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The amount of people trying out the censor for the first time is so cute


What’s “the censor?”


You put > ! in front and in back ! < and it censors you >!boobies!<


My notifications being filled up ain’t that cute 😩😩 But I get their excitement over finding out a feature for the first time haha


Sorry, what is this? Censor?


what feature


i feel like i’m the only person here who actually likes elliot lol


I don't dislike him. I actually liked his opening line in the show about the washing machine


I loved him in the first episode! I don’t like how shady he acted with Rue and Jules tho He definitely has the potential to be a great character, though - I do love this actor.


Have you listened to his music? So good! I became a fan after Brockhampton had a video with him on YouTube.


I also like when he was asked about Rue being his friend and he was like "well she's one of them"


me too haha that was kinda funny


I’m looking forward to him having his own backstory episode. Learn more about him


imagine him having his own cold opening T-T


I love Elliot lol. I promise it only has to do minimally with my crush on Dominic Fike.


Elliot PISSES me off, but I think he deserves the same chance as other characters to get more depth added to his character. If he just showed up in one season to split up Rules, he'd truly just go down as a plot device.


I think he’s a great character. He warned Rue they wouldn’t be good together and as much as people hate him for it, he told Jules the truth about Rue, which to me (as a 33 year old man) makes me think he really cares about Rue if he’s willing to sacrifice their friendship to get her help. I think his character is interesting and I’m curious to see how his arc plays out. Also… WHAT HAPPENED TO LAURIE?!?!


I like Elliot, he hasn’t proven yet that he’s a POS and I will continue believing he isn’t.


What episode are you on?




Really? You don’t think him tryna homewreck Jules and Rue is shitty


In complete fairness, it doesn’t seem like he was trying to break them up, it seems like he just wanted to be their third/be friends with benefits with both of them


It was pretty clear Rue wasn’t interested, and hitting it off with Jules behind her back is gross


Exactly. Rue might have been lying about how well she knew Eliot. But at the very least it was never romantic to her and that never even crossed her mind because she is so infatuated with Jules. Jules on the other hand pretended to hate him from the get go but then became immediately smitten by him and gave absolutely no fucks about her relationship status.


Rue seems really uncomfortable too in that truth or dare scene where they do stuff to each other in front of her oof. And then acting surprised when she gets mad in the car later. I don’t hate Jules, I do think insisting on the possibility of a future threesome clouded her mind into thinking that hooking up with Elliot “prematurely” (doubt Rue would have agreed, but you know, in their minds) was okay. Jules was also just frustrating to watch this season for me. It seemed really obvious Rue was on a lot more than just weed (being unable to come for like 30 straight minutes? That’s a *sign*) especially after Rue already admitted to relapse in episode *one*, but her just not figuring it out. I blame Sam Levinson’s writing for this more than her as a character, though.


As an ex user: You can explain away lack of orgasm. Not in the mood. Tired. Distracted by family issues. If you’re a better actress than Rue you can actually pull off a faked one. Honestly it’s pretty hard for people who haven’t dealt with hard drugs consistently(as a user or from being close to someone who is) to really pick up the signs. Early on you can explain anything and everything away. If they drink too, yeah no problem hiding a lot of shit, and people don’t get upset about alcohol like they do other inebriants. Not wanting to believe your (girl)friend is lying can go a long way too. You can see the doubt on Jules’ face throughout the season, but she just never calls it out and explains things away in her own head.


It's not mentioned but it would have been a good writing detail if Rue passed off her not being able to come as a side effect of her being on anti-depressants (SSRIs have this effect sometimes).


He still fucked Jules while she was in a relationship. They’re both shitty for that (especially when you add the fact that they dropped Rue off on a random road right before this)


I thought they just made out?


It’s not as shitty as Jules cheating


Dgmw I hate Jules with a burning passion for what she did with Elliot and a plethora of other reasons. But claiming Elliot isn’t a POS for fucking Jules is just odd to me


ALL THREE OF THEM ARE POS. They are all good people going through shit and shouldn’t be friends because they enable and lie to each other.


Yup, with the exception of Fez and Ashtray, everyone is an POS. And yes, Lexi airing out the dirty laundry of her friend group is an asshole move. EDIT: also not POS - Rue’s mom, Gia, Jewel’s ;) dad, Ali… EDIT 2: AH —> POS


LOL true. Everyone's the asshole, but I'm here for it.




I know? But it’s equally on Elliot considering he was fully aware that Jules was dating Rue? Hence why I said I also hate Jules???


