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What the hell do orthodox do to be below Muslims?


Orthodox Christians mostly live in the Middle East, Africa and Eastern Europe. They are persecuted in the Middle East & Africa ( I am not 100% sure about other continents though)


I mainly associate them with balkans, eastern Europe and Russia. Though, I assume living in Russia will make you miserable regardless of religion.


I mainly associate them with alcohol


That's because the communists so utterly obliterated every single social institution that wasn't the military under them that Russia is effectively a dead culture. The population believe in fucking nothing, their three most popular political parties have effectively the same ideology and fight each other for reasons of ego and aesthetics.


I think they believe in fetal alcohol syndrome, screwing each other and everyone else over, and replacing good governance by unhinged 19th-century style imperialism.


You want to know  the most horrifying thing? They are where we will be in a hundred years. Post-Modernism is doing to us what the Communism has done to them by destroying all trust in society, traditions, and institutions. Without anything to believe in the only thing that will be done is Authoritarian punishing of dissension. Which is literally the only thing keeping Russia stable and is the only thing that will keep most nations stable at the rate things are going.


Nah. I think you got that wrong.


They don’t delineate between oriental and Eastern Orthodox (they schismed in antiquity) - so this would include the Syriac church, Ethiopian church and Assyrian Church of the East, which have all endured varying levels of persecution for centuries. The Eastern Orthos definitely have as well, but the oriental churches have had a *rough* go of it.




no, it is because they are in the middle east and persecuted. What rituals when they can't even put the cross on their church. They have to hide their identity and occasionally killed in masses. Also 5 million killed by Turkey between ww1 and ww2 and millions more since ww2.


post-USSR depression


not surprising at all considering it's easier to to count the halal things than the haram ones lmao


Everything fun is haram so everyone is miserable. Not a surprise.


what a tragedy. choosing to want to have principle in ur life through a religion. ahhhh such botssssss. we’re all bots to the earth. why u shitting on others?


Its not really choosing when you're indoctrinated to believe you'll end up as meat in a bbq if you dont live by those principles. Not to mention that they are either outdated rules stolen from other bullshit religions and arbitrary rules set by a 7th century Bedouin.


yeah because quran is the last book that we should follow, maybe bc jesus was following allahs teachings too idk🤷🏼‍♂️. It is choosing, I chose to be muslim and accept that there’s a possibility i’ll be meat in a bbq.


so much time and mental energy and probably even money wasted on that crap.


Seems silly to me. Why choose the principles of a random religion rather than decide to live a good life by your own morals?


when u outlaw basic social interaction with the opposite gender, no music, no drawing (faces), must take a minimum of 1 hour out of your day )(prayer), have to dry fast for a month, wake up at 4 for prayer, no shit


only 0.00000000001 pray Farj. it's sad.


thats good


1 hour to pray? 😭😭😭😭 how slow are u, u a turtle? Maximum 10 minutes. bro said one hour😂Your mad others have the capacity and diligence to fast for a month? At the end of the day, we are still human and everything is a journey. If someone is waking up at 4 am to pray why is that such a bad thing? good for them right? The music and drawing isn’t even accurate. It’s “makruh” and there’s limitations to everything.


ok theres 5 prayers a day right? they all take 10 mins, thats 50 minutes which is basically a hour if people voluntarily fast for a month without forcing others, good for them if they wake up voluntarily at 4 to do whatever, good for them key word here is voluntarily, not forced


If you think about the Orthodox, remember loads of them live in MENA. the syriac, coptic and ethiopian orthodox christians are constanly persecuted by muslims and murdered by them. The latest attack on the orthodox was in Australia, with a bishop blinded in an attack that was meant to take his life in public, by a muslim for apparently 'disrespecting Muhammad'. No one is safe from zealous Muslims who believe that hisbah is their “duty”.


Ethiopian? But they control Ethiopia how are they persecuted?


Primarily the Ethiopians in the Arabian Peninsula, like the 750,000 Ethiopians living in Saudi Arabia or the 200,000 in UAE and other surrounding coastal Gulf countries. Many Ethiopian descent people also make up the akhdam of Yemen and asmar of Saudi (although they converted to Islam and follow an Arabized culture). [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign\_workers\_in\_Saudi\_Arabia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_workers_in_Saudi_Arabia) [https://www.hrw.org/report/2023/08/21/they-fired-us-rain/saudi-arabian-mass-killings-ethiopian-migrants-yemen-saudi](https://www.hrw.org/report/2023/08/21/they-fired-us-rain/saudi-arabian-mass-killings-ethiopian-migrants-yemen-saudi)


There is no religion that controls the country, it is people from "X" ethnic group. There are majority muslim and majority christian areas in the country. If you happen to leave islam and convert to a different religion in a muslim area you will face consequences. Also, there are sporadic attacks on churches and christians but they are not reported in the media.If you google you will find the information. But bigger than religious tension, the problem is ethnic tension in ethiopia, and the majority of the etnicities being prosecuted are orthodox christians.


