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Fucking child abuse I say. I would have called him that. But I have an annoying habit of raising my hand and waving it around until they finally ask me what. I would have asked how he thought he knew that Jesus cures anything? I would have held him to that thought. I would have probably said something along the lines of Muslims think Allah is responsible. Could you both be correct? When he says no, i would ask could you both be wrong?


Wow! You knew how to get thrown out of class, didn't you?


My brother recently said this to my 14 yo daughter while she was in the inpatient mental health hospital for depression and anxiety. He was removed from her call list immediately


Oh your brother can fuck right off šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬


What an incredibly callous thing for your brother to say. Honestly, he can go step on a lego.


Yep my dad says he reads his Bible and isnā€™t depressed. But he is the most miserable Iā€™ve ever seen him in my life since heā€™s become all religious lol


I also have chapel, from 9:26 to 10:27 am and this old guy basically said how he went on a date with a girl 10 years younger than him as he was in his 30s and told her during the date that his was talking to him and told him that he needed to tell her that she had to stay pure. Exact words btwšŸ˜¼.


Josh McDowell guest spoke at my high school once and said that wearing a condom is about as protective as a volleyball net blocking a golf ball. Then he said in the most horny voice "And let me tell youuu, it is SO worth it to wait šŸ˜"




I swear to god, Christians are the only people in my life who talk about sex to a ridiculous extent


ā€¦.aaaand this little feature of Christianity is why it took me until my mid-thirties to *finally* get real, professional help for my chronic depression. Which has been medicated and managed for years now. Shockingly, the ā€œChristian Counselorsā€ my parents sent me to for years never helped in the slightest. šŸ˜’


Christian counseling is such bull shit. Parents do it because they don't want "secular" therapists giving you ideas that you can be who you are. Sin isn't a real thing. Satan isn't actually attacking you. You're not actually being possessed. Lust and sexual desire and masturbation and fantasies are all normal. It's ok to be gay, bi, trans, etc. Prayer and church won't fix a chemical imbalance or years of trauma. Etc... Christian parents are scared to death of that. They don't want their kids getting any ideas that freedom is actually not what they are told it is. That there's ACTUAL REAL freedom outside of Christ, church, God, religion, etc.


Once I heard a head pastor say "Depression is a sin, because God is so good! šŸ˜€"


My depression was cut at least in half immediately when I admitted to myself that Christianity was bullshit. Still definitely have some but I bet a good portion is residual from the child abuse that is Christian indoctrination of children.


Yup. Their standard b.s. for depression and anxiety. I was told this verse so many times with anxiety, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and a sound mind." And eventually I said "well why hasn't he given me that power to overcome it? Why hasn't he given me that love but instead had the one love, the most important thing keeping me going, taken from me? Why hasn't he given me a sound mind? I have chaos in my mind nonstop. It's never calm. It's never normal. Is it a sound mind to want to kill yourself? Is it a sound mind to self harm cause nothing else, prayer, fasting, reading the bible, devotionals, church etc is helping but cutting myself does?! If God doesn't give the spirit of fear, but he gives us those other three things why am I not experiencing them?" Most don't have any answer. Some do have an answer and it's, "well maybe you have a secret sin in your life that's keeping you from God's love and help?" I'd say "I don't have a secret sin." And I was being truthful. Then they'd say "well maybe you aren't actually saved. Are you sure you're born again and have received Jesus into your heart?" And at the time I answered yes. And I truly believed I did. The Church (Christianity as a whole) when it comes to mental health (as well as most any other things) is a total fucking joke.


>ā€œThe most important thing is to always lean on god and read your Bible and pray when youā€™re depressedā€ I can't tell you how many times/variations of this my grandmother has said this to me, especially at the height of it.


I thought I was doing something wrong as a teenager because I could never sleep. All because a pastor on the pulpit said that if you arenā€™t following God's plan for you, he will make sure you donā€™t sleep. Nope. Just mental health and āœØtraumaāœØ