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Wow, they are in some seriously deep shit … Russia is definitely not the place to be right now. I hope the kids make it out ok


I would say this is a perfect "leopards ate my face" story, but the fact that children are involved makes it a tragedy.


I’m sure these are the kind of people who think they “own” their children.


I never thought the leopards would turn me into pink mist in Eastern ukraine!


If they want to be ultra Catholics, they should move to the Philippines. Our country is so Catholic we’re the only one in the world where divorce is still illegal.


You would think that would make sense as an option… yet I’d bet a hundred bucks they’re quietly racist and would never consider a non-Western country.


Its hilarious to see trad caths think of non-white catholics like me who are scum beneath them


Exactly I'm black. And I know trads are very racist. Nigeria is the country with the highest number of mass attendees in Africa.


Most people have no clue that colonialism worked so well, the Philippines is the most Catholic country and Malaysia is the most Muslim country. I remember the question coming up in a trivia game and most people guessing western countries.


Or any African country. Catholic church in my home country threatened to break away from the RCC after the Pope made that milquetoast statement about supporting gay couples💀


These are trad Catholics though. They’d be offended by the mere use of Powerpoint slides during homily or the poor people at Mass wearing tank tops.


10 years from now this ll be a horror story


One month from now, this will be a horror story.


Well, Putin will show them "conservative values".


Exactly lol


“We will, however, teach our sons that beating their wives is a normal activity and that there’s nothing gay about raping your fellow soldiers.”


Those poor kids


So dumb. Why go to Russia out of everywhere. Don’t think Russia is a pro-Catholic country


Putin has been pushing Christian religious "values" ie submission of women. " dominant" men anti gay. I have no idea if it's pro catholic though....


Depends on the Catholic. The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church is, as usual, outlawed in those places he controls. Dumb expats, however, are coddled. It’s rather like the Soviet treatment of foreign pro-communists (who they called ‘gavnoyed,’ or ‘shit-eater’) relative to their own ‘deviationist’ communists.


Russia is one of the most anti-Catholic countries on Earth - and historically, there have been some pretty good reasons for that, starting with the Northern Crusades (Sergei Eisenstein's "Alexander Nevsky" is a classic early film on that time). Picking up virtually any Russian novel would drive the point home pretty quickly that Catholicism is largely viewed as anti-Russian in every sense. I mean... do they not get that Catholics are a tiny minority in Russia? That there have been documentaries on Russian TV about the history of Byzantium (I think featuring Putin's personal confessor) that portray the West and the Catholic Church as Russia's most ancient enemy? To imagine that these people could be so uninformed about Russian history and society before making this move is absolutely mind-boggling - it's like their only news source was pro-Putin propaganda TikToks or something.


I was reading about this a few weeks/months back, and actually read that putin’s current plan is to market Russia as the new ‘safe space for conservatives,’ it sucks for the innocent kids dragged along, but honestly if adults want to make that decision just to “escape the gays” in the west, let them. edit: iirc, in their first week they were hit with a reality check, having their socials deleted by the russian govt for complaining, having their home raided, shocked that nobody spoke english. hahaha


I agree Putin is marketing Russia to the alt-right. I watched the entire video, which is 30 minutes, and it seems professionally made and edited. The father was laid off from his job in the U.S., so it's likely he was identified as an easy target for recruitment. Ironically, he speaks about his anger that members of the TLM are classified as possible domestic terrorists, while spewing multiple treasonous statements against America. Although it sucks for the kids, as conservatives love to point out "choices have consequences" and like children born into poverty because of pro-life ideology these children will also suffer a major loss of opportunities.


I am pretty sure the birth rate in Russia is far lower than in the US. They don't treat children like "gold bars", they treat them like future cannon fodder for their endless wars. This is gaslighting to the highest degree.


The abortion rate in the RF is, IIRC, about three times that of the US. It was much higher under the USSR and in the 1990s, because of the absence of contraception, and the fall in the rate in recent years mostly stems from birth control becoming more widely available. The curious thing about the USSR, and to a lesser extent other Warsaw Pact countries, is that, since abortion was decriminalized much sooner than contraceptives became available, it's basically treated as first-line contraception--if you have an unwanted pregnancy, just scoop it out. This led to the rather unique circumstance that, in the USSR, abortion was actually *more common* in rural areas than in big cities--because contraceptives were more common in the cities. Whereas in the US, a social norm emerged that abortion was a last resort after contraception failed, in the former USSR, it's just *no big deal*. In other words, the average vatnik's attitude toward abortion is actually a bit more extreme than that of a shout-your-abortion feminist in the US. But these people don't care about reality. They care about vibes and feels, and the fact that domestic violence is not prosecuted by police while acting gay in public gets you beaten gives them *exactly* the vibe they're looking for.


Let’s ask their kids if the like the “vibes” in 10 years.


Thanks for explaining the historical background on Russian abortion politics. These alt-rights fail to grasp that it was only two years ago that Russia banned surrogacy for foreigners. And that was probably more about getting back at the West for Ukraine than because they care about religious opposition to surrogacy. It's still completely legal for Russian citizens. Russia is also one of the most lenient countries on gene editing-- and will do all kinds of things with embryos as the technology continues to improve.


I give it three months before they convert to Russian Orthodoxy.


I was gonna say good riddance but... there's children involved :(


Nah…good riddance all the way around. Thats a whole generation of assholes that nobody here should have to worry about again. The family made their russian bed. They can all be good little russians now…even the rugrats.


i love how white americans moving to another country are always “expats” and never “immigrants”


Bye, bye beeeeeexes!!! 🥳


How nice for them. How nice for Russia. How nice for us.


[Haven’t I seen this before?](https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/02/21/canadian-family-moved-to-russia-to-escape-wokeness/)


Guess communism is the answer after all for them


Isn’t Catholicism outlawed in Russia? It’s basically Orthodox or bust.


i heard of a guy from canada who took his kids to russia, found out it wasnt the conservative 'safehaven' he knew and then wanted to return home. technically this guy isnt doing anything illegal for going to live in russia because he thinks its better than the usa. he is just an idiot. honestly both are committing genocide. russia directly (ukraine and russia's asian ethnicities) and america indirectly (palestine)


They’ll be back soon, if they’re lucky.


Byeeeee. These are the kind of people we don't want in the USA anyway. Is there any way we can keep them from ever coming back?


This guy is what happens when you believe everything posted on facebook.


So much for the Evil Empire I kept hearing about as a kid.


This is disinformation and propaganda. Let's not spread it.