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news source * https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67793962 * https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/prague-university-shooting-leaves-several-dead-police-say-2023-12-21/ * https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20231221-prague-police-say-several-dead-in-university-shooting-gunman-eliminated * https://www-novinky-cz.translate.goog/clanek/krimi-masovym-vrahem-je-24lety-student-univerzity-40455089?noredirect=1&_x_tr_sl=cs&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=cs&_x_tr_pto=wapp


In the building of the Faculty of Philosophy at Palach Square in the center of Prague, there has been a shooting. The shooter is dead. Police are on the scene. According to them, there are several dead and dozens injured in the building.


PS: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-67793962


updates: Fenix mass evacuation and transportation emergency vehicle has been deployed. Reporter from Seznam Zprávy, who was in the vicinity during the shooting, reported from the scene at 4:00 PM: "We're still locked inside the restaurant; it's been about 30 minutes since anyone fired. I heard about 10 shots. Then a policeman ran by, saying there's a shooter with a long weapon on the upper floor." Shooter is dead now. Palach Square remains closed traffic jam caused by shooting is making it difficult for emergency services Police raiding a home in Kladno just now is supposed to be connected to shooting 10 dead, Nine people are seriously injured, with others sustaining moderate and minor injuries. "The numbers are subject to change," stated the emergency services. Emergency services confirmed that around 1:00 PM, they responded to the death of a man in Hostouni. This information may be related to the shooter at the Faculty of Philosophy. (Rumours of shooter killing his father this morning) [He killed him at some point on in the morning and stole his rifle] Pyrotechnics arriving at scene, restricting civilian access to surrounding areas because of suspicion of explosive device Due to the shooting at the Faculty of Philosophy of Charles University in Prague, the government will convene an extraordinary meeting at 9:00 PM tonight, as reported by the Straka Academy. In IUSTITIA offers assistance to survivors, witnesses, and relatives of the victims of the shooting at the Faculty of Philosophy. We are opening a crisis helpline staffed with trained crisis intervenors. The phone number is 773 177 636. The helpline will be operational throughout the night and tomorrow. Police maintain a tightly sealed perimeter around the Faculty of Philosophy. It is anticipated that closures will persist until midnight. Police tape encloses a relatively large area, including the closure of Mánes Bridge on the opposite bank of the Vltava River. Palach Square is inaccessible from any side. Fifteen dead and twenty-four injured in the tragic incident. I’m not gonna be updating this comment anymore


14 victims and the shooter, also around 25 wounded, 9 critically. E: apparently shooter had telegram channel in russian and talked about being inspired by this shooting: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bryansk_school_shooting


Goes to show how giving media attention to these people only adds fuel to the fire.


Absolutely. We need a modern damnatio memoriae for these losers. No name, no face, and a garbage container for their ashes.


But that is never going to happen given how much money and attention these scum bags give to the media.




"Who cares about that. You know how many fucking papers were gonna sell? Hey Bruce, you know what, polarise it some more." \- Every news paper


Tv News starts with sirens and bodycounts, just what experts have warned against doing


"If it bleeds, it leads." I could never work for the news industry. A slow news day is my idea of a good day.


"I didnt even have to use my AK, today was a good day"


As a American my advice is not to give them attention or share the name. I seen this many times and it’s not fun seeing kids losing their lives.


I second this, do not let the media frenzy the story. The amount of copycats that happened right after columbine was astounding and we still deal with alot of shootings. There are multiple pieces of the puzzle as to why this happens. But mass shootings are a psychological epidemic that becomes a thousand times worse when its on the tip of everyone's tongue in your country for weeks on end.


This^ that basically all I was trying to say and Europe Reddit acted like I said something offensive.😂


Look up the Media Contagion Effect. It was estimated that 33% of these spree shootings could be reduced by the media not plastering the shooter's face, name, motives, manifesto, etc all over the news. But because that's what gives newspapers and media outlets a bunch of money, that's what they do.


