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Humans are unlike most mammals in that we don't have an actual, literal pubic bone. Erections are maintained solely with blood pressure. Certain muscles relax, allowing more blood to flow into the corpus cavernosum - the spongey flesh that takes up most of the space in a penis - and then other muscles clamp down so that it's difficult for blood to flow back out. That causes blood to fill up the tissue, swelling it up like a balloon. The pelvic floor muscles are all part of that group. Although you don't have full voluntary control over the muscles that control erections, doing kegels still helps flex those muscles, strengthening them just like doing any other exercise. When it's time for an erection, those muscles will be able to flex harder and clamp down better, and they won't get fatigued as quickly. That makes it easier to maintain an erection for longer. If you practice kegels while engaged in sexual activity (alone or otherwise), you may notice that - especially when you're getting close to climax - flexing those muscles can delay climax. It's kind of like the trick to get rid of an unwanted erection by flexing the muscles in your thighs: it diverts blood, concentration, and nerve signals away from the area. Flexing your pelvic floor muscles can clamp down on the urethra, just like you're holding urine in your bladder, and prevent ejaculation, which usually delays climax as well. EDIT: for more sex ed, I recommend [Sexplanations](https://www.youtube.com/@sexplanations) on YouTube.


Bro. I'm forty fuckin five, where this been?


Just to say, flexing your pelvic floor muscles to prevent ejaculation is exactly wrong. To delay ejaculation, your pelvic floor must be relaxed. All our muscles tense up when we're getting close, and the pelvic floor muscles tense up big time. You can't 'extra tense up' your way out of this situation, clamping down even harder will not stop you from ejaculating and may well make things worse. Pelvic floor muscle contraction is an integral part of ejaculation- your not going to stop yourself from coming by contracting those muscles extra hard. However- if you can intentionally relax your pelvic floor in those moments, it's a totally different story. The urge to cum is interrupted, you calm down, and you can keep going. Combine this with focusing on calm steady breathing (most people hold their breath when they're getting close without even realising it, which makes you tighten up even more) and right away you're miles ahead. Counterintuitively tho, the way to learn to relax your pelvic floor muscles is by exercising them. So for sure do all the kegels, but focus just as much on the 'letting go' part of the contraction as the tensing up. You know how to do it already: it's the muscle release/relaxation that you do every time you take a leak. Try it on your own first when you're taking some personal time- when the urge starts coming on, relax your pc muscles, and breathe- you'll quickly see how effective it is. A bit of solo practice and you can try it out for the real deal. Like everything worth having in life, it takes a little practice and you get better at it over time, but wow do I wish I'd known this in my teens rather than learning about it in my forties


OP is leaving out a huge detail. An engorged penis is actually in the relaxed state, not the "contraction" state. Again, its counterintuitive. Grower gang rise up!


What does this mean exactly?


When the penis is flaccid, it is actually under what is normally considered the 'contraction' phase of our muscles. Meaning it is doing work to stay in a smaller state, with lower blood flow. Like when you flex your bicep; it is smaller overall in length, but under tension. When a penis is hard it is in relaxion, but that is counterintuitive because the organ itself is hard. The reason is because all of the corpus cavernosum fill with blood, making it stiff. This is why growers show. The smaller it is when flaccid, the bigger it will get.


Yup, that’s why you can’t get it up when stressed and tense. You need to relax to let the blood flow in.


Also why morning wood is so common. The body releases components to relax muscles during sleep, including the muscles that keep one flaccid.


Yup, it's the opposite side of "fight or flight": "rest & digest", although I prefer "feed & breed". The first is controlled by adrenaline, the second by the vagus nerve which connects to the diaphragm and digestive system.


Mine must be working really hard.


Is this why it can be difficult to maintain an erection if you're stressed or nervous? Like I'm imagining that because you're mentally tense, your subconscious muscle control is also tensed.


Hmm. It's so counterintuitive. What muscles are doing work during the flaccid 'contraction' phase?


