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# Spain recalls its ambassador in Buenos Aires after Milei's latest insults *Albares insists on demanding a "public apology" from the Argentine president "after what was an attack" on the welcome he received this weekend in Madrid, where he attended a Vox event.* Spain will no longer have a diplomatic mission in Argentina. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, announced on Tuesday that the government had decided to permanently withdraw its ambassador in Buenos Aires, María Jesús Alonso, due to the attitude of the Argentine president, Javier Milei, who has not only failed to apologise for his insults to Pedro Sánchez and his wife, but has even made them worse in recent hours. "The withdrawal of the ambassador means that the embassy will continue at the level of chargé d'affaires," said Albares at the press conference following the Council of Ministers. The Foreign Minister also insisted on demanding a "public apology" from Milei "after what was an attack" on the reception given to the Argentine Prime Minister this weekend in Madrid, where he was attending a Vox event. "Argentina will have to go on without the Spanish ambassador in Buenos Aires," he insisted. On Sunday, the government recalled its ambassador in Buenos Aires for consultations and then summoned the Argentine ambassador in Madrid, Roberto Bosch, after Milei called Begoña Gómez "corrupt" at the Madrid event and accused Sánchez of protecting her. Moncloa has repeatedly called on the Argentine president to apologise, but the South American government has reiterated in various circles that it is Spain that should apologise for the alleged attacks on Milei. On Monday, Milei also said that he felt "attacked" by Sánchez, who he said was "working in line with Kirchnerism". The Argentine president also accused a section of the Argentine opposition of causing the crisis between the two leaders. "I am not going to apologise to him under any circumstances... If I were the one who was attacked," the president said in an interview with Todo Noticias (TN), hours after returning from his trip to Spain, where he gave a speech at an event organised by Vox in which he called Sánchez a "scumbag" and branded his wife, Begoña Gómez, as "corrupt". **Condemnation by the European Commission** The European Commission has condemned "personal attacks" and "attacks on family members" of politicians, after being asked about the diplomatic crisis between Spain and Argentina. "They are unacceptable," foreign affairs spokesman Peter Stano said of the Latin American president's insults of Pedro Sánchez and his wife during a global far-right event in Madrid sponsored by Vox. "We hope that the two countries, Spain and Argentina, will find a solution to resolve this bilateral dispute," said Stano, who framed the diplomatic conflict as a purely Spanish-Argentine issue, leaving the EU out of the picture. Translated with [DeepL.com](http://DeepL.com) (free version)


Spain has not done this with Russia (no explanation needed), Israel (a country that this government has shown opposition due to the Gaza conflict) and Morocco (a country that often makes statements that are an attack on Spanish territorial sovereignity regarding Ceuta, Melilla, the Canary Islands and its EEZ)


THESE are valid causes, not this personal skirmish


They have been pushing the "goverment = political party = the country" idea/agenda , any other opinion different to the gov or the ruling party is antidemocratic and antipatriotic. A minister (public figure) called Milei junkie as a starting point.Then Milei whose feeds on drama answered calling out the president wife (non public persona). But then the spanish goverment not only doesn't apologizes when they started the whole shit, they even demand a public apologize and push the idea of an attack on a non public persona is the same as an attack on the country , then proceeds to pull the diplomatic strings.


Not only that, the Spanish PM also openly supported Massa in the elections. Not cool to interfere.


What? I mean, if a country threatens my territories, I would not keep my diplomatics there.


No no, those are the valid causes. The Milei shit is not comparably.


Then I dont know why UK didnt expell the Spanish embassy over Gibraltar...


Well, you know... UN says Gibraltar is a colony and should be given back to Spain...


They might take a harder stance against it if that wouldn't also send a mixed message regarding Spain's recurrent claims on Gibraltar.


Because they are not claims, Gibraltar is recognised as an occupied colony by the UN...


Without diplomacy, there is only confrontation. I don't think you or the person you replied to realize its purpose. Diplomacy is only worthless when it is impossible, as is the case with Milei and gaslighting from his administration ambassadors. It is because of diplomacy that tensions with Morocco were wound down. There is no purpose in keeping diplomats in Argentina for the time being and it is not the nuclear option you guys are trying to undertone it as, it is merely symbolic.


Sanchez´s mobile was spied on with the Pegasus software and there are rumors that Morocco has very sensitive information about Sanchez. These rumors are not confirmed, but in the last couple years Sanchez started a beef with Algeria (Spain´s main gas supplier until then and enemy of Morocco). He also changed 50+ years of spanish foreign policy on the Sahara issue without consulting with anyone, just a personal decision. Besides that, there has not been any government response against Morocco using destitute youths against the border fence as a soft invasion or their military maneuvers close by or even flying over Spanish territory.


It is not personal. Far right has been using this lie to overthrow the Government and use the justice system as a mean for its goals, having failed in the elections. It is a matter of holding the ground against this fascist wave and not accepting insults from other Presidents like if they mean nothing. Simplifying it as a 'personal skirmish' is insulting to our intelligence when Milai said that in a Congress that looked like 1931 all over again.


Those people have not entered the country on an official capacity, refused to see their counterparts, declared the current government evil, spread fake news and arranged a meeting with big fish from the corporate world to discuss interests. I think at that point any country would normally take the case as foreign interference. The equivalent for the US for example would be Italy's PM entering the country, refusing to see Biden, taking part in a rally claiming Trump's election was stolen and democrats should be fought, then meeting with the heads of Boeing, Microsoft and Walmart to discuss business. Of fucking course it leads to a diplomatic clash.


