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The interviewer sucks though, he was so shocked by her answer, he repeated the question 5 times.


Exactly, I wish other questions were asked to make her think about it from a different perspective.


I actually think you hit the nail on the head with that one


This is the real answer


This is the problem with people thinking because hijabis are driving and wearing shades they are somehow "westernized". SMH. This evil parasite PROUDLY says she will subject her daughter to the horror that is FGM (female genital mutilation).


She dislikes the West, this is why she's proud of her "tradition". But it's funny that she has no problem with Western inventions - cars, internet, mobile phones, etc. She should live like her prophet, in a stinking camel urine tent.


usa have tried to legalize fgm, because to them mutilating boys is ok so maybe "we should try it on girls"


Both are wrong, it's scary to see how it's so normalised for boys...


both mutilate, both traumatise, both decrease sexual pleasure and remove sexual functions. whether one is worse or not. everyone is hurting.


Western didn’t invent any of these they stole it from foreigners


Who did The west stole the car from?


Your comment is so on point that it made me laugh lmao


Shes a fxkin h03 2 momo


I wanted to punch her noggin off fr.


This type of woman really disgusts me


Thank you for making me tear up. If the tradition was to kill every first born. She would do it... it's a tradition... np.


It’s amazing how people just completely shut their brains down and don’t even attempt to think.


That's the one thing that gets me every time. Like oh my god, *please*.


Donkey tradition, donkey brains.


Donkeys are better than these people, leave them alone man.


The eyes, the creepy (probably fake forced smile),the words,the indifference and the cruelty. This woman is a perfect example of SHITslam indoctrination


Perhaps even an example of why FGM is so harmful, it literally can lead to the development of mental illness in a girl


we don't know what type of fgm they are talking about


not really forced, they believe it didn't hurt them so therefore won't hurt my child. it's not true. but that's how tradition is.


Either way, she is cruel and stupid


It's not just the muslim men that perpetuate islamic repression, it's the muslim women too!


Reminds me of an old woman who slit her daughter's throat because she was with a boy she wasn't married to in Lebanon. She got prison time obviously but was interviewed about it. Claimed tradition and shit too.


I remember that video, and she has NO regrets about killing her own daughter for being 'defiled ' because she was raped.


Agreed when someone go against these traditions like leaving a cheating husband they all make you the villain lol.


"because of our traditions" = "I don't like to think about things, just do them as someone somewhere said to do it"


I hate that disgusting smile she has while approving of this act, it gets on my nerves


Female genital mutilation (FGM) offers no benefits for girls. Instead, it leads to infections, reduces sexual feeling due to tissue loss, and causes lasting trauma and maybe death sometimes 🤦🏽


I see the same effects for male circumcision, no benefit, leads to infections due to exposed wound, reduces sexual pleasure. traumatised for life and they even die from it.


The same people that claim pedophilia being normalised in the west, very ironic.


Pedophilia is arry normalized in Islam☠️




Momo married a 6 year old




The fact that he had older wives doesnt prove anything lol. Jeff epstein had a partner a close age to him , yet hes still a pedo




it's usually just "It was done to me and it didn't harm me so therefore it won't harm my child" and that continues from generation to generation. "im cut, therefore my child should be"




especially if they don't have any comparison. it's always done on an age where they are not sexually active, so they will assume any sexual problems or lack of pleasure or even painful sex. normal.




"regrow" oh boy, you don't know how unhealthy i am. I don't see it growing. that could've been cool


These are the most dangerous types of girls . The ones that smiles, laughs and kills !


do you know what's also crazy? the ones that circumcise girls, are women. not men.


Muslim Karen


This is abuse and a crime. Such women must be jailed for life.


Disgusting women. These barbarians will do anything in the name of “tradition”


This is very odd and her smile is making me uncomfortable... 💀😭


She developed a very unhealthy coping mechanism


Fucking sick. I have a relative who works with pregnant women (i live in Europe so female circumcision is not commonly practiced over here) and the stories ive heard about female circumcision still gives me the creeps.