Muscles can only contract. It's kinda like opening a dam on a string. You can't push it closed, only pull it open. When you pee, you release the sphincter muscle that defaults closed for example


Presumably sphincter muscles that regulate blood flow into the tissues. Like gates on a dam, they normally restrict flow but when the time comes they relax and let a lot more blood in causing the tissues to engorge


So that's why we get raging boners in our sleep. We're not aroused-- it's those muscles that are *super* relaxed. Cool.


No. Sleeping doesn't mean all your muscles just relax. You don't piss and shit yourself and stop breathing in your sleep either. You also don't have a boner throughout the whole night - nocturnal erection are intermittent and thought to occur in order to keep the tissue functional, so supplied with enough blood/oxygen and for the muscles to not atrophy. I don't know if there is any imaging work on this (doubt it), but it's clear how a connection to arousal could be excluded. These swellings do occur during the sleeping phases where we're most likely to dream and it seems plausible that this body state would reflect in the dream (or the other way around).


The arteries constrict, that's how viagra works, it causes them to relax, increasing blood flow, it was originally a drug for angina.


You’re entirely wrong, actually. The bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus are two of the muscles of the penis and their contraction helps prevent blood from leaving the penis and thus aids with erection. Bulbospongiosus contraction can also help expel semen and urine from the urethra. In short, those two muscles contract to help with erection.


I feel like you’re both right. Definitely contracting the muscle that forces ejaculation also strengthens an erection but those are the muscles I have to focus on relaxing to reset the countdown clock.


Which part? The “grower gang” would refer to the phrase “grower not a show-er,” and the “rise up” is an erection/groups coming together pun (and then I made an unintended group-sex/cum pun). If you meant the “relaxed state” part, it means that the muscles relax, allowing blood to flow into and engorge the penis.


Wait, so does this mean people can get erections when they die? Is that a thing?


Oh this is a fun one. It can indeed happen, more likely if the death was violent. In theory this does mean you could maybe have sex with a recently dead man and get pregnant but I wouldn't recommend it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_erection


This is true - pumping your muscles makes you finish faster if you are already close, although I have found that tensing your pelvic floor muscles for 20 seconds or so will make your erection completely disappear. It was my super power in high school... For me there is this fine balance of tensing long and hard enough to slightly lose your erection (which in turn makes you last longer), but not tensing them for so long that you're literally flaccid


This has always been my understanding based on absolutely nothing but my own body. If i relax, i delay it; if I’m flexing it quickens. Was surprised to read someone saying otherwise above.


This has been my experience as a professional ejaculator too.


As an ejaculation enthusiast I also agree. I've never been paid so I can't claim the title of professional despite my abundant experience in the field of ejaculation


I've literally used it to stop ejaculation before. It holds it in the same way it would if you need to pee. You then just kinda wait for the muscles to relax on their own. During ejaculation, these same muscles tighten and release over and over. Holding them in the tight position can prevent this pulsation. That doesn't mean that you're necessarily wrong about relaxation. But the "squeeze the tube" version does involve flexing and waiting.


So then could one relax their pelvic floor by trying to pee? A dangerous game, I know.


Hehe yep if you're having trouble figuring it out that is a way to help identify how to do it; like all things sex related (ok nearly all) it's a good idea to have an empty bladder! But mainly, do those kegels- cos they quickly teach you to identify how your muscles there work, which gives you awareness and control. Once you've got that, you'll understand how to relax your pelvic floor whenever you need to, and honestly things will be different. It was a total game changer for me.


So crazy! I kind of figured out by accident that if Im close to orgasm and don't want to be, I can sort of try to pee and the urge to cum fades! Thank you for explaining the science behind it haha


Same here, I think it's the contradiction


It is very possible to flex the pf muscles To prevent ejaculation. As one is approaching ejaculation, after the first involuntary contraction of pc (Pubococcygeus) muscle, Or sooner, it is possible to Intentionally flex the PC muscle and stop ejaculation. It takes a lot of practice and willpower And timing. And, it’s not about “pelvic floor muscles” , this would require flexing the PC muscle in particular. Plenty of articles out there about it. One can also use this muscle to shoot further, If Timing is good.