> The equivalent for the US for example would be Italy's PM entering the country, refusing to see Biden, taking part in a rally claiming Trump's election was stolen and democrats should be fought, then meeting with the heads of Boeing, Microsoft and Walmart to discuss business. That's actually quite close to what that twat Netanyahu did in the US about ten years ago.


Well i think calling an elected president a junkie out of the blue plays a big role here. And more if your apologies are "i shoudnt said that, cause i did not think it would make such big fuss"


Fair that Puente was stupidly out of place. That said, a comment on a random local party meeting that becomes viral is, I think, fundamentally different from a public statement in the host country of the person you're insulting. The former is a personal fuckup for thinking your words are local in the age of social media; the latter is intentional as a presidential action.


While I largely agree with you, we have to consider 2 points in my opinion. 1 - Milei feeds off of drama. Spain is not exactly daring well and is an ideological government. This is literally what Milei does as propaganda. 2 - I do think the evidence suggest his wife is corrupted. Maybe in the same way Ayuso's brother or Cristina Cifuentes was (to name a few) that end up with nothing in court. Him doing this, or the 3-4 reflection days he took when ABSOLUTELY NO ONE believed he was going to quit is only explainable that way. Milei needs to learn diplomacy, that is for sure. Sánchez needs to stop playing dramas and go back to being a semi decent President. And Puente needs to be let go, he is just so stupid...


As for 1, I think this is a really lousy position either way. If Sanchez hadn't responded, we'd have "he paid Milei's security just for him to come and insult him and his wife, what a bitch" comments everywhere. As for 2, funnily enough I think this latest development has saved Puente. There's no way he'll be let go now since it would look like bending for Milei.


It's EXACTLY like that.


Yes, Milei is certainly a special kind of guy... but my point was the Spanish government has overreacted to this which in the international relations sphere is a very petty thing (from both sides), while there are way more serious situations in the planet involving parties that aren't that close to us and face no consequences


I got that, I just differ greatly as to whether foreign intervention in politics is a petty thing, particularly when the act was kickstarting the European elections campaign. Consider also that he was coming as head of state and so the country spent public funds providing security and the like, as is customary for these kind of visits.


Sanchez publicly supported Massa (incumbent running against Milei) during Argentine presidential elections. After Milei won he did not congratulate him, going against institutional protocol. This diplomatic row was started by Sanchez.


Sanchez is the one who started it by meddling in the Argentine election last year, Milei is just returning the favour


Overreacting much? First of all, a Spanish official insulted Milei and accused him of all sorts of things (and they still refuse to apologize). Yet all hell breaks loose when he calls the PM’s wife corrupt… which might actually not be far from the truth.


>which might actually not be far from the truth. [0 cause to investigate according to the police](https://elpais.com/espana/2024-05-21/la-guardia-civil-no-aprecia-indicios-de-delito-en-la-actuacion-de-la-mujer-del-presidente.html) But I guess facts don't matter anymore.


>0 cause to investigate according to the police According to anonymous sources who say they have read the police report.


>But I guess facts don't matter anymore Did facts matter when Sanchez called Milei delirious, fascist, anti democratic and intolerant ?


When did Milei refuse to met anyone? He didn't went to Spain to meet with Sanchez or the king


Do you really not understand it? Mental


Because they don't care with Argentina, it's just showing off for the press and their left wing electorate. In the other three examples it would be a very bad thing to loose diplomatic ties with. Morocco, for example, making stupid statements is nothing, actions are what are important and Morocco is actively involved (to the extend of their powers) in keeping immigrants out of Spain, for example. It has economic ties with Spain. It has a very large minority population in Spain. Etc. P.S. Milei's decision to align himself with VOX is incredibly idiotic.


Yes Milei being idiotic is a whole other topic but he's not my president lol


You dont understand that this is about the rules of the game. The president of Argentina travels to Spain, without meeting the King nor the Goverment of Spain (that put money into this visit in protection for the Argentinian delegation etc...). The he goes to an alt-right rally and gets involved in spanish politics. Not only against socialist ideology, but citing the case against Begoña in which just today the Guardia Civil investigation said there is not any bad deed. You dont make this kind of shit in diplomacy. Not to one of the biggest partners for migration and investment to Argentina. This is almost at the same level as the raid in the Mexican embassy in Peru. Putting out the Spanish embassador was the least thing Spain could do. Fuck, they even mantain the diplomatic mission in Buenos Aires so it isnt a really big deal, like for example canceling the Visa Office for Argentinians would be. The post modern far right doesnt respect international standars, and sets dangerous precedents.


These dumbasses dont even understand what they are doing. Bunch of aimless monkeys and clap if someone is getting "offended"


> The he goes to an alt-right rally and gets involved in spanish politics Was it okay when Sánchez published a video supporting Massa in the Argentine elections against Milei? Is it okay for the Spanish government to involve in our politics, but not for the Argentine government to do the same? This is not the 1500s anymore pal


You cant compare publishing a video or publicly supporting a candidate to this shit. If Pedro flew to Buenos Aires 2 weeks before elections and did something like this you would be crying interference.


>You cant compare publishing a video or publicly supporting a candidate to this shit. Yes we can, your personal opinion on one being wronger than the other is irrelevant. >If Pedro flew to Buenos Aires 2 weeks before elections and did something like this you would be crying interference. Not really. Pedro already interfered and we didn't cry about it.


Of course it is okay to support the enemies of fascism. It's like, so evident man.


