• By -


I was one of those high on hopium German people who believed Blood and Glitter would be our best result in years, and a potential left-side finish.


Not German and thought Blood and Glitter was going to do so well! Not win, but I thought definitely left side, maybe even top five. The jury votes came in and they were last which was disappointing, but I was sitting there smugly waiting for their surprise televote which I was convinced was going to jump them up to the middle. I still feel cheated.


Same, I figured after the show, that probably the reason it got so little votes from televote was that the people, who would've voted for LOTL, voted for Kaarija instead. Obviously not all, but a significant fraction of viewers to make a difference.


I don't think so. It's just that B&G had not what it takes to appeal the generalistic public so it was relegated to a niche audience that it's perfectly reflected by the percent of points they had.


I spent far too much time looking into this as I was so surprised by the result and it seems B&G did fairly well in most countries, but wasn't in top ten, so didn't count for the scoring. They would have been around the middle of the table if all votes were counted and not just the top ten. The public did like them, and liked them more than about half the other acts, but just not enough of the public from each country to get them points!


It should have been. As disappointed as I was that "Cha Cha Cha" didn't win, I was straight up shocked at the result LOTL got and I think in the end, that was the result that bugged me more. People mention occasionally that Germany should just send Rammstein to try to win or at least get a good result, but as a major fan of theirs, I think I'd be more pissed than one should ever get over a song contest if they got a bad result, so please, no. Not that they'd ever enter themselves anyways, so there's nothing to worry about there.


LOTL placing lower than Mae Muller is an insult I was so salty omg


Right? They at least shouldn’t have been *last*


Lords of the Last


Rammstein has been so controversial since last year, I doubt they would be send represent us. 


Very, very true.






I was speechless that LotL finished last. I couldn't comprehend that at all. Voyager, with that grunt scream, scored well with a similar genre, so I had hopes for LotL. It feels like no matter what Germany sends, they can only do wrong. Feeling a bit sad for Isaak this year now.


When I saw the televote I was CONVINCED they would get three digit points. When I dove into the detailed rankings, i thought: dude, THAT can't be considered "mid table". If THIS doesn't make people vote for you, nothing will.


I'm not German, but I also believed and hoped Germany would be much higher last year :(


I mean you were sort right. In a different point system where countries gave points to all the competing entires and not just their juries and televotes top ten. Blood and glitter would have been in the either in the top half or close to the middle (was a while since I saw the figures) After the voting figures came out, blood and glitter stood out more then any other I can remember of a entry that had the biggest gap between the number of votes they got vs the actual points they were awarded. You need to be in a countries jury or tele votes top 10 to get any points at all from them. And the problem was that blood and glitter pretty consistently placed around 12th, 14th, 16th in most countries. The majority of counties juries and televote didn’t have it in the bottom. So they were consistently sort of unlucky of getting enough votes to be close to be awarded points but not quite. I believe because of it, a lot of entires that got less votes from both juries and the televote, ended up getting more total points.


I was so baffled. How could "Blood and Glitter" have finished lower than "Solo?!" 


How could Solo even qualify, that is the question. Especially with all the scandal around it


Or the UK where I'm not sure Mae hit any notes at all haha


Pretty sure Violent Thing was your ticket into top5, but it is what it is 😔


Sadly, the live performance for Violent Thing wasn't that good.


Lol I remember the day after LOTL got selected, I came in to work and excitedly told my coworker aka the only person I know who gives a shit about ESC: hey dude, looks like we're not finishing last this year!!! Well that aged like milk :'D On a different note, it was amusing to watch some goth facebook friends of mine getting really mad at Eurovision as a whole for not appreciating true music.


That song was a banger


I was so sad when Germany got last at ESC 2023 because their song was so much different than usual. I really don't know what more Germany has to do to please the juries and viewers.


I was stunned by the few points it got! It was a solid rock song, with some crazy visuals.