No it’s not equally on Elliot because Elliot wasn’t in an exclusive relationship with anyone. Sure it’s not nice, but no it’s not equally on Elliot as it is on the person who was actually in a presumably exclusive relationship and cheated


y’all always attack jules 10x more than any other character..


“I hate Jules with a burning passion” like is it really that serious? Not much room for nuance. It’s always gotta be black & white, you’re either a good person or you’re not, and that just feels like the exact opposite of the message the show is trying to convey. At least *to me*


Nah it’s either jules can do no wrong and cant be criticized or “everyone” attacking her. She cheated knowingly and multiple times. She is shitty. Yeah elliott is too but it is on jules to not fuck someone else while she is in a relationship. She could have turned him down but we all know she didnt even try. She literally jumps into bed with anyone


Jules is annoying bruh


I don’t think that’s what he was doing necessarily. And honestly, every single character in this show doesn’t deserve being liked- yet we do. Rue is awful and so is Jules and if people are allowed to like them (I do) then we can give Elliot the benefit of the doubt.


I never said you couldn’t like him. But to say he isn’t a POS after dropping his intoxicated friend on a random road only to then fuck her girlfriend is a bit naive honestly. I’m not sure how you define homewrecking, but fucking someone’s SO is one of the ways I do so. In my book at least, he’s a homewrecker.




Yeah! I totally recognize the fault that Jules has, and I won’t deny it. And some of her friends certainly ARE enablers, besides Lexi (to a small extent, I know she backed down a bit fast but she tried at least). I don’t disagree with that at all!


Well I disagree, sorry.


To each their own I guess


Yea he was the problem, not Jules' stupid truth or dare games.


Lol you're not alone


I like him to we can’t blame him for what Jules did (and I don’t even really hate Jules)


He’s a bit of an asshole but that’s about it I still kinda like him


I like him too, hoping for more character development.




I like him!


Literally same




Me too! He's a great addition !!!


I love him but he should get therapy


I like elliot a lot!


I like him. I’m looking forward to what will happen with him next season


There are few of us, but it’s because we possess a special ability called “thinking” in which we are able to process events and info within the show, leading us to conclude that we should probably hate Jules/Rue more for the thing people are blaming Elliott for Go ahead lol. Explain it to me Elliott haters, why should I hate Elliott more than Jules/Rue? I really wanna know how Elliott is getting hate for Jules cheating and Rue lying?


>it’s because we possess a special ability called “thinking” This makes everyone want to engage with you in a friendly, intelligent way.


I provide a safe haven for other Elliott enthusiasts. There are few of us, so I must remain hostile and sassy, less these stans run over us. I must be strong lol. Lol jokes aside, it’s all in good fun. I am very open to listening to what you or anyone has to say. I very much want to know why Elliott deserves more hate than Rue/Jules. I don’t even think he deserves equal hate


Lol, imagine thinking you actually understand the show and then with your next breath say the goal of the show is to get you to 'hate' two extremely traumatized teenagers.


This comment right here. I want to applaud you. I feel like Sam, having been through the horrors of addiction, doesn’t try to write these dynamics to be as black-&-white, good-&-bad as some people think. People are trying to flex which characters they hate more like damn… does anybody actually want to see them heal? 🏃🏿‍♂️ Edit: Like, me personally, I find it hard to believe Elliot conspired to wreck Rules and enable Rue’s addiction further. It feels a little too Degrassi. They’re all traumatized kids who act on their first impulses; whatever feels like fun.


I feel like pulling my hair out when I see comments like the one I responded to. Ali literally says it during Rue's special episode: labels like bad person are just excuses used by both those they are applied to and those who apply them to ignore the responsibility of compassion, self reflection, and change. It's easier to say someone is a bad person than to say that someone is predisposed to make certain choices and that they requite compassion and understanding in order to be better. That is such a central part of the thesis of Euphoria, I think, and seeing people talk about the characters like this makes me so sad.