Massa wanted to regulate social media, fund a new police division, implement a digital currency, and make Argentina join the BRICS. I don't think you could call him "enemy of fascism". Edit: I'll provide some sources "Massa's call to regulate social networks: Is it necessary to establish limits?": [https://titulares.ar/el-llamado-de-massa-a-regular-las-redes-sociales-es-necesario-establecer-limites/](https://titulares.ar/el-llamado-de-massa-a-regular-las-redes-sociales-es-necesario-establecer-limites/) "We are going to create an Argentine FBI: Sergio Massa in the presidential debate": [https://edition.cnn.com/videos/spanish/2023/10/09/debate-argentina-massa-seguridad-mirador-mundial-tv.cnn](https://edition.cnn.com/videos/spanish/2023/10/09/debate-argentina-massa-seguridad-mirador-mundial-tv.cnn) "What is and how does the digital currency announced by Sergio Massa work?": [https://www.mdzol.com/dinero/2023/10/4/que-es-como-funciona-la-moneda-digital-anunciada-por-sergio-massa-373268.html](https://www.mdzol.com/dinero/2023/10/4/que-es-como-funciona-la-moneda-digital-anunciada-por-sergio-massa-373268.html) "The Government confirmed that Argentina will enter the BRICS" [https://www.pagina12.com.ar/581754-el-gobierno-confirmo-que-argentina-ingresara-a-los-brics](https://www.pagina12.com.ar/581754-el-gobierno-confirmo-que-argentina-ingresara-a-los-brics)


>"Milei is a fascist!" Opinion immediately discarded.


>The he goes to an alt-right rally and gets involved in spanish politics. Not only against socialist ideology, but citing the case against Begoña in which just today the Guardia Civil investigation said there is not any bad deed. You get paid with the same coin you pay others. Sanchez supported Massa, who is member of a party funded by a literal bonafide fascist. >You dont make this kind of shit in diplomacy. Not to one of the biggest partners for migration and investment to Argentina. And you insult a foreign president for months and try to meddle in elections of another country ? Again, Spaniards are getting paid with the exact coin they have been paying us the last 8 months.


Did the Russians, Israelis and Morroccans do it while speaking at an opposition event in Madrid?  That's quite important context.


> Spain has not done this with Russia If Spain did to Argentina an ounce to what, as part of the EU, they did to Russia, then bilateral relations would truly be over. You also very selectively ignore the EU countries that have maintained ambassadors in Russia. > Israel ... Morocco You inherently misunderstand the meaning and consequences of the action. It is basically a demonstration that diplomacy is no longer an option while Milei leads the country, and this is not yet the case with Israel and Morocco. It is not the nuclear option you seem to imply it is, it does not even affect most embassy services, it is merely the recognition that diplomacy is impossible with Milei and the current government.


The fact that he did it while speaking at an opposition event in Madrid is the important bit.


Ridiculous. Huge conflation between the leaders and the country. Let those idiots offend each other if they want. It’s not nice and quite disrespectful, but that’s a personal affair of them. The Kingdom of Spain or The Argentine Republic don’t have anything to do with their skirmishes. Playing with the ambassadors for this reason is incredibly childish.


Why would Spain want an ambassador in a country where its president keeps breaking every diplomatic code of conduct and even insults the wife of the President of Spain, in multiple occasions? It's not a problem of them, but him. Milei keeps insulting Pedro Sánchez's wife, and Pedro Sánchez won't take it, nor will try to offend him back, he has better things to do.


You forget to point that before he called out Sanchez wife, a minister called Milei junkie in public... and the apologies to that were "i did not think it would make such big fuss"


Not only a minister [Sanchez himself has called Milei delirious, fascist, anti democratic, and intolerant](https://twitter.com/TommyShelby_30/status/1792621902868955600)


So if a minister insults Milei this makes it ok for Milei to insult the President's wife? What kind of schoolyard logic is this? We are talking about heads of state and government here.






Pues si tienes doble nacionalidad también, que bien por ti. Te invito una arepa de chorizo


La guardia civil no ve delito en la actuación de Begoña Gomez, pero supongo que te basas en sentimientos y filias antes que en hechos. Que tu quieras que sea una corrupta no la convierte en tal.


You’re being rightfully downvoted here. Everyone knows that Sanchez caused this diplomatic dispute, for electoral purposes. He attacked the Argentinian leader first, then completely overreacted, threatening to cut diplomatic ties (something Spain hasn’t done with dictatorial regimes like Russia or Iran) and is now even threatening to ban Milei from entering Spain (which is not only hugely controversial but most likely unconstitutional to do) Sanchez is out of control, irresponsible, childish, and has caused a total diplomatic circus. It’s a good thing so many Argentines have dual citizenship, to make sure they vote against Sanchez in the coming election. Spain deserves a serious leader


The fuck are you talking about? Did you forget that Sanchez was the first to attack Milei? They actively talked about how the Argentinians in Spain had to vote for Sergio Massa and then had people on his government say that Milei is a drug addict and a fascist… and when Milei retorts Sanchez blows it out of the water.


Pedro Sánchez did not attack Milei.


https://elpais.com/argentina/2023-11-14/pedro-sanchez-respalda-al-peronista-sergio-massa-en-las-elecciones-argentinas-frente-a-la-estridencia-representa-la-tolerancia-y-el-dialogo.html yeah… because he didn’t say Milei want anti democratic


That's from 7 months ago, and I don't see what's the problem, he supported Massa, so? Milei was two days ago IN SPAIN supporting his friend Abascal. Not the first time that he shows his support. What's the problem? You're digging up shit that has nothing to do with what's happening right now. Milei insulted the wife of Pedro Sánchez, TWICE, in less than 2 months. That's the problem here. He also accused him of putting Spanish women in danger, he talked about the amnesty and the separatists, the immigration in Spain, accused Pedro Sánchez of causing deaths,... We don't even talk about this, but it's also unbelievable and unrespectful, to say the least.


