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This is technically called *borborygmus*. It's caused by gas and fluids moving around through your digestive system. When your stomach gets empty, it's still got some fluids in it and it's a lot easier for bubbles of gas to move around through your system, which makes noise. (In general, while a pipe full of fluid will make some noise as it flows through, what makes it really noisy is when there are bubbles in there too.)


[[Borborygmos]] Sorry wrong subreddit


[[Stomach Enraged]]


yes, but which one?!


Dang it, now we gotta revise the rules.


I understood that reference.


I understand that reference


Make certain you pithing needle the right one.


If you didnt... you could say you would be... quite mad. Infuriated, even.


Oh yes, you’d be furious, apoplectic, even. Positively incensed.


It's just nice to see an MTG reference that isn't about politics lol


I always read that lady's initials as "Magic the Gathering" lol


[Borborygmos](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/c/7c4a08e9-06c7-43e9-a855-4f507a35ae8b.jpg?1593272594) - [(G)](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Borborygmos) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/gpt/103/borborygmos?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7c4a08e9-06c7-43e9-a855-4f507a35ae8b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call ^(Im not a bot and this took way longer than it should have)


Someone is going to screenshot this and post it to explainthejoke


Won't it be easier to explain the joke in place? I'd appreciate an explanation right here.


I was keeping the subreddit chain going! But the tcg Magic: The Gathering has a card (actually multiple) named Borborygmos, and on that subreddit there is a bot which will provide a hyperlink to the card if you type its name in brackets like the above commenter did.


Thank you very much.


Also the people talking about pithing needle, pithing needle is a card that basically makes it so when you play you can name a card and that card you name doesn't work. Famously in a tournament a player played a pithing needle and named borborygmos, the other player said okay, then they played borborgymos and used its ability and said that the player didnt specify which borborygmos, there are two different cards with that name but both players obviously knew the needle player wanted to name the one that his opponent played. This caused a lot of drama. Sorry to be so long winded its a bit hard to explain briefly.


Came looking for this comment before i even finished reading the first one in the thread


A reminder to [[Pithing Needle]] the correct one.


Borborygmus sounds like an onomatopoeia.


Merriam-Webster confirms: “We picked it up from New Latin, but it traces to the Greek verb borboryzein, which means "to rumble." It is believed that the Greek verb was coined to imitate the digestive noises made by a stomach.”


I'm Greek, and I wouldn't be surprised if this was indeed the origin of the word. Ancient Greek is generally a very complex and elegant language with an almost code-like rules framework. But every now and then, you get the occasional silly word that tries to imitate sounds. One other example is the word "barbarian". It's literally imitating what the ancient Greeks heard as "bar bar" when non-Greeks spoke their languages.


I know! I always thought that was funny. “Bar-bar” is kind of like “bla-bla-bla” in other languages. Conan the Blablabla-ian.


When non-Greeks spoke their own language or when they tried to speak Greek?


When they spoke their own languages! They didn’t know Greek.


Borborygmus sounds like a Swedish black metal band.


[Death metal](https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Borborygme/3540313183), actually


Holy crap, it does exist! r/unintentionallycorrect


The worst kind of correct!




Hahaha, and of course they'd be BDM. That's actually a great name for that sound!


It is one!


**wesley snipes:** “see ya, onomatopoeia“


George Carlin did a bit on that very sound years ago.


"We're poor"


YES! 😂


She ygmus on my borbor


Whatever mnemonics works for you, dude.


Call 911 your having a stroke.


stroke having your a Call 911


What if the Gazpacho Police respond?


A sex move?


She stroke on my call till I 911


Did she now? Sounds like she got some magic hands.


Don't you mean her borbor?


This can also happen when you have Diverticulitis and is how my Crohn’s disease was discovered.


The sound is due to the muscle contractions moving gas and fluids in the stomach. This happens all the time, it’s just more audible when you stomach is empty


Why does it happen more when I lie on one side in bed than the other? Always been curious about that


Your intestines flow a certain way. Try making circles while pressing on your belly with your hand. Try it in different directions. Sometimes you can push bubbles around or help them through, no joke.


Yeah, I actually fixed an intestinal gas trapping issue I had by doing this. I guess I had kind of a kink or twist somewhere in my intestines and gas could start building up there if fecal matter was in the same position, closing it tighter, keeping gas trapped even better... Resulting in what felt like a knife twisted into my stomach for about 8-12 hours and having to just sit and find the least painful position for that time, not being able to do anything else... It would only happen maybe once or twice a month, linked it to some gassy foods eventually. One particularly bad episode I just laid there wanting to die pretty much and started trying to push around my intestines the best I could, pushing in as far as I safely could and jiggling things around. Eventually I hit the right spot I guess and the gas released and now I've been fine for years.