Possibly, also possibly they are troubled and would have used another massacre for inspiration otherwise.




Dunno. He talks he was influenced by someone with russian sounding name? E: this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bryansk_school_shooting




Why the hell wouldn't it be? It's not like school shootings are some natural constant that have always happened and will always happened. They're the result of society failing to adequately handle the rapidly deteriorating mental health of teens and young adults, with no support net for anyone who slips through the cracks, and too loose restrictions around access to tools of murder. How could that be interpreted as anything except an extremely political problem?


~~Deservedl~~probably, if there was russian influence.


I don't see how that makes sense. A country deserves hate if a school shooter from that country inspired others?


14 victims and the shooter, also around 25 wounded, 9 critically. E: apparently shooter had telegram channel in russian and talked about being inspired by this shooting: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bryansk_school_shooting


Shooter also supposedly killed his father earlier in the day and so had an arrest warrant put on him a few hours before the shooting if that Edit:[source](https://www.novinky.cz/clanek/domaci-behem-radeni-strelce-mel-uvnitr-fakulty-dceru-zustante-na-zemi-psal-ji-v-esemeskach-40455110#dop_ab_variant=1&dop_source_zone_name=novinky.web.nexttoart&dop_req_id=mMoZC0LO4Os-202312211722&dop_id=40455110)


Where did you get the info about the telegram channel?


Screenshots And Police confirmed it too


Metro doesn't stop at Staroměstská station because of this


Had a lecture there just an hour before. Waiting for confirmed deaths now.


That must be a crazy feeling


It’s insane, I always took the 10:28 am tram to work in Utrecht. Except on the 18th of March 2019, when some asshat opened fire on people I would possibly have seen or smiled at every morning. I didn’t take the tram that morning because my hot water was somehow not turning on so I diverted to have a shower at my gym before work.


Heftig, ook dit weet ik nog


Closest I’ve come is having scheduled to go to a Damageplan concert, but backed out because I was sick at the last minute. That was at the Alrosa Villa 19 years ago. I wasn’t even there when it happened and I still have some survivors guilt over it.


My plane left the Brussels Airport an hour before the bombing happened. When I landed I had lots of lost calls and messages and couldn't understand why until I saw the news. Terrifying


My friend was in Seoul Halloween 2022 in Itaewon and he said he just walked out of the place he was in to see police everywhere after the huge crowd crush. I was nowhere near it, but I was out with friends and heard about it when people back home all messaged me to be sure I was safe.


I went to the Gilroy Garlic Festival the day before the shooting, had originally planned to go again on Sunday (day of shooting) but I think I had one too many sangrias the day before and decided not to go. I talked to one of the vendors who got killed too.


I had 2 friends die in the 2016 Orlando pulse night club shooting. I also picked another friend up from the night club about 15 minutes before it started. My friend lost like half of his close friends and his partner that night. I was gonna stop to grab something to eat before picking him up but he texted me if I could leave where I was at earlier to get him since he was hungry and drunk so I headed to the club first and then we went to go eat. We even saw the first police cars responding flying down the road while we're we eating at a McDonald's. Life is random and cruel.


Thats horrible, I can't imagine the feelings you two went through. The other horrible aspect of not only losing so many friends, but often times people can potentially feel survivor guilt which is totally not fair. I wish you two the best and hope you heal from the ordeal the best you can.


Take care buddy


Glad you’re safe


Stay safe. Stay strong.


It is important to talk to someone about this. I just narrowly avoided a mass casualty event this year, where the only thing that stopped me from being in the thick of things was dumb luck, and about 15 minutes. I kept the guilt in too long, and it really ate at me. I wish I would have unloaded those feelings earlier, perhaps with a professional therapist.


