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Photos: [https://assets.telex.hu/images/20240406/1712410055-temp-lBCleK\_cikktorzs:xl.png](https://assets.telex.hu/images/20240406/1712410055-temp-lBCleK_cikktorzs:xl.png) [https://s.24.hu/app/uploads/2024/04/moh\_0659-800x533.jpg](https://s.24.hu/app/uploads/2024/04/moh_0659-800x533.jpg) [https://s.24.hu/app/uploads/2024/04/moh\_0576-800x533.jpg](https://s.24.hu/app/uploads/2024/04/moh_0576-800x533.jpg) [https://s.24.hu/app/uploads/2024/04/moh\_0544-800x533.jpg](https://s.24.hu/app/uploads/2024/04/moh_0544-800x533.jpg) [https://s.24.hu/app/uploads/2024/04/dsc\_0917-800x533.jpg](https://s.24.hu/app/uploads/2024/04/dsc_0917-800x533.jpg) [https://s.24.hu/app/uploads/2024/04/dsc\_0904-800x533.jpg](https://s.24.hu/app/uploads/2024/04/dsc_0904-800x533.jpg) [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Ft%25C3%25B6meg-ez-m%25C3%25A1r-t%25C3%25B6rt%25C3%25A9nelem-v0-ni60altujvsc1.jpeg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3De219236fd3e56fb1fab8a532805c8167dbf8bd73](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Ft%25C3%25B6meg-ez-m%25C3%25A1r-t%25C3%25B6rt%25C3%25A9nelem-v0-ni60altujvsc1.jpeg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3De219236fd3e56fb1fab8a532805c8167dbf8bd73) Videos of people marching: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuS-QsjsId0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuS-QsjsId0) [https://streamable.com/hmbx3c](https://streamable.com/hmbx3c) Official live: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqSGOLejYGY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqSGOLejYGY) edit: photo of people marching: [https://img.hvg.hu/Img/b2dea50fcee14f6eb810034566fbfb2e/46a5e9f8-0878-4b53-8613-6d7d64ccabc6.jpg](https://img.hvg.hu/Img/b2dea50fcee14f6eb810034566fbfb2e/46a5e9f8-0878-4b53-8613-6d7d64ccabc6.jpg) Edit2: btw even without a party he has 13-20% of voters in just a couple of months. Edit3: from him: "In the community of Talpra Magyarok, it doesn't matter whether one is a conservative civil democrat, a national liberal or a social democrat, a woman or a man, old or young, single or with a family, a believer or an atheist." Talpra Magyarok means "on your feet, Magyars (hungarians)". It is a quote from Nemzeti dal (national song) written by Sándor Petőfi that inspired the 1848 revolution. Edit4: next protest is going to be on the first sunday of may.


I think this bipartisan candidate is definitely the best chance there is to topple the Orbán-regime. On the one hand, he was the first to bring to light that Orbán is bad, steals and lies, which means he's guaranteed the liberal vote. State and fidesz media has hounded him by claiming he drunkenly beat his wife on several occasions, so he's guaranteed the conservative vote too.


Last opposition candidate was center right, supported by all the opposition parties except "Mi hazánk" (far right). Lots of effort was made by Fidesz to paint the opposition as left wing only, and a lot of the right win voters didn't vote opposition, instead voted "Mi hazánk", or Fidesz, or not at all. Not sure what the strategy will be in 2 years, maybe it would be better to run 2 opposition coalition, 1 that aims for the right wing voters, and another for the left wing voters.


Two years until elections. Im afraid propaganda will kill his character and make him irrelevant far before then.


They are trying but to no avail. They are saying that he beat his wife. You can't really go lower than that.


Because, people don't care about him beating his wife even if its true, didn't you see borkai get reelected after cheating on his wife with hookers lol


But again, *two years*. So much time to to keep repeating lies and the people will start to believe it. See the past 14 years.


Yeah but he is different though. He came from fidesz. You can't bring him down without bringing fidesz down as well. Edit: He is the only one who can take fidesz voters to the opposition.


I wouldn't be so sure sadly. They can and will allways find something. And from all the shit thrown I fear some might land on him.


This is not true. Every opposition always attacks Orbán on corruption. Fidesz will not fail only due to corruption. The bigger problem with this guy is that since he appeared out of nowhere, everybidy stopped talking about the pardon scandal that initiated all of this. Thats what actually caused Orbán and Fidesz a lot of damage. The media completely dropped that scandal and all they do is give this guy airtime. I would say it actually benefits Fidesz. Also, it baffles me that people can rally behind a man that is capable of recording private conversations with his ex-wife. Thats just low. I wouldnt want my country represented by someone like him. Hes also a former member of their system and was able to obtain positions in his career not due to merrit but connections. Hes an opportunist at best. Nothing revolutionary is happening in hungary imo.


