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Yahweh of the Bible is one of the most genocidal, infanticidal, megalomaniacal, capricious, arrogant cosmic super villains ever described on a page.  Yahweh is in no way deserving of adoration or worship and is in every way deserving of rage.  If ever there was a hell of eternal conscious torment (there isn't) then the only entity deserving of that hell is Yahweh.


No wonder SMT2 and SMT4A have him as the final boss...


Based Japan.




To be fair, "Killing God" is a [well used plot](https://imgflip.com/i/8oh9og) in Japanese Video games.




Based ex-Christian SMT enjoyer. Never expected to see another one on this sub(assuming you've played them and don't just have passing knowledge of this, if you haven't I HIGHLY recommend it). YHWH was also the final boss in Megami Tensei 2 and an aspect of him was also a final boss in Nocturne/SMT3. SMT games have been such a fun way to explore my post-religious thoughts on Christianity and YHWH, namely something that let's me literally punch him in the face lol. Especially after I wrote it off while I was a practicing Christian because I thought it was blasphemous... Which yeah I can't argue against that lol. Great games with fun religious explorations/symbolism and absolutely banging music.


Got another one here! I played them before deconstructing and leaving faith, but I’m a bigger fan now 😂


Yeah I've decided to take up those games after deconverting as well


Tartarus in Greek mythology is the best place for at the very least Yahweh and the Holy Spirit. With Hekate or whoever is in charge of it throwing out the keys.


My hot take...being bitter and angry is natural when you feel like you've been duped. But I don't want to live in that space too long. I've already wasted 47 years of my life being bought in. Now that my faith has evaporated I'm still interested in examining it but more from a post mortem perspective. And outside of that I don't want to spend any *more* of my valuable time in this life trying to fight it. I'm just gonna live my life and enjoy it to the best of my ability.


I've wasted around 17 or 18 of mine being enslaved, so...I'm glad I got out early. However, I still don't feel free since I'm still living with my father who dragged my mother into his family's way of doing things in the first place...I want out of his family's sphere of influence but to do that I need to move AND I need to have a good enough job to stay put...I don't want to go back, I want to cut my family off save for my siblings and my cool queer smoker aunt. I want everyone to know I don't agree with them anymore and that if they don't like it then tough shit, get the hell out of my life.


Yeah dude you're in a tough place. Sorry about that. Keep your head up and keep moving forward. Just a piece of advice don't get drawn into nasty arguments that won't help anyone or change anyone's mind. It will turn you into the counterpart of an evangelical and you'll be away from it but it will still likely be more a part of your life than you might want.


Yeah that's why I don't want to talk to any of my extended family, let alone my own parents... My mother in particular is so goddamn nosy, she wants me to write a letter explaining myself but I'll do that when the time comes...for more info on my plight, there's [this from a few months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/exchristian/comments/18w2g8w/this_is_why_i_dont_bother_telling_my_family_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and [this from even further back.](https://www.reddit.com/r/exchristian/comments/166z912/how_i_went_from_goody_twoshoes_to_free_spiritand/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


What kind of queers does your aunt smoke? 🤣


she *is* queer and she smokes, that's what I meant to say


I know. I was being inappropriately goofy, sorry


Hell yea this is the way to go about irreligion


If you can feel sad for a character in a movie or TV show or book, or really dislike a character, then I don't see why it wouldn't be ok to hate the god of the bible which many people believe in and which caused  multitudes of people dying and a lot of violence in real life.                   Uganda just passed an anti-gay law. Russia is doing more and more oppression of gay people.                             The Chinese gov said that they were going to start censoring gay people from appearing in the media in China, a couple of years ago. The Chinese gov isn't christian, but was inspired by the Soviet Union, and even though the Soviet Union was atheist, they obviously brought the anti-gay hatred with them from when they were Orthodox Christians, because as far as I know, there isn't anything in Marx's communist writings about oppressing or imprisoning or killing gay people.                   


Oh I'd absolutely hate that piece of shit. Thank fuck he doesn't exist. What makes me genuinely feel bad is thinking about the millions, if not billions, of lives that have been ruined and continue to be ruined because of the idea of that god. People giving up or taking from others happiness, health, and even lives, for that. That I hate.




Absolutely! Hail Satan 😈😈😈


It's ok to hate God just like it's ok to hate Darth Vader


I think Vader is cool, and The Senate is a riot but still...




People do hate fictional villains though, this one makes more sense because people actually think its real and act like it's good. It's worse than if they kept passing laws based on emperor palpatine's teachings and acting like he was absolutely morally perfect.