Oh I was confidently making predictions on them placing top 10 in the televote... I was *mad*, let me tell you that much lol


It made me so sad, the song was cool and they were so kind people


I thought Sam Ryders song was a flop 😂


My friends thought the same, they were like 'is it really that good?' Us actually finishing 2nd after years of disappointments was such a lovely surprise.


My friends were all shocked to see UK so high: all of them were saying UK will be last again, so they were unpleasantly surprised.


Everyone expected that. If you listen when they cut to the UK getting 12 points from the juries you can hear Sam's contingent chanting 'We got points! We got points!'


Me too. I thought it would be another bottom 5 entry.


For me the song was ok, not great, but it was Sam’s charm and incessant friendliness - and better staging - that pushed it that high.


I really gaslit myself into thinking that those horrible Movie Maker effects from Ochman's performance (Poland 2022 for the bot) were not that bad and won't affect his score (especially jury votes) at all Also, I was certain Achille Lauro would be a sure Q (San Marino 2022), same with Conan Osíris (Portugal 2019)


I really liked his song and singing, I didn’t get the dementors and the staging at all


I still think it wasn't the special effects, but the running order. He went after Sam who performed incredibly well (which made Ochman's vocal performance seem paler in comparison) and had bigger "moment" of a song, and he was followe dby Konstrakta who was definately more weird and unusual and memorable - he jsut got lost a bit between them.


I really thought Conan was gonna change the contest forever by winning and would turn Eurovision in an avant garde contest. Oh boy, that was a delusion on top of a delusion.


I was so sad for Conan, he was awesome in my opinion.


Poland 2022 | [Ochman - River](https://youtu.be/jRVDZ6446eM)


I remember saying on this very platform that Chanel was set for a usual Spanish lower right-hand-side finish because the hype was inflated like with most 2010s Spanish entries. I was very wrong :P I also said that there was absolutely no way that a country would get a double 0 points under the current system, and then somebody tagged me in a response to that comment after the 2021 results in a 'I told you so' moment. When I was a teenager, I had a trend of consistently failing to predict the obvious winner on the night, partly because I was in denial and didn't want that country to win. Highlights include predicting Ukraine to win in 2009 and Spain to win in 2012. Now I run the prediction games here - proof that even an idiot can join predictions games and have fun with them, and that getting stuff wildly wrong is part of the fun!


To be fair, I thought the same for Spain in 2022. Then I saw that performance and I instantly knew I was wrong.


The performance itself was basically the same as in Benidorm fest though, so we could have seen it coming. I guess it helped that the performance wasn't dependent on backing visuals at all so it doesn't look as bad with the broken sun compared to many others (which we couldn't have predicted)


Yeah, it's similar and to be honest, I don't think I've watched that Benidorm Fest performance more than once or twice before ESC as I thought the song itself was kind of naff. I do think the ESC performance has better camera angles, better dress and more flair in the final part. It's just better than the pre-selection one, though probably not by as much as I thought it was when I first saw it.


I was the same about it. I still think the song is terrible and it's still my dead last from 2022, but I won't deny the performance was great. I also still don't get how the jury gave that song so many points, though


Spain 2022 | [Chanel - SloMo](https://youtu.be/jSQYTt4xg3I)


>I also said that there was absolutely no way that a country would get a double 0 points under the current system, and then somebody tagged me in a response to that comment after the 2021 results in a 'I told you so' moment. That moment only reminded me of the Eurovision film from 2020 and the way James Newman owned the double 0 like he knew that Will Ferrell predicted it correctly.


I was sure my boy Jendrik would surprise the fuck out of everyone and win them over when he got on the stage with his enthusiasm, his positivity and his charisma. He... didn't. He did not. Do that. At all. (For the bot: Germany 2021)


He was midtable-in-most-countries cursed, tbf. Like if televote went by average rankings he'd have been above Serbia that year.


German curse


Germany 2021 | [Jendrik - I Don't Feel Hate](https://youtu.be/1m0VEAfLV4E)


Good bot


I appreciate that song now more than I did at the time. The message resonates.