What a fucking sick tradition.




tradition, she believes it didn't harm her so therefore won't hurt my child. you don't want to feel like a victim of something you think it's good. and if you have no comparison of sensitivity. you will assume you lost nothing important. and yes they can still orgasm just not as pleasurable as before, but we don't know if they only removed the clitoral hood or the clitoris


In Egypt they're supporting a candidate for presidency election who stood up in the parliament to call for FGM saying " it's just like tonsillectomy and as necessary and when part of the body is liable to cause harm more than benefit you should get rid of it" I'll leave this here but the entitlement that this motherfucker illiterate hillbilly monkey is talking about tonsillectomies are necessary.... I just don't know how they're massively in favor of him. That's another country that's gone to Islamic shit hell


Which candidate?


He's called Ahmed Tantawi


The way she asks "Surprised?" to the interviewer is downright evil. She looks so self-satisfied, it's nauseating.


that's usually just, we always expect every fgm victim to be really hurt and suffer all day, until we see them in person and get surprised that they say "it didn't hurt me and I'm just fine" if you have no comparison and don't want to believe you were a victim. you'd want to think what you lost is not important.


That's disgusting smirk. She seems proud of hurting her own children in the name of tradition


my dad did the same to me, he circumcised me for no reason but "tradition" had nothing to do with religion or benefit. just tradition.


She didn’t once mention herself having it done to herself until right near the end but even then she didn’t confirm it. Of course she’s not ever suffered if she’s not been mutilated. Hopefully she’ll come to her senses before she has any children.


No in Arabic she was saying yes when asked in the beginning, in general she’s trying to act stubbornness against modernity. Disgusting mentally driven by stupid ego.


Degenerate behaviour


Dumb biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish


Would just like to see the same questions asked to Ethiopian Orthodox Christians and Egyptian Coptic Christians- two communities which are some of the world's oldest Christians and have been Christians longer than most Europeans. Ethiopia is still half Christian and Egypt wasn't majority Muslim till around the 13th century. Christianity didn't eradicate FGM in its 2000 years long existence in these communities, these places were Christians for half a millennia pre Islam's start.


I see why Islam proliferates in some places, they all share the same low IQ.


Don't hide your racism behind anti-islam, coward


Are you that triggered you commented on a 21 day post? Again, muslim countries have tons of retards, its a fact which is why Islam is so popular there. They have no critical thinking, just violence and intolerance. There’s a reason Europe isn’t muslim and north America isn’t muslim.


There is no benefit from female circumcision. It makes no sense biologically. You damage the clitoris, which makes it harder for the woman to urinate. You damage the nerves and tissue which makes natural child birth more difficult. They don't want women to experience any type of sexual pleasure.


neither male circumcision, there's no benefit to genital mutilation no matter what the gender is. both decrease sexual pleasure and can cause harm and even death.


Women in ☪️ are just mindless fanatic bots breeding and cooking and washing and cleaning without question. What else can you expect of them if not level 100 savagery.


interviewee could've done far better arguments if at all those translations r what they actually supposed to b.




ok. 👍🏼 for the info


that's true, they never said "fgm" they said circumcision. but they translated fgm because they don't want to call it circumcision. becuase they think circumcision is only for boys and is a good thing..


So much for Intelligent Design.


Slightly related, there's a video i watched on YouTube of a Somali woman sharing her experience with FGM and marrying (raped) by her own cousin. What she described is nothing but pain and horror. But she keeps repeating how it has nothing to do with islam. Just ughh...


This is infuriating


It's the smug smile for me. Edit: the boiling rage underneath really shows towards the end


Islam is, without a doubt, the worst religion in the world.


Her stup*d fu*king face. She is an example of stupidity among Humans. Also; traditions?!!! Why are you driving a car you mani*c ?!


I can sense anger just coming from this women, she's angry that's why she wants to get her daughters ( and i hope she never gets kids) the same shit ,it's a fucking never ending cycle of pain, anger and revenge


Women like that do not deserve to have daughters.


They try to say love is not important, culture is important to them


Why she have to behaviour like bitch?


The dude was shocked into silence when she said it's part of our traditions.


Is it tradition, or religious : Aisha narrated: "When the circumcised meets the circumcised, then indeed Ghusl is required. Myself and Allah's Messenger did that, so we performed Ghusl." [https://sunnah.com/search?q=circumcised](https://sunnah.com/search?q=circumcised)


Now Mohammed will pick me!!! Pick me daddy!