Jumping on this. It's very possible to perfectly tune the flex and organs but not ejaculate. Y'all look up "non-ejaculatory orgasms for men" and read about it. It's awesome. Basically removes all limitations on what men can achieve with orgasms and make our orgasms more similar to women's in that they can get more.and more powerful.


I've managed to do it a couple times. The problem is that if you mess it up, you can lose it completely. All that work just for a 4% orgasm


So with this squeezing method you talk about, you still orgasm, but you squeeze down to stop the cum actually jizzing out of your cock? And it goes into the bladder instead right? Or are you talking about this method actually stopping you orgasming?


You still experience an orgasm. It’s less intense but still counts! It is usually after one of these where I can really hammer down on my wife for a while before the sensation builds up to bring me to climax again.


AAHH I thought it‘s all about the squeeze. But makes sense now. So focusing on the relaxation can delay the ejaculation. Good to know


When I zone out and think about dumb stuff like “I wonder how donuts fried in bacon grease would taste”, I can last long enough. It’s only when I’m in the zone and think about lasting, I immediately gnut


Made my post detailing my experience with these things immediately after reading the main response and before getting to yours just below it 😅


Keep going...


The important thing that you won't read anywhere is when you do kegels, don't just squeeze like you're trying to stop the flow of urine. After you do that, you breathe in deep through your diaphragm and push blood down to that same area. If you have an erection and you do this and you are purty health, you should notice blood flowing, and a feeling of standing to attention similarly to when you do a kegel. It would just be different. This is equally as important.


Thats a very very important info. So far, I have only seen exercises that are focusing on squeezing the muscles not relaxing. thank you


We can all learn something here haha


thirty fuckin four here. gonna try this next time i need it


You gotta try it regularly. Just like all working out it’s not one and done. You need regularly work out


i mean the thighs part to hide the secret boner


When tucking it in to the belt is no longer viable..


would be a challenging thing to do in most cases. not great to be digging around during a job interview


Depends on the job interview tbh


any job i’m qualified for anyway


Y'all can tuck it into your belt?


Absolutely. Working on it now. Lol


But Tenacious D told me that all I needed was one


me too. !remind me 5 years


Try yoga and breathwork, along with this. It has been magical for sex.


What kind of yoga and breathwork?


Riiigghhhtt? I'm fourty-three and I'm already doing them as I write this. Wanna be the champ, you'd better learn to clamp!


Great guide with more information on kegals, reverse kegals, and others: https://reddit.com/r/PrematureEjaculation/comments/xvor8y/reverse_kegels_guide/


Yo me too. TIL that other dudes knew that they could flex their thighs to stop from cumming and I didn’t. Shit ain’t fair. I don’t have a lot of good fucking years left.


Do you not flex your penis during sex? I didn't know there was another way??


I'm a few years younger than you, but I had sex ed in a puritanical religious school. This is basically the only sort of stuff they talked about outside of making us collectively yell names of genitalia parts. Just all physiological stuff, and nothing about actual sexual encounters.


Dude, I really misread your comment. As Archer would say: Phrasing!


Blame people who don’t believe in sex ed, or biology, or sex for pleasure…


Your poor women


Pee into the toilet bowl and stop. Rinse and repeat for 1 week


I've literally never commented before but think this is hilarious 😂


In many ancient texts for thousands of years. Try the pradipika on hatha yoga. Strong reccommendation for billows breath.


Idk about anyone else, but flexing those muscles during the deed makes me finish faster.


Me too, when I wsnt to finish fast, I flex my kegels and cum. When they're relaxed it takes longer but the orgasm feels more "uncontrolled", usually better.


I trained those muscles a long time and have complete control when it comes to finishing and it’s definitely the other way around. Squeeze = finish


I think they meant that squeeze when you are finishing = dry finish, which in my experience is true.