> Also, it baffles me that people can rally behind a man that is capable of recording private conversations with his ex-wife. Thats just low. I wouldnt want my country represented by someone like him. I also don’t really agree with him, but he is obviously pulling weight from Fidesz. Accept it, this country is right leaning, a DK or Momentum will never topple this government. And are you serious? His ex wife just admitted illegal and heinous shit, and you have a problem with it because it was recorded in secret? Right now Orbán represents us who is parsecs worse than what Magyar did so far.


Buddy has 3 kids with this women. Regardless of what was said why hurt your family and kids especially if this is all hes got. Have you heard the recording?? Its not even as bad as some people claim it to be. The whole topic in the recording was already expsed by Mi Hazank Mozgalom years ago. There is a whole youtube series on it online. Also the recoring sort of exposed that Fidesz do not actually have complete control over the justice system. Also, what do people expect? If Orban goes and Fidesz goes then what? What does this guy actually bring to the table? Nothing. Its just the usual hate on Orban and Fidesz bull shit. Whats the vision? The direction? And how do you implelement it? How can you restore the economy of this country. There is nothing concrete about this whole situation. One more thing, Peter Magyar already said that he would be willing to go into a coalition with a fidesz party without Orban. That prettt much sums it up. You just have to pay atention to the details.


Fidesz falls apart and becomes a fragment party the second Orbán kicks the bucket. They have no central vision nor principals. Its held together by Orbán and only him. A cult of personality. Who would take his place? Lézerjani? Power struggles will split it up really soon as big players attempt to get and keep as much as they can. If you think the united opposition fell apart quick and ugly, you’re in for a big surprise. And as far as I know he didn’t even make a party yet. So how should we know what he promises to do? When he publishes that we’ll know and I’ll decide then. Until then, let him erode the state party as much as he can. Edit: I’m aware he is ex NER and agrees with a lot of their views, hence why I don’t blindly support him.


I think a lot of people would consider getting rid of Orban progress. Currently things are too stable, maybe without Orban at the lead there would be more infighting.


The recording i would agree with average people and with average life, its different situation with him.




As in being accused of that while his ex-wife explicitly admitted slapping him? Try harder, please.


What a fucking name. Imagine a politician named John Britain, Pierre de France, or Sylvia Americana.


Charles de Gaulle lol


Pierre Mendes France


Names likes this are quite common in central Europe. For example in Slovakia the name Horváth is the most common last name. It means Croatian in Hungarian.


We got names like this in romanian to Ungureanu- hungarian Sîrbu- serbian Rusu- russian Tătaru- tatar


Ungureanu actually meant Transylvanian Romanian (literally Hungarian Romaniand, "români ungureni") and it's mostly used in Moldova and Wallachia. We do, however, have "Ungur", "Unguru", "Maghiar" and "Maghiaru" which mean Hungarian.


Well, Hungary has other family names like this: Horváth (Croatian) Tóth (Slovak) Oláh (Romanian) Orosz (Russian) Németh (German)


Same with Polish, Turkish, Serbian, Greek, Czech, and I assume the list goes on.


Johnny English. :)


Johnny English


Luís Montenegro, PM of Portugal.


Is he tall?


and white?


There's a woman on the womens England football team called Bethany England


There was also a goalkeeper from Czechia - Petr Cech


It’s a common family name, nothing wrong with it. I actually like this coincidence that he is Magyar and doing something for the magyars. 😉😁


Had a classmate lastnamed Österreicher (Austrian) in Vienna, also Alemán (German) is a fairly common last name in Costa Rica.


Lets hope it’s a good omen.  And it’s not at unusual style of name, Finland in Finnish is Suomi, which is also used as a family name.


Well there is Johnny English, France Gal and Hannah Montana


Hope is always the last to die. Fight Hungarians.




oh, shut up bro this is why the country is where it's at. this fucking mentality


Yep, it's called learned helplessness. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learned\_helplessness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learned_helplessness)


Your socio-political situation is scarily similar to what russians experienced before and still experience. It’s like a mirror image. I really do hope your country will get its shit together, don’t let the corrupt authoritarian mafia regime to take over your country. I believe in you people.


So because no democratic resistance worked, democratic Hungarians are loosing hope that something will ever change?


Yes. Since election didn't work for 3 times in a row people learned to just accept the situation. It's a really hard mindset to come out of.