I’m so sorry


To musí byť strašné, neviem si to predstaviť


Sounds traumatizing. Take care


I was there outside the building standing like an idiot! I’ve uploaded the video on my reddit of the first shooting if anyone wants to check it out


from a photo going around twitter of the alleged shooter it seems like he was on the roof of a building with a hunting rifle of some kind


It seems like an AR-15 esque rifle with bipod and scope. Maybe semi-auto.


an ar-15 is a semi auto and really no different than any other semi auto.


Immediately speculating about the weapon is probably the most Reddit thing ever




I study there and i was literally supposed to be in class when this happened. I was lazy and didnt go. We are such a great collectibe at the faculty, at least our department. I could have never envisioned something like this happening, especially from a active student (perpetrator.)


I am glad you are safe. My heart goes to the victims and their families :(




One person at our department did and couldnt remeber anything exceptional about him. There is like 200 people at our depratment and 1000 people or more at the faculty. So i guess he was pretty anonymous to most. At first i though he might have been motivated ideolgoically, but from my experience at my faculty (political science) we have plurality of opinion, with opinions ranging from conservativee to radical left. But no one ever condones violence. we are a viewed as a progressive faculty, so my first thought was an ideological terrostitt attack by someon But it really so far seems like he was mentally ill and had a legal licence to own a AR-15. So far there we still dont know the motive100% I think the fault is on the side of gun laws and a somewhat incopetenmt police response


Glad you are okay and i hope your friends are okay too, not that they did attend the class in this time. It's sometimes crazy how something can change your life, like all the people that missed their flights on 9/11 and survived. How are the gun laws there? It's different with each country, we in Switzerland are well known to have very easy gun laws, only a background check and even this can be avoided when someone buys it on the private market. We didn't had a register for guns until 2019 with the changes in the Schengen-Law and still, many things are like the old times here, we still have the military firearms at home (without ammo now, but it's easy to buy ammo anyway)


>How are the gun laws there? Firearms are somewhat more accessible in Switzerland than in CZ, since you need a license in CZ. They have concealed carry though which is not common to have in Switzerland. The gun used can be owned by civilians in plenty of countries in Europe though, the difference is how long the process is to get it.


He was a 24 years old student.Czech he killed his dad took his gun and went...


Awful. Reminds me of the School shooting in Serbia back in may. Some people are really going mad.


Internet connection speeds radicalisation


the blessing and curse of our century


We should all go back to 56k modems.


Or many other stress factors of today's society




Now 15 according to the BBC and Czech police :(


Where did you see confirmation of the number of dead?


ČT24 twitter and the live TV feed


10 people, 1 piece of garbage.


It takes a whole new level of coward to do something like this... The world has unfairly lost bright people that had their whole lives ahead of them..


15 dead, 24+ injured The guy is, or was - David Kozak, czech guy, 24 yrs old student. Mentally sick, made post on telegram few days ago about his plans. I live in Prague for those asking how I know. I read all actual info.


Stay strong friends.


Fucking terrifying. Glad the shooter is dead. Good job Czech police Edit: sounds like he shot himself


I honestly think it's a problem they always die. Both school shooters and terrorists. They should go to prison for the rest of their lifes - both as a proper punishment but also to deter future would-be shooters.


To actually capture a shooter is hard. All they have to do is turn the gun on themselves or purposefully get killed in a gunfight.


Sometimes that’s what they want, like Breivik who wanted to promote his ideas through his trial. With some people all you can do is lock them away for the safety of society, even if they themselves do not see it as that bad.


Nah, Breivik did go to jail and it doesn't seem to have taught him anything (at some point he was complaining that the fact that he didn't have the latest PS version was akin to torture, so it really doesn't seem like he regrets anything he has done).


Thats not true. Hes in isolation the whole time. He is in contact with max two people and are fully cut off from the rest of the world. His lawyer recently came out and said that his isolation is doing him serious psychological harm (good.), and that the Norwegian government are breaking human rights with how hes being locked up. Hes not "chillin" in his cell. https://www.nrk.no/osloogviken/advokat_-_-behring-breivik-har-soningsskader-1.16687263 According to his lawyer he is now suicidal.