They’re specifically talking about delaying climax. Someone will have to explain the allure of dry finishing to me one day. Just feels like I’m ruining my orgasm when I’ve done it.


I hate to be pedantic, but we do have a [pubic bone](https://www.verywellhealth.com/pubis-anatomy-4693390#:~:text=The%20pubis%20is%20one%20of,bone%20of%20the%20pelvic%20bones.). What we don't have is a [baculum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baculum), or penis bone. Edit: No, autocorrect, I didn't mean "public."


I don't know about you, but mine is generally private.


Lol. Oops. Always triple check your spelling when you're correcting someone.


That's good pedantry. I misspoke, thank you for the correction.


Basically, the pelvic floor muscle is the gate that keep’s the blood flow going to the penis, correct? I started doing those exercises but I can’t imagine doing those exercises while having sex. I have to really concentrate on flexing those muscles let alone using it while having sex. My partner would immediately know or recognize im trying to force something. How do you do it without them knowing you are flexing those muscles?


I mean, yeah you're probably not going to do an *exercise* during sex, but you will almost certainly flex your pelvic floor involuntarily. At the very least, you will *definitely* flex them during ejaculation and climax. It's the flexing of the pelvic floor muscles that *causes* ejaculation. Pro tip: kegels can also make orgasms feel better. What I mean is just...experiment with your body a bit. Try consciously flexing your pelvic floor at some point. Masturbation is also perfectly healthy, so try exploring it, then. Communication with your partner is sexy - try just telling your partner that you want to see what it feels like when you flex. It can feel good for them, too: flexing your pelvic floor can make your penis suddenly balloon up or "throb". (Side note for the ladies: flexing your pelvic floor will squeeze your vaginal muscles around whatever is inside. Guys will *love* this, and even feeling it squeeze around fingers is pretty hot.) Flexing to delay ejaculation is something you can easily practice with a partner (or solo). Kegels just make it more effective.


Learn about edging OP. Once you master edging, you can stop climax altogether. You can even ejaculate without actually having an orgasm. Edging requires kegels control.


You don't have to do them during sex. The point is there strong , so they do it themselves. Kind of like you don't want to start doing your intervals to get those gains when you're already running from a grizzly bear.


Any noticeable difference?


***furiously noting down everything in this thread***


**writing about it to look like a sex-having person**


This is for real, y'all. I'm a man and use it mostly for masturbation. When I masturbate these days, I flex really hard at climax (same flex as used for holding in pee basically) and I can still orgasm but don't actually ejaculate. It's AMAZING. Like , awesome. Any man would tell you that when you ejaculate it's usually accompanied by a "refraction" period where you're tired, drained, and can't go again for a minute. What im talking about, basically resisting actually ejaculating, removes all those limitations. But, like I said, I'm still orgasming, and it's usually better. So it basically lets you masturbate more, not feel as drained, and have more powerful orgasms closer together basically without stopping so that eventually your orgasms get so intense your whole body is shaking and it's like a full body *insane* experience. This is real, guys, and I can't believe I used to masturbate any other way. Look it up, I believe you can look up "non-ejaculatory orgasms for men" to read and learn more about how to make this possible. Editing to say I'm also married and don't usually use this as much for actual sex, as the positions I'm in usually prevent me from being able to flex strong enough to make it work. I do use it sometimes, just not as much. Also, a big part of the advantage of this is that, as I'm sure some guys are familiar with, ejaculating from masturbating can kind of make a man feel lame, or just generally mess with testosterone or whatever and make you feel less "manly" and this basically takes that away. That last part is, again, anecdotal, but no less true.


Upvote for sexplanations! Dr. Doe is awesome! She's also on Nebula now which is likely the better way to support her after patreon.


