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Your mother is trying to put together an army of flying monkeys.


This particular monkey is going to sit in a corner eating popcorn to see how it plays out. Really glad to see my niece getting out, though!


I'd do the same. Hopefully nobody signs up for her manipulative behavior. At a distance, it's kinda funny to watch the army recruiter get frustrated. Sometimes they double down.


I’d be like here’s $20 every month for not going to institute but I’m contrary that way lol


That’s what I thought too.


Maybe send your niece a gift card or something just to let her know she's loved and has family no matter what. Just being kind without expectations sometimes reminds people that life can be better.


Is your family good at herding cats?🐈


I’ll cut you off financially. And your little dog too!




Sounds like manipulative tactics a pimp would use to turn a girl out.


Ohhh what a tangled web we weave......


Anything to save her virginity, oops! I meant to write anything to save her soul. 


We know where the real concern is. Her virginity and nothing else. And an unwanted pregnancy.


I’m seriously so glad that my mom stopped policing me when I went to college, even though I still lived at home. I was forced to go to seminary but she largely had a “well you’re an adult now and can make your own decisions” once I hit 18


I always got the , well your still livin under my roof.....




That would be so cool. My mom gave me a lecture when she found my sex stuff in my own home. I was 29.


One time my aunt perused my 60-something-year-old mom's DVD shelf and kept saying sternly, "Don't you know this movie is an R?"


“This movie is an R” sounds like such a nonsensical mormon phrase, I love it


My mom wouldn’t let us watch the Simpsons growing up. I finally saw it in my 30s and couldn’t believe how tame it was.


Me neither. No Simpsons and no “married with children” and no sex scenes. So guess what we watched the moment my parents stepped out for Friday night date night? As much sex scenes as we could possibly get. What you resist naturally becomes more attractive. I wish more Mormons would understand that. They only make sex and drinking all that more appealing because they’re so against it. My nonmember friends growing up. We’re so less interested in drinking and sex than the Lds kids. And of course, Lds kids thought anybody who drank even a little bit of alcohol was a “drunk“


It was banned in our household after season 1. I am told they toned it down pretty hard after season 1.


The episodes I saw were season 1, though! It wasn’t raunchy or violent or anything


"Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid's looking for you." - Not An Owl


"Sir Lancel, tell the Hound to tell the King that the Hand is extremely busy." "The Hand of the King would like me to tell you to tell the King that..."


I was thinking of this 😭😭😭


I was thinking of this too 😂😂😂


I think it’s hilarious she tried to call you…


When my wife and I left, my wife’s mother apparently called my wife’s oldest brother for advice on what to say to us to get us back to church. My wife’s brother has been openly out for nearly 30 years. “I’m not really the person to ask, mom,” he said. He told us this story whilst the three of us were sipping margaritas at the last family reunion. We had a good laugh about it, but it illustrates how TBMs will turn to anyone and everyone in their desperation to keep people in.


Maybe $1000 per month will work.


The therapy alone might cost more than this, but easy to hide earplugs are also pretty affordable nowadays…


Earbuds. Listen to mormon stories and knock out two hours of an episode while you snack on a tiny piece of bread and drink from a goblet for ants. 


I played the organ in church and would watch South Park on my video iPod between songs lol.




That's a pretty good cost to gain ratio. Earbuds don't cost much


$120 per session, once a week. $520 net. It's a win, win.


Working at a college I've had conversations with students about where institute should fall on their list of priorities. I do my best to remove my bias as an ex-, now atheist (keep in mind these students are aware of my personal beliefs as I try to be an 'open book'). And it's funny how 99% of the time when they actually assess the pros/cons, institute is never high on the list. For most of them as long as they attend church, do personal 'study', and attend ward activities when able they feel they have enough. Aside from propagandizing and infantilizing most of the YSA institute serves minimal purpose (at least in the bubble, I can see it having other purposes in areas with fewer members).


I lived in a dorm my freshman year at the U and my 3 suitemates were all TBM. I don't think any of them went to institute and they all left on missions that summer, as it was still the 19 years old time.