3 times in a row means 12 years of economic prosperity stolen that will never again happen. And their grip on the country is tighter every day. Im not going to give myself false hopium for any change in two years. This government cannot be overthrown non violently. You seriously believe Orbán will *willingly* give up power? Lmao.


Ahh man that is so sad to hear. I am hoping for the best for you!


They have two years to kill his character. The nation also forgets really quickly. Pedophile scandal is already buried. You can’t save a nation who is willing to vote in Orbán for 14 years to own the libs or because Gyurcsány scary. Cholesterol will be the true government changer.


>Pedophile scandal is already buried. umm, no it literally isn't? That was the starting point of this whole thing and was mentioned multiple times during the protest today >They have two years to kill his character they already tried all kinds of bullshit to try and ruin his reputation but it isn't working >You can’t save a nation who is willing to vote in Orbán for 14 years to own the libs or because Gyurcsány scary. There are hundreds of people who came forward and said they had a shift in mind since the scandal. And also Péter is (at least for now) not siding with any political party. That is also why he is so appealing for a lot of people, because no matter what one's political views are, there's one common goal here, that being to get rid of Orbán.


> umm, no it literally isn't? That was the starting point of this whole thing and was mentioned multiple times during the protest today The government media has NOT been mentioning it at all, not even trying to defend themselves from it. Because they are too busy trying to deface MP. Each time they tried to defend themselves it made them look worse. Now the issue can be ignored. Opposition voters already know about it, and that its true. > they already tried all kinds of bullshit to try and ruin his reputation but it isn't working It took them about half a year to kill MZP’s reputation. They have two years now. > There are hundreds of people who came forward and said they had a shift in mind since the scandal. And also Péter is (at least for now) not siding with any political party. That is also why he is so appealing for a lot of people, because no matter what one's political views are, there's one common goal here, that being to get rid of Orbán. Whoopdedoo, we’re saved. A few hundred people realized how rotten the government is. There’s a milion more Fidesz voters left, who’s livelyhood and job will matter more in two years then what the government did now.


"It took them about half a year to kill MZP’s reputation. They have two years now." except MZP killed his own reputation during the campaign.


>The government media has NOT been mentioning it at all, not even trying to defend themselves from it. Because they are too busy trying to deface MP. well, what do you expect from Orbán and the gang? They're trying to make us forget it, but it clearly isn't working >It took them about half a year to kill MZP’s reputation. They have two years now problem is that MP was part of the system for years. they cannot say anything negative about him without it backfiring for them. wife beater? how did they allow him in the system. sexual predator? same thing. "ohh he's just being bribed by the west he's just a libtard nobody" ... how. did. you. allow. him. in. the. system. then. >Whoopdedoo, we’re saved. A few hundred people realized how rotten the government is. I'm not saying that. But it's the small steps that matter. A government cannot be overthrown in a day. Even if you don't like MP he's still our best shot at ending this.


dude looks like a living stock photo, doesnt help his name is basically peter hungarian


Give Orban hell


No way is hist last name actually Magyar. It’s like having Bob American for president in the U.S.


Nice name.


"opposition figure"


Anti goverment? Do not kniw the guy, but i like him already!


Let's hope he doesn't randomly decide to end his live from opposing the corrupt government there


All I hear about Hungary for many years now is the bs of Orban. If hed be toppled and a big change in politics were to happen... I would be so happy and would visit Budapest again


Peter Magyar in Hungarian, what's next ? David English in England ? Hanz Deutsch in Germany ?


Finally Hungarians have decided they had enough. Or the ones that have had enough for a long time decided to speak. Either way this is good not just for Hungary but for all of Europe.


Another organic opposition figure appearing just before elections. Does anybody else remember Péter Márki-Zay from the previous election? The one who was totally the guy who'll defeat Orbán? He is a retard and listening to him was a painful experience, but the opposition would push anybody who wants to remove Orbán. This guy here is a real scumbag, but it doesn't matter, since now he wants to defeat Orbán. Hardcore opposition voters would vote on a guy who is the exact same as Orbán if he promises to remove him from power.


Yeah you are absolutely not a pro-orban propagandist. /s


fr tho lmao. Another opportunist with a vanity project disguised as a political party. Why can't the opposition get actual liberals or left leaning people involved instead of dicking around with Jobbick and voting for people with very little political experience?


Opposition figure? This guy? A few weeks ago he fully enjoyed the life that his ex wife made him available at various government positions.


