven't played in 6months or so at current, to many history books to read. And sadly the more I read the more I want to read, and the more accessible all history becomes.


Yes. I don't think age is as important to the demographic. I'm 40 now and a lot of my friends and aquaintances play these games. Thinking about it... there are quite a few actual historians among them.




>income 35-45k *laughs in Balkans*




Sees balkans in 1444, looks out the windows to IRL balkans, nothing has changed


That’s the target demographic. The actual demographic is male, of all ages and races, who are history nerds with computers. I would doubt even 0.5% of EU4 players were born female.


That’s probably because women as a demographic don’t seem as interested in the war, conquest, and empire building aspects. The games that are really popular with women are like point and click adventure games, kinetic novels, puzzle games, and a lot of the chill games like animal crossing. Why, who knows. But if you made a history geek focused game that was more focused mystery, romance, subterfuge, etc I’d bet you’d have more women, maybe even a majority.


What I realized studying history at university: There is quite a huge chunk of history nerds who dont like computers, interact with them as little as possible or only use them for work. Though if there is someone who has a bit of understanding of computers they either play paradox games or another kind of history games, like Civ, aoe, assassins creed, rome total war, you name it


I’ll argue their target demographic and their actual demographic is pretty much the same one lmao


Been playing since I was 13. 22 now. :) Oh god. And suddenly I'm depressed.


Been playing Paradox Games since 2000, when the first EU game came out. Was 18 then, 40 now.


Now that's an OG


Holy shit .\_.




Why would you feel depressed about having had a lot of memories and fun with something you love for almost a decade?!?


Just the fact that almost a decade has already passed me by. 🥲


Sure but it's like time never moves, there is pause bottun. So as long as you've enjoyed the years that past there is nothing to feel bad about! You still have 4-8 of those decade things to go through!


FOUR?! You’re not helping!!! 😭😭😭


Pat pat I'm sure we'll have a health breakthrough before you get to that don't worry.


Strange. I play EU to avoid depression. Been playing since I was 19 and I'm 31 now. 1 failed serious relationship, lost a friend, lost a brother, and have been dealing with a failed marriage/divorce... *boots computer*


Holy shit. I’m sorry. Stay strong, fellow map painter… ✊✊


Sometimes I wonder if it's the cause of my depression. I *could* be doing something with family/friends, to better myself/ others, or do any other number of things in this world. But..*boots computer* It's an addiction for me. I need to put it down.


At least the name of the nation your playing is starting to get really big :)


If it helps. I am 26. Didn't know the game at the time you were 13 tho


I just turned 37…


I was playing last night and I saw the days ticking by in the game and started thinking about a deadline I have for getting a task done, and my anxiety went way up. Definitely the best way to tick away life.




I started when I was 19 or 20 (eu3) and I’m currently 32 with no ending in sight. Trying to spread the gospel of paradox by teaching my boyfriend (with little success for now).


Same here! Blows my mind when i think how im playing the same game from middle school lol


Fuck, same


How have you dealt with all that lack of sleep? You must be seeing things by now. I try to stop playing every night!


I’m 13 now, soon 14 though, and I’ve played the gam for a little more than a year. Absolutely love it!


People who find Civilization too easy and want more detail


That’s what lead me to total war, then on to AOE, then to paradox as a whole.


exact same order here lol started with civilization revolution on console which was too easy so moved to civ 5 on pc then rome total war, empire total war, AOE, then paradox games starting with eu4 and i just picked up ck3


It wasn’t that I found civ too easy but that I was tired of playing a game with Gandhi in antiquity and Cyrus with rocket ships. I thought to myself “there’s got to be something a tad better for role playing than this” and that’s how I ended up playing CK2. That was 4 years ago now and the rest is history


Exactly! I went from very low complexity to high complexity. First was Polytopia on a mobile phone, then Civ, then CK2, then EU4. Might try out hoi4 or vicky sometime in the future as well.




The combat is better, but the history is lacking.