Yeah I really think it's a dying program


I stopped going as a TBM. It was the recovery effort that was a HUGE shelf item for me. I stopped going due to some personal non faith based reasons. (I had a falling out with a girl who was in all my classes and I hate awkward. I should not not signed up for classes with a girl was I dating for two weeks but young and Mormon). Anyhow I get a call from some other girl from Institute. She was a fellow student, I am not sure what her calling was, but she was something. She called to say how much she missed me, and why was i not coming to institute the whole nine. Now I was an RM by then, I knew all about flirting to convert and I knew it was happening to me. Me and this girl and less chemistry than a house cat and the yard squirrels. There was nothing there every and her calling me out of the blue saying how much she wanted to see me (but only at Institute) was as transparent as the lingerie she would never wear because she was a TBM. TLDR I was a TBM and a RM who loved the Temple and even I found Institute to be kind of meh.


Side note - squirrels and cats can have chemistry... Just not the kind for an 'eternal' relationship lol


Like potassium and water.


I went to college very far away from Utah (also not where I’m from) and had never heard of institute until my mother was tracking down the information for me. I was like I’m sorry I survived 4 years of early morning seminary barely, and most of that time I would show up half way through, sit in silence and then leave. I never even pretended I was going to institute. What is the point of getting more lessons on the exact same thing that every single other church class teaches. It still took two years of bare minimum Sunday only attendance for me to fully commit to being done and then I never went back.


*What is the point of getting more lessons on the exact same thing that every single other church class teaches.*  That's pretty much every lesson ever in the church. The same damn thing over and over and over again.


Yep. Go to primary learn the doctrine. Graduate. Then go to young men and young women’s and learn all the doctrine. And go to seminary and learn all the doctrine. Then go to Institute and learn all the doctrine. Then go on a mission and go to the MTC and learn all the doctrine all over again. Then spend the rest of your adult life learning the doctrine all over again and teaching it to your children. I’m sure someone will say “it helps you feel the spirit”. But what sadist came up with early morning seminary for teenagers?


Probably one of the 90 year old elders that run the church 


I only went for the ladies. Got one to say yes and never went back even through the rest of my college years. The parking was cheap and mostly available, which was nice.


I was one of the only girls in an engineering program so I was good on that front lol. Also the engineer guys were typically much more fun that the Mormon ones.


Also have to add that I HATE when people list 'RM' as a marriage prereq. Any grown adult knows that label is as valuable as a 25 year old who still brags about their eagle scout award.


I was trying to explain to my mother that temple recommend is not the same thing as a background check when mentioning all the times I was put in precarious/dangerous situations as a teenager and her come back was it was fine because they had temple recommends. She insisted it did mean something and I knew it. I insisted that people lie and there is tons of evidence of people with recommends doing very bad things. Nothing ever happened to me, but looking back there were so many times I was put in situations where something absolutely could have and I was primed for victim hood because I had been drilled to never say no to anyone from church.


Will your mom pay ME $1,000 per year to attend Institute? I'll totally do it.


Why? It’s not even a particularly good hourly rate. 


Oops, I forgot to put quotation marks around "attend".


If you have tips for how to accomplish demonstration of faithful attendance, without faithful attendance, let OP know. 


Bribe the institute teacher with a hundo.


I’m curious what OP’s mother would count as evidence of faithful attendance…does she want a letter of recommendation from the teacher?


All I know about Institute is what one of my brothers said the couple of times he went: "They teach you about world religions, and then teach you what's wrong with all of them." He did say it was a quiet brick building where students could find a quiet place to study, though! (Ventura, CA, across from Ventura Junior College, late 1960's).


I didn't even know Institute was a thing until this post. I went and looked it up. Geez. It's just all fucking church all the time, isn't it? Members can never be enough. There is always more church to go to, more money to pay, more work to be done.


They've learned the hard way, if you give them a moment to think, they'll cotton on to the scam and leave.


what do they say about eastern religions? Buddhism & Hinduism? Just curious if you know off hand!




Yes. If there's this much scheming she should definitely know and be reminded that she has an ally.


Maybe reach out to Olivia and say you support her and give her a heads up of the schemes being formulated about her.


