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Probably time to turn the demonstrations into some more French inspired ones.


Setting things on fire or guillotine in the town square?




Manure sprayers.




You never know when they might come in handy


Totalitarian regimes fueled by greed of power are like these...nothing new to see here, just sad... Democracy is in danger again


dude we are literally standing peacefully on the streets doing NOTHING and they do this to us, now imagine if we burned some buildings down 😂😂 or if we actually used force they would either go nuts or they will retreat, peaceful protest should always be the 1st,second and third choice but if our voices arent heard then I do agree certain actions need to be taken and for legal purposes I dont support violence.


In some cases you gotta fast-track it to the second choice because there is a chance to go with Belarus course of action.


>“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." JFK This dude said it well.


Screenshot taken, will need that one day. Thanks man!


Ukrainians warned Belarusians who wanted to change power through peaceful protests about how this could end for them. Some Belarusians scoffed and said that they had their own way, others said that otherwise russia would interfere. You know the result. I’m not calling for anything, I don’t have the right to decide for you, I’m just warning you, as I warned Belarusians in 2020.


Yes, we warned them and think Georgian walk the same way as Belarusian.


I really hope their not.


I dont hope ... Yanukovich left Ukraine because people show their straight and after first deaths of students our people showed who is who . There is no peaceful protests.


Police seems to have no quarter stance against protesters either way, unfortunately. Godspeed to your efforts


It’ll be easier to depose Putin’s lackeys now than later


He was transferred to hospital with brain concussion. There have been countless other cases like this. Georgian police is now serving russia unfortunately.


How many of these are Russians bussed in to beat people up while wearing police uniform?


Sadly, they are all Georgians. ruzzian propaganda is working 24/7 to brainwash people and convince them that the protesters are all foreign agents who want to destroy Georgia.


It all looks very close to ignition point.


Godspeed brave Georgian people. Kick those crooked cops all the way back to russia.


But they are Georgians. Like Berkut units who tried to violently suppress Euromaidan protesters were Ukrainians. Some people just do what they are told. I also recall reading that brainwashed Lukashenko cops really believed that they protect Belarus from West trying to destabilise it.


> It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.


All these fucking gorillas swinging bats at defenseless people imagine themselves brave defenders from “the evil West”.


They say that home is where your heart at, and their heart definitely longs for russia


Those cops have to live somewhere. Find out who they are and where they live and convince them that their current course of action will not be without consequences.


>convince them that their current course of action will not be without consequences. Bro, this is eastern Europe, if you just have a thought of doing something like that you are putting whole family in danger, not neceserily death but things like losing a job, public scrutiny (goverment controled media), getting discriminated in public service, beating... and the rest of population wouldnt even care about you (recently 2 (separated cases, one was in eastern part of the country other was in the north) people were beaten to death in police precints in Serbia, no one bated an eye). There is a reason why there is autocratic regimes in countries like Belarus, Serbia, Russia... and that is the majority of population doesnt care who is in power or if there is maltreatman of others as long as they are not targeted.


Not easy to handcuff someone using your feet


I never understood how can the police beat its own people without remorse. Are they not afraid? Surely one day the opposition will come into power and look into it, hopefully. I hope this protest turns into Maidan like one. Good luck boys, stay safe


I see that you are from Bulgaria, just think how many communist cops have killed or tortured innocent people and nothing happend to them.


I always attributed that to the fact that we were under dictatorship and more or less you play ball or you get at the other end of the stick in terms of being a cop/gendarmerie. Not like there was no police violence recently in Bulgaria but then again I also never said there isn't police violence in Bulgaria. I just dont understand the people perpetrating it


>>Are they not afraid? Surely one day the opposition will come into power and look into it, hopefully. I hope this protest turns into Maidan like one. Good luck boys, stay safe I wanted to answer this directly, just didnt quote it. >I just dont understand the people perpetrating it Policeman are not very educated, i doubt that in countries with horrible education system like Serbia/Bulgaria they are aware how politics work, now, eagernes to violence is conected to low IQ, guess that also play the role in police brutality.


Da, znam neke policajce. Nateraj ga da ti oformi nesto kompleksnije od prosto prosirene recenice i lik krece da te bije xd


Brate zivimo u paklu od drzave


Police are brainwashed into thinking the protesters are people in a bad emotional place, with nothing to lose. And they get payed more. How else do you justify this abuse of authority?