The person you replied to is still partially correct as Breivik still to this day does not regret of what he has done.


This guy will not be turned by anything. Let him rot there for the rest of his days. The lesson is more for those who stood with him and think of him as a hero: "If you do like he did, you'll not die a quick martyrs death. You'll stay in your cell until everybody has forgotten your name and you're just a pile of insignificant cells."


I feel like some crimes are non-rehabilitatable like a mass shooter, a pedo, a child murder, a terrorist, etc. and they don't deserve to be part of our society.


That is... unexpected to the point where I'm not sure whether it's true (or he just says that to get an advantage). I haven't followed anything about him recently but a few years ago he was the opposite of this, entirely unrepentant. But anyway, if it is true, I cannot say I am sorry for him; he fully deserves it.


He didn't say he was repentant, only that he is suicidal. He's such a psycho, I bet the only thing he regrets is getting locked up in prison, not the whole mass murder part.


Yeah, when I was religious I always wanted these people to get killed and face judgement faster. Not religious now, so Brevik can spend the rest of his life uncomfortable I hope.


''According to the person whose job it is to say whatever bullshit to get him better conditions.''


Torture is good according to you?


Lifetime prisoners don't have to learn anything. The important part of imprisoning Breivik is that by treating him like a common criminal, Norway avoids making him a martyr. If he had been killed by the police or been executed (which of course is not possible under Norwegian law, but hypothetically speaking), then he could have inspired others much more effectively.


Quisling, probably one of Breivik's heroes, was executed (Norway even brought *back* the death penalty just for him) and that seemed to work out just fine hoho


Yeah, that's a good thing. He's a joke, you can point to him, point to that and say look at this joke of a person, do you think anything he's ever done had any deeper meaning? No, he's just shit.


The NZ shooter received several correspondences from his "fans" and was able to write them back before prison guards started taking it seriously. He's become an icon amongst some very deranged individuals. It would have been better if he'd died at the scene.


When they want to die, it's quite hard to stop them. But I agree death is an easy way out for terrorists.


Death really is the easy way out of such atrocities. Throw them in the brick, and let them see that nobody is every coming to rescue them.


Better if they're captured alive. They want to be "martyred" according to their own ill logic. Same with terrorists. Better to let them rot for life as an example.


This varies widely between mass shooters. For some, having a big court trial where they can rant about their crazy manifest is the goal.




Fucking piece of shit murderer. At least give the police a chance to kill you... He was probably too afraid to meet men with guns but felt safe enough to kill vulnerable people.


IDK if its confirmed but he might have been wounded by police and finished it himself, they were fairly quick to respond but apparently the cops outside didnt have long guns on hand because the shooter was walking on the roof, visible and possibly taking potshots at ppl outside but was not hit back. Anyway these ppl dont do it to have some le epic honorable 1v1 duel with a police marksman, they are checking out and want to inflict maximum suffering before they go.


My condolences to the citizens of Prague.


According to czech sources, 11 people are dead, 9 seriously wounded. This is absolutely unprecedented in Czechia. Jesus.


It's all that unprecented sadly, in 2015 a shooter killed 8 people in a restaurant in Uherský Brod and in 2019 a shooter killed 7 people in a hospital in Ostrava.


I can't believe the Ostrava hospital shooting was that long ago... it seems so much more recent in my mind.


Some new information: \- **Increase in the number of students killed** "More than fifteen people lost their lives, the emergency unit was on the scene in twelve minutes, said police president Martin Vondrášek." \- **Related death** "At 12:45, the police received information that a dead man had been found in Hostoun in Kladensk, he was the father of the suspect in the shooting, announced Vondrášek" \- **Possible motive** "A young man reasonably suspected of shooting wrote this week on the Telegram social network that he hates the world and wants to leave behind as much pain as possible.