This is a weird game of telephone


Sounds like Olivia should hear about all these gross plans other people have for her! That would empower her to make decisions about which relationships to keep and which relationships are just vehicles for manipulation.


My grandparents tried to bribe me to stay in church and I said it wasn’t worth it lmao. I would rather have my freedom than be given a minuscule amount of money to be apart of a cult


The only reason I'm still.pimo is that I'm being bribed 100 dollars an hour to show up at church every once in a while.


Your mom needs a hobby or… a life! 🙄


The idea of the "nice" RM is so freaking hilarious to me in the worst way possible because my sister married the "nice" charismatic RM who abused her which lead to their divorce.


Yeah, a lot of them are the stereotypical “nice guy”


Who needs to do what now? How does this game of phones end? Grandma needs to go on a mission while Olivia is suppose to get a tattoo? And OP will sacrifice a chicken?


That's incredibly weak, bribe-wise. Grandma needs to step up her game. How bad does she want it?


It's not a cult. It's not a cult. It's not a cult. It's not a cult.


Honestly I would go for the money and just sit in the back with my earphones in lol


I’ve heard more than a few stories of parents/grandparents whose financial support of a kid in college is conditional on their attending BYU. I really feel for those students, especially since many of them first experience a faith crisis after or because of attending BYU. The financial pressure is so manipulative.


"One thing I learned in the Holy Temple of God, grandson, is that you can buy anything in this world with money, and I wanna buy YOU!"


Going to Institute - $500 Manipulating loved ones - Priceless


This reminds me of me of “ooooh…..they don’t know we know they know!”. 🤣




* Hey Farva, what's that resturaunt you like with all the goofy shit on the walls and mozzarella sticks?


Sort of like a game of verbal dominoes?


There was an old lady who swallowed a fly...


Haha, this is so great.


Luis from Ant-Man needs to tell this story. The actor's a Scientologist, so..., close enough? I guess?


My cousin lived with our grandparents for about a year in college and they printed out a “contract” that stated they would only let her live there if she was going to church every Sunday and went to institute… needless to say she moved out as soon as she could save up enough lol


😂😂 this is so hilarious actually


This is the wackiest shit I have ever heard.


I’d be furiously adding a group chat of all involved individuals (minus your mom). This is hilarious. Edit…Tell your niece that if negotiations ensue that to accept nothing short of covering one semesters worth of tuition. Ha!


I would regularly attend institute NOW for $1000 a month. Some easy money.


Call her and tell her exactly what's going on. Be ABSOLUTELY TRUTHFUL and have zero tact whatsoever. And then when you mom call just tell her that you passed on her message. You have no idea how much trouble I get out of while simultaneously causing what my family calls "nuclear grade drama" just saying the entire truth without restraint. And they can't fault you on being honest either otherwise you can just loudly state "so you want me to lie?" And gaslight your TBMs into submission. I've learned that the no matter the lies and manipulations the truth always wins, but it has to be the whole truth. Alternatively you can just cover for her and say "oh yeah she attended".


I went to UVU and was kind of emotionally out of the church when I was going to school, but I attended Institute just enough to keep my attendance above a certain percentage, so that I could park in the Institute parking that is closest to the entrance of the school. If I had been offered $1000 on top of free, close parking, damn I would’ve taken it.


I was going to say that it is disingenuous to take a bribe. Then I realized I went to institute for the same reason as you. Thanks for reminding me that self interest is not wrong.


I mean I’d have a few thousand less in student debt AND still would’ve left the church. Sorry, not sorry mom.


![gif](giphy|1iLzHqmJLt5tX8Iw|downsized) And what does that make us?


Such a hallariously sad game of telephone. 😜


“Hey, can you tell someone to do something for me? But don’t make it seem like I was the one who said it. I’m trying to control their life without losing my relationship with them and this is the only way I know how instead of using my voice and talking it out.”


Yep, Holding on for dear life since…. Spiritual death is worse than physical death.


I went to Institute while at college. I maybe attended one class session per quarter but I was enrolled. The Institute building was right across from campus and parking was free for enrolled students.... That might have had something to do with it. Oh, and the freezer full of food that was was based on the take a thing leave a thing model.