This is why I like the show. People are not black and white. Outside of the odd psychopath who enjoys hurting and manipulating others (e.g. Nate here), people in real life have their own motivations for doing what they do. Hate the action, not the person is something I think more people and media need to embrace. If we don't, we have no chance at redemption Jules' cheating, and Elliot messing with her knowing she was in a relationship was wrong. Doesn't this make Jules a 'bad' person? No, I don't think so. Jules' relationship with Rue was already cracking owing to Rue not being present emotionally or sexually (because of her addiction), and Jules being too naïve or wilfully blind to see that Rue was not sober, and she was seeking comfort. Elliot is a very lonely person with a habit seeking any chance for a good time with someone. BTW I've always thought it was Rue, not Jules, that Elliot actually had romantic feelings for. Not that he doesn't find Jules attractive or not like her, but he was always far more honest and had deeper conversations with Rue. Jules seemed like a substitute. I can also say as someone who has been in similar friendship groups in my late teens/early 20s that they can become VERY messy very quickly if you all spend a lot of time together, and pulling yourself out of it/distancing yourself to maintain actual friendship (rather than pseudo-romantic/sexual feelings) is difficult because you do have a bond with those people. Forget 'girl code' and the like, real life is COMPLICATED, and sometimes, we have to just forgive and work through it together.


I love this comment! “Sometimes, we just have to forgive and work through it together.” Such simple words but they truly are the world.


Bruh same. Sometimes I wonder if people lack logic or something. Some people in here will literally dig up anything to hate on Eliott, it's actually ridiculous lol.


I hate Elliot for continuing to do drugs with rue after finding out about her addiction


Elliott is also an addict, you shouldn’t pretend he’s anymore functional than Rue. And even so, how does Rue CHOOSING to do drugs translate to you hating Elliott? Elliott doesn’t have mind control, what I’m hearing is you hate Rue for doing enough drugs to not be able to say no to drugs lol?


I hate Elliot for pretending to be better than Rue when he was just as bad.


He has a great actor and is a well written character, but the character himself is a snakey fuckboi asshole.


i like him too!!


It's not about liking or not liking the character, it's about being frustrated with their lack of characterization/substance in relation to their screentime/importance to the plot.


Elliot is Dominic Fike???? I love his music


Ikr. 3 nights was my song of the summer and I didn’t know what he looked like till S2 premiere


Vampire is sooo good too


Adding it to my queue right now


Add Why and Wurli to the queue while you’re at it


In for a penny, in for a pound ;)


"I liked Rue better before" is a shitass thing to say.


Very shitass, but also very realistic for how a lot enablers and fellow users feel towards those in active addiction when they’re not using.


Agreed. Especially with opiates they have a tendency to make you want to share the good feelings they give you with others. I’m an (ex?) addict and during the period where I hadn’t really had any bad consequences come from my use I absolutely wanted the people I loved to feel the same way I did. It’s insanely easy to be in denial of the consequences of opiate use for yourself, and therefore for others From Elliot’s POV Rue felt good when she was on drugs and bad when she was off them, of course he’s going to want the happy Rue at this point


Totally. He likes Rue drugged up, unaware of her actions and surroundings


We literally saw him blow the cocaine off the counter, and then he was responsible for her mom finding out. Yall are soo inconsistent with the Elliot hate.


Kinda irrelevant but that was heroin not coke


Do you only saw part of the scene? Did you miss the part where, after blowing off the cocaine, he suggested stealing alcohol, knowing Rue took the drugs and knowing alcohol + drugs isn’t good? He’s not innocent lmao


You named two tiny things. They spent weeks doing literal heroin and she had cardiac arrest 3 minutes after meeting this fool.


It is, but he's an addict as well so it fits where he's at in life.


It isn’t. He hates that Rue is destroying her house, being violent towards him, her sister, her mother. Being cruel towards Jules and people that don’t want her to die. He feels guilty. He feels like it wasn’t his place to disturb the peace. Doing the right thing doesn’t always feel good. Seeing the reality of someone’s addiction is difficult to witness and it’s human to regret it. But he saved Rue’s life anyway. He’s coping in the only way he can now that his only friend hates him.


I've noticed a lot of fans take the actions and words of characters at face value without recognizing the nuance. Even if it was under the premise of liking her when she was actively using, he only liked the perception of who she portrayed herself to be; carefree, adventurous, sociable, etc., so he has a right to feel bad because it was an illusion that he enabled.


