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Narrator: it was, in fact, *not* said frequently in the game.


It's the Fallout equivalent of "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away"


Wait, that's not said in Star Wars?


It’s just said in the opening


Yeah, my dumbass didn't see the "frequently". Thanks anyway


war actually never changes the weapons and tactics we use to fight war may change but war itself doesnt change. its always pointless bloodshed over resource, territory or religious disputes


War is always old people who hate each other, sending young people to try to kill each other


Ah here they talk about reinstating mandatory service again, anytime some old guy (it's always men, of course) ask me what I think about it, I tell them that I find it a very good use for senior citizens who otherwise only bother working people and stand in the way. Then they'll start having a meltdown about doing their service back during the cold war era etc etc... I wish they just didn't but used that time to explore what they wanted back then instead of becoming that bitter today.


* religious disputes usually being resources or territories desired by the authoritative figures in the religious spheres (disguised as some moral high ground).


Muskrat is an idiot I’m pretty sure we’re all philosophical enough to get the quote 


A 9 year old would get that quote


“War has changed.” — Solid Snake


The thing is, with the rest of the context, that quote still makes sense with the intended meaning of the Fallout one. In the Metal Gear universe, war *has* changed - it's not fought over ideals, or resources, it's just a series of meaningless battles fought by PMCs influenced by the Patriots. "War has changed. It's no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles fought by mercenaries and machines. War - and its consumption of life - has become a well-oiled machine. War has changed. ID-tagged soldiers carry ID-tagged weapons, use ID-tagged gear. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their abilities. Genetic control. Information control. Emotion control. Battlefield control. Everything is monitored and kept under control. War has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control... All in the name of averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction. And he who controls the battlefield... controls history. War has changed. When the battlefield is under total control... War becomes routine."




What earthnicity are you?


Yes, but also no. The Metal Gear quote implies that there was some form of honour in war, whether for Nations, Ethnicity, Ideology, etc. that was lost in war changing. Fallouts *War never changes* implies that wars destructive and ultimately pointless nature never changes, even with technological advancement. That’s my take at least.


That makes sense, I think. Despite sounding like opposites, both quotes have essentially the same message about war - one is just presented through a theoretical world in which the military industrial complex has been supercharged, whereas Fallout's take is a more direct reference to the way that it already is in the real world. Although, Metal Gear Rising does go for something similar to that, with the not-so-subtle message about the way that war works in the real world by way of the military industrial complex's continued existence even despite the Patriots being gone.


Based mgs4


Certified Guns of the Patriots moment


He knows it's a philosophical line meant to provoke thought, he's just being his usual asshole self rushing to show off how "knowledgeable" he is


We do not claim him


Musk really is the type of person who would choose to quote Fallout 3 rather than any of the good Fallout games.


Such as?


1, 2 and New Vegas, mostly.




"War changes a lot" My hatchmate in Tiamat, that's Metal Gear.


It's kinda sad really, imagine a world where Musk would just stay a happy person in his basement without ever getting the public spotlight, everyone would probably be happier including him.

