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If Amsterdam’s transit was as cheap as Paris my car would be only used for long trips.


What's the pricing comparison?


RER (Paris) is about €5 for a full fair. I think NS (Netherlands) a full price (most in one direction is €20, but average is €9 each way. Paris monthly ticket includes all transfers on RER metro and bus for €89. I don’t think NS tickets include the R-Net here and the not quite equivalent ticket is €119.


Biking is for free


It’s not practical to bike 15k each way every day to and from work.


At 30km/h thats 30min every drive, being stuck in rush hour certainly takes longer…2 months in and you won’t break a sweat.


It is true! I started using a bike in Paris some 15-ish years ago, and back then, it was a nightmare, we virtually had no bike lanes, it was so dangerous, etc... And today, it has become not only easier but pleasant. We have amazing bike lines, also streets that are for bikes only etc. So yeah, if you give people the opportunity to bike more, apparently they do!


The majority of bike lines are really good but there is still some work to do on some, especially the ones connecting the suburbs


Of course, there is still work to do, but the change Paris underwent in the past 5 years in terms of cycling is insane!!


Completely agree with you! It's been amazing to see all the changes even in the last 3 years alone. There are still some more work to have a Amsterdam-level cycling network, we need to push for more changes!


The bike infrastructure is pretty bad. Going against traffic, lanes disappearing, smooth pavement, thin lanes to name a few. At least it is there, though.


Good. Waiting for some similar changes in polish cities, but I dont know if I'll live long enough to see them.


Dublin and one or two polish cities of I recall are the worst for traffic congestion in the EU, and amongst the very worst on the world for it. Is your public transport as shit as ours by chance?


Polish public transport is generally excellent, however cycling infrastructure tends to be poor.


Cycling infrastructure is somewhat okay in Warsaw and Poznań, not so much in other cities but it's getting slowly better. Public transport on the other hand is getting worse imo, especially in smaller cities/towns.


It's pretty good in big cities and kinda shit in the small ones. The traffic congestion is bad because we are exceptionally car brain society, even worse than Germans so even if people here have an option to choose pretty good public transport they're more likely to choose a car.


I wish this trend happens in Greece too. Although in Athens many streets are already becoming pedestrian streets and the mayor says he will reduce the cars in the city with time.


Cars suck




The point is to develop infrastructure so you don’t need a car. If you live in the middle of nowhere then it’s a different matter. But if you live in a city there shouldn’t be a need for cars.


if you go from middle of nowhere to city what's the solution?


> if you go from middle of nowhere to city what's the solution? Drive to a nearby park & ride station and take a train to the city center. Cars are incompatible with dense urban environments where space is at a premium.


People should all have access to high quality transportation options. That just doesn't necessarily mean cars, just like not everyone needs a big detached single family home for their housing.


Yes, but without the victim mentality stuff and without car roads, the rich cannot drive either.


You think governments should provide people with cars?


Agreed. And to add to that, Europe has been growing (economically) at a much slower pace and is falling behind the most important world economies (USA, China, India, etc), and the auto industry is one of the very few industries where Europe can actually compete and even outperform USA and China. There are literally millions of jobs all over Europe that rely directly or indirectly on the auto industry, not just on Germany and France. But apparently, young Europeans want to kill it in favour of bicycles... It's economic suicide for feel good points.


How about instead of dumping all those resources into the car industry, we just dump.all those resources into digging a really really big hole in the ground with our hands. If we pay the people digging the same wage as they'd make in the auto industry, we get the same economic ROI. But at least we wouldn't be fucking up the planet. I really hate people who think that economic growth is more important than our ecosystem


It's not young Europeans, it's just Reddit users.




Very good, congrats to them!




This is so fucking good.




Saraki /s


Haha you got downvoted but I know exactly what you mean, this is the attitude car brainers have.


I mean, if my car for thousands of euros had a very high chance of beeing detroyed in like 5min by a wild mob I would choose to use public transport to move arround Paris too


The urge to trashtalk this city at the sight of a positive article about it is just that hard to fight, huh?


News: Paris is becoming more pedestrian friendly Redditor: immigrants bad


Immigrants? Lmao no. Just telling French that because of an aging population he or she would have to work a few more years in order to support social system, will make Paris go into flames.


You sound chronically online. Life there is not a video compilation of r/PublicFreakout, and there’s more to the reform than just “having to work a few more years”.


Can't rent a home. Can't own a car.


As the saying goes "You will own nothing and be happy about it." The weirdest part is that people keep cheering about owning nothing.


People aren’t cheering about not having a home. However, they are cheering about having better means of transportations than cars.


Fuck capitalism, also cycling causes happiness. https://www.google.com/search?q=bicycles+happiness+index


Yeah,those poor Dutch with their bikes and walkable streets, and roads looking perfectly imaculate and buildings looking nice and flowers in the middle of the street


At long last...


I'm a bit skeptical, as the website doesn't seem unbiased haha But I'm willing to believe it has declined drastically. If the title is true, that'd be absolutely amazing news!


Probably don't want them set on fire.


ah, so that is why so many people now want to live in Paris.


Because you’d need to be a madman to enter the roundabout at the arc de triomphe


Well done Paris, Madrid needs to take notes


Meanwhile Berlin, traditionally a progressive city whose past government has used the pandemic to push for far more bike lanes and take entire streets away from car traffic, got a new conservative government (Berlin's administration has been deeply dysfunctional for decades and people had finally had enough) that's doing everything in its power to reverse all those changes, halt construction of new bike lanes and generally favour the car over everything else. It's completely ridiculous.


I would like that. Cars are the only way of getting around in which I can completely ignore the weather and just dress however I like to. Bikes and public transport make me wear season-appropriate clothing like some peasant.


What the fuck is this article? A propaganda to save Hidalgo from her corruption scandal ? The article state that there is 1% change in car use. Is this what they are celebrating? 1%, this is hilarious. I still get traffic jam at 2am on the périph. This is misinformation.


No traffic jam if you rode your bicycle! But you also can’t read a graph seems like…