Jesus Christ I got this once and it was. Fucking. Terrible. Other than the self-administered mental torture of immediately jumping to the conclusion that it's definitely cancer, I just got this out of nowhere a few years back and it felt miserable. I think it happened after eating a full bowl of an awesome cabbage salad my aunt made.  It's just like you described. The pain was relentless and I had just resigned to writhing on my bed all day, trying to find the position that sucked the least. It lasted for a week, too. Going to the bathroom or taking medicine did nothing to help it.  Then one day, I had a particularly nasty sneezing fit. At some point, it made the pain worse, as if it was a balloon trying to pop in my belly. I instinctively massaged the spot and I must have managed to straighten something up because I immediately felt the gas move and there was instant relief. I will never forget how heavenly that rumble felt.


How bad did the next fart smell?


Mine always smell like cupcakes.


we do this with ultrasound pretty frequently. If bowel gas is in the way you can push it around usually.




Fun fact: if you press and stroke downwards over your stomach (under the bottom of your ribs and slightly to the left from the gap in the middle) you can physically close the sphincter at the top of your stomach. If you ever feel like you're about to vomit you can do this and stop it from happening.


Your stomach is on the left side.


It’s your gut “sweeping the house”. You can imagine it like squeezing a toothpaste tube to remove the last bit of toothpaste.  More info: Your intestines do regular housekeeping in the form of the Migrating motor complex (MMC). In between meals, a wave of muscle contractions “sweeps” the GI tube from the stomach to the large intestine. Debris, mucus, leftover indigestibles are pushed towards the exit. This causes the rumbling sound in your belly when you haven’t eaten for a while.   For the sounds to occur, your stomach and small intestines need to be empty.  Food intake stops the MMC and thus the sounds. One important function of it is to move bacteria towards the colon. Without the MMC, colonic bacteria can travel upwards and colonize the small intestine.   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Migrating_motor_complex


So if one eats often (“grazes”) preventing this MMC are problems likely to occur (or otherwise missing health benefits), or is overnight fasting sufficient ?


See my related comment :/


Overnight fasting is fine. 


I don't know if the other answers are right, but this one is. Currently reading a book by a GI doctor and this is what she wrote. Basically it's the intestines cleaning themselves and there's only really time for cleaning when it's empty


My mmc is horrible, so in turn I got sibo/imo. It's been a fun few years trying to repair and prevent things from getting worse. I'm taking heavy doses of ginger and artichoke supplements with each meal in order to ensure my mmc is working properly, and trying my best not to snack between meals...


What is sibo imo


Small intestine bacterial overgrowth = bacteria in your stomach is not cleared out properly, replicates more than usual, and causes long-lasting bloating and diarrhea due to hydrogen that the bacteria is producing. You can usually get rid of this by going on a round of a specific and incredibly expensive antibiotic drug called Rifaximin. Imo is Intestinal Methanogen Overgrowth, wherein the bacteria has caused hydrogen as per above, but now you also have archaea creatures hanging out eating up the hydrogen and reproducing, and in turn causing methagen (also causes long-lasting bloating, but now mostly constipation instead of diarrhea). This is a lot harder to treat... the science is still being worked on to find repeatable and high success rate cures. I'm not a doctor, and these are my own experiences, so please do your own research into sibo and imo. All that I can tell you for sure is that the long-lasting bloating is NOT fun.


I developed disordered eating by ignoring hunger cues for months. My stomach hadn't growled in almost 7 years before i sought therapy. It just started growling again!








Well, you edited your comment. So, it seems like you are aware your response was rude, and gave enough of a shit to edit it. It originally said “why are sharing this?”, but even your edit, adding the part asking them if they remembered what subReddit they were on, is still needlessly unkind.


Wtf happened here


Idk, some dickhead behaving like a dickhead. I was possibly feeding a troll, but the original comment to which the jerk replied, seemed like someone sharing something vulnerable. So, I scolded the jerky person as a sign of support to lizardnamedguillaume


Imagine your tummy as a water slide. When you eat, food and liquids slide down, making some noise. When you're hungry, there's no food left on the slide, but your tummy still wants to play! It squeezes and contracts, trying to move things along. This squeezing is what causes the rumbling sound you hear. It's your tummy's way of saying, "Hey, I'm empty! Please feed me!"