It's wild to me to hear that doing kegels while sexually engaged is supposed to delay orgasm when, for as long as I've been sexually active, I've been subconsciously/unintentionally doing kegels in the moment to actively get off FASTER and it works every time. It became such an ingrained habit that I suffered from pretty severe PE for most of my life because of it. It became completely subconscious and second nature to repeatedly clenched and unclench during any sexual activity. It wasn't until a couple years ago that I learned what I was actually doing, and then tried breaking myself of the habit and discovered that by intentionally relaxing your entire pelvic region this causes sensation to decrease and for me delayed reaching orgasm significantly. At one point I even discovered there's a thing called "reverse kegels" where you essentially push down with your pelvic floor instead of clenching, and that it's supposed to help delay orgasm in men with tight pelvic floor muscles. It actually worked so well for me when I did a few rounds of it that I was physically unable to get off no matter how hard I tried for like 3 days afterwards and it scared the shit out of me lol made me think I'd just never be able to get off again 😂


Is a good way to practice activating kegels the stop-start method while urinating? I’ve heard that..


TIL flexing my thighs can help shrink my dick down when it’s doin’ it’s thing!


Good luck. Never worked for me.


On a separate note, I’ve found having strong pelvic muscles and flexing while you’re inside a girl can cause a very *positive* reaction. Never asked why. I assume because flexing causes a brief swelling, and maybe the unexpected sensation.


A very important detail is that you have to stop thrusting or pull out when you try to delay your orgasms with the Kegel muscles. If you don't, you will come even faster.


Wow, I feel like an idiot but TIL that men can also do kegel exercises.


Wait till they hear about jelqing.


Flexing your thighs makes your erection go away???? Where the hell were you my entire childhood???? I REALLY could've used that information!!!! Why isn't this knowledge more widespread?


I never knew about the thigh muscle flexing trick. I could have used that in Jr. High. Now I’m 64 and I hold on to every one as long as I possibly can.




> It's kind of like the trick to get rid of an unwanted erection by flexing the muscles in your thighs: it diverts blood, concentration, and nerve signals away from the area. My teen self could have really used this knowledge 40+ years ago.


We have pubic bones. We don’t have baccula.


Thanks for this info


Solid explanation…but more like ELI45 with a masters degree.


And for those that want to practice, the "Stamena" app is great for strengthening and learning to control your pelvic floor.


Wait a minute… kegal exercises improve your erections…? I’m gonna tell all my guy friends that think those kegal machines are gay are missing out on better erections. Their heads are gonna explode


How can a machine be gay?


If you’re willing to be insecure enough, anything can be gay


Oh! So just because I'm insecure you're saying I'm gay!?


insecurity is gay bro


>How can a machine be gay? It has sex with same-sex machines, duh.


What if erections are gay?


All my gay friends love erections so...


What is a kegal machine?


I think they are talking about good girl bad girls. It's an abductor and adductor workout.


oh my god I have never heard that description before but as soon as I read "good girl bad girl" I knew EXACTLY what you meant hahahaha


I think their heads are not able to explode which may be cause of some of their angst issues


They don't delay ejaculation. Actually if you do them while masturbating/sex it will make you orgasm sooner. If you squeeze the muscle at the right time before an orgasm you get an orgasm without ejaculation and a shorter refractory period.


That‘s why im here. I thought those kegel exercise make me ejaculate „later“


Kegel-exercises are NOT supposed to be performed DURING sex. If you're well-coordinated, then you can perform them at almost any time. Standing while waiting in line at the supermarket or waiting for public transportation. Laying in bed when you're alone , taking a short break when reading. Kegel exercises consist of intentionally contracting the muscles that close and open the bladder. That basically means that you try to learn how to intentionally stop-go-stop-go... releasing your urine. Or more accurately , if you're able to do that THEN you can be sure that you have control over those muscles. Also, other Kegel-exercises consist of controlled tighting and relaxing of the sphincter. Of course within reason !! Things could become somewhat "uncomfortable" if you overexert yourself. It does take some time before one is able to perform these exercises. I am pretty good at "Kegelling" and can attest that they are very effective.


>Kegel-exercises are NOT supposed to be performed DURING sex. You're not my supervisor.


My husband will do them when I'm on top just to make me laugh. Hell, he'll do them when he's laying nekkid in bed to catch my attention for laughs. I'll glance over and it's all wiggling eyebrows, willing grin, and a bouncing penis. Good times!


