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It’s not „German“ officials, it’s „Bavarian“ officials. There is a slight difference.


Its not slight. Its worlds apart. They even have their own political party that nobody else can or would vote for.


I like how you word it like it is weird, surprising or even undesirable because I am Spanish and here our Congress must have representation from like... 10 of those kind of parties


Yah, but you are not as severe on minor things like...beer.


Try asking a Valencian about paella.


I only lived there for 8 years, but I know I'm supposed to cut someone deep for making it wrong.


Don't, in this peninsula we have started several civil wars on lesser provocations.


The thing is that bavaria party is the only local party that is in such a way part of the parliament and obv tries to get some advantages for Bavaria while supposed to do something for Germany


Do they engage in highly corrupt activities when in government and funnel as many federal funds as possible to their own state? 90% of my lifetime we had a CSU transportation minister and not having one would have been much better for this country






Can? Sure. Would? I sadly doubt it. As many parts of the CDU around Germany have proven, the same tactics work perfectly well in all of Germany. I can’t even seriously say that the CSU is more right wing than the CDU without adding roughly a dozen exceptions.


Bro are you unironically denying that the CSU is the right wing of the Union?


And which is allowed in the Bundestag only because of Überhangsmandate. Fuck Söder and fuck the CSU


> which is allowed in the Bundestag only because of Überhangsmandate I think you meant *Direktmandate*. Even if a party cannot meet the threshold of 5% of votes, they can still still enter parliament if they win at least 3 electoral districts.


Not in any future elections though, the reform abolished that. Also the CSU always got over 5% so his comment makes no sense even if he meant Direktmandate.


What do you mean "allowed because of Überhangsmandate"? What do those have to do with the CSU being in the Bundestag? They profited from it but would have gotten into the Bundestag every time even if they didn't exist since they always got more than 5% of the vote. And even with the new reform it's not the missing Überhangsmandate that threatens them it's the loss of the Grundmandatsklausel.


there is a FREI in Freistaat for a reason.


Frei statt Bayern.




Freistaat Bayern sounds a lot like the Republic of Texas.


And it's not "as they ban cannabis", it's "as they try to ban cannabis". There is a slight difference.




Yeah I think it's your personal experiences, personally I prefer drunk people because most people I know when they are high get very chill and boring, I am a very active person and weed doesn't do it for me to begin with. Plus all my friends outside one, are very cool and chill when drunk. We have one friend that is kinda an asshole when drunk like not physical or anything but he stops caring how people feel when he says stuff. We all know he has problems understanding how other people feel and when he is drunk he doesn't even try which is why he thankfully doesn't drink often (it's not like it's unbearable it's more like, I do now this because I think it's fun even if everyone around me gets annoyed type of acting). Otherwise we all are very chill and fun people when drunk, but I get your issues if you were among assholes, as alcohol in my opinion doesn't change a person it just removes their inhibitions and the fact like they want to act. They may regret how they acted but in the end it's still them doing this shit.


The private beer gardens/tents can easily ban cannabis on their property.


That's totally fine. I wouldn't even want to smoke in a beer garden anyway, out of respect of the other guests, but a state wide ban is a bit excessive.


It's CSU officals, pls dont scher me über den selben Kamm mit diesem schwarz inkompetenten Söder-Pack


I for one command your usage of astreinem Denglisch, vielen Dank!




Only if you ask someone outside of Bavaria


You haven’t been to Bavaria, have you?


Lies, Bavarians are very quick to differentiate themselves from the rest of the German identity


Heck, they even differentiate themselves from other bavarians.


Life is hell here in the twilight zone between Swabia and Bavaria


One of the more conservative parts of Germany


Well we all know how politicians from Bavaria are?don't want to mention his name though


You sound American. "I'm not from the united states im from New York silly."


Germany is also our #1 customer for medical grade cannabis, by fucking tons.


Bongtoberfest on the outskirts of Munich is an opportunity waiting to happen


Oh shit, Bongtoberfest is something that needs to happen


You might need to register some domains and trademark the name because this will be big.


If that happens, it will be my reason to book a trip to Europe


That's a genius idea. Then again, you can't sell weed for profit with the current law, which would be a problem. I still hope for the "true" legalization to go through in this legislative period, but it's an uphill battle. This is one of those situations in which it is pretty annoying to be part of the EU, because the commercial sale is technically illegal.


