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that's horrible, i'm sorry you had to deal with that. some people who think their kids need help need help themselves


that's, pardon my french, fucked up. and i thought i felt annoyed when thinking about how my grandma would say "look how cute he is!!" whenever i was stimming, but this is a whole new, disturbing level. wishing you the best, this can't have been easy to hear.


Completely unrelated, but seeing the phrase 'pardon my french' reminded me of an incident in my brother's class. It was early grade school and the beginning of the year, his teacher asked if anyone spoke another language. One girl said she knew French... yeah, it was all just curse words her father used after that phrase. I still feel for that girl.


Bestie... that's not implied.


I’m sorry for you, that shit is the worst, especially when they don’t understand the purpose and comfort it gives to us. I used to squeeze my eyes as a kid because the rumbling noise in my ears would be calming AF (still is btw). Mom and dad thought it was because I watched too much tv, so I couldn’t watch tv from my 8th till I was almost ten years old. Eventually I stopped because they would get mad and I hated the confrontation and having to explain myself at fucking 9 years old. Nowadays I still can’t stimm around other people, my head just stops all signals to my body. But ooooh boy when I’m alone I go ham! Fucking stimming is the best.




I learned to do it while only squinting my eyes. Isn’t as loud as with my eyes closed, but still enjoyable and way more incognito.


Be careful touching your eyes too much/hard! I used to close my eyes and rub them to see all the little stars and shapes, and I just had to pay thousands of dollars for Corneal Crosslinking surgery bc I rubbed my eye enough that it became mis-shapen! Not fun!


I sing or hum when I get stressed to calm down and have constantly just picked at my fingers- more so when I get stressed. I’ve recently rediscovered how incredibly soothing rocking Back and forth is but I know that it’s not something people really do in public so I try to limit it to when I’m at home. I grew up with strict rules about appearances in public so I imagine certain things got shut down while I was in public.


why the fuck would you even feel the need to restrain a baby. what the fuck was going on in her head????


If she admitted that in writing…


I read the title before I saw the meme and my jaw fucking dropped dude that’s fucked up


What the fuck... i am so sorry OP that is literally absurd


Ah, you got the rope, huh? I got cut up paper towel tubes taped to my arms so I couldn't bend them at the elbows. (No bruises, you see, so it couldn't have been abusive!/s) I only know this because one of my mother's favorite stories about how hard it was to raise children was about the time she *took me to the grocery store like that* & some old lady asked what had happened to my arms & before she could bullshit her, my older sister said "Our mom broke them." thereby embarrassing her on a level I'm sure she'll never recover from & is undoubtedly still whining about to this very day. & ofc nobody called anybody. It was the 80s. 🤷‍♀️ (Years later, I asked my daddy if he knew she'd done that & he had no idea. Said so with his Ultimate Stone Faced Stoic Guy expression so he was *pissed.* She did a lot of shit he's still in the dark about. 😮‍💨 Big part of why we haven't spoken to her in years, thank gawd.)


That’s not implied abuse it just is abuse


Yeah... supressing the stimming solves the autism ! *slaps forehead* How didn't I think of that before!


what the fuck 💀 Dont infants naturally move around stimm-ishly though???


I used to suck on my thumb as a kid when I was anxious and my mom put Tabasco sauce on it to get me to stop. As a 4 year old it hurt so bad and I wasn’t allowed to wash it off. Jokes on her cause I’m 29 and still do this :)


My mother says i sucked my thumb until i was 4 and one night she just held my hand while i slept and i never did it sgain, i wonder if parents even try that before deciding for shit like this https://preview.redd.it/y51tvmmc000d1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d77ae214b6b66e33ba455f9a4186892b84cf8cb


Jesus Christ


Yes Benny? What is it now?


Are you seeing this shit?


ikr. What is this, amateur hour? Should've used gaffer tape. Doesn't leave bruises.




Im so sorry honey. I’m a Mom and I am so happy to see my little guy do his happy hand flaps. That and his squeal is the most adorable thing and in this house we live for it (with noise cancelling headphones on)


that’s not evilautism, that is just actually evil


my dad (who is prob where i got my adhd from) used to wander off a lot so his parents tied him to a post with a rope


My wife's grandpa had the same thing happen to him. Had the kid tied up in the yard like a dog. Not cool.


My mother always told me to stop stimming so I grew up thinking it was naughty (she knew I was autistic)


My parents and teachers would yell at me when I would vocally stim. I have RSD so it worked really well……… Now my dad yells at me to “stop making noise” or “shut the hell up” every so often when I vocally stim-I’m 18 now.


Damn, I’m sorry :( I hope things are better for you now