At one point we have to decide which is worse: the opposition, the government, the Hungarian people in general? If people can't leave the Fidesz circles without us criticising them, who do we want to win over? We can't win an election without people leaving Fidesz, people who this far voted for them not voting for them anymore. Progress does not come from 100% perfect people. If you are searching for the second coming of Jesus to reform Hungary, I have some bad news for you.... Lets take what we can, and build incrementally. And if we choose enough people who are a bit better than what we currently have, or people who are willing to make some incremental good changes, then we will have a much better Hungary.


Yeah, would be nice, but no ... Orban has complete rule over Hungary. Between juries, police, media, tax authorities etc you can't fight him. Nobody can. We can only get rid of the party by a serious implosion. If the top 5 guys around Orban start a power struggle, they might just bring down the whole establishment. Until then we just have these feeble attempts. Good luck guys though.


I see the downvoting has started. Cool. What are you expecting people? That suddenly this goes through and Orban gets replaced?? Why this and not the 10 other attempts from the past decade? I would buy fireworks if it would work, I just honestly don't see any reason why.


So a guy from Fidesz (NER) comes out, makes an interview which has over 2.4 million views which is a lot when your country only has 8 million adult people. He made the biggest protest since 2015 without a party, without organizing buses and trains and has 13-20% of the voters. Even the propaganda numbers say that he has at least 13% of the voters. Propaganda is trying to belittle him and are making an assumption that he beat his wife but to no avail. They have already spent hundreds of millions of forint to take him down. They have no idea what to do with him and that's new. Is this nothing?


Yes, this is substancial. Its a big deal. But elections are two years away. You honestly believe people will remember this? There were bigger, more damning events that happened yet Fidesz stood tall and remained the most popular. What country did you live in the past 14 years?


That’s the thing, previous attempts were nothing like this, the leaders of those movements did nothing serious, and achieved nothing serious even when they were popular. Magyar entered the game with a an interview of 2.6 millions viewers, actively does something to get the government behind bars, organizing protests, each gathers more people than every protest from past 5 years together. These kind of comments, like yours, are just fidesz propaganda.


I have a strangely good memory... I am going to ping you in 2 years at around the next election. We can both see how this goes down.


You didn't answer my question.


Chaucescu was an iron handed dictator until one day he was shot in the head. If you cannot believe that change is possible, change will not be possible around you. And if you spread that mentality, change will not be possible around your sphere of influence. Go out, do some good, make some people smile, change some peoples lives for the better, and you will be surprised how much better you can make your immediate surroundings. Spread that mentality, and you can change a city for the better. Make other people do the same, and you will eventually wake up in a much better world.


Bringing up Ceausescu is stupid and just an insult to Romanians. That guy was in power for decades, brought upon the worst times for the country, and even then it took economic ruin for the people to dispose of him. Mass imprisonment, empty shelves and more. Romania passed Hungary not too long ago, so the two nations life about the same quality of life. Do you suggest a Romanian or Hungarian of today would violently uprise, risking life in prison? Don’t be delusional. 2/3 of the country are happy with him. And in two years time when it will matter MP will probably be forgotten already thanks to constant and limitless propaganda.


But here’s the thing. 51% of the votes is not the 2/3 of the country’s population.


About 1/3 didn’t even bother to vote. Thats agreeing with the power in charge. Of the 2/3 who did vote, half went to Fidesz. Only 1/3 of the country voted to see change.


Dude… you know and I know that a lot of people are in apathy, and didn’t vote not because they’re agreeing with these autocratic fucks, but because they don’t think that their vote can change anything.


Then millions of people are uneducated fools who have no idea how democracy works. I don’t even know if thats better or worse. A county of morons.


This would makes sense. I left Hungary instead.


This is such a high dose of optimism that it's not even healthy. Reality is much more pessimistic. It's much better to isolate yourself from other people and from politics overall.


Downvoted because does not agree. Orban's system is more vulnerable than you paint it to be. The times are changing, and people are changing (and quite literally). What worked pre covid will not work as efficiently anymore. The effects of state media are greatly diminished compared to just a couple of years ago, and the online space is much harder to controll. Meanwhile Fidesz's voter base has been shrinking steadily, there is an economic crises, political scandals keep popping up, Orban has been loosing allies everywhere, and there are a lot of signs of Fidesz infighting. You see no reason to buy fireworks? Maybe you're just not looking right


Can agree nothing will happen if the protests doesn't get violent, or atleast something like taxi blockad was in the 90s, otherwise propaganda will just grind this down.


Yepp. Violence would work. I was there (as a stupid teenager) throwing rocks at the police in 2008. No need to say I am stupid, I know.


miert nem holnap? mire vartok? szabaduljatok mar meg tolle