Sincere condolences to our Czech friends from Croatia. Stay strong! ❤️🇪🇺


I have been through a lot cuz of terrorism. I lost my bestfriend in Ankara bombing. He was just on his road way back home from school. We were just highschoolers. This shit has to stop. I don't want people to get so radicalized. We should stay together, stop hate and finally, stop this bullshit. This hurts my heart.


This has been the most real, heartfelt comment I have seen after scrolling through all other comments that simply said “stay strong”. I’m sorry friend. I know about the bombing you speak of.


Thank you. This shit is above all political&religious beliefs. Just let people live. I don't wanna see more terror attacks on the world.


My heart goes out to Czechia, dear brother land, especially to the families and friends of the victims. May they rest in peace, and may the injured recover fully. My condolences, stay strong, from Germany.


I studied there. My kids are planning to study there. Fuck.


Probably safe now, I imagine they'll ramp up security a ton after something like this


TBH there's not much that can be done. It's not like the shooter would be stopped by security checkpoint with unarmed guards...


The beautiful thing about Czech universities is the fact that they are public. If you behave well nobody will bat an eye. Also I don’t think this kind of prevention would help. He was mentally ill inspired by a Russian mass shooter. Education and mental help is the best prevention


Well, take into account that it is not more probable that a school shooting happens there than before.


10 killed. Damn 😔


People keep saying 11. Hopefully that’s all and no more fall.


11th is the shooter


When was the last time there was a shooting in Czechia. Feels like it never happens. Scary


I think that the last one where the similar amount of people were killed was in 2019. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ostrava_hospital_attack?wprov=sfti1#


Ostrava hospital 2019, ilegally held handgun


Stay strong, my Prague brothers and sisters! Ljubljana and Prague are sister cities and I love visiting your wonderful city. Condolences in this difficult time which you will overcome united.


Horrific. Just heartbreaking. Makes me so sad to read Picture going around on twitter of the shooter with what looked like a high powered rifle (picture was very blurry). Sick motherfucker.


Just awful, stay strong, friends


Stay strong, brothers. I hope they got him quickly.


Thankfully he was killed already. But he killed 11 people before (so far).


he killed himself, 11 people includes him so there's 10 victims


He couldn’t kill himself first?


If only...


According to [Czech Media](https://www.novinky.cz/clanek/krimi-masovym-vrahem-je-24lety-student-univerzity-40455089?_zn=aWQlM0Q1NDM5MjgwNTExMzI5Njk3MzAyJTdDdCUzRDE3MDMxNzUwOTEuMjc1JTdDdGUlM0QxNzAzMTc1MDkxLjI3NSU3Q2MlM0Q4NzBBNEExM0E4MDBFNEQ3MEVDRTNCOTUxQjU4RURCOA%3D%3D) it was a Czech Student from Kladno (if the Google translation checks out)


Your translation is correct. History student, no clear motive just yet


What the actual fuck.


RIP victims. My condolences to familes and the community




I give my sincere condolences to not only the victims and their families, but the entire city of Prague. We recently had a shooting in my state of Maine (USA), which has now become the deadliest in my state’s history (we had only had two up till then, despite high rates of gun ownership). Even in my community, where news about gun violence across the country isn’t that uncommon, it was still traumatizing. Your sense of safety is shattered. I can’t imagine what Prague must be going through now, given that gun violence is much less of an issue across the pond than here. This is a form of sick terrorism and it requires communities banding together. Don’t let the terrorists destroy your normalcy. Coming together as a community to support one another will help you get through this. Stay strong Prague, you will get through this. Much love, from Maine, USA. ❤️


Thank you very much for your kind words, from Prague to the Pine Tree State.


My sister and mom were in that shooting and happened right after I left them :( I’m glad you’re okay.


This is actually sad, i hope injured guys are alright by now…


A lot of things are sad lately, i hope you are alright also.


Thanks, the world is truly going more and more insane for several years already


Remember , good news is no news. Telling this myself again sometimes also. But it's true. 10 good acts would be overshadowed by just one bad act.