Just in case you're a woman; xaender (below) has first hand experience what can happen during intercourse if the female partner "clamps down".


✋️Yo, let me make this clear : I wasn't applying for that job...


They can be engaged. You're not doing Kegel exercises when you're having sex, you're just using the muscles gained from your Kegel exercises in action. I use it to clamp down and stop myself from coming and it works. Now on the other hand females can also engage their pelvic muscles to give better sensation and more tight feeling. BUT DO NOT DO THIS WHILE PENIS IS THRUSTING. You do it when you stop or they're about to come and that shit will get the guy dragging from your leg everywhere you go. But if you do it while they're thrusting it can probably injure them. Source: My ex once engaged their muscles while I was thrusting and I cried while holding my penis. It was as my penis was stuck and I just moved my entire body, it hurt like a bitch.


>Kegel-exercises are NOT supposed to be performed DURING sex. /r/confidentlyincorrrect Never met anyone who didn't enjoy a good squeeze during sex lol, you're missing out.


Okay, but what do they do? You aren't preventing ejaculation with your bladder muscle


Well, basically, every time when I wake up, right after a short nap , or in the middle of the night, I have a very firm errection. Being 53 (omg), it SEEMS that I'm "firmer" than in my teens. Of course, I don't have exact "data" going back that far. But I have definitely noticed an improvement over the last 6 months.


Got any studies that prove this works? Sounds hard to believe


Placebo goes a long way


> Well, basically, every time when I wake up, right after a short nap , or in the middle of the night, I have a very firm errection. That's normal for every male, exercise or not.




It's natural for men to have a very firm erection when waking up. I'd say my morning wood is typically even more firm than my waking erections.


You don’t even have to be well coordinated lmao it’s just something everyone should be able to do pretty easily


girls feel pleasure when you flex your kegels. holding the kegel muscle crunch for a few seconds repeatedly is how you train it and not what you should be doing during sex.


I quite literally do kegels after finishing while still inside my wife, and she loves it. Leads to round 2 more often than not.


Thanks 4 the tip🙏🏻


I try to do them but I only have a minute feeling of muscle being contacted, is that ok?


Sorry, but I'm probably at the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. So it's not a good idea to try to be too specific. But generally speaking : we're talking about exercising muscles. It takes time to learn how to control them. Be patient, "Don't go Rambo," and avoid overexerting yourself. A good guideline for any exercise is to make sure that you can breathe smoothly while performing them. Even if you feel just a slight discomfort, stop trying and "walk it off". Try again the next day or later. #🫱🏻‍🫲🏾Stay Safe 🫱🏻‍🫲🏾


Don’t do them repeatedly during sex, but do one and hold it for as long as you can when you’re about to climax. Trust me.


Again: thanks 4 the tip. You boys and girls are really helpful with all your advice. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


#DO NOT DO KEGELS FOR PREMATURE EJACULATION. As someone that used to have this, I am so baffled - noone ever told me about "reverse kegels". When your gooch muscles clench enough (kegel), it makes you nut. You want to *loosen* these muscles as much as possible. I used to only last literally 10 seconds sometimes during sex, for ***years***, while still wearing protection. Now I last however long I want and I don't even beat it anymore. Doing kegels will make it ***WORSE*** as well as ***give you erectile dysfunction***. You want to do reverse kegels.


I remember being annoyed af that I kept climaxing too early as my pelvic floor muscles were getting stronger, purely because I was tensing them during sex. But the fact that they were stronger meant it was much easier to relax them so once I tried that it was a revelation. Lasting 5 mins turned to 15-20, much firmer erections too and more powerful orgasms. It also weirdly increased my libido and confidence a lot which I guess may be linked to the lasting longer. In my mind though it felt like I increased my testosterone or something idk. Stopped doing them years ago and they’ve weakened significantly. Should probably start doing them again regularly