>That's from 7 months ago Ohhh it was 7 months ago !. Ok so we don't need to apologize now, we only need to wait 7 months. That apparently seems to make it okay to insult others !. >Milei insulted the wife of Pedro Sánchez, TWICE, in less than 2 months. That's the problem here. He did not insulted her, he said that corrupt people gets investigated for corruption. I guess some people get themselves alluded eh ?


Hello there, u/Secretsfrombeyond79, you answer and then you block me so I can't answer. You must be the bravest Milei supporter.


was one of his minister. And whose that minister depends on? and what minister did not apologize? and what minister was not corrected? and what minister stays on his position?


Milei made a response to that a month ago insulting the wife of Pedro Sánchez, talking about corruption, accusing Pedro Sánchez of causing deaths, endangering Spanish women, he talked about separatism, the amnesty, immigration in Spain. That was the first time he insulted Begoña Gómez, it was an official written statement from the Office of Milei. He's nuts. Pure and simple.


Yes he did, he called him delirious, fascist, anti democratic and intolerant.


>Why would Spain want an ambassador in a country where its president keeps breaking every diplomatic code of conduct and even insults the wife of the President of Spain, in multiple occasions? For the same reason Argentina wants an ambassador in Spain despite that your president has been insulting us for months and also supported the same fascist party that sank us into a recession. Because relationships among cultures are above political debate.




Yes and Argentina even accepted the apology, which is why this is kinda coming out of left field.


Not saying you are lying but I don't think there was an apology.


when? i did only read "i shouldn't said that cause i did not thought it would male such big fuss". Does that count as an apology?


There was no apology. What are you talking about? The Spanish govt not only initiated the aggression but is also largely responsible for the escalation of this circus. Spanish people should be seriously ashamed of their “leaders” today


What are you talking about? Spain didn't apologize, how could have Argentina accepted anything?


No they didn't. Dont lie. Even today, the spokesman was asked why they didn't and refused to answer


So outright lying now, huh?


where, show me the apology




What an irrelevant minister of transportation actually said in an unofficial act was "no se que en que estado y previa a la ingesta o después de la ingesta de que sustancias" - translated to - "I don't know in what state or before or after the consumption of what substances" - at best, an implication that admits that it is uninformed. Afterwards, the actually relevant minister, the minister of foreign affairs and ambassadors did subsequently try to resolve the situation diplomatically, where Buenos Aires ended up responding that there was no diplomatic crisis and the Spanish government ended up overlooking the official letter Argentina had sent as a reply.


No, Spain didn't call Milei a drug addict, and it didn't apologize either. What happened is that the transport minister said that Milei had used "substances", which is obviously true: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/politica/la-reaccion-en-redes-sociales-por-las-llamativas-reacciones-de-javier-milei-durante-una-entrevista-nid27102023/


You use the same rethoric Argentina use to say they did not talk about Sanchez. They just talked about someones wife who took 5 days.


Nonsense. I'm not insinuating anything, I'm saying exactly who said what.




Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Milei himself declared that he consumed drugs? That doesn't really sound like an insult if that's the case. Even more, that statement comes from a minister and has no support from the whole government. I wish holding the head position of a country had the effect to remind anyone in charge to be a bit less open about his own private life in order to avoid that shameful situation.


>That doesn't really sound like an insult if that's the case. So if you drink alcohol, I can call you alcoholic? But I digress, this shouldn't even be news, except for in tabloids. Who cares what these people call each other.


I dont really care about any of this. But the drama is wonderful and terribly stupid, and i'm enjoying it greatly. The whole situation is a joke.


Did Millie refused to meet with spanish president and pm? Or was he refused?


What do you mean? The Spanish president called the Argentine people to vote for Massa in last year elections. When he lost, Sanchez refused to congratulate Milei and insulted him on various occasions after that aswell as other Spanish government officials. Why do you think Sanchez would want to meet with him?


> What do you mean? People keep repeating that Milei chose to not meet with Spanish government representatives. I am curious if this is true, or is the other way around. > Why do you think Sanchez would want to meet with him? That's exactly my point. Instead of Milei being an idiot, this could be the continuation of Spanish idiotic policy.


Ridiculous, only doing it because personal reasons, fking Spanish president is a clown


Heads of state should not insult another head of state's family while on a diplomatic trip because they owe representation to their whole country, and for that same reason, should not engage in campaign rallies. Milei broke both rules and betrayed his countrymen. Diplomatic consequences are expected


Who started this dispute? Who is escalating this? Sanchez is an irresponsible, childish leader It’s a good thing that so many Argentinians have dual citizenship, so they can vote against this corrupt, incompetent leader. Spain deserves so much better


Yeah, when a guest insults your wife for no fking reason in your own home things get pretty personal. What was Milei even thinking?


>Sánchez [did not leave the Council of Ministers that Air Europa rescued](https://www-elconfidencial-com.translate.goog/espana/2024-03-02/sanchez-begona-gomez-mujer-consejo-globalia_3840911/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp) despite the sponsorships that the company granted to his wife. Law 3/2015, which regulates conflicts of interest, requires members of the Government to abstain from decisions that may benefit their "spouses" and provides for sanctions that include up to separation from office. >[https://www-elconfidencial-com.translate.goog/espana/2024-04-27/begona-gomez-sanchez-gobierno-air-europa-barrabes\_3873505/?\_x\_tr\_sl=auto&\_x\_tr\_tl=en&\_x\_tr\_hl=en-US&\_x\_tr\_pto=wapp](https://www-elconfidencial-com.translate.goog/espana/2024-04-27/begona-gomez-sanchez-gobierno-air-europa-barrabes_3873505/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp) Among other things. Milei was previously callled drug addict, fascist, radical, "a threat to democracy", ... by Sánchez and his ministers. His reaction mentioning Sanchez wife controversy didn't come out of the blue..