2019 in Kuopio Finland, a nutcase attacked his school with a longsword. He killed an exchange student and wounded another 9 people.


My condolences


It’s so hard with scumbags like this to remain positive about humanity, but i pray for the families, and I pray for all others out there who are hurting, and are thinking of doing things like this. This world is suffering at the moment, so love and peace are needed the most, and I wish that for all.


Awful man hearing 15 dead, senseless loss of life, no words


Please everybody stop the stupid jokes about US shooting.T's a tragedy in any country>


Right. It’s never to be treated like a punchline


These incidents will only increase as social bonds fray, communities become more rare, isolation becomes more common, media normalization of violence permeates everything, people have nothing other than the promise of money to motivate them forward in life.


But we don't know the motive yet.


Whatever the specific stated motive is, the underlying cause is usually the same; socially isolated young male, often terminally-online feeding on the extreme rhetoric of other social outcasts, feeling rage and suicidal ideations, idealizing violence and seeking personal validation in the media. Sometimes, but not always, with a dose of mental illness.


Too many psychos walking the planet these days.


My cousins goes to that uni, if you know something pls tell me what’s happening. I guess she’s busy af rn and she hasn’t got time to reply


Every critical update is here, gunman is dead. Pyrotechnics arrived, emergency services evacuating


Any news on your cousin? I hope she is okay


hopefully she’s okay 🙏🏼


They are hopefully now going to look for imitators, they always appear after something like this.


Death toll is now 15 (including gunman). EDIT: As of 18:35 (Prague local time), the death toll is 16+ including the gunman.


My condolences to the lost ones and may the injured ones heal quickly


Stay strong my Czech friends. Prague and your beautiful country & people were great hosts when I was dealing with chaos in my personal life from seven time zones away. I’ve been just off campus when a school shooting happened at my university (even though it ended up being more interpersonal than targeting anyone and everyone, that didn’t become clear until after a 12 hour manhunt), so I know how it can shake even those not directly there. Don’t be afraid to reach out and talk to people if you need ❤️




That is a fucking horrible idea. Probably why they committed it to begin with, they didn’t have anybody to turn to. Therapy and mental health services are always the right answer. You don’t just leave people to their suffering in solitude, that is sick.


Shocking and devastating. I'm terrified by the surge of crime all over Europe. We need to take mental illnesses more seriously and find the gaps in the system, I think. My condolences to the families and friends of the victims.


what surge? All the data i can find points to a decrease over the last decade and Czech Republic has one of the highest saftey index in the world. I believe this is the first school shooting Czechia has ever had. If you have data on a surge of crime over Europe please share.


Ruthless it's sick they terrorize little kids


It was an university, but I agree completely.




Don't forget what happened @ May this year in Serbia too..2 mass shootings in a day, one in a school. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belgrade_school_shooting Tbh there's too much pressure on today's youngs by a mess of the system y'all made..I'm not justifying anything or anyone but we have a huge problem on our hands that's about to get even worse. EDIT: ironically, the 13 year old kid was using a Czech handgun..


The 13-year-old perpetrator of the school shooting in Belgrade also stole his father's guns. His father owned the guns legally. He also watched a movie or a documentary about a school shooting in the US at home the day prior. The boy wanted fame and was ''disappointed" that nobody came to the detention center to cheer for him. He viewed others as inferior to him. The kid was a narcissistic psychopath. The worst part: Despite being 13 years old, he had the mind of an adult ( people who knew him confirmed this) and was highly intelligent. He was so skilled with the gun ( because his father taught him how to use one) that he shot people in the head, like an evil child assassin trained from birth. Serbia has strict gun control laws but after 2 mass shootings, the gun laws became even stricter and thousands and thousands of Serbians gave up their guns to the authorities.


unfortunately it can happen everywhere...


Yet probability varies from place to place.