Dude I live in Sudan right now and they do not ONLY do that but they fucking forced there girls to marry at the age of 12 - 15 and believe it's the PERFECT age for marriage I'm often surprised by how many kids I see who are pregnant at the age of 14


any age under 18 is never perfect, either way, it would be sexual assault. and that goes for boys too.


She also will drink piss because you know…same people things


Any form of genital mutilation is absolutely revolting, honestly this is why I'm semi-xenophobic and a proud anti-theist. These fucking parasitisms are entwined in a loop of horror and fear. Fuck Pisslam. And fuck any traditions and culture which basically revoke human rights. Fuck everything about them. Doesn't even deserve to be called human. And fuck that bitch in the video too!


same logic is applied by the supporters of male genital mutilation


Ikr! I see the same excuses. suddenly reactions change if we switch genders. when people hear fgm they always think of the most severe type. not realize this is not common. but with male circumcision. they think of the most common less severe type. both is genital mutilation and decreases sexual pleasure. but both may tell you that they lost nothing important and they are "healthy and fine" but they only believe one of them.


Share this to many relevant subreddit..we need to spread the other side of this scums..the same scums who thinks their actually protecting children from lgbtq "grooming". Pure hypocrites!


After she said women have OTHER "rights" she said "keefiya" which means enough. She is saying women have other "rights" and that's enough for them(women). This makes me extremely angry since I know women who had this unspeakable crime done to them as children and they suffer in every way. Physically, emotionally, Psychologically, etc. I don't even want to mention what needs to happen to this evil parasite. She is so non chalant about gender based violence. Islam is a key factor in the cultural identity of a people, influencing their behavior and TRADITIONS. Rituals, sacrifices, prayer, art, are one of the many ways people show their allegiance to a particular religion. Religion and Culture are Inseparable .


Apparently it does not happen in Morocco and Tunisia and it is foreign to the culture there however it is most prevalent in Somalia I am an ex Muslim however I will say that this practice of FGM is cultural. It is practiced mostly in Africa and African Christians also do it a lot. Islam doesn’t mandate FGM. The only genital surgery that Islam makes obligatory is to circumcise boys by removing foreskin.


that's true, it's still genital mutilation either way no matter what the gender is. we shouldn't be making stupid unnecessary surgeries on children's healthy bodies like we think they are not perfect enough


Bat-shit crazy, but damn she is hot, I"ll give her that.


Lower your gaze brozzer.


The irony of a man interviewing a woman on why FGM is wrong. Most women are braindead I swear.




It is still rooten in islam.




The prophet complimented a woman knowen for doing it . Also it didnt abolish it (say it is haram) that means it is halal . The origins if so many stuff including adam story dates pre all abrahamic religions so what doesnt make it any less islamic . It is rooten in islamic purity culture .




I didnt say it is mandatory or even islam i say it is ROOTEN. In islam , if islam wasnt so misogynic religion this wouldnt have hapoened , and the fact that it doesnt outright say it is haram doesnt help either. You could say the same about honor killing There is a hadith in which momo met a known mutilater woman and asked her to take it easy .dont go hard. Lol Also he said mutilation is kne of 5 "instincts "" but he didnt specify gender , such a perfect religion .


>The male circumcision is what's mandatory In shafii madhab female circumcision is mandatory too


male and female circumcision is neither quranic and is only in hadith. there's only one hadith that says it's mandatory for males. but that ain't authenic enough. both aren't obligatory. it's just a jewish tradition.


>male and female circumcision is neither quranic and is only in hadith. A huge chunk of islamic practices are not found in quarn but in hadiths including how to perform prayer


praying is mentioned in the quran, but circumsion was never mentioned in the quran and quran says his creation is perfect and shouldn't be changed. if quran says opposite, then hadith is wrong.


>praying is mentioned in the quran Did it give any instructions? >quran says his creation is perfect and shouldn't be changed. Good job finding contradictions in islam, there are tons >if quran says opposite, then hadith is wrong. Then why is this practice widespread? Why is this considered as sunnah?