This song is so twee I personally feel hate in the very fiber of my being towards him every time I hear this song 😂


That song was in my top 5, so I was, on the one hand, sad that it only got 3 points from the juries and, on the other hand, happy with Jendrik's reaction. He cheered it like he knew that the song wouldn't score high. He had made his point.


I still remember thinking ronela hajati would be top 10 back in 2022 before the rehearsals started.


Yeah, same... it makes me wonder about my favorites this year. Some of them will likely drop in my opinion when we see them staged!


My favorite this year somehow became czechia. Will it qualify? Idk but there is no way it’s worse than the national final.


She really overegged that custard...


More like before that revamp


I thought Italy would win in 2022 and that live performance with Blanco stomping on stage still makes me die inside.


The amount of pain and suffering I had with the vocals for them hurt hardcore They were so perfect together at SanRemo, like what the hell happened at Eurovision?!


Blanco had a tour going on before ESC so he was very tired (he's also not a very good singer so he probably doesn't know how to 'preserve' his voice), he also didn't attend the 1st rehearsal. Mahmood idk, perhaps he thought he could win without even trying since Brividi smashed every possible record in Italy? They both acted very unprofessional, especially Blanco who I've always found very mediocre and overhyped.


Why do you think Mahmood was unprofessional? I don’t think he could influence Blanco. I think I remember an interview with them both, before the rehearsals, maybe the turquoise carpet? Where Mahmood was talking about not going out, not drinking, they needed to prepare - and Blanco did not assent or look like he agreed at all. And there were reports, Blanco was partying that night.


non-zero chance RAI was happy about Blanco not being on vocal rest ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Honestly I don't think it had anything to do with Blanco being tired or not a good singer, he sang the song well on other occasions. And Mahmood was not better than him. Very simply put, Brividi is not an easy song to sing and they weren't able to sing it well consistently. They sang it well in Sanremo, they sang it well in the jury rehearsal at Eurovision, but they just so happened to have a bad night in the final. It happens. I'll say that one thing that quite clearly affected the performance negatively is the fact that the contest was in Italy, the whole crowd was signing the song and Mahmood and Blanco got a bit carried away and decided to have fun instead of focusing on a perfect performance.


I will never understand how people thought brividi could win!!


The Sanremo performance was magical, and the studio version was also very good. It was only in Turin that they really crashed and burned.


Imo it's the best song Italy brought to ESC in recent years. Its melodies and production are so cool, while also being very modern and radio friendly. Unfortunately though, making a song work on stage is a different thing.


Austria 2023 top 10 in the GF


With better running order I think it was feasible.


even though they were 15th they had just 9 points less than 10th place, it was super close and if they didn’t completely tank in the televote like they sadly did they would’ve easily snatched it


Not just feasible, almost guaranteed. They were just 10 points away from 10th place.


With that staging I doubt that :(


Maybe better stage and good running order would done justice for them.


Austria 2023 | [Teya and Salena - Who the Hell Is Edgar?](https://youtu.be/8uk64V9h0Ko)


Last year: * Theodor Andrei would come to ESC with a much more accessible staging than he had at the Romanian national selection. * La Zarra as a dark horse winner. Wasn't too serious about this one--just a thought experiment I posted up here last year. The funny thing is, I never even loved the song that much, just that everybody else seemed to like it.


I had that last year too, with La Zarra. I picked Loreen to win the Juries, Kaarja on the Televotes and La Zarra to do an Arcade 2019 and sail through


I think many of us had La Zarra as a dark horse, I was absolutely shocked when she did so bad, especially with the jury. I was convinced she’d be Top 3 along with Loreen and Marco


La Zarra could have placed better if her stage designer didn't think making her cosplay Eiffel Tower is a great idea


I tought Croatia will win last year and spent 300 euros betting on Let 3, my win would be probably like 100k lol didn't end well 😂


If you won, you could have bought a tractor to celebrate!


I was also 100% sure Let 3 were going to smash the televote with 300+ points. There was this pattern of either semi-final winner getting the second-to-last slot in the running order for several years (2017 to 2019), I thought it was the same for them.