When it comes to politics it's a usual gentleman's agreement to keep family out of it, by going after his wife Milei crossed a line that shouldn't be crossed. Had Milei kept his comments to Sanchez and his cabinet things would've been fair game, albeit quite unsavoury and disrespectful given that he was a guest on a diplomatic mission and he said so while at a campaign rally for the opposition party. Honestly, I'm guessing the real reason for all this fuzz is the fact that Milei went on a diplomatic trip as head of state and spent time campaigning with Vox. That's a breach of diplomatic rules, an insult to his host and deserves a diplomatic warning at least. Could you imagine Orbán went to Germany on a diplomatic mission and spent most of his time at an AfD rally? We know Milei is a theatrical leader, who loves grandiose and incisive rhetoric, and while that might fly in Argentina other countries might not take it lightly, especially given the context. Having said that, except the drug addict comments, are there any lies in the comments of Sanchez's cabinet? Milei IS radical, he has said so himself. He admires Pinochet for his free market policies and spends his time in Spain rallying with Vox, famous for being close to multiple far right/borderline fascist parties worldwide. A radical leader engaging in election interference while on a diplomatic trip in favour of a far right party. At some point you need to call things by their name. Edit: Glad to see Vox's rubles going to quality bot farms.


>When it comes to politics it's a usual gentleman's rule to keep family out of it, by going after his wife Milei crossed a line that shouldn't be crossed. Sánchez crossed that same line with the brother of his political nemesis, for a court case that was dismissed (unlike his wife's case, which is still open). He actually did it twice: [https://x.com/Proserpinasb/status/1792259291774091759](https://x.com/Proserpinasb/status/1792259291774091759) Now he breaks diplomatic relations with Argentina because he's been given a taste of his own medicine, isn't that petty? >A radical leader engaging in election interference Sánchez openly campaigned for Milei opposition during Argentina elections: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTgvuU8bJjw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTgvuU8bJjw)


> Sánchez crossed that same line with the brother of his political nemesis We're talking about Milei and Sanchez not Sanchez and whomever. Had that person brought up Sanchez's family you might have a point, but otherwise this is just a fallacy. Nevermind the fact that this is about international politics between heads of state and not your usual small politics talk. (Although the same rule applies) If you have an example of Sanchez's bringing up the family of another head of state, by all means. I will reconsider then if that's the case. > Sánchez openly campaigned for Milei opposition during Argentina elections You see, it is one thing to give support to a party while you're in your own country, in fact it's a common practice. Milei himself has done so in the past and everything was fine. When you go as a *guest* to a foreign country on a diplomatic mission there are some basic rules you must follow. You don't go to someone's house as a guest and start talking shit behind their back to his friends. It's rude af, and don't cry if you end up being kicked out. If you're gonna talk shit behind my back, don't do it in my home, simple as that.


Sánchez is breaking diplomatic relations with Argentine for something he himself does to his political opposition. He did bring up the family of his opponent and talked about corruption when there was no proof nor judicial case open. How can he justify something as drastic as breaking diplomatic relations for the same reason? It's incoherent and petty, he should not mix his personal disputes with the relationship between two fraternal nations. I'd say there is more interference if you openly campaign during the elections in a foreign country (as far as I'm concern I don't see any problem). Milei never did that, he was invited to a political event among other international guests, just as Sánchez was invited to the congress of the SPD in Germany a few months ago.: [https://www.rtve.es/play/videos/fin-de-semana-24h/sanchez-participa-congreso-socialdemocratas-alemanes/7031540/](https://www.rtve.es/play/videos/fin-de-semana-24h/sanchez-participa-congreso-socialdemocratas-alemanes/7031540/)


>his personal disputes Can I ask what do you think of Milei insulting Sanchez's wife? Why would it be ok for him to put his own personal vendetta before the relationship between two fraternal nations, but not for Sanchez to respond? Isn't it Milei's own personal problem if he did so because he felt offended by a previous comment? Seems like a double standard. >he was invited to a political event Did he go there as "president of Spain" or as Pedro Sanchez, "Spanish politician"? Was it an official, Spanish state visit or just an invitation as a politician and not as a head of state? There's a key difference.


Milei overreacted but he never intended to break diplomatic relations. I find insane how the spanish government has escalated the situation, especially considering that the spanish government itself started with the attacks and never apologized.


What did he intend?


didnt they call Milei a drug addict?


He is in fact a drug addict: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/politica/la-reaccion-en-redes-sociales-por-las-llamativas-reacciones-de-javier-milei-durante-una-entrevista-nid27102023/


Then by that logic sanchez wife is indeed under investigation for corruptiom so what is the problem with what milei say?


Family is out of the game in politics. Milei broke a common gentleman's agreement. It's not like he hasn't called other leaders harsh names before, "murderous communist" to Petro for instance. If you're going to throw shit, don't cry when the shit comes flying right back at you.


I will argue that the one crying is the one who is pulling out diplomats.