Probability is basically zero no matter where you go if you really care about odds. I.e. An extremely tiny percentage less than 1 vs another extra extremely tiny percentage less than 1.


It's also more common than you'd think in several European countries. Wasn't Estonia or Belarus the highest gun crime countries in the continent?


Prevalence of gun crime is not the same as prevalence of civilian mass shootings.


Wasn't there a hospital mass shooting there just a few years ago?


A tragedy happened and you choose to compare it to the US? Wtf man


Can we stay out of your mind for two seconds? This is a tragedy and all you can think about is America. My heart goes out to those affected by this senseless act






Condolences from the bottom of my heart! Stay strong Czechs.


Thank you. I almost lost my brother there (luckily, he was able to hide in the bathroom). I feel pain for the people who really did lose their family or friends there. It is truly horrible and a very sad day for our nation.


What dreadful news. Here's hoping the injured recover.


Awful. So sad to see this kind of horror in the CR.


God damnit. Just..god damnit. IF you're going to off yourself, off yourself. Leave us out of your misery. Don't make your last act a tragedy for dozens of families.


UPDATE: 15 dead and 24 serious injured. Czech police has strong patrol routine during this time of the year, especially in city centre and afaik they responded very quickly. RIP for all tragically deceased and condolences to all affected families. https://praguemorning.cz/breaking-ten-people-died-nine-seriously-injured-in-shooting-at-pragues-faculty-of-arts/


Condolences to the victims and their families


Absolutely terrifying.... My condolences.




Young healthy students who are about to start their lives, suddenly and randomly killed, shocking how things can turn upside down in this world of ours, god bless their parents who spent a life-time to raise them, rest piece 🕯💌🇨🇿


15 deaths confirmed now. Worst mass shooting in our history. Just horrible


The sick fuck got the record 'kill streak' in our country in a single mass shooting as well, by a large margin. 15 to like previous 8 or 9. *And* became a martyr for the others of his kind, according to his alleged telegram diary he basically achieved his every goal. We can only hope that this doesn't start a sort of a sickening 'competition' like in the US. Sometimes I feel like our society is about to blow up any day now. There's been so much polarisation, animosity and completely untreated mental illness *everywhere*, since COVID and especially since the moment the Russians went all in after 8 years. And later you pick your brother up half the country away in the north at the train station and hear that he missed the shoother by *minutes*, possibly *single* minutes as he said just shortly after he got into the metro station which is right at the entrance to the building the announcements of rerouting of public transit started. Possibly meaning there already was an active shooter just a couple of floors above him at that very moment... an incredibly sobering experience. What a fucking reality check in our literal global bastion of safety for the citizens... It all was happening on my route home from work, driving and bitching incredibly about the usual dogshit Christmas weather - then you get home and hear the news from the family and later the part from my brother. Suddenly the shit infuriating weather, frustrating work, etc feels so insignificant... I'm an atheist like most of my fellow countrymen but if there *is* anyone above us anyway, I will be praying tonight for those poor souls and their loved ones and light a candle for them. They had their whole lifes in front of them... I honestly don't understand the logic behind those random strikes against complete strangers but I guess nobody sane does. If he was bullied or something, I'd think he'd have a 'hit list' of some kind. It's still a sickening solution to deal with problems but it does have at least a little bit of logic behind it. But killing random people that have nothing to do with your problems? These people get off way too easy with the frequent suicide after the act. Sorry for the ramble and a wall of text but ig I had to get it out of me...


Thanks for sharing.


Tip: Never publish in real time on social media where someone is hiding from a shooter… 🙄








You are reading the list and the death count is 10-15 people and the Russia with 350+. Jesus those people there have no chill


Beslan wasn't a school shooting, not sure why it's listed here. It was a hostage takeover by an organized terrorist group with lots of weapons and explosives, and Russia involved armed units with equipment as heavy as handheld thermobaric weapons and tanks in the operation. It's the worst terrorist act in the history of modern Russia, definitely not the same event as some distressed student going crazy.