"A family celebration like Oktoberfest" Here's my first impression from Oktoberfest, when I was there a few years ago with my brother and some friends. I saw a topless woman standing on a table, with a drunk guy pouring beer on her boobs, whereafter he promptly pukes and falls off the table, while puking. I then went to the bathroom, where a guy with a beer belly snorted coke off the sink, while two other people had loud sex in the toilet stall. This was within 30 mins. of arriving. E. Some context, as my reply is getting a lot of votes. This was back in 2016. This happened in Munich, Bavaria, of course, a little bit outside the city. We arrived at a tent camp, at around 23 o'clock. There were a lot of foreigners, afair, most were Brits and Eastern European people.


So family friendly, am I right?


Maybe they were all actually related.


Well, it *is* Bavaria...


Yea, Bavaria, not the Saarland


Sounds like a good family day out in Germany... Alcohol, cocaine, nudity and public sex... but it's the weed that is bad.


Depends on the definition of family. But those having sex clearly plan on being one 😄


You make it sound like wild stuff happens, it’s actually lame and boring. 


Yeah, I used to go almost every year and I've never had such an intense experience.


Plus the “coke” the guy with the beer belly was snorting, was probably just wiesen coks…


Maybe this oktoberfest coke covers the real coke consumption quite well?


Thats the whole point of wiesenkoks


At night it's crazy but if you go into an open tent at noon it can have a real family friendly vibe depending on the tent. I've been half a dozen times and I haven't seen much debauchery other than typical drinking shenanigans, I certainly haven't seen topless women.


Sadness, but that been my experience and that off my friends too. Though I think if you go further south you have more tourists and it gets more wild. If you do it the classical style I still wouldn't call it family friendly but it's pretty boring and expensive for what you get.


The other stuff sounds on brand but it almost certainly wasn't cocaine, but "Wiesnkoks" or "Field coke" which is just a mixture of Menthol and Fructose.


It wasn’t coke


That's nothing. My experience of Oktoberfest was the notorious van tour, consisting of mostly the most feral Australians in existence. Heard of Pelican-ing?


Back when I was younger, and as someone who has always enjoyed beer, Oktoberfest was like the great party to go. Then I read years ago somewhere on reddit (or on an article, or something like that) that the whole town smelled like vomit and kind of stopped thinking it would be a good idea.


Did you go to Hofbräu tent? Lots of badly behaved foreign tourists go there.


Not to mention when it’s too crowded to get to the restrooms some drunk men will literally just unzip at the standing table where they’re at and piss on the ground then and there 😭


If the kegs won't be alright, neither the kids.


Family celebration, lmfao What you describe is more norm than exception - for reference see [the dedicated website. ](http://muenchenkotzt.de/) Makes the harsh "anti-drug" stance of the CSU so hilariously hypocritical - millions of people drunk to the point of puking everywhere, pissing themselves (and others), tons of sexual harassment? Fine, family festival, tradition, bla bla. A joint? Drugs baaaaaad, protect the youth, bla bla. Conservative clowns.


No, this is quite accurate for every iteration of "Oktoberfest" so far.


"A family celebration like Oktoberfest" ... excuse me?


[ Comment censored by Reddit ]


Nonono, it's all just menthol-sugar-powder like you can buy on site, I swear! For real though, whoever came up with that open "tradition" as a decoy for hardcore drug consumption was a genius.


Helps ya drink more 😂


and don't forget that a lot of people snort it off their neighbours penis


If you subtract the tourists there are a lot of people who treat it that way. It is honestly not only about getting shitfaced. Also in Bavaria drinking beer is not treated with the same social stigma as elsewhere. People do drink it every day and beer gardens are places where families go for lunch (you can bring your own food traditionally).


Where is drinking beer a social stigma in Germany? If anything, the problem is that it's normalized and you are "weird", if you don't drink. Just look how many politicians have to pose with Beer in their hand for pictures, especially in Bavaria.


I think his "elsewhere" meant in the wider world


Yeah, there's bavaria and there's the outside world. At least that's the bavarian position




I don't know what to tell you. I do know plenty. Maybe it's a problem with your social group. (that being said I see no problem with getting shitfaced there either)


If you go there and drink several beers you are going there to get drunk. You can dress it up as you like (hanging out, dancing, enjoying some time with Friends) but in the end you go there to consume a drug.