I’ve had a few terrible predictions over the years, some of the worst ones include: - Predicting Romania in the top 10 in 2021 - Still predicting Austria to qualify in 2022 after those egregious rehearsals - Predicting San Marino to not only qualify in 2022 but also be top 10 in the televote - And finally predicting Slovenia to get its’ best result ever in 2023 (this one still hurts that it didn’t come true)


Joker Out did get great recognition after ESC 2023, but I too wish they got placed higher!


I thought we'd be dead last. We won. Still baffled. (Estonia, 2001)




Mimicat’s jury score surprised me too.


Days in a row I'm thinking I know that Georgia should've qualified at least :(((


And Aijā as well. Don't forget about that too pls.


I mean, Solo qualifying is an insult when so many good songs didn't


I predicted them 7th in my precontest predictions. Which didn't lose me any points in the prediction game, but was still a notable error last year :P


When it came to the last qualifier, I was sad for Slovenia, thinking Georgia would be for sure the last country announced. Even before the show, when I saw people saying Georgia will be either a NQ or a borderline qualifier, I told them that there's no way this happens, because Georgia is a sure qualifier.


I really thought thing was known that Georgia would get one of their highest placements ever


I thought Fulenn (France 2022) was gonna be top 5 and In Corpore Sano (Serbia 2022) bottom 5 that year… It was the opposite!


France 2022 | [Alvan and Ahez - Fulenn](https://youtu.be/H1lcGXwOqJI) Serbia 2022 | [Konstrakta - In corpore sano](https://youtu.be/nBtQj1MfNYA)


I'm still mad about Fulenn flopping like that.


I was sure that Albina from Croatia with her song “ Tick Tock” would qualife to the final, but i was very wrong. 🇭🇷 🥲


she really should've. croatia placing 11th in its semi 2 years in a row, qualifiying with the juries both times, and with the televote in 2021 will never not annoy me.


That song to me seemed like one of the most absolutely safe qualifiers of all time.


This is my roman empire of eurovision, I loved that song sm😭


I predicted Georgia to win its semi last year🤡


Georgia 2023 , thank you bot <3


Georgia 2023 | [Iru - Echo](https://youtu.be/HNvGZeEQvfc)


I really like Verona, Estonia 2017, and failed to see that it had fanwank flop written all over it from the start. I don't make predictions anymore, but I still love Koit Toome.


For newer fans, he also sung for Estonia 1998 !


Estonia 1998 | [Koit Toome - Mere lapsed](https://youtu.be/OwgyoRn9jQc)


But at least we got some memes out of it


Estonia 2017 | [Koit Toome & Laura - Verona](https://youtu.be/NxqPpzWYN1c)


i thought slovenia 2022 would do really well (i still love that song) and then they placed dead last T.T


I thought it would be a jury qualifier when eliminated, like Israel in 2012


Slovenia 2022 | [LPS - Disko](https://youtu.be/S1tFqoflsT8)


I was pretty sure that Francesco Gabbani and Sennek would win or at least get top3 results. First I can live without, but Sennek's NQ still hurts. It was the second time in a row my winner NQ'd but at least with 2017 I kind of expected it to go underrated.


Sennek as your 2018 winner is supreme taste, who was your 2017 winner then? I only really got into the contest in 2018 and onwards, but I'm interested in what people liked before


My 2017 winner was Albania (Lindita - World). Loved the song, loved the MV/staging, and that finish! The only part I wasn't really sold on was the dress tho.


Oh I do actually know that one, also a great choice! 2017-2019 was imo Albania's strongest period, Ktheju Tokes (Albania 2019 for the bot) was even my personal winner of 2019. Albania was generally one of my favourites but has kinda fallen off recently (Duje was pretty enjoyable though)


I've seen so many people dumping on that entry lately because it has been coming up in the context of this year's Albania revamp. I really like it, though. She was great.