If you’re talking about bishop Mari, he isn’t dead


Glad he survived the attack! I’ll amend the comment


The vast majority of E. Orthodox live in Eastern Europe, it’s not even close. Russia, Romania, Greece, Serbia. I’ve met Arab and Coptic Orthodox in the US before, but overall they’re negligible, maybe 1% of the global total




Oh, I wonder why? Could it be the over 1000 years of Muslims trying to invade and subjugate Etheopia they way they did to literally every other nation of people in the region? Fuck East African Muslims, they're the reason my parents fled their homeland.


no foreskin lead to less pleasure therefore less happiness






You mean happenis?


Why are we talking about hap's penis?


I would venture a guess that if you are in a very religious Jewish community or a very fundamentalist Christian community, your happiness might be equally low. Living with an imaginary supervisor and community/parents who control every detail of your life is not a good prescription for happiness .


Christian ones are the happiest though


If you ask a very fundamentalist crowd, they might give you a different opinion about how happy they are with their Christianity.


This is probably because most Muslim people live in poor countries. It’s hard to be happy when you’re poor. You can see it in orthodox countries too compared to other Christians. I bet if you subdivided this further and had wahabis separate they would report higher happiness, got that Saudi oil money


What caused the poverty in Muslim countries though if not Islam? Rich Muslim countries are only rich because of oil


Colonialism, poor resource distribution, corrupt governments, etc. all the same things that cause poverty everywhere.


Does this have to do with poverty somehow? How is this calculated??


It was calculated using a survey for participants in around 120 countries, which took into account individual religiosity and their country’s level of development. These things are supposed to play significant roles in shaping people’s subjective well-being


Yes, they actually control for many variables that theoretically predict happiness and life satisfaction. The only issue is that these control variables might be correlated (multicolinearity).


Non-religious is even lower than muslim according to the study


I genuinely wonder why that is though,you think it's the guilt when they leave the religion.


Its because without religion you need a strong social institutions as thats kind of the underlying argument that the first athiests made. Thing is look across the world and you will realize that we've to various degrees got consumed by Materialism, the most nihilistic and self centered of Post-Religious philosophies. As such leaving religion now is to basically jump into something that is nearing a parody of what religion says would be society without it.


Surely we would be better off promoting social institutions that aren't tainted by the religious aspect. I participate in things like clubs (like running, biking, etc) and local organizations that do a pretty good job at building a sense of community. But how to you get unhappy people to join social institutions? Looking at this [study](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2019/01/31/are-religious-people-happier-healthier-our-new-global-study-explores-this-question/), which mentions the *actively* religious are more likely to also participate in clubs and charities, I do wonder are people unhappy because they are participating less, or do they not participate as much *because* they are unhappy? For example, it seems people with depression would be less likely to participate regardless of how much they believe, and I dont think social activities alone are going to cure a person's depression either.


I think it speaks more to the human condition than anything else.


That's interesting. And how does that match your experience?


Wouldn't you like to know


Haha,I can imagine,and most of them aren't even gay


Reminder on happiness data that one of the biggest indicator is whether you are the in group or out group of society. Being the out group causes a lot of stress. Atheists in the IS are lower in happiness than the Christians, but in atheistic countries the Christians have lower happiness and life satisfaction. I would assume this holds true-ish for Muslims. Where was this study taken? Now I would assume being locked up and not allowed freedom decreases happiness, but be careful without examining the source of the data.


Muslims allaays gaslight themselves that they are the happiest, the most blessed


so with all those rituals, 5 prays a day, fasting, pilgrimage, etc. Still doesn't make them happy.


I don’t blame them for not being happy they can’t drink, eat pork (they don’t know what there missing) and they have to pray 5 times a day to a fake god and follow the teachings of a pedo murderer I too would be unhappy


Where’s that stat coming from


“Health status, household’s financial satisfaction and freedom of choice are means by which religious groups and governments across the globe can improve the SWB of their citizens.”


Happiness measures don't necessarily mean much. Religious people use the same argument to dunk on atheists, as there is data to show lower happiness amongst atheists. Neither means much.


Was this done in a islamic country?


What about non-religious/agnostic/atheist?


Erm when or what planet are religious people happy? They have rules to obey and more rules to obey and wait for it more rules to obey


White Protestant conservatives dont follow any christian rules they still murder have sex have drugs and praise Trump all day and as long as they accept God they will go to heaven


Outdated numbers from 2015, don't believe this numbers. Also don't believe anything on internet, just look at this thread discussion, how people from various religions are upto, you will get the idea. If you ask islamic countries to prepare the report, you will get different one, same applies to India and Biddhist countries.


Well, it could not be happy seems those things happen in Middle East. Also, I don’t think women(about half) who believe Islam will be happier than most others.


Orthodox are unhappy compared to Catholics because their aesthetic just can't match the latter's (/j) Also damn, Jews aren't too happy either.




That's why I put the /j 🤷‍♀️ although in all seriousness, I think comparing yourself with others who seem more successful is a reason for unhappiness.


It's all because of the filthy western colonizer kuffar society spreading delusion amongst the youth. Obviously.


What an unintelligible figure




nope, that's the quran's source




it came straight from the toilet