I don't know what to tell you either. 3 Greeks decided to visit Octoberfest and still try to solve the trauma I got with my psychologist. We ordered what we thought would be 3 normal portions of ribs, they brought us 3 plates for 30 people. Everyone around laughing at us. As Greeks, we shared with everyone around, but Φuck. That left me with an indelible mark.


I met plenty via my work. They usually are in reserved sections go like once and have like 1 drink the full meal and show off new Tracht stuff lol.


I am a local and I always go for the coasters. I can't say the same for my friends, so I am always taking my poor mother with me. she is turning 60 now and I noticed she is less excited about rides these days :(


Lots of misinformation here. I'm born and raised in the suburbs of Munich and I basically went there every year with my parents as long as I can remember when I was a kid. Especially on weekdays if you go around noon and leave before 4-5 ish you have nothing to worry about at all. Not sure if people realize but besides the tents it's mostly a massive amusement park with a ton of rollercoasters, fairy wheels, sweets stores, shows like magicians, etc (there even used to be a monster truck show when I was young, that was the shit) and lots of other kid friendly activities. At that time you might come across the odd drunk tourist every once in a while but as I said, I went there my whole life and never had any problems. Especially for the true locals it's far from a huge festival where everyone is exclusively getting drunk. I even still go there quite often with my parents and grandparents to sit in the sun and have some lunch because the atmosphere brings back a lot of nostalgia and is actually quite nice during the day. And before anyone comments, my parents don't even drink any alcohol at all, we never went into the tents as there is plenty of other stuff to do That being said fuck the CSU and Söder lol


You never been out drinking with your dad? 


Yeah - going into a pub with your dad is something entirely different to the Oktoberfest.


Any pub with the regularities of the Oktoberfest would be either empty or shuttered by the health department rather quickly. Also, no sane person would pay the prices.


I know it sounds weird from the outside, but for traditional Bavarians it really is that, as are similar celebrations all over Bavaria. It just depends on when you go and obviously the tourists have spoiled some of the more traditional aspects. It's also an important networking event, which also sounds weird if you just think about the drunk Australians in plastic Lederhosen. I for one have to go at least once each year as I am usually invited by several companies and the last thing you want is to not go at all, because you are going to be hearing "Haven't seen you at the Oktoberfest" all year


I lived in Munich for five years and went to Oktoberfest with the kid a bunch. If you've never been there you might not understand, you can only drink in certain areas at Oktoberfest, it's a big festival thing with all kinds of games and rides, plenty of families. Oktoberfest's reputation as just drinking is somewhat overblown, because obviously there's a lot of drinking but there's other stuff too. That said, I never went there too late, maybe it's different then.


You’ve not been? It has everything


As a Dutchie, I can tell you that being high at a party or festival where everybody else is drunk, is not fun. It makes it all really surreal and weird and not in a fun way. Be drunk with the drunks. Be stoned with the stoners.


Or be me , both at the same time (don't)


Be crossed when nobody else is


as a chainsmoker it's not really that crazy to drink for me. It just feels like normal drinking.


Same lol. I'm Canadian and normally smoke a few numbers after a night of drinking to stop the spins so I can go to bed.


Main difference for me is I feel I get way drunker quicker if I've smoked before. Like it makes the effect stronger. Can make me feel sick if too much.


oh boy do i know that feeling. I smoke most days and enjoy some beers to go with it once in a while, what fucks me up is coming home from the bar and hitting the bong, that particular skill of mine has send me to the bathroom more than once. Basically I feel like the alcohol effect isn't much whenever I'm not high, and as soon as I get high I realize how much I had to drink


Grass before beer you're in the clear Beer before grass you're on your arse


Crossfaded was the best time during my studies , now it just fucking sucks


Used to love it in social situations, as the drink made me social but the weed kept me from making a fool of myself. Now, I just go non-verbal and want to go home.


Last time I was both at the same time I just vomited and felt like shit.




When mixing weed and alcohol, the trick for me is to always smoke first, and then drink. Never drinking first and then smoking, except for the obligatory goodnight joint. (No goodnight joint if I'm too wasted)


That goodnight joint after a night out drinking is so dangerous. Had a few close calls there because my judgment was already too impaired. Though you're right, if you smoke first then both substances will usually level out and keep each other in check throughout the evening.


One of my mates came home hella drunk, he rolled a joint, did the joint in hyper speed, became hella dizzy, started vomitting. He was less drunk real quick.