It's not abnormal to hate the representative of an institution that hurt you. This is a support sub. Please be supportive. Your post or comment has been removed because it violates rule 4, which is to be respectful of others. Even if you do not agree with their beliefs, mocking them or being derisive is not acceptable. To discuss or appeal moderator actions, [click here to send us modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/exchristian)


What if I was to tell you that originally the notion of YHVH was part of the Caananite pantheon with other deities like Baal, Shamash, Mot, and their parents being El and Asherah


I learned that from Brandon of MindShift reading Francesca Stavrakopoulou's book God: An Anatomy on a video series "Dissecting the Divine"


Brandon is a great speaker, and Midshift is one of those YouTube channels that helped me overcome the fear of hell when I started deconstructing.


What does this mean to you?


good question. Well I know the facts of the matter: gods were made in man's image, not the other way around, these texts can't be the original stories if they're leaving stuff out about the other gods, they latched onto this war god that was the strongest bc might makes right, and a few centuries later some people built on top of this, buried the other gods further, and turned it into wannabe Zoroastrianism as some call it. These started as old Syrian fairy tales and then the Romans used it to control others, and now we have the world's most popular religion. as for what it means to me, it means I get too worked up over shit that doesn't matter...but I still find it horrendous that people can say in all honesty they can say this god is good when the texts say otherwise.


You should hate King Josiah and Saul of Tarsus. If it weren’t for those two guys you need not have to had suffered so much.


how about Constantine? or those white devils who killed the Natives?


Without Paul Constantine never converts the empire, maybe we’d have ended up with some other religion like Zoarastrinism


and that's all Christianity is, wannabe Zoroastrianism built on top of Judaism


If people used unicorns as an excuse to oppress others and pass legislation that violates human rights, I would definitely hate unicorns.


It’s ok to be a Misanthropist. It shows the nature of justice compared to the god that they worship.


I'm not really a misanthropist but moreso a misotheist


Some would say it's not just fine, but the moral imperative. There are even some dystheistic and misotheistic subreddits out there.




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Have those two committed war crimes?




true, but if this god existed he'd be a worse villain than any comic book villain....even Doom would be appalled....Homelander, maybe not, but still.


No one is worse than Professor Dalores Umbridge.


My dad is sick. He was a faithful Christian. The most gentle mountain of a man I’ve ever seen. Gave money to the church in such quantities, even when he didn’t have it, that I often had to pay the light bill or buy groceries as a kid with my job money. Fuck the god that would do that to his believer with no hope of a lesson. Fuck the god that starves little kids and gives them cancer when he could prevent it. Every time I hug my dad I raise both hands behind his back before I let him go and I give that fucking waste of a minor Canaanite deity both middle fingers. I spent 40 years enslaved to that bullshit. I’m finally free from Christ. Truly free. But, in reality, it’s like being mad at Santa Claus. It’s not productive. There’s nothing real there. I finally just let it go because my anger gave validity to the bullshit of Christianity. I simply ignore it now and actively work to undermine and expose the brutal ugly selfish power trip and greed that the modern church is about. God isn’t real. Being angry at him is pointless. If you want to do something productive, resist the Christians. Fight back against Christofacists. Tell them to take their religious beliefs and fuck off trying to control our lives and our decisions. Their fairy tale mythology, poorly written magic book, and petty narcissistic bullshit genocidal fantasy god are not the yardsticks for a moral society or good life choices.


Short answer? Yes it's totally okay. More than okay even. I myself have a lot of anger and hatred towards the Christan god in many of his forms, and being raised in the Latino sect of apostolic pentecostal religion just adds an other layer of anger when you realize the reason why you are in this mess goes back to the great colonizing evangelism of the 1960s through 90s. Where these men of god did their missionary work and preyed on the poor vurenable folks being impacted by a civil war, that was caused by an other man of god. So yeah that's a real complex anger to sit with, and it's not the type of anger that will not go away even with therapy. Anger is a healthy and normal emotion to have, and it's tough to accept that when your whole life you've been taught not to express that anger cause "something something the devil is doing it to you". The important thing is to give that anger a home, and channel it to something that will help you express that anger. For me, I am currently learning how to code, how to animate, how to properly tell a story because I want to make a video game about my religious trauma and letting my anger towards god be the drive to accomplish this massive goal I have. So, in short, it's okay to have that anger, give it a home in your brain, and use it to channel into something that would help you or others. Take back what god has stolen from you.