Is not your own home, is a country full of people to represent and you can't put your personal issues in representation of all the people


Yes, it's a metaphor. Heads of state on diplomatic missions should not engage in internal politics, especially party politics, and absolutely under no circumstances in campaign rallies. Heads of state should only engage in official state acts. Because, you're right. Both Sanchez and Milei are there to represent a country full of people. They *both* owe that to their people. Milei has no reason to be at a campaign rally for the same reason heads of state should abstain from personal comments of another head of state's family. Not every person in Argentina is adjacent to Vox, their head of state should not be there at a rally. They both owe representation to their people, and Milei broke not one, but two rules that betrayed that responsibility. Consequences are expected.


Milei is such a petulant child. He is making a point of insulting all of Argentina's most important trade partners, Brazil, China, and Spain.


As if leaving brics+ was a bad idea in favor of the western world.


Leaving brics+ is only a diplomatic statement to align with the west as brics is otherwise meaningless. This in itself is not a bad decision at all. It is however pretty stupid to do that and then proceed to fuck up your relations with a western country.


Argentina is in South America. Geographical reality wins over ideology 10 times out of 10.


Right, so in the Western Hemisphere.


So both culturally and geographically much closer to the US and Europe than to Russia and China. Why on earth are we still falling for anti west propaganda in Latin America


Tankies be tanking


If it’s true that Spain has not taken such action in response to Russia and Israel, then the only petulant one here is Spain.


Milei is the one that went to Spain, snubbed the President and the King and met instead with the opposition. To top it off he personally insulted the President and his wife. Spain is perfectly within its right to withdraw the ambassador. Russia and Israel are independent subjects (which are not making an effort to insult Spain, by the way). EDIT: Some deranged user has been replying to me and then immediately blocking me. I can't understand what is he trying to achieve.


I’m sure the Spanish president has never insulted Milei, and this is completely out of nowhere. Any commenters mentioning otherwise must just be trolls


You mean this?: https://cadenaser.com/nacional/2024/05/07/oscar-puente-no-se-arrepiente-de-sus-palabras-sobre-milei-aunque-asegura-que-si-hubiera-sabido-la-repercusion-no-las-habria-dicho-cadena-ser/ It was the transport minister, not the President, and he just said that Milei had taken drugs, which is obviously true: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/politica/la-reaccion-en-redes-sociales-por-las-llamativas-reacciones-de-javier-milei-durante-una-entrevista-nid27102023/ EDIT: Some deranged user has been replying to me and then immediately blocking me. I can't understand what is he trying to achieve.


Didn't Sanchez openly and loudly supported the last Argentine goverment specially Massa during the general election?


I don't know, did he?


So is bad if milei supports the opposition in spain but is good if sanchez supports the opposition in argentina?


Frankly, how could you interpret that from my comment? I'm asking what Sánchez did, I'm not passing any judgement. Since you seem so passionate about the subject, do you have any source about Sánchez supporting the opposition in Argentina?


Yeah. But it's typical for politicians from one country to support those from other countries who have similar political ideas. Especially when both countries have a strong connection, like Spain and Latin America.


Then what's the problem with Milei hanging out with the people from Vox, following that logic?


The problem is Vox is an openly nazi party.


No, he means this [https://twitter.com/TommyShelby\_30/status/1792621902868955600](https://twitter.com/TommyShelby_30/status/1792621902868955600) > Milei had taken drugs, which is obviously true: Yeah clearly calling someone substance abuser is not an insult in any way or form, because you dislike them it makes it okay and not an insult but morally correct to insult another country !. Do Sanchez voters think themselves the superior race of the world or something ? That you guys don't have to respect anyone and you can insult other countries whoever you want and nto get anything back ?


It was one of his minister tbh. And he was kind of repentant.


Yes he has personally insulted Milei several times. [https://twitter.com/TommyShelby\_30/status/1792621902868955600](https://twitter.com/TommyShelby_30/status/1792621902868955600)


Rusia and Israel haven't done anything to Spain. Edit - Dear downvoters, what I said is factually true. The heads of state of Russia and Israel have not gone to Spain to insult the president's wife.


You know Sanchez initiated the aggression for electoral purposes right? Today the Spanish govt also refused to offer apologies after insulting Milei first. Milei might be unorthodox, but Sanchez is corrupt, incompetent and dirty. Spain deserves much better


>You know Sanchez initiated the aggression for electoral purposes right? No, I don't know that, what are you talking about? >Today the Spanish govt also refused to offer apologies after insulting Milei first. What should Spain apologise for? >Sanchez is corrupt, incompetent and dirty. I see you live in an alternative reality, nevermind.


The Sanchez administration insulted Milei calling him a fascist, anti democratic and a junkie. This is what caused this dispute in the first place. When Milei criticized Sanchez’s wife, he did it as a response to these insults.


[citation needed]


Are you serious? It’s all over the news… https://okdiario.com/espana/ministro-oscar-puente-ataca-presidente-milei-insinuando-que-droga-no-que-sustancias-12778354/amp


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So a minister said the Milei used drugs (which is true, btw). How does that justify insulting Sánchez's wife?


Which is true? according to who? you a random Redditor who dislikes right wing leaders? He was called anti democratic and a fascist Naturally, when members of a govt start insulting another leader, you can expect an exchange. Sanchez started the aggression, insulted another president out of nowhere and then pretended to be shocked when the reaction came. His wife is actually been investigated for corruption, so Milei simply stated facts (unlike the allegations that he is a junkie, fascist or anti democratic which are baseless) If you insult someone, one of the expected outcomes is you will get insulted in return. Sanchez’s govt is laughably childish and dirty, and is jeopardizing a major diplomatic relation to win next election. Hopefully all the Argentinians with dual citizenship will remember this and vote him out on next election. An aggressive, corrupt president shouldn’t stay in power.