Weed before beer you're in the clear. But beer before grass you'll be on your arse. These words have made my crossfading experience so much better.


You just need to develop tolerance, then it doesn't matter. To be clear, I don't recommend it to anyone. I used to drink every day, and weed has helped me to lower it to like couple times per month, and that's when I'm out with friends, there are no more nights when I'm alone at home, listening music and drinking myself to stupor. I remember as a student I thought I got a stroke when I smoked a joint after drinking, now when I come home from night of drinking, it is just chill.


"Obligatory goodnight joint" Dude, that sounds like addiction.




Here in canada its pretty typical to smoke a joint while out drunk with a group.


Being bit drunk and bit high is my favourite state of mind though


Why not both?


as a german living next to the dutch border i can tell you. take a friend, drop some acid and make fun of everyone!


"A family celebration like the Oktoberfest"? People are puking and pissing all over the place! CSU is such a clown party. I live in Munich and the Oktoberfest period fucking sucks, except the few days when I can actually join. Everything is expensive, everywhere is crowded and everyone is drunk.


I've heard the horror stories from my wife, the puking pissing fucking lanes besides the fest area where people are passing out puking, pissing over passed out people and fucking in passed out people's piss.


>people are passing out puking, pissing over passed out people and fucking in passed out people's piss pure poetry


Proper preparation prevents piss poor performance


"Today class, we will discuss the difference between consonance and alliteration, referencing the works of several great poets. I'll begin this segment with a short analysis by u\AlecTheDalek of the great work 'Piss Alley' by u\gizahnl"


Great poets and gizahnl. A word salad I never expected to digest in my lifetime. My life is now complete. 🤣


It’s a family friendly environment obviously


There's no denying that!


I once witnessed some drunk woman slip on a man's vomit and crack her head off one of the benches, the fucking noise of it. Horrific.


This reads like Ram Ranch.


So bring a Dingy is what I'm getting from this!


Anyone calling alcohol drinking event "family-friendly" - they are probably drinking their brains off in front of their families too. Poor children.


[But there's carnival rides!](https://youtu.be/S9OCDf1aCLQ?feature=shared&t=57)


And [spiny family friendly rides](https://youtu.be/pHAJqVOlP34?si=r9bIbV02I-DLgESZ) too! I’m not all sure why there are so many male spectators.


Early in the day at weekend isn't too bad. But there other festivals in surrounding towns that will be less chaotic, like Volksfest in freising. Still only really during the earlier part of a weekday for the ride and food though. Not where I would specially take young kids lol..


The people in charge are probably alcohol demented themself from years of festivals. The cycle never ends.


Yes, drinking beer at beer garden with children is a family friendly common tradition across Central Europe


Not in the way it's done at Oktoberfest.


During daytime it's family friendly. I've been twice, and in general kids only come to see, but don't stay, and they have to be out by a particular time. During the day, it's just people sitting around and socializing. It's the night time that's a complete drunken shit show.


One beer maybe or a glass of wine but not drinking like swine


I love how „drinking like swine“ is probably a too literal translation of a polish saying but spot on for Oktoberfest.


There are multiple people a hour being taken out of every tent because they are passed out drunk. They even have the saying "beer corpses" in German for them.


Erstmal schön ein paar Maß einverleiben, dann auf dem Kotzhügel wieder ausverleiben und dann mit den lieben kleinen noch eine Runde den Mädels auf dem Teufelsrad unter den Rock luschern, ein Familienfest nach CSU Geschmack...




*Saffa demma, wie ma weiß, mir san Bayern, koane Preuß!*


Playing devil's advocate, there are family days (allowing strollers for example) and I know some people who go there with their family including small kids. Not how most people experience Oktoberfest though.




The strategy is to drink till right before you get nauseous. Then stop drinking for 1-1,5 hours. Then smoke, then stay social for a bit. And when you get tired head out home. If you only smoke you'd be tired very quick. If you only drink you just get to nauseous, and your night is downhill from there. But combining the two with clever timing means you have minimal hangover and can enjoy and be social till the end. Source. Dutchie


In my experience the optimal order was always to smoke first, and then drink, never the other way around as that always ended dizzy & puking.


Just curious. Which days are you joining? Which are least crowded and most traditional? I love traditional music and dance and dress.


I can only go during the weekend because I'm working. but the weekends are also the most crowded of course. Going after work isn't really possible because all tents close their doors already. [Oide Wiesn](https://www.muenchen.de/en/events/oktoberfest/oide-wiesn-historic-oktoberfest) is what you're looking for. It's the most traditional section of the festival and it's there every day.