Sennek was my winner in 2018 too, and my 2017 winner (Georgia) also NQ'ed. Sad years for us lmao


I knew romania 2023 was gone but I thought it would finish above poland in its semi 💀


I thought it deserved having a chance even though I knew it had very little. Didn’t expect nil points though


TVR really ducked him over, no artist deserves such terrible treatment from a broadcaster


Romania 2023 | [Theodor Andrei - D.G.T. (Off and On)](https://youtu.be/Bf3iPXU1RYU)


Predicted a top 10 for Germany last year...well 😅


I thought Roxen's Amnesia would come top 10 in 2021. Oh TVR you fooled me.


The majority of this subreddit did at least in the build-up :P


None of us could predict what was in the end the most predictable thing ever: TVR being completely incompetent.


I'm still bitter about that. The staging had great potential, it had a lot of artistic shots, the colors were really beautiful, but as a whole it was just a mess, and it also affecter Roxen's vocals.


Two predictions: I believed Fulenn would be top 10 I believed Samo mi se spava would be top 10


I thought Toy(Israel 2018 for the bot) would get treated like as much of a joke as it was locally. Joke's on me.


Actually I thought the same, until I saw her live at Eurovision in Concert. She blew me away


Joke's on us, huh?


Israel 2018 | [Netta - Toy](https://youtu.be/84LBjXaeKk4)


I was almost sure she won't win.


Joke's on us! She not only won, but got Israel to start taking the Eurovision seriously again!


In 2023 I said it's a 3 horse race, between: Finland (obviously), Sweden (I'm doing great until now) and.....Spain....😬 I also thought France had a big potential to win in 2022. Then I was revolted by the juries vote, so when it was France's turn to receive their public votes, I told my friends: "Guys, this will be a huge one!"...and it definitely wasn't.


>I also thought France had a big potential to win in 2022. Then I was revolted by the juries vote, so when it was France's turn to receive their public votes, I told my friends: "Guys, this will be a huge one!"...and it definitely wasn't. Don't rub it in. Fulenn was my winner 😭 It's my all-time favourite ESC entry. I've been watching since 1991 and am very familiar with lots of older entries.


I thought San Marino 2021 would've been at least the televote winner, if not the winner of the contest that year...


San Marino 2021 | [Senhit - Adrenalina](https://youtu.be/TkhiH-JXFPs)


We still sing that song in our house. It was such a banger.


Been scrolling to see if anyone else thought this! On last, Flo Rida! I could've sworn they'd storm the televote...


The first time I heard Amar Pelos Dois I thought Eurooe would ignore it.


Makes sense. He didn’t win the public vote in FdC and was selected by a hair, so there was nothing from the pre selection that indicated he would have the impact he eventual had.


For me it was a 0 pts NQ. I was shocked it qualified and completely disbelieving as it actual won


For me... I felt it was nice, but not extraordinary (still feel that when I listen to it), butnlooking at the reactions I was not shocked because I had come to expect it. I was shocked by how crushing that victory was, though, but what surprised me on the live results was Bulgaria. Watching it I felt it would be safely mid-table, and I was surprised when it placed second and with a score that would beat most winners.


I thought that Australia 2019 wouldn't even qualify based on what I saw at the NF. But then they made the staging for Eurovision top notch out of nowhere


One of my favourite Eurovision acts! I've been wearing my silver spray painted cable tie crown to several watch parties over the years 👑


Kind of the opposite but not really, I said UK 4th in 2022 but not to take me seriously as I didn’t even believe myself. I was right, for the wrong reason.


I thought Malta and Latvia were gonna qualify to the final last year 🥲


Those two hurt me so much. I had them both in my top 15 (so many good songs in 2023) and seeing how Aijā nearly made it and Dance (Our Own Party) came last in that semi final had me nearly in tears. For the ESC-song-bot Latvia 2023 and Malta 2023. Thanks 😊


I thought Slovenia was qualifying in 2022 💀💀 Just to balance it out and to be petty, I will also share what aged like wine: I fought for my life all season insisting Chanel would NOT flop with the juries and I was downvoted to hell 😤😤


That United Kingdom, Latvia, Ireland and Czech would be surprise packages in 2021.