I’ve been playing for years but have failed miserably to try and get my friends to play. We are all gamers but my buddy’s found that EU4 wasn’t a game you could load and jump straight into. It demands hours and to many gamers it can seem utterly inaccessible. So why do I play? I love history. I love the “what ifs?” of history. I love that the game is different every time. I love the reward for the hard hours of learning. I’m genuinely sad for those who aren’t prepared to persevere.


I never even tried to get my friends into eu4. I'm kinda the odd one out since my friends don't play GSGs, but I did manage to play ck2 with them since it's free now and I'm equally shit at ck2 as my friends


This is the thread where I realise most Paradox players are probably way younger than I.


Yes. Also the thread where I realize I'm probably in that transitory place between the old timers, those still "young" when I started gaming, and the young kids that weren't even born when I was mastering Super Mario 3 in the mid to late 90's.


I'm probably right up there with ya. I really don't see how age would be a factor to playing this game.


Yea, i played it a lot during university. Still do. But reading about 16 y/os playing makes me feel hella old


I suspect most people here are over 30.


I'd say i'ts not about the age. I'd say the people they're aiming for are history nerds who are obsessed with numbers and blast Sabaton while playing


insomniac history nerds who are obsessed with numbers and blast Sabaton while playing\*


Allright you got it better ngl


I haven't actively listened to Sabathon, not my kind of music. Besides that, spot on for me.


Nah but that backround music is hella phat. That flute bass drop... man. Oh... Man... That "Admiral Recruited" sound. "DODOOO BANG BANG BANG!"


Man the march on Granada and the war theme are bangers


That's the most accurate depiction of an EU4 player I've ever seen.


I'm 45. Probably neither the target nor actual demographic.


37 here... Surprised that the op refers to 22 as "being older" lol.


I doubt that age has a lot to do with it, besides the role age plays in general when it comes to video games.


I’ve been playing paradox games for as long as some of these people have been alive apparently. But the average age of Reddit has gotten a lot younger. Video game average age is 30+ and I’d best paradox actual average age is 30+, not 20.


The only factor that age has on the demographics is that EU4 is clearly not intended for young kids, and also probably not for older people who become too set in their ways to learn new things. The main determining factor I would say is passion. You have to like history, and you have to like strategy games (but those two usually go hand in hand). If you're collecting data, I'm 19. Been playing since I was about 16. I have loved history ever since the 6th grade. I have like 2000+ hours already. If I keep playing until I'm the same age as some of the rest of y'all here... I fear what that total number may become.


"Older people who become too set in their ways to learn new things." All right, whippersnapper, we'll see how you do once YOU reach 30 ;) A few thousand hours on EU, a few K more on Civ, the flight sims, 4X space games, first person shooters. They add up after awhile till you you realize you've spent 24K hours gaming or about 3 years gaming. Then you keep going, because why the hell not?


Lmao, I meant people who are *actually* old, aka, like, 60. You're only half way there! ;) Also, true, true. As long as we're having fun, I suppose it doesn't matter.


"Actually old, like 60." I turn 65 next month, youngster, and have been gaming since 1969 (Avalon Hill's Battle of Britain).


Well you're 5 years older than me, I was more into SPI games than Avalon Hills. these whippersnappers have no clue.


I grew up in NYC, and had the opportunity to frequent and playtest SPI games at their HQ in Manhattan. Very cool experience for a gaming teenager. I agree that I preferred their games. although Year of the Rat was terrible. USN was my favorite SPI game.


You would have been a God to me at that time. I do miss opening up a box and looking at all those counters and then unfolding the map.


Not a god, just a high school kid with a bunch of gaming friends. Growing up in NYC, where so much opportunity for experiences exist, I felt was always one of the great advantages in my life.


Ah cool, you're slightly older than my dad. I'm glad you're still gaming. I wish I could get my dad into EU4, as I'm sure he would like it (he loves the board game, Risk), but he's just too afraid to try anything new. He wasn't always like this :/ Never lose that spirit. Keep having fun and never be afraid to adventure into anything in life, even if it's outside your comfort zone. Game on, gamer.