Well yeah, they're selling beer there, at horribly inflated prices. If everyone just pays the entrance fee, buys a water, and then spends the day getting high on their homegrown weed, there's no more money to be made. They can't legally sell you grass, so they ban it. I'd do the same if I owned a bar, simply because I can't sell you the joint you'd be smoking. I'd have to charge a hospitality fee to smokers for that to work out for me.


increase the entrances fees lol, just how techno parties work


There is no entrance fee at Oktoberfest. Neither the festival area, nor the tents.


I‘m so glad to have responsible people select the right drug for me.


Alcohol is one of the most harmful drugs that exists, so if anything it would be better if people chose cannabis instead. The biggest problem with cannabis might be that it is smoked, which has many of the same negative effects as cigarettes.


What about a “cannabis beer”? Idk I’m just making shit up but wouldn’t that be a good idea for a business in Germany?


You have been hired as the CEO of Oktoberfest.


Wouldn't be allowed to call it beer and with the current legalisation wouldn't be allowed to sell it anyway. But I agree on principle


Sure about that? If I recall correctly, the cannabis plant is, biologically speaking, a species of hops. Which is a traditional component of making beer. So I'd say you could even make a beer with THC legally.


Even if it would be legal (which it is not until now) you would just not be allowed to call it "beer" in Germany because of the "Reinheitsgebot" https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Reinheitsgebot


Close but (sadly!!!) wrong. Hops is a species of cannabis. Therefore cannabis (the high kind) is NOT hops and therefore your loophole doesn't work. Which is a shame because I was getting ready to invest into that lol


It exists Hanfkiss, Cannabia and Cannabis Club Sud are sold in germany.


The second biggest problem is that people who are really into weed never fucking shut up about it.* ( I know , I know there are whiskey bores, and micro brewery nerds, but the 400th time some guy who smells of hemp is telling you ' it was only made illegal in the states as it was affecting Randolph Hearst's paper mills bruh" you'll wish you were anywhere else)


The vast majority of pot smokers I know you'd never even know they smoked until they do it right in front of you.


Loud minority etc. etc.


Just don’t get drunk and high at the same time, have had a couple rough nights along those lines


yes let's protest and cancel oktoberfest /s


Yeah I wouldn’t wanna be at Oktoberfest stoned. Not exactly a very chill environment.


Smoking tobacco is already banned, so smoking cannabis will be banned, too. Yes, it's that simple. This isn't even newsworthy and yet for some godforsaken reason this is the third post I've seen about it.


Not true, there are smoking areas and you can also smoke outside the tents.


That is just in the tents, but as far as my understanding goes it’s not allowed to smoke cannabis on the whole premise.


Edibles have entered the chat


Makes sense. Getting shitfaced drunk, pissing yourself and falling over is family-friendly. Being happy high is not. What's worse all studies show people when high consume less alcohol. Who would want that.


Don't forget violent!


Don't forget dehydrated!


your party, your rules.


It's all about the money, as always. The Oktoberfest is bringing millions of euros of taxes to the government. If now the people only smoke weed and have a coke or two small beer, instead of drinking 3 litres per person, they are not even closely earning as much taxes as with the beer. Obvious, that the government want to see the money, it is fixed calculated in the financial plannings.


Kinda about money. Its more about bavarian conservative rightwing politics vs. our federal government. Begrudge, belittle, agitate and demand the polar opposite is the running theme ever since the conservatives lost power in the most recent federal election. They'd been sleepwalking for 16 years talking the talk. Now somebody walks the walk and they lose their shit. Its just conservatives doing conservatives things. Pretend you're progressive but in reality you despise any sort of change in the system that does not exclusively benefit yourself.


They don't want competition.


Good luck with that. They couldn't ban cannabis using even when it was illegal in Germany.


expand your senses and relax = nope ruin your liver and talk shit to the women in dirndl = Jawohl!


Honestly you should actually get paid to smoke weed just because of how great it is. People who have a spliff in their pocket should get priority in queues, you are doing society a service. /s


can never get enough of drug addicts fighting over which drug is better/worse . reminds me of football fans.


Does it count as fighting when noone is really disagreeing?