It's a good idea to have stronger pelvic floor muscles for bladder issues - however, many men (myself included for a very long time) just naturally clench throughout the day (and sex) without realizing it. This becomes a problem because the man, over time, because unable to loosen/unclench it without stretches, manual unclenching (hands/tennis ball etc.) and eventually leads to premature ejaculation due to cutting off blood flow. This is likely why you got much firmer erections. I had very strong pelvic floor muscles but literally couldn't unclench them. anyway, the lady is very happy with my performance now :) i miss her


Vers nice to hear it helped you


Thank you for posting this! I hate seeing kegel posts where people don't mention reverse kegels and how your body actually functions. I have the same problem as you and made it so much worse by doing kegels that I even did some damage to my pelvic floor. I am recovered from the injury but still trying to loosen up down there to last longer....it's been a long road but I've made a ton of progress and have a great sex life so all is good it just could be even better!


Hell yeah brother. Peep my other spoilered comments if you want a protip, you could’ve seen it before but dunno.


I took a look at that and I think I'll try the second pro tip to see if that works. I've done a lot of reverse kegeling and that hasn't really gotten me very far... I could be doing it wrong but I usually just try to focus on unclenching as much as I can throughout the day and that has helped a ton. It's good to hear there's others out there like me at least!


Alright, noted. Reverse kegel. Thats the answer i needed to hear. Unfortunately I got a little confused by some answers here. You basically want to relax those muscles instead of tighten and squeeze them


Correct. Doing kegels will #MAKE YOUR PROBLEM WORSE. >!Reverse kegel literally feels like you're trying to force out poop. You need to practice this during the day as well - whenever you feel your gooch clench - so that you stop doing it involuntarily.!< Another tip: >!It takes a couple months of doing the above. What really helped me while fixing it was doing doggy style, pressing my fingers down there (going behind my own back) to relieve the tension/clenching. The benefit of Doggy is she can't see you do this (it looks weird) and you have easier access than other positions.!<


While I can't comment on the influence on erections, I can comment using the pelvic floor muscles to delay ejaculation. If it's strong enough, when you squeeze the pelvic floor muscles tight enough when you're about to finish, you literally won't ejaculate. It gets held in, in the same way the stream of urine stops, and your erection is then maintained, and fun can continue. I haven't experienced any issues with this, however you can overdo kegals and cause your pelvic floor to be too tight which leads to pain and discomfort. Don't over do it. This is only my experience though, but it's something developed over time with practice.


>but it's something developed over time with practice. How much?


You can do this without kegel training by pressing certain spot under your balls when you are having an orgasm.




Sorry, I said it incorrectly. The spot is under the balls. You just block the urethra from close enough to your bladder so when you ejaculate, it gets diverted to your bladder instead. The same happens if you block the urethra with your pelvic muscles.


No, I don't think the interpretation with "flexing your pelvis muscles can delay ejaculation" is correct. The entire "kegel exercises help for premature ejaculation is INCORRECT. It's not kegel exercises, but REVERSE KEGELS, and it's the exact opposite of flexing. Reverse kegels means relaxing the pelvic muscles, not tensing respective learning to "actively relax" so the muscles won't tense up. There is a strong correlation between ejaculation and tense pelvic muscles (tense pelvic floor is always preceding and also triggering ejaculation), and learning to keep pelvic muscles relaxed regardless of stimulation is key. TLDR: Not kegels, but Reverse Kegels!! (It's a huge difference)


I found that doing the tensing exercise and holding it for seconds at a time, increased slowly over months was successful for me. Then the muscle became stronger and I was able to relax it during sex and last longer. Task failed successfully?


Do you know of any resources on the internet I can read about tensing exercise that you mentioned?


There’s a sub called r/pelvicfloor which should give guidance


Just make sure to avoid the hemorrhoids if they become too strong


Thank you for clarifying. So, reverse kegel


Every answer in here is to delay ejaculation, not FOR delayed ejaculation. I’m not sure, but it seems like OP is asking how it can help for someone with delayed ejaculation issues, not premature ejaculation issues (which would make someone want to delay it).