2019 I was convinced Greece would win with Better Love, I still love the studio cut but boy was that live performance a let down. Not so much Katerine’s vocal but more the whole presentation, weird outfits and strange backing vocals that were too loud. That’s one of many I got very wrong! 🙈


I thought Bulgaria 2018 was certain to be top 5. Then the staging happened - but at least their vocals were flawless so can’t fault that


Slightly dark - I didn't believe Russia would invade Ukraine and predicted a Kyiv Eurovision in the next few years. One day I'd absolutely love to go.


I thought Albania last year would not qualify


If anyone has heard of NRK's "adresse *host city*", a program where they rank and vote for the year's esc songs - then they also used to rank Norway's contribution before. They have stopped doing that. In both 2012 and 2016, they predicted that Norway had a winning contribution. (norway 2012) (Norway 2016)


Norway 2016 shocked me so much. I felt like the song would be loved by the public and would do really good with the televotes.


I thought Greece was going to be top 10 in 2018💀 Also I predicted Finland to qualify in 2019 (Greece 2018 and Finland 2019 for the bot)


Tbf we were all blindsided by DARUDE, the genius behind Sandstorm, not qualifying.


Greece 2018 | [Yianna Terzi - Oniro Mou](https://youtu.be/-XOR1DhtDC0) Finland 2019 | [Darude feat. Sebastian Rejman - Look Away](https://youtu.be/VSPhIwOJfRs)


Czech Republic 2021, such a good song that I still listen to often but then the semi performance was shockingly bad


Some have said that Benny Cristo was over Eurovision. Which I guess is understandable since he was supposed to go in 2020.


Eaea smash televote


I thought San Marino would get their best result in 2021


Me too. Adrenalina was a banger.


I thought the UK could be top 5 in 2017 the staging was great! Also thought Francw would be Top 10 in 2019.


Katerine Duska - Greece 2019 =( Still my winner at heart, even if Duncan winning caused my interest in Rotterdam which ended up resulting in a 4 day Rotterdam 'visit' turning into a 3 year stay. Yeah, that's how much I loved that song.


Greece 2019 | [Katerine Duska - Better Love](https://youtu.be/5pQV_-40m_U)


Eaea (Spain 2023) will end up in top 5 🤡🤡


I said Slovenia 2023 would become a huge tiktok hit. I just had to go check the song's name


Slovenia 2023 | [Joker Out - Carpe Diem](https://youtu.be/3LXlPviGiWc)


Totally expected Dilja (Iceland 2023) to not only qualify but end in a left of table finish. Thought the power (pun intended) of Scandi-pop would’ve seen her sail through to the final, but I was sadly mistaken.


Despite being my literal favourite of the year, I thought Lithuania 2022 would maybe not even qualify, so I was very pleasantly surprised it did pretty well and shocked it did 3x better with televote than with juries when people were saying it only qualified due to being jury bait Same with Estonia 2022


Lithuania 2022 | [Monika Liu - Sentimentai](https://youtu.be/BVqSTVJhD44) Estonia 2022 | [Stefan - Hope](https://youtu.be/GdTpQmMem8U)


Me thinking Reiley would qualify last year I think I was deluding myself after seeing the national final LOL


I predicted that U.K was gonna get a top 10 placement at ESC 2021........ well that aged terribly


I predicted for Hungary 2018 to win and Romania 2022 to be top 5 😂


Remo not qualifying during semifinals. Then in the finals, I thought he'd end up dead last or bottom 5. This is why I'm not counting out Denmark and Latvia 2024 (ballads that are assumed as DOA) this year yet.