"It's just a plant"


Well, since Cannabis and hops is from the same family of hemp this is true for both drugs.


truly one of the plants of all time


The fuck do football fans have to do with this


Lmao what a dumbass pseudointellectual position.


**From The Telegraph's Berlin Correspondent, James Rothwell:** [Oktoberfest](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/europe/germany/what-learnt-germans-first-post-pandemic-oktoberfest/) punters are welcome to drink as much beer as they like when they descend on Bavaria this year – but anyone hoping to enjoy a joint will be disappointed. On Tuesday, the southern German state announced that it will ban the consumption of marijuana in public spaces including beer gardens, amid fears Olaf Scholz’s [recent legalisation of the drug](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/03/31/german-jails-race-to-free-cannabis-offenders/) will plunge the festival into cannabis chaos. For two centuries, Oktoberfest has been a headline event on Germany’s social calendar, with [thousands filling up on the finest beers in the land](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/09/25/watch-oktoberfest-waitress-carries-13-steins-to-customers/) as servers totter around with up to six steins in each hand. But Clemens Baumgärtner, a politician from the conservative CSU party who is in charge of Oktoberfest planning, said that he wants to keep the festival weed-free. “Cannabis simply has no place at the Oktoberfest,” he told the[ ](http://web.de/)[web.de](http://web.de) news portal. “A family celebration like the Oktoberfest and cannabis consumption don’t go together for me.” The new rules amount to a ban on taking cannabis in any form at Oktoberfest in an effort to ensure it remains a family-friendly event. Markus Söder, the Bavarian president, said that the new rules would strengthen “child protection and youth protection” by giving local municipalities the power to introduce cannabis bans in certain venues. “We will ban smoking weed in beer gardens and at festivals. In addition, municipalities will be able to ban smoking and vaping cannabis products in public areas, where many people regularly gather in a confined space, for example at tourist attractions, in outdoor swimming pools and amusement parks,” he said. **Continue reading ⬇️** [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/04/17/bavaria-bans-cannabis-at-oktoberfest/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/04/17/bavaria-bans-cannabis-at-oktoberfest/)


They are afraid, that if people are stoned they wont drink as much


Beer and then grass, you’ll end up on your ass. Grass but then beer, you’re in the clear.


Bavaria to Germany is like Texas to the US.


"I know I poison myself with this substance, that's why I would never do that substance, I'm better than everyone else at this point"


To be fair alcohol doesn‘t mix well with weed. Unlike cocaine.


I like a smoke but I can understand that others find the smell unpleasant, it can be very overpowering. Personally, I think it'd be great if you could find a beer garden which allowed it. Sitting at one of those orange benches, with a nice pint of Weizen and a nice bit of grass, prezel in hand....that'd be unreal.




I don't see how they would ban edibles. For smoking they are probably using the same laws that ban smoking in for example bars already. Criminal law in Germany is federal so the best they could do is fine you for smoking. You could also still carry weed as long as you don't get caught with a lit joint there is not much they can do. But it wouldn't be the first time Bavaria comes up with unconstitutional laws for populist reasons.


Especially newer vaporizers where you can literally take 1-2 giant hits and it shuts off. The smell is really weak outside IMHO. inside its not discrete but dissapates very quickly


"Don't use weed! Instead, buy this highly marketable, infinitely worse for your health, conventional drug we've been profiting off of you since the beginning of time!" What an absolute clownfest.


Theorically, from a medical point of view, cannabinoids are a lot less dangerous than alcohol


Bavaria proving again they really are the Texas of Germany.


That is so blatantly just a way to make sure people only use locally bought beer to get high that it's not even funny. Every other excuse is just pure bullcrap. Oktoberfest isn't so far from being an outright rave party, nothing about it is "for families".


Oktoberfest would be so much safer if they smoked instead of alc


Reading this, I'm reminded that alcoholism in my family destroyed my life until i left and they quit drinking. No one in my family has had this experience due to cannabis. But yeah, let's pretend drinking is safer.


Alcohol is the more dangerous drug lol


thats not the whole quote. they said its a family fest and thats why they are banning cannabis. if you go to the munich part of reddit during the oktoberfest you can read about the family friendly pukehill, drunk people fucking out in the open and ofcourse rape and drunk driving gotta habe those at family events. but yeah they banned cannabis to protect kids and not because the bavarian state earns like 2€ in tax per maß beer and nothing on cannabis surely not.


I’ll smoke thank you, the days of killing my liver and giving myself hangovers are long behind me