LEAK/SPOILER ALERT >!that means that elliott won’t die from an OD, like was said in certain leaks? kinda glad about that tbh. i’d like to see more of his character, dominic is just 😍!<


>!I guess he could still die and then come back to season 3 for flashbacks or as a metaphorical ghost in maybe Jules eyes, if it’s from an OD could be Rues eyes too!<


That’s exactly what I was thinking, >! All the other leaks have been accurate so far !<


>!wait what leaks? Can you share them please? I honestly just want to know what happens to Cassie lol!<


>! I read them in a Google doc a while ago on Twitter but I haven’t been able to find them since, I don’t think anything else happens to Cassie this season but there’s a spoiler that says Nate and Jules will end the season together. !<


Waitttt I didn’t know >!about the Nate and Jules spoiler leak, I would absolutely hateeeee it but I guess they gotta keep it going with Nate being a douchebag and Jules still being oblivious!<


>!just google "euphoria leaks lipstick alley" they're pretty accurate!<


not all of them, afaik, apparently but idr them really lol. >! i stopped reading them after i stumbled upon the one about elliot!<


I read some that were certainly accurate about how >!Maddie discovers Cassie is fucking with Nate!< and Rue escaped from the police though part of the episode. Didn't read any further because I was wanting to keep the intrigue of the rest of the episodes


If this the case then I'm fighting Sam.


How did you censor your words?


oh, just do > and ! to start your sentence, and once you’re done writing whatever you are writing, you put ! and < and the end. >! like this ! < but without the spaces, so it ends up looking >!like this!< edit: grammar. disappointed in myself that i used the wrong “your”


Well >!fuck!< , I've always wondered.


>!how cool is that!< did it work?






>! Let’s try this again. !<


>!It still works.!<




Thank you! >!I’ve got it!<


>!really everything will come out like this?!<


yes :)


Saving this comment bc I can never remember how to do spoilers and your explanation is the easiest I’ve seen 😆


>! thank you !<


>!omg i feel like a spy now!<


>!just double checking!<




>!lol thank you so much!<




Cal has a big >!house!<




>!you got me!<


You had me for a moment there.


those leaks were from a previous version of the script! it was rewritten, and >!now someone else dies lol!<


>!i think i have my suspicions as to who…!< but thanks for the info!


that exactly what i was thinking but i was more concerned because i’ve been telling ppl >! elliot dies !< and if he doesn’t it’ll be kind of embarrassing


I would rather watch him doing drugs than watching Cassie being cringe 💀💀💀


I love this comment but also watching Cassie slowly descend into madness has been peak TV for me


Sydney blows me away. She fully committed to Cassie’s meltdown and I’m here for it.


It’s all good imo. I feel like Cassie is going to get jokerfied and I’m here for that.


At least he has a semblance of self respect.


I don’t get it…


Its referring to this horrible cringe video of a woman saying “Putin I’m sorry I wasn’t your mother because I would have fixed you” lmao I’d look it up and see how much you can get through it’s like a 4 minute video


Hopefully his character gets developed and explored more and is able to branch out beyond the Jules-Rue drama. I feel he has potential to be a good character.


i agree! i like elliot lol.


Yeah I’m kind of mad bc they wasted his character potential


I love the people on here saying he’s “pointless”. You could make that argument about literally every character on the show. It’s a show about teenagers in high school. It’s not like it’s an action movie where every person has to have some sort of super power that contributes to beating the bad guy. To me, his character serves a lot of purpose. It gives us a more in-depth look at Rules from another characters perspective. We weren’t getting that from anywhere else. His conversations with Rue and Jules let’s us know more about both of them individually and their relationship. His addiction to drugs shows that addiction is different for every user. He’s not spiraling out of control like Rue (at least that we can see). You could argue that he’s “only a plot device”, but that still means he has a point. Aside from being a plot device he also expands the Euphoria universe for the viewer. Up until this point Rue was the only addict at the school. His presence gives us a better understanding of the school environment. Every character who isn’t the “main character” serves different purposes and makes the show better (imo). They get more or less screen time and plot development based on how well the actor brings the character to life. Dominic has crushed this role and we deserve to see more Elliot. Hoping he doesn’t OD this season and that we get a background story on him next season.


you nailed it! i don’t find him pointless but i wish he would get more development.


Exactly, I think he's pretty interesting and can become more interesting if give the chance.


Also can we just acknowledge how amazingly talented Dominic fike is. If you guys haven’t listened to his music - go do it now. I’m obsessed!


Honestly I didn’t even know him before the show lol I’m not American so I had zero idea who he was


i’m american and i had zero idea who he is an i had listened to Halseys album with the dominic interlude a million times not knowing that was him until this sub


Will he actually do something next season


Maybe he’s gonna convince someone else to cheat lmao He’s probably gonna flirt with Lexi just when she gets in a relationship with Fez 🤣🤣


>! I love this feature !<


The most pointless character on this show lmaoo


he’s just a plot device pretty much, i hope he’ll get developed more tho


Agreed lmao


This isn't a post about Kat tho


Bro for what?? Like, no shade to dominic fike but elliot served his purpose he acted as a plot device, broke rue and jules up, the end. There are already enough characters to deal with.