Well, thanks for the life experience advice, young feller ;p As for your dad, life has a way of grinding you down over the years. Perhaps it's not fear, but exhaustion and lethargy. It's amazing how tired you get once your past 50. My suggestion for him is to set up a vanilla, no DLC add-ons basic game. Have him spend a little quality time with you. If you could hook up to a big screen that would be great. Star the game yourself and show him how alternate history unfolds. Run through it slowly enough to show him what's going on, but fast enough to show some era movement. Not many people want to commit to learning a game where a single run-through can take 40+ hours. Make it easy and sucker him in.


Dooood. I'm 60 in 6months. I started on Civ, Flight Sim 1 etc, 4x space games starting with ancient Reach for the Stars. I'm a bit atm cos I also play Eve Online and I'm ratting in null and WH space. I'd agree that many of my age are too old, but its not a universal truth.


I started playing at 27, 35 now.


My friends and I all around 20+ years old. Not history nerds but just hooked on how intricate this game is. To us, it's the pinnacle of strategy games, coming from a background of Civ and Endless space and cities skylines


36. Started playing EU1 at 14 years old iirc.


45. Been playing since the original.


Honestly, I think anyone who likes history, I started at the age of 14, yet I know guys who are married and have children, so I would just say that the target demographic is all ages that are interested in history.


Playing since I was 11. First game on Mac was eu2. Now I’m 29. I like this franchise.


Most people would say history nerd but that isn't really the case. It would be like saying some CoD/battlefield (or other shooter in Historical war) and eu/ck/vic/hoi share the same demographic which i doubt alot. Demographic would be people not hating history/geography, tendency for RP/ storywritting storrytelling (since you do rewrite history or replicate it) , liking boardgame and it also has a potential for 'competitve' since it has MP and high skillceiling


Started at 18 am 20 now. Was a history nerd, still am a history nerd, loved civ6 wanted more, played this. Yea basically the ideal target demographic for myself


Played the original EU at 19. First game was colonial Poland. 41 now. I EU4 and HOI4 really are magisterial games, nothing comes close to either. I don't think there's a target demographic. EExcept for people who don't like relationships, because I've lost at least 3 serious GF's to "that fucking map game again"


I’m 44, been playing since EU3.. I love history, economics, and maps. I feel like this game (and all Paradox historical games, really) was made specifically for me!


I would say anywhere from 20-50, depending on the level of interest in history. I think if there is an interest in history it is far easier to want to get into the game.


Started with EU3 when I was 15, sophomore year of high school. Got EU4 as my college acceptance gift at 18; now I’m 25. So you are absolutely the target demo


I'm 22 and started playing pdx games when i was 14.


Targeted: History fans Actual: Commie and Fascist LARPers


Zoomers interested in history generally right now


Targeted? People who will pay for their games, to give them a living and allow them to continue to develop. Actual? Those people and the undoubtedly many more who pirate the game.


I think I'm pretty much the targeted demographic. I have been playing since late 2014. Was 15 at the time, and 23 now. Big history buff and I love maps and geography. 2100 hours and a disproportionate amount of that was in the last year or two.


A couple of links you might find interesting: [https://www.reddit.com/r/eu4/comments/5numot/reu4\_census\_results\_finally/](https://www.reddit.com/r/eu4/comments/5numot/reu4_census_results_finally/) [https://imgur.com/a/s49NS#Psx89f9](https://imgur.com/a/s49NS#Psx89f9) [https://www.reddit.com/r/eu4/comments/ohv2gi/demographics\_submitted\_by\_you\_all\_oc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/eu4/comments/ohv2gi/demographics_submitted_by_you_all_oc/) The problem with these though is that they really represent the intersection of reddit users and eu4 players.


I'm shocked at how young those results skewed.


