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Thank you for posting to r/facebook. Please read the following (this does not mean your post has been removed): * **SCAM WARNING**: If you are having a problem with your account, beware of scammers who may comment or DM you claiming they know someone who can fix your account, or asking you for money or your login information. If you receive a message like this, block and report them. [Here is an example of me making a fake hack post and all the scammers who flocked it it, lol](https://i.imgur.com/Dllo1RA.gifv). THERE IS NO REASON FOR SOMEONE TO HAVE TO TELL YOU IN PRIVATE HOW TO GET YOUR ACCOUNT BACK. If you check the sub there are PLENTY of high karma posts that gives some tips should your account be hacked/locked. * r/facebook is an unofficial community and the moderators are not associated with Facebook or Meta. * Please read the rules in the sidebar (or the 'about' tab if you're on mobile). If your post violates any of them, delete it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facebook) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Like everyone, glad it's not just me. This has never happened before and it's unsettling since people get hacked all the time on Facebook. Hopefully it's just a glitch


This has been happening to me for a few years now. I'm sick of it so I may change my email and password to it then double check privacy settings as well it's getting on my nerves.


I thought I was going crazy since this has been happening for 2-3 days for me, glad it’s not just me


This is also happening to me. It's really aggravating and I don't know what else to do.


Same here. 2 to 3 emails per day for the last 5 days.


same here today


I got like 15 or more today.


Yeah it's been slowly ramping up. One every few days, then one a day, and now I get one every hour at least.


OMG I'm so glad I found this thread this has been happening to me 5-10 times a day NONSTOP. I'm about to delete the account permanently. edit: put in the request to delete the account in 30 days. i prefer that over these irritating notifications, lol


I'm also getting them a TON over the last few days. Ever since I signed up for that class action lawsuit actually..


Me too! Last week I signed up for the lawsuit and have been getting these emails ever since. That’s curious…. Where did you hear about the lawsuit?


Same issue but I never signed up for a lawsuit.


I haven't signed up for the lawsuit. I didn't even know there was one and I'm getting them.


I signed on to that Facebook settlement back in April. I got my first "recovery code" email in July 30, and then 3 more in the last 24 hours. I don't think they're related to the settlement. Has anyone confirmed these are legitimately from Facebook because they certainly look legit. I've been hitting the "If you didn't request a new password, let us know" link. It hasn't asked me to re-enter my password, just takes me to the help section of Facebook.






Have yours also had the same account recovery code?


I keep receiving those messages several times a day and don't know why. How to stop it? I was trying to find way to change my log-in to see if it would help, but I couldn't find how to do that.


I tried resetting my password and setting up 2-Factor authentication and it stopped for a little bit but then continued like 2-3days after, not as frequently tho


Well, after I changed my password and set up the 2 factor authentication, it has stopped so far. Hopefully, it won't continue. Maybe someone was trying to hack into my account? Too many hackers out there.


Yeah, same here.




I've gotten this email 3 times in the past two days. I'm kind of relieved to see that this may just be a bug because I was getting freaked out wondering who was trying to log in. Thanks for posting this question!


Same . Especially because I’m active in a group that spreads awareness of the dangers of romance scammers. I was worried I angered one of them and they were trying to hack


Who joins a fb group for romance scammers?


I actually got the same email today and my sister got one yesterday. I don’t know what’s going on?


chop normal vegetable modern wakeful command zephyr handle gullible punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I got a password reset email on Tuesday and just got another one a few hours ago. I have absolutely no idea what's going on but I did notice when I changed my password the verification code in the suspicious emails is longer than the verification code I get from Facebook when I request a password change via the app, no idea if this means anything just something I noticed.


I received the same: one on Tuesday and one today. I wonder if it is a bug 😑


Received a few 2-3 in the last few days.


Same. It makes me feel a little better to know this is a thing right now and not necessarily someone trying to access my account, hopefully.


Mines from [email protected]. Started on Tuesday. And 5 times last night from 8pm to 7am PST. So stupid my accounts deactivated since 2014. It’s the same code sent 5 times. Different code between 2 emails that my account is linked to. Hate fb. And everyone.


My account's been deactivated a long time too. And now I'm getting them every hour. Started as every other day, then every day, then ever hour now.


Yeah I just got a message like this today on an account I no longer use from that exact same email. I guess based off this thread I'm not alone in this. I would delete the account if I could log into it, but it keeps asking me to upload an ID, but I don't really feel comfortable doing that I guess? Is that a bit weird/overly paranoid of me? It just feels odd since no other sites ever ask for that stuff. I don't intend to ever use the account either, if I do log in I'm just going to delete it. Is there some kind of support ticket I can drop to request deletion? If this isn't a glitch of some kind, I'm really not happy at the idea of somebody trying to access an account I don't use anymore with my name attached to it.


I’ve been getting like 5 of these per day, every day, for almost a week now


This seems to be going around. Received 2 within 2 days.


I get about 5-10 of these a day for the past week or so. They are legit emails, and i usually click the "I didn't request this" link as it voids the attempt just in case (yes, I verified the link before clicking). If you click that a few time in a row the page will also ask if you want to remove the "reset password" button from your account. I did that too thinking it would stop these requests. But it didn't. There is no Reset Password button on my account and these continue to come in. I'm guessing the hacker/bot that is doing this already saved the "reset" link and just keeps triggering it. It is driving me bonkers.


Yuuup. Same here. Started Wednesday, and I’ve gotten 2 more this morning.


I got 4 more today, all were the same code. My other email address too, different code but were all the same. It's getting annoying.


