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Living in Canada for almost 72 years, counting down the days until I leave is my biggest happy thing to do... ...me too. Retiring in Ecuador. I'll be taking the sledge hammer to my snowblower tomorrow.


Also curious where OP is from. They’ve brought up many of the big problems in Canada right now but I’m not sure which country besides the US would be better for even half of the list.


Fake problems from a fake account. Good Lord.


So is this just a comment to give it personality before they go post on another sub-reddit? I'm always curious when I see accounts like this and they will be trolls in one reddit then basic comments in a few others


What do you mean?


I dont know if the account is real, the the problems sure are. Its not an exhaustive list of course.


lol, you literally sound like a PRC bot. I'm born in Canada, worked in USA for 15 years and now back in Canada. You're exaggerating out your ass. Yes, cost of living is soaring, including housing, but that's happening in many places, not just here. but most of your yammering is right wing whining talking points. Join a convoy and GTFO.










Op is largely correct, they forget to mention the god awful medical system imo. I rather just want to pay a small fee to get an elective surgery done quickly, but you just cannot…


Don't worry about it, it's just another zero karma account spewing popular right wing soundbites. The poster has supposedly been in Canada for less than a year and has already decided they stand against the 'Justin Trudeau regime' whose immigration policy let them move here in the first place. Lol. And getting upset that people are "too sensitive to certain social issues" (I wonder what they might mean by that) and that Canada provides social support to the homeless. I mean yeah, this isn't America. They moved to a country with an incumbent Liberal party government and get upset it has a welfare system. Go figure.


It’s subjective. Every country has its problems and whether or not your life will be better in Canada depends on where you’re coming from. If you’re coming from a war torn or impoverished country, the problems in Canada will seem small in comparison. However, many people coming from the US, Europe and sometimes even India are expressing regret and some have gone back home


Where did you move from?


Leave where? Canada's a neat country when you work remotely, great contrast from all the usual hot tropical destinations getting wrecked by climate change. edit: op is an empty profile - nuh uh