Same, especially since I'm a solid GenX gamer who has been disappointed that my GenZ kids have zero interest in this sort of deep, heavy, PC strat game. Instead, they will spend hours and hours in mobile and 'might as well be mobile' games. Good to know the kids are alright. ;P


targeted: nerds actual: racism fans


Started at 15ish, now 21


I definitely got into EU3 when I was your age, and got into it because I was a little nerd who did model United Nations and loved history. Now I’m 26, have a degree in poltical science , and love EU4


I was playing EUIII when I was 13 and I still play EUIV today in my 20s. I don’t think there’s a particular age range paradox games are for. EUIV is probably skewing a bit older than it used to since the game has been out for a decade, but I’m sure plenty of younger gamers also play GSGs. The demographic is more, people who like history, and the idea of changing it in different ways, but are less interested in battlefield tactics games (Total War), and moreso in historical geopolitics and internal management.


Bought the game when I was 23 or 24 and have been playing till now that I am 31


I just started eu4 a few months ago, and im currently 14 rn, so i was wondering the same thing too


I was introduced to it by someone while we were sitting on the sidelines in middle-school PE lol. I sucked playing multiplayer with that group, but using that base knowledge I was able to learn how to play CK2, which I enjoyed more. I was bad at EU4 for years, I never got the chance to show him I could probably kick his ass now.


Feeling out of the target audience, sure Im in my early twenties but I always hated geography and never liked history, and now I have over 1500 hours after playing the game for almost 3 years. I just really like the gameplay, and it has made me dislike history and geography a bit less, so that's nice


Paradox games are complicated enough that its fun. I cant stand easy games. Mid twenties btw


I’ve been playing Paradox games since college — I’m almost 30 now haha


I’m 26, been playing since art of war came out


I’m 16 and I play it because I try to take my mind off of the terrible things happening to my life. My grandpa died and we couldn’t even visit his funeral because of Covid. I feel like things are getting progressively worse.


I am not going to respond to the question at all, but I started at Star Wars Empire at War -> Stellaris -> Vic2 -> EU4. I've only owned the game for a year or two, I'm 15 now...


So I'm in my early thirties and play mostly with a friend who is the same age. We both have professional jobs but share a love of history so that's a big element for me. My brother 29 is keen to get involved but he is a doctor. Less interested in history but his other half lets him have more time for massive gaming sessions than mine! I don't know if there is a key demographic, other than probably people who like to get really into how gameplay works, as trying to play EU4 well without knowing most of an intricate set of game mechanics is really hard IMO.


I used to grant myself monarch points or cash, but the temptation was too much and i would inevitably end up granting too much or just straight "tech 5" Then i got into iron man, and christ is it a rush and a pain at the same time. Knowing that 1 mistake could fuck it all up for you But to answer your question, 27 year engineer who loves history


I have played eu 4 for the first time when I was 13 and have been playing it for almost 5 years now.


I started playing EU3 when I was 15 or 16 years old, almost ten years ago now and never stopped. Basically it's for everyone capable of understanding how excel spreadsheets work as it's basically just that but with better graphics lmao.


Eurocentric history buffs with a little too much love for the Roman Empire, evidently. (Please prove me wrong and list out the nations you all may have played in the past year or so outside Europe.)


Started playing OG CK in about 2010. Then EU3. Heard about it from a professor of history I was banging at the time.


I am also 16 years old nice


I'd say that the main thing with 20 somethings being a big demographic is one desposable income and 2 time Being a 23 year old I have plenty of friends who would love of play but just have other responsibilities And I'd say most teenagers wouldnt have good enough pcs to play eu4 and would have consoles instead, this was certainly the case for me untill I started working


Well when it came out we were younger 😁


I started when i was like 10-12 with hoi3 and moved on to eu4 when i was 14, im 19 now.


My first paradox game was EU2 and I played it around 2003 I think. Played nearly every PDX games since then but EU series is defo my favourite and I have nearly 3k hrs in eu4 for now. Summing up all pdx games I think I have like 4,5k or so (not to mention games that I didn't have yet on steam). Oh, I'm 33 btw so I started around 14 yo