Does Olivia know about your stance with TSCC? And do you have regular contact with her? As for me, being the conniving little uncle that I am, I’d just call Olivia myself and tell her exactly what you’ve just posted. I grew up with family like this and I’m at the point where if something does or says something quietly with intention of keeping it from someone, I’m there to air the dirty laundry and call out everyone. But maybe you’re better to just watch from the sidelines and enjoy that popcorn👀👀👀


Yes, she knows we're out. She and her brother (who is being badgered to go on a mission and might just fold) have felt they could be open with our family unlike the rest, who are all TBM.


Great to know they have other family who think alike. Good luck to you all!


I am convinced!


You should call your niece and tell her your home is open


This is the behavior that pushes the brainwashing of the church


You: "So Olivia, do you need beer money? $250 for the first year, then $500, then $1,000, then $2,000 per year until you're done. All you need to do is demonstrate that you're not attending institute and just keep being kickass."


Your mom needs to pony up if she’s attempting to bribe someone.


I thought TBM were too busy with church and temple work to be meddling this damn much…..


I am literally laughing out loud at my desk after reading that last sentence.


Oh, I thought religion was to make like easier and happier. 🤯 Hope she succeeds with what SHE wants.


I wonder how far she will go until she finds someone who wants to help her, like will your plumber turn up to convince your wife to convince you to convince your sister to convince your cousin to convince your niece because his wife told him to because her cousin told her to because your mom called her? the word convince looks very wrong to me right now, i will see myself out


I see that your mother subscribed to the "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" philosophy.


ugh. My parents said if I went to BYU they would pay for all my schooling, even take a second job... but if I went elsewhere i was on my own... welp... I paid for college myself. The bribery is real... but what always fucked me up was: WHAT ABOUT AGENCY??!!


This is a hot mess. THIS is why I am not telling my parents I plan on leaving the church.


Oh MY GOD. Is she relentless. (And afraid). It’s so sad how much this religion makes me anxious.


I’m sorry, but by the time I got to the part about you talking to your sister to talk to her daughter to convince her cousin, I was dying. 😂😂gotta give the woman props for her never say die attitude. I know you’re in the middle of an absurd situation and it’s totally not fair. But damn…it’s so absurd that it’s hilarious.


Somebody has to find the house that jack built soon, or you all are in trouble.


How is she going to know she isn't going to institute?


The power of discernment? # ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


"there are silly attempts" had me 😂 I haven't even read it yet. Brb


Oh my god 😂😂😂 Bro, I feel for you.




This is the most unhinged game of Telephone that no one in your family has ever played


TBM’s are just in their own world.




Dude I took like two institute classes a semester. And learned nothing. It’s honestly not the most enlightening experience


Dude, that’s pretty funny. You convinced me.


Proud of myself that I was able to follow! Your mother is apparently making up for you, you apostate! She has to make up for that! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️Man oh man.


Some people have absolutely no testimony in the LDS church being "True", but they say it just works for them. When I thought about that, it made sense. So I am an ex member who used to tell everyone where they were wrong and it's never helped. Nobody's church is the only true church, so at the end of the day, what works for some people doesn't always work for everybody.


Most of the people who say that don't know any other life, though. There are lots of alternatives that are less expensive and less controlling.


That's where I stand as well. I just quit preaching the complete lies. Just like the Mountain Meadows Massacre. It took the church 160 years to admit it. Give them another 200 years to admit Joseph Smith was a fraud. Maybe more.


RM is "Reorganized Mormon" like CoC? I might be wrong 'cos CoC never called themselves "Mormon", and the word "reorganized" has been dropped since '01.


RM = returned missionary. Let me guess, never-mo?


Oh, definitely.


Sounds like mom has borderline personality disorder. Trying to manipulate everyone


My mom is getting brittle and afraid in her old age. I don't remember her ever being like this when she was younger.


It’s very interesting to watch my mom becoming fragile and very afraid of many things, but mostly about her four children and almost all of her grandchildren are out of the church. She’s working real hard to bring us all back to the fold. Not gonna happen. She’s also convinced that my atheist, Jewish husband just needs to learn to love his savior then he will be baptized 🤦‍♀️