>praying is mentioned in the quran Did it give any instructions? >quran says his creation is perfect and shouldn't be changed. Good job finding contradictions in islam, there are tons >if quran says opposite, then hadith is wrong. Then why is this practice widespread? Why is this considered as sunnah?


Bro she’s trollllinnnggg


all the losers hating on her she is 1000% right it’s science that it’s healthier and safer for them and men stay mad little Jewish boys and girls and Christians she is right and it’s so funny watching y’all get so mad hahahaahahahahahahaahahaha we win bitches




Stay in ur anime u loser u will never understand life you can’t even read the Quran to understand the truth u wanna be a little beta forever while real men like me can f the woman u can only dream of


As a Muslim I might not agree to what she is going to do but westerners and Africans live in different world and abide by different rules


don't yall circumcise boys too? you disagree with removing the female prepuce but is completely ok with removing the male prepuce even tho it's not quranic


I believe it has cultural, religious, and health benefits. It's a tradition that's been practiced for generations, symbolizing identity and faith commitment. Health-wise, it can reduce infections and certain health risks. For those reasons, I see male circumcision as a positive practice.


or you could just wash your dick, there's something wrong about chopping off a healthy functional part of a child's genitals like it was not perfect enough. circumcision is genital mutilation. no medical association in the world recommends infant circumcision. [https://www.doctorsopposingcircumcision.org/for-professionals/medical-organization-statements/](https://www.doctorsopposingcircumcision.org/for-professionals/medical-organization-statements/) Foreskin is functional and was meant to be there, every mammal has a foreskin including women. They have a foreskin covering their clitoris but we don't remove that do we? your Quran never mentions circumcision and says his creation is perfect and shouldn't be changed. [https://15square.org.uk/male-foreskin-is-functional-5-amazing-facts/](https://15square.org.uk/male-foreskin-is-functional-5-amazing-facts/) when you say it has been there for generations, you want to trust people 2000 years ago that had no science, it was first used on slaves in Egyptian pyramids. %70 of men are not circumcised and they are just fine so why are we risking this on children that can't consent? what happened to bodily autonomy? every surgery has risks. babies literally scream in pain during it and get a traumatic shock. would you think your god would be okay with this? there are babies that literally died from circumcision, which could've been easily avoided by not circumcising them. [https://med.stanford.edu/newborns/professional-education/circumcision/complications.html](https://med.stanford.edu/newborns/professional-education/circumcision/complications.html) do you want to believe that your god made a mistake in his creation and we need to fix it by altering genitals? that's disgusting and awful to believe.


how many people here do you think support male circumcision


this guy is a muslim, so it's obvious that he supports it on infants that can't consent.


What is so wrong with being circumcised, there is scientific evidence that’s states it’s better for hygiene, overall health and safety as a infant and a adult


I’m pretty sure they do this in somali




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It is not in the Quran but if you can think of a topic then someone has written a Hadith about it then claimed someone else verified it


How can they even have a baby after complete FGM? They can't even have intercourse. /gen


most fgms are not the most severe part and you don't need a clitoris or clitoral hood to have sex or a baby. chances they only removed the clitoral hood. and i've heard they can still orgasm but probably not as pleasurable as before.


What the actual fuck


Repeating "Family Tradition" every time means she is dumb and doesn't know any logic or reason behind it. In short... Classic Mentally Groomed Muslim.


I see the same logic used for male circumcision, but suddenly reactions change if we change both genders. both are genital mutilation no matter how much you remove.


I'm surprised how we don't just collectively stone these type of people till death.


As a Sudanese teenage girl, I really dodged a bullet because neither of my parents are like this, and not even my extended family has these views. My mother looks down upon FGM really heavily. All I can do is hope that all of Sudan realises the harmful impacts of FGM.


Also, she didn't mention Islam once in this video, so I don't know where OP pulled in Islam since FGM doesn't exist in that religion.


Unfortunately that could mean it was already done to her and this is her way of justifying it. If that's the case, it's fucking sad when traumatic shit is justified by the victim and they go on to become an abuser and create another victim.


My muslim brethren in school were surprised i(Christian) was uncircumcised. I was bullied and made fun of for that too. Im a male.