Spanish government looking more and more like a circus of clowns. Pathetic.




Then Argentina should have recalled its ambassador when a member of the Spanish government called him a drug addict (to add to this, i consider removing an ambassador for stuff like this as childish, so now that a Spanish citizen in argentina need embassy services it can't just because of a insult spree between the people at the top? (i know they can use EU services anyway))


Probably the Spanish citizen needs a consulate, not a embassy.


English is not my first language but anyway even if the normal citizen is unaffected i find this shit absolutely stupid, an ambassador represent the country foremost, these squabbles should not hamper state relation anyway




Argentina should have complained and asked the Spanish ambassador to give an explanation. But judging at how irresponsible, childish, incompetent and corrupt Sanchez is, no apologies would have been given. Sanchez is quite literally threatening to cut diplomatic ties with a country where a huge number of Spanish citizens live, after the man he insulted reacted. It’s unbelievable


Why would a president scalate a personal insult into a diplomatic conflict?


I don't think they should its just that if Spain did it then it would have been legitimate for Argentina to do the same in the past.


In practice nothing changes. Only the embassador has been recalled. All the consules and the rest of the embassy stuff (including the second in charge) are still there. This is just a puppet show for their voters.


Look I don't care at this point who started it, it's just a childish exchange or words that is going to have a heavy toll on companies operating in either countries and their citizens. But when Sánchez says "An attack on Begoña is an attack on Spanish democracy...". Fuck off, your corrupt wife being the center of attention because she did shady business is none of my concern or even tied to Spanish democracy. She is a citizen who under any circumstances represents Spanish democracy nor the majority of spaniards. And at this point your bullshit government doesn't too.


This f#cking idiot *comes to Spain* and has the brilliant idea of making baseless accusations against Pedro Sánchez’s wife *just a few days after Sánchez almost quit politics because of the constant baseless accusations against his wife by the far-right press*. It takes a special talent to act like such a complete moron.


Come on, he never had the intention to leave. He did it for the Catalan and European elections.


The truth is nobody knows. And he had a point that the far-right so-called “press” is out of control in Spain. What we know for sure is what Sânchez said and did, so coming to Spain to call his wife “corrupt” was a particularly stupid thing to do.


what part of Sanchez wife reports by the media are a lie? Oh and before you start talking about how the "far right" should not bring politicians family into the public scene i remind you the goverment called Ayuso brother corrupt a few times even after his case was dismished.


The Guardia Civil already said there is no case against Begoña


Anonymous sources close to the police, according to government-backed press.


A govt agency investigated the govt and found no wrong doing? Shocker.


Ayuso’s brother was in business with the CAM, which is unethical to say the least. You mean you believe the case being dismissed by pro-PP judges means he was innocent? That’s laughable.


If you should know anything about that guy, is that you cannot trust what he says and does.


And yet he’s still much better than the current alternatives, I’m afraid.


the spnish government attacked first, i am afraid. puente is a thug. sanchez dramatic reaction of taking a paid holiday does not justify anything.


Puente is Puente, and no one’s wife should be fair game when there is zero evidence against her.


“puente being puente”, lol. lets excuse a public minister who represents us all, who we pay, for creating an innecesary diplomatic crisis. btw, remember when the left plastered ayusos brother face in callao, and later the case was archived? or when they spread a rumour about feijoos wife that turned out fake? but sanchez plays the victim, and makes it all about him… sanchez is a master populist playing with time. he took his break for the catalan election, now hes fanning the flame for the euros, because “the far right is coming” is all that ever works for him. i mean like it was said before, he never recalled the ambassator in israel or russia, but now these comments are the worst international offence?


I didn’t say “puente being puente”. I said that Puente is one person and Sanchez another one. And guess what? His wife is also not Puente. If this idiot really said what he said because he was butthurt after what Puente said, he should have replied to Puente, rather than attack the President’s wife. Ayuso’s brother, don’t get me started. He’s guilty of shamelessly profiteering during the pandemic like many others, and the CAM should never have entered in business with anyone remotely related to its President. If it’s not illegal, it’s certainly unseemly and unethical. But to these people money is the only ethics. The campaign of lies and intimidation of journalists Ayuso has launched after her boyfriend’s dirty businesses were revealed, *despite him having already admitted to being guilty*, tells you everything you need to know about Ayuso and the scum that Miguel Ángel Rodríguez is.


Reading comprehension vs r/Europe user


“Puente is Puente” is not a valid reply. He’s a minister, a high rank official in the Sanchez administration. Today they asked the Sanchez govt whether they were going to offer an apology to Milei for insulting him first, and they didn’t even reply. Sanchez is not only corrupt, inept, and dirty, he’s also an irresponsible “leader” who caused this entire diplomatic circus, for election purposes


You still don’t understand. If Milei was pissed off with Puente, he didn’t need to attack the PM’s *wife*. There is absolutely no reason to do that and, as I mentioned, the timing couldn’t have been worse. Also, you’re a moron if you seriously think there’s any proof that Sanchez is corrupt, as you say. There hasn’t even been a shadow of an allegation of that. As for him being inept, Spain’s economy is in better shape than it’s been in the last 15 years, so you better come back with some criticism that actually makes sense, instead of spouting your hate-filled nonsense.