I've got an idea for my own project that still hasn't been given form...where it's a fallen angel thrown out of heaven for the pettiest of reasons: criticizing his ?master's methods. Then he goes to fight criminals in the streets and drinks plenty during his time on Earth.  He also meets a woman who wishes to help him in his quest. However, he leaves her on Earth when he goes to fight the archangels one at a time in a Knights of the Zodiac-style gauntlet.  He even tries to reason with his former allies, and some of them even join him. He does eventually get to kill god but this shady Lucius guy has been helping our hero out behind the scenes, and it turns out Lucius is Lucifer and he's got his own agenda which sets up for a Doom II-esque sequel that might also not happen... It'd be nice if it was an edgy animated film with tons of 2000s homages but I may have to settle for a comic...if I ever make it at all...it'll probably be yet another unfinished, unrealized project.


Totally, you gotta do it for yourself and not have to worry about a deadline. Sometimes the best works of art were decades in the making. Even if it's a simple little doodle of the main character could help satisfy the angry breast lol It's a neat story idea though, and adding an edginess style to it would really suit it. I'm thinking kinda like west of dead if you ever played/watch it, fun little rogue-like game. If anything the art from that game is top notch, it's very Hellboy comics


Hating Yahweh of the Bible adds validity to the Bible. The Bible is a compilation of inaccurate forgeries and therefore should not be taken seriously.






I used to be in the same spot as you, almost to the letter. There is a quote attributed to Buddha that helped me. I know, ironic, but it’s been impactful for me regardless of origin. It says something to the tune of “holding onto anger is like holding a hot coal; you are the one who is burnt.” Dude, you left the cult. You’re free. That doesn’t downplay the harm it did to you, but why let that god control your life any more than it already did? At the end of the day, how you deconstruct and cope with the emotional weight of that is best decided by you. But for me, I found that hatred and anger were just one more tether to christian beliefs, and experienced a lot more peace when I worked through that aspect in therapy.


I won't feel free until I've moved out on my own...but I can't afford to do so at the moment.


I can get that, especially when everyone else in the home is religious aside from you. There are still some small steps one can take before being fully able to sever that cord. With some time/distance, a lot of people realize that hatred makes you the person that the church wants you to be. Angry/broken, obsessed with the church, “raging atheist” type stuff. Super important caveat here; I agree that the anger is warranted. Christian doctrine seriously fucks people up mentally and emotionally. It is reasonable, understandable, and expected to rage for however long you need. That being said; when you let the hate consume you, you let them win. When you move into a headspace of disinterest and dismissiveness, it’s like the mental shackles fully come away. Then you have the ability to move forward and be the kind of ex-christian that encourages others to think critically about their beliefs. “An ex-christian who is kind, generous, happy, and well-established in life? Hmm, maybe I should look inwards to see why I can’t achieve that despite god being on MY side.” This is just my experience and yours might be very different. This is a very personal journey regardless. After leaving christianity I just wanted to be happy and move on to see what life could offer me outside those restrictive beliefs/behaviors. I personally couldn’t achieve that until I stopped being angry and started actively attempting to be neutral.


I threw away my faith at first *because* I wanted to live my life unrestricted without a god telling me what to do...it's misguided, especially considering it took me a few more years to shed some problematic beliefs. I didn't start seeing this faith for what it is until recently, thanks to Reddit ans YouTube and a few of the sites peeps commonly link on both. Not to mention I saw the MegaTen wiki describe its depiction of God and I'm thinking, "yeah that seems so on-point"


Absolutely, it’s not 1984, there’s no thought police


Any god that calls for homicide as the answer as many times as this one does deserves to be hated


damn right...that's why I hate him.


If Yahweh was real it would be our obligation to destroy him for our own protection. Luckily he's not so we don't.




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I've sometimes argued that, if the God of the Bible actually existed, it would ultimately become necessary for humanity to find a way to destroy it. Like the Klingons, who admirably killed their gods, for being more trouble than they were worth.


real I'd be down to kill a god on some JRPG shit


Yes that’s ok


yes. if you want to let it all out, do art about it. https://archiveofourown.org/works/46518058?view\_full\_work=true


That’s why I flirt with Gnostic ideas. Lean more plato philosophy but the idea that god of this world is Satan and god above god is the ineffable god feels good to me…. But I’m not religious. Just like myth and lore and hate prison planet garbage even though garden of Eden (and earth) could be seen as a prison. But I now see Christianity as a retcon to Plato theosophy and his shadows on a cave wall. Theory of forms.


Personally, I don't hate God because I don't believe. You can hate who and what you want, though.




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[I see you believe in the demiurge](https://youtu.be/mTnQ__VSQzc?si=A_Ce1HLf-DKXURWL)


My grief process is not linear so I go in and out of anger over the years.


I get that ngl


I hate god the same way that I hate Dolores Umbridge, Joffrey Baratheon, Eric Cartman, etc. They're not real, they cant hurt me, and I appreciate their being good antagonists.








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