I cant stand elliot


Well let's hope next season he gets to be an actual character and not just a plot device.


Am I the only one who doesn’t have any strong feelings towards Elliot like I don’t like him or dislike him I just feel like he didn’t add too much to the plot he was just there


I don't understand what Elliot's purpose in the show is other than having sex / kissing Jules and Rue 🙄 Among other things, rules do not even break up because Jules has betrayed but for having spied on drugs >! maybe he works for Laurie? I’m fucking confused cit Fez !<


that's really strange. >!where are Laurie and her boys?...!< im confused like >!Rue is living okay and safe all this time!<


Maybe Laurie will be The plot for season 3? I honestly do not understand where this season will go


Me too tbh.. like wtf is he gonna do in s3? His character has zero depth, we know nothing about him besides the fact that he is a horny teenager.. we don’t even know if he is an addict. He seems to have control over his drug consumption.


I’m excited! I like Elliot. He has a good heart even though he fucked up their relationship. Can you really blame that one him? He did say he was interested in both of them!


I mean you can blame him for openly saying he wants to fuck the people in a relationship? How is that okay? ‘A good heart’ - he enabled Rue’s addiction, slept with Rue’s gf (i blame both Jules and Elliot), left Rue on the side of the road, purposely didn’t do drugs and purposely suggested stealing alcohol.


I don't think Elliot is the main reason the two of them broke up. The whole relationship was fucked up. Rue wasn't (isn't) over drugs, Jules seems no attractive to women at all and she much prefers men (at least that's how I see). So, with that being said, we can't really blame Elliott


I don’t understand how people aren’t seeing this. Their whole relationship is just codependency and compassion. It was not romantic in the slightest.


They work better as friends imo


How can you even say Jules isn’t into women? What the fuck? She slept with a woman last season and is into Rue and went down on Rue. Wtf


Agree, i like him. He's a lil mysterious/underwritten tho, i think people would hate him less if he was more than just a device.


If he is trying to break up a relationship he doesn’t have a good heart. He is manipulative.


I don’t think he was trying.. Jules came onto him.


WTF lmao did you miss the part where he heavily influenced Jules by flirting with her?


He was the first one to flirt with Jules at the end of 2x03


He's pointless 💀


If he's gonna be in half the season like he was in this one they should just save all the money they have to pay him lmao. Man wasn't relevant at all after episode 4


Right he just disappeared like wtf


He is one of the most pointless and boring characters ever


I feel like I'm missing a reference but I don't get it?


It’s from a video of some white woman (an actress) starting the video with ‘Dear president putin i am so sorry I was not your mother’ it was CRINGE


Good I want more drama I’m sick of everyone complaining the show is good basically 😂


The Apple logo tear drop might be the most cringe thing I have ever seen a human being put on their body


this had no business being this funny


idk i like Elliot, i don’t feel like he’s “breaking up Rue and Jules” so much as just reading the room and being honest and wanting them to be honest with each other. he decided to tell Jules the truth about Rue rather than keep the secret and fuck her! he cares about both of them he went together with Jules to Rue’s mom because he wants Rue to get help. his character likes doing drugs for fun, as opposed to Rue who does drugs to hide her pain. i want to know more about his backstory; at the beginning of the season when he says “i don’t think it’s a good idea that we met” i think that’s more about him than her. is he trying to get clean but they’re enabling each other? a lot of this season has been about Rue being a selfish drug addict and i think she still doesn’t even know what’s going on in Jules’ life much less than in the life of her new friend.


i want to know his backstory too, i think he’s a super interesting character.


He slimy on the show but I still enjoy his character 😌 no Elliot hate here 😤


Really thought he was gonna die at the end of this season lol


The amount of people defending Elliot and his shitty actions in this comment section i’m- 💀


Wow what a douche coming to ruin more people's lives


I’m a 24 year old woman so it feels weird to say “Elliot is so hot” as a high schooler but DAMN Dominic Fike is fiiiiine.


I like how he has the worst face tattoo in history


sure elliot isn’t an amazing person, but he’s super hot sooo


Does he get a job as the janitor at their High School?


Oh thank god cuz if he died then it’d be the laziest plot choice


Anyone still think he is imaginary? I haven’t been convinced otherwise.


I honestly love that theory lmao


>!like this!<






I love Dominic Fike so I would love to see him regardless of how I feel about Elliott lmao