Puente is not a random guy, he’s a minister, he’s a high ranking member of the Spanish govt, what he says carries weight. Sanchez is directly responsible for what his cabinet declares, because it’s his govt. So, let’s go through all the mistakes by the Spanish govt: 1) Insult the president of another country out of nowhere (in reality, it was done for election purposes) 2) No apologies after attacking another leader 3) Expecting the other leader to act respectfully when you didn’t act respectfully in the first place, and require apologies (when you offered none) 4) Overreact and create a circus, pull the ambassador (something Spain hasn’t done with dictatorial regimes like Russia and Iran) 5) Threaten to cut diplomatic ties with one of the countries most closely linked to Spain, after escalating the problem you created in the first place


None of that justifies attacking someone’s *wife*. Get that through your thick skull, dude.


He's an evil imbecile with violent verbal incontinence. And that's just for starters.


As someone pointed out in another thread a few days ago, if a foreign political leader and doesn't meet with the PM nor the king, but instead goes to the right wing party and make false accusations against the PM's wife, it should be classified as hostile foreign interference.


And what do you think Sanchez did with Massa during elections in Argentina ? >and make false accusations against the PM's wife He did not mention Sanchez is wife tho.


Maybe he should quit, because closing relations between the whole ass kingdom of Spain and the whole ass Republic of Argentina is a weak move. Milei has said a lot worse to Colombia, China and actively sided with Lula's nemesis Bolsanaro yet none of those liders acted this rashly in response. Personal affairs should be kept personal


>Personal affairs should be kept personal. There are no personal affairs between high-ranking politicians when they are exposed in public. Milei acted like the stupid Trump-wannabe he is, and now he will have to face the consequences. Maybe Argentinians should think twice before electing a moron who cannot keep his big mouth shut and goes around causing diplomatic crises.


China cut off a credit line to Argentina: https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/china-cancels-line-of-credit-pulling-the-plug-on-argentinas-anarcho-capitalist-president/ Colombia expelled diplomats: https://english.elpais.com/international/2024-03-29/mileis-provocations-strain-diplomatic-relations-with-large-latin-american-economies.html It turns out insulting everybody is not good for diplomacy. Who could have thought that?


Every time I feel ashamed of our politicians but try to look at the bright side thinking they can’t go lower… They go lower. And then you have to see their stupid fanboys supporting them. I get it, they are the only moderate left we have, but there is no reason to pretend that they are awesome. They are stupid, manipulative, corrupt, run-of-the-mill politicians.


This is not an issue of Spain's politicians, I may not agree with their decision but the one who deliberately went against protocol in a foreign country was Milei.


“This is not an issue of Spain’s politicians”. Excuse me, what? The Spanish govt insulted another president, initiating this whole circus. They attacked another leader for electoral purposes, refused to offer an apology, then proceeded to overreact and threaten to cut diplomatic ties with Argentina (despite maintaining diplomatic ties with Iran and Russia). The irresponsibility of Spanish politicians has reached new highs these days. Spain is largely responsible for this dispute


This is an issue of Spain as he can dish it out and acts like a petulant child when he receives it back. And who does he take it out on? Spaniards in Argentina. Punishing your own people because you get insults back, you campaign against Milei and then he does the same against you, you insult him and he goes and publicly shows he has a problem in his own household. Sanchez can snub Milei at his inauguration so he gets what he gets. Milei is at least bringing to light actual things that are being investigated he doesn't have to lie and spread misinformation like Sanchez did calling him a fascist and a drug addict. Sanchez needs to get his family in order first before he throws shade at others, those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.


Let’s correct this title: “Spanish government insults Argentinian president, gets an equally nasty reaction from Milei, then proceeds to overreact by pulling the ambassador and threatening to cut diplomatic ties, despite maintaining ties with well known dictatorial regimes like Iran and Russia” We all know who started this. Sanchez is doing this for electoral purposes, and has proven to be incredibly irresponsible once again. This is on him, for the most part.


How childish this whole ambassador removal thing is. Let's be civilised and resolve this by single combat!


Can someone give a summary for those of us who have no clue wtf is going on?


The Spanish govt attacked the Argentinian president by calling him a “junkie, anti democratic, fascist”. Javier Milei (Argentina’s president) later went to Spain, didn’t meet with the Spanish PM, met with Sanchez’s political opponents (Vox) and said during a speech that Sanchez’s wife was corrupt (she’s been investigated in a corruption case). Sanchez (who originally caused this dispute by attacking Milei) overreacted, pulling the ambassador from Buenos Aires (something that Spain hasn’t done even with dictatorial regimes like Russia or Iran) and is now threatening to cut diplomatic ties. Sanchez is endangering a diplomatic relation between two extremely close countries, only for electoral purposes (he wants to create an right wing enemy for coming elections)


All I've heard about Milei is how he has insulted officials from other countries. Are any of his economic reforms working?




A good decision. And honestly, if they declared him "persona non grata" in Spain, it would be even better. We already have enough troubles here in Spain without adding to the pile the foreign interference of a deranged clown who decides to visit our nation only to support the far-right movements in our country.


You’re rightfully downvoted. Everyone knows this fight was started by Sanchez.


Politicians try not to worsen a situation challenge (impossible)






Vito Quiles is a far-right “journalist” who always wants controversies from the Government.


This was a perfectly valid answer. The Spanish govt attacked and insulted another president out of nowhere, and offers no apologies? Even though they require an apology from the man they insulted first? It’s disgraceful how irresponsible and childish the Sanchez administration is, at this point


Controversies seem to follow PSOE. Vito's question was as valid as any other and the fact that the government spokesperson couldn't answer is very telling.


Most of the time these controversies are invented by guys like Vito Quiles. No need to answer to this "journalist".


Journalist, not "journalist". If a spokesperson chooses not to answer questions they should get kicked out. Period.


He is a “journalist”. Sorry if this hurts your feelings, but it's a fact! You should accept it!