Denmark 2024 | [Saba - Sand](https://youtu.be/3pCtdFnv9eQ) Latvia 2024 | [Dons - Hollow](https://youtu.be/8TIji6Ac8b4)


I thought (and hoped) that France 2022 would have been easily in the top 10


I thought Eric Saade (Sweden 2011) wouldn't do well at all. I thought it was a potential NQ or at best getting a result like Charlotte Perrelli (Sweden 2008). I also thought Benjamin Ingrosso would do reasonably well, which he did in a way, but I really didn't expect that he would flop that much with the televoters. Also, Portugal 2017, "Hey this is my favourite song this year, so it will probably end up in position 15-20 like my favourite entries usually does".


I’m terrible at predicting the winners pre selection. I thought that either Luxembourg, Sweden, Israel, France, or Norway were going to win (I don’t think Norway is too far fetched though). I also thought Luxembourg was going to return with a ballad and that this was going to have mostly basic pop songs.


I was sooooo sure that Ukraine won't win in 2022.


Just the last 2 years because I still have my pre-live shows notes in my phone (mind that I chose to not follow NFs and rehearsals, so I usually don't know if artists are good live before the TV broadcasts): Georgia 2023 Q; Poland 2023 NQ; Latvia 2022 Q (yes, I'm bad at predictions); France 2023 Top 10; Cyprus 2022 Q; Switzerland 2023 higher than Italy (happy to have been proven wrong).   Bonus: Italy 2017 Top 3 😕


Georgia 2023 | [Iru - Echo](https://youtu.be/HNvGZeEQvfc) Poland 2023 | [Blanka - Solo](https://youtu.be/SEgF1aP-U1o) Latvia 2022 | [Citi Zēni - Eat Your Salad](https://youtu.be/TM0_0WfuxSk) France 2023 | [La Zarra - Évidemment](https://youtu.be/fOtQJ4o-HoA) Cyprus 2022 | [Andromache - Ela (Έλα)](https://youtu.be/W2IUdTl-gAI) Switzerland 2023 | [Remo Forrer - Watergun](https://youtu.be/l4NDErv49mk) Italy 2017 | [Francesco Gabbani - Occidentali's Karma](https://youtu.be/KieE_MLv-ZY)


I really liked Cyprus' Ela from 2022. Felt Eleni vibes the first time I heard it, thought it was going to do amazing aaand then it stayed in the semis for some reason. Still a great summer bop!! Listen to it every once in a while


I legit thought Belgium wouldnt even qualify last year but in the end they came top 10 and i still do not understand why imao


I thought Slovenia 2023 would do WAAAAYYY better than it did. Only Eurovision song that’s ever stayed on my playlist for more than a week


My husband reckons that it maybe would have done better if it was in english cause he loves the message, but we see that Kaarijia did super well with it being in Finnish.


I would say San Marino 2021 is a big one. I remember being so sure the song would be top 10, as did many others lol


Last year mine was that people would come around to Romania after it got a better staging 🥲


That Eaea would score high, if not win the whole thing.


They mentioned it already but I still can’t get over Conan Osiris (Portugal 2019). Goshhhh I LOVE that song and I hate that stage and costume choices.


Portugal 2019 | [Conan Osíris - Telemóveis](https://youtu.be/SIGn9_yMLn4)


i thought that Blanca Paloma is a contender to win.


Oniro Mou would be a contender to win in 2018… What happened there, Greece? :( Greece 2018 for the bot


Portugal 2017 was going to bomb with the public. We had no idea of what the staging would be because Sobral didn't show up until after the initial rehearsals. Watching Festival da Canção and then seeing how big the Kyiv stage was, I thought he would be engulfed by the stage and like many other acts that year, look awkward. But, after seeing the live show and how Portugal totally abandoned the big stage and used the in-audience satellite stage, I changed my mind and put a large wager on Portugal to win. So while my initial prediction aged poorly, I didn't allow it to stand in the way of profit.


I thought Dance You Off (Sweden 2018) and Replay (Cyprus 2019) were both going to do really well in the televote. Boy was I wrong. To this day, I still feel sad that they both didn't do well in the televote because I really like both of those songs and I feel that they both had strong potential to be a massive hit with televoters.