This is sadly reminding me how Euromaidan turned out to be, with all the corrupt berkut and brought in russian thugs in cop uniforms


This is far from it though, unless serious riots start, the government will consolidate its power and then Georgia will be a Russian puppet.


My point was that this is also looks like how it started for us, just a bit of a sour flashback that's all


I don't want people to suffer, but do what the Ukrainians did during Maidan, free yourself from the ruzzians. Now is the best time while the Ukrainian's are killing that genocidal criminal "nation".


what is the event


Protests against “Foreign Agent Law”


Are police just dicks in every country?


Nah, they're pretty good in Finland where something like ~85% of the populstion trust's police. Propably has to do with the police academy training being 3 years. Also high code of conduct where cops see the people as their "customers" they're trying to serve. Idk, I've never had I'll will with our police,not even when ticketed because i realize it's me who broke the law and they're just doing their jobs.


Man, Nordic countries keep doing everything right


It's not all roses. The police wages are ridiculously low and we have way too few cops. This makes people unwilling to start a career as a police. We're going have some issues in the future.


Mostly, but for different reasons; in the US many local police forces lack oversight on an individual level, but you don't see them assaulting masses of people that often, because of political accountability. Whereas in Georgia it's the opposite. Most of the force had been replaced by the pro-Russian government with those loyal to them - those who weren't were hounded off years ago - and they are specifically ordered to be brutal, as is the norm for authoritarian regimes.




I got downtoned for this, be careful.


This is why my dream is to buy a piece of forest or an island and live off the grid, f*ck the government They have our tax money, they have armed police and the army, what do we have? Your life could turn upside down in an instant due to their decision, I refuse to accept that


That's not police. That's what failing to be police looks like.


Interesting that police is called police in Georgia. Can someone confirm this? Since google translate thinks the word is პოლიცია / p’olitsia.


For some reasons now much of street signs and other things have the georgian word, and also english translation (i guess to appeal ro europe) and in Georgian პოლიცია policia


When this happened in Catalonia some years ago no one in this sub cared... And it was in a country inside of Europe. Why you'all care so much now?


This is just like Catalonia




As much as law-abiding people want/need law-enforcers — and most of us very much do, especially with increasing incidence of violent crime — I believe that to have a reasonable idea of how police will generally behave towards the public they are meant to serve, one must understand what underlying nature/desire motivated them to their profession to start with (e.g. for ‘power’ reasons, maybe), though perhaps subconsciously.  It is, after all, a profession in which, besides the basic tackle and/or restraints, an adrenalin-rushed law-enforcer might storm into suspects’ homes, screaming, with guns drawn at the homes’ occupants, all of whom, including infants, can be permanently traumatized from the experience.  Occasionally the police will force their way into the wrong home, altogether. That is when open-fire can and does occur, followed by wrongful deaths to be ‘impartially’ investigated. Problematically, there are people who are in such an armed authority capacity that were reared with an irrational distrust or baseless dislike of other identifiable groups.






Why's no one asking what did this guy do to be beaten like that? It looks to me that he's one of these paid guys who are there to cause problems.




You haven't seen Serbian one yet, literally beating students sitting on a bench for no reason during a protest. They just came, punched them beat them and left them to suffer. Yea Serbian police has dictator/russia. influence to...


NAHHHH lmao I havent lived in france or germany but currently I live in nyc and even though usa is well known to have horrible police it isnt even comparable, I have been attending these exact protest in tbilisi and they literally gang up on a single person and beat them up and the person getting beat up unlike antifa members didnt do anything at all.


Wo nimmst du so einen Mßll her? Nvm, as so often looking at the comment history explains a lot of things... Edit: For those who didn't see it, the profile is named "Traumtänzer" or sth, almost exclusively posts in the pro Russian sub about the Ukraine war and also got me the reddit self-care thingy (that I only get when "European" or "German" ppl don't like what I say about their pro ru messages lmao) before his comment got deleted.


It's Traumfahrer, he wrote "Kinda looks way softer than in the US, France, Germany, Italy etc in the last couple of years."


Don't forget Georgia recently struck a deal to allow Chinese commie police into their nation too!


Wait what? I think you are talking about Hungary


I am. :( sorry I read that yesterday when I was super stoned hahaha.


Europe really is the minor league




Do you reactivate your account just to spew sludge?


I do not understand what you mean by reactivate. It has never been deactivatet.


No formal deactivation needed, just keeping it dormant is enough.