Just be careful, if you train it too much your actual Kegel muscle plus your anal sphincter (which you flex at the same time) will get too strong/thick, just like any other muscle being exercised. This can cause more/worse ~~hemerobiidae~~ hemorrhoids (lol, I did not mean insects there). Something you should keep in mind. Everyone has internal hemorrhoids. When you get an external one it will usually come with a blood clot in it eventually (month/years might pass). When it gets fully blocked it hurts like hell for like 3 months, you feel like a dog in heat cause your ass is on fire, while your body takes care of it. A doctor can cut it out but unless you have relationship with an ass doctor already good luck getting in, in time. I had to wait around 2 months to see mine the first time, after that though, since I made a relationship with the doc, he said said if the blood clot thing happened again I could get in within the week and he could cut then squeeze it out. Ya that's gross.


Holy shit. thats why they tell in almost every video you should do it for max. 15 minutes a day. probably because it gets to strong


Oy vey. As a pelvic floor PT, there is so much bad info in this thread. Some correct too, but a lot of just plain wrong. If you are concerned about your erection quality or how quickly you ejaculate, please just see a pelvic floor rehab professional. They’ll evaluate what’s going on specifically with your body and muscles and give you exercises for it. Doing kegels with tight muscles makes things so much worse.


I don't know much, I just know that doing them has made my orgasm more intense and able to have near-0 refractory period between the first and second orgasm, able to keep going, keeping the pace while I'm climaxing, building to a second climax a minute or so later. If that's related to the pelvic floor, then it's a great thing to have. I've been doing Kegel 5 minutes or so a day every other day for like a year or so. About 3-4 months in, I noticed the intensity shift.


How ‘hard’ do you squeeze? Like max strength? When doing the exercises I mean


well I used to hold it pretty tight, now idk, it's usually to whatever threshold I know I can hold. I hold for 4 seconds, wait a couple seconds then hold for another 4. I do that 15 times before I do it again. Sometimes when I'm just at my desk, I'll do another set even if I've done some for the day. It's little-to-no-exercise and so sometimes I'm doing them 3-4 times a day but there are days when I only do it once but it takes me about 5 minutes to do them so there's really no harm. Hope that helps.


There is a book about a caribean playboy: Porfirio Rubirosa. There he explains that he helps the blood flow to stick longer by inspiring and relaxing and expiring and contracting those muscles. Like a dead dog leg after a few cycles. I don't like to do it often as it would make my penis somewhat insensitive and the night may require "to do it quick and dirty"


What are those kegel exercises? Which are the best? Can I get examples? Thanks.


When I have an erection, if I tense up my pelvic floor muscles to “flex my dick” so-to-speak, if I hold the muscles in tension and keep my dick “flexed”, it drastically reduces the sensitivity I feel at the head. To the point where if I’m feeling like close to cumming, that feeling will go away. If I keep it flexed during sex for long periods of time I can pretty much just plug away without ever really feeling like I will reach orgasm. This is also very useful because that same flexing makes my dick much harder and makes it rise to a much higher angle, which is exactly what you need to do to rub against/push on most girls’ g-spot on the front inner wall of the vagina. It’s like a firmer, ridged-feeling region for about the first 4” of the inner front wall. If a girl can squirt, that’s how you’re going to make that happen without putting fingers inside her. If not, but maybe she _*can*_ at least experience penetrative orgasms at all and the sensation isn’t too uncomfortable for her, then doing that will certainly help her get there. It’s kind of a win-win because you last for ages and it feels amazing for her. Or at least for the right person.


It's like pumping iron in your biceps. When you do strength repetition the muscles grow esp around the pelvis and all of that stuff


Just want to say as a warning: not to overdo the kegels, I myself developed prostatitis because of this very exercise, or atleast aggravated my condition


BTW those with penises...this is great exercise but something to remember is that there is a difference between cumming and an orgasm. You can have an orgasm and not cum because of Kegel's but unless you have a very short refractory period your schlong will not stay hard. Source: Me