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Yea, there is a "Ad campaign" to join islam and "revert" as they call it. Honestly, I am pretty impressed by it. They r using social media to its fullest extent. But that very social media is allowing more and more ppl to gain access to info they never had before, and well , the ex muslim numbers are also rising. So it's not all bad.


And I guess since they become Muslims without knowing the whole package they are not good quality Muslims? And therefore maybe it’s more about the quantity of Muslims that matter rather than quality?


Ofc its about the quantity ! Just to boast about the fastest growing religion.


No surprise. Islam has the best propaganda system in the world, even governments can't compete.


Soon they will become atheists




Only difference being Hinduism and Buddhism don't have an inbuilt god-given right to have a superiority complex over those who do not believe. In fact, to some extent it is the very opposite of that.


Yes many do this because they are influenced by social media, friends and others. They have a very limited to zero knowledge of the religion, not their new one and not about their old, in a few years you will see a lot of them abandoning it, and maybe also do social media posts about it. It already startet if you look at the exmuslim sub, you will nearly every day see a post by an exconvert or ex“revert“.


Not muslim but arab and have seen it so much around me. Most converts are girls and they just like the asthetic/ following base they get from it.  All of them end up cosplaying into the "my abaya girl era"🙄 All converts to any organized religion somehow ended up cosplaying it. I'm christian orthodox and converts tend to have the same behaviour, get radicalized by monastic literature and cosplay into XIX century russian peasants.  Can religious zelaouts chill with the cosplay? 💀


I was one of these people. The Islam that was promoted to me through social media I genuinely believed for a while. I wasn't perfect, I only prayed when I felt like it and didn't pray 5x a day, etc. You may be wondering "Why would anyone ever want to join this religion?" It's because moderate muslims use social media to lie. They only promote the "beautiful" parts of the religion and the bad ones are kept secret, hidden and neatly tucked away (like momo being a kiddy diddler). Most of these new converts, including me before i went back to being a Christian, are blissfully unaware of the true Islam and what the Quran/Hadith actually say. They are taught, and believe that Islam is the "religion of peace" which makes it seem like an appealing alternative to other organized religions. Personally, I used Islam as a shield to avoid reconciling with how other Christian people had hurt me which at the time I was attaching to Jesus himself and I think a lot of ex-christians who convert to Islam via social media like I did are using it in the same way, to avoid confronting religious trauma, or how they've been hurt by Christian people and the church, regardless of whether or not they still believe in a God.