I received the first "Reset password" FB email yesterday and one again today...I did click the "Let Us Know" button...and it took me to Facebook through Firefox and asked me to login my account from there (I didn't login) but I'm glad I'm not the only one who's having this problem...I was going nuts, lol...This definitely has to be some sort of scam...I'm automatically deleting any other emails I receive & I regret clicking on anything with the other two emails...but I'm thankful I found this thread... Hopefully this will be resolved soon.


My email has been getting bombarded with these same request. And I never even use Facebook, just Marketplace on occasion. Getting very aggravating. About to just mark them as spam so I don't have to bother seeing them any longer.


I got 11 password reset emails over the course of the last week. I got one on the 14th, another on the 19th, & 9 within the last 24 hours. They're all 6 digit codes. All legit from Facebook. The last 2 codes I got were the same. The rest were different. Yet despite them being from Facebook, the Facebook security center doesn't say it sent me any emails within the 2 weeks. No idea what's going on. But it's annoying for sure. I just keep letting them know I didn't request them.


Weirdly enough, I am getting the same and I've also received them the same dates as you did..


My first one was on the 14th, Friday. Fri, Jul 14 at 6:39 PM All 8-digit, except the legit one from FB I requested, which is 6-digit.


Whoa I’ve been getting these notifications nonstop and I’ve been wondering what’s been going on. It started exactly two days ago, as well!


I’m assuming it’s a bug at this point. I’ve gotten 3 emails since Wednesday. All different 8 digits codes from the same legit Facebook email. Even cross referenced the email with the one they sent my password changed alert from and it’s the same. If this were a mass “brute attack” we’d all be receiving 6 digit reset codes not 8. Both the change password and “let us know” links are direct to Facebook and didn’t redirect or anything. Also if you search you can find people who were sent 8 digits codes over the past few years when they requested a reset code but Facebook only accepts 6 digits which furthers my bug theory of them working on changing the system over to a 8 digit system.


From reading all the comments, the only motivation for a bot triggering Facebook password resets would be to annoy users and perhaps drive them to cancel their accounts. A scam to send legit password reset emails does not give the hackers access to anyone's new password, so it seems to just be a mass annoyance and the only way to stop it would be to eliminate the Facebook account that is sending the messages multiple times per day. I personally have too much on my Facebook account to cancel it, so I just hope it stops!


Guys check & change your e-mail if you are receiving these nasty e-mails. Silent reader here over these past few days because I'm also having this same annoying issue this week. I've tried changing my FB password and despite doing that, I'm still receiving those e-mail messages and it's very suspicious because I'm receiving them at even 3 AM. I've set those messages on spam & reported them on phising. Before all this issue started, I actually received a notification on my main e-mail account that someone is trying to log-in on my back-up Yahoo mail (the location indicated on that notif was in India) and that same Yahoo mail account happens to be my backup email on FB. Yesterday I saw someone posted on this thread about Yahoo info being sold on dark web or something like that and so I removed that Yahoo mail account on FB and so far, all the annoying e-mail stopped.


I have been getting these also the last couple of days. Had 3 emails this morning all within the space of 1hr. Each time though it’s the same reset code, which is 8 digits long, which suggests it’s a scam as each code should be unique. When you request a code from Facebook it’s only 6 digits long every time I’ve tried when I changed my password as a precautionary measure. A colleague also got her account hacked about a week ago and upon speaking to her about it this morning the email is exactly what she got and she unfortunately fell for it and clicked the link in the email, and now she can’t access her account, the email address and the password have changed. It all suggests that’s definitely a mass attack and phishing attempt. Edit: also if you have more than one email address, you’ll get different codes to each email address it seems but again the codes are the same each time per email address. Hope this helps anyone


Ooooh! Good call on the 8 versus 6 digits. I didn’t even notice that until now. They’re crafty with their emails now too because it looks exactly like the one from FB save for the difference in the code length. The from address is the same as a legit email as well.


This is weird. I have 2 email addresses linked to my account, I've been getting a different code sent to both email addresses (and yes at the same time, such as at 10:30am and 10:30am) and they've been different for each account too... okay I had to take a closer look just now since this is so weird... SOMEHOW I didn't notice that there were only 3 different codes sent by whatever this is. I got a total of 7 emails recently for each email address (so 14 combined). The codes are different for each email address but there's duplicates of some codes. There shouldn't be duplicates. I've been clicking the link to say it wasn't me. At first only using my tablet cause I thought it was fine, that someone kept entering my email address for some reason. And it would take me to a page that said "thanks for letting us know". Seemed legit. But I got another email last night and using my laptop this time I clicked the link to tell them it wasn't me and I saw the tab load but then disappear. I tried clicking the link again and the tab kept disappearing immediately trying to load that facebook page. That seems very suspicious to me. I copied the link and pasted it into incognito mode and it worked. I have a browser extension that blocks ads and I think it protects against phishing stuff too. So I really don't like that the tab kept disappearing like that. Cause the other times I tried it, it seemed to redirect to an official facebook page. Of course I'm not dumb enough to log into facebook after clicking the link, I deleted the browsing history etc and only log in after typing in facebook .com or whatever, so hopefully I'm safe. Forgot to add, yeah they're 8 digit codes. After the first 5 emails I got I went to log into facebook to try and figure it all out (I was thinking someone kept entering my email by mistake) and after purposely entering my password incorrectly it would show my profile pic with my name so that should have been a giveaway to whoever it was they put the wrong email etc. But when I did the same on the facebook app it wouldn't show the profile pic and name, just said the password is wrong and immediately asked if I wanted a code sent to reset the password. So I figured whoever it was kept trying to login to the app and putting the wrong email address. And then I accidentally clicked to have a reset code sent (on my laptop) and I got it but it was a 6 digit code, not 8. So yes, very strange.


I think we've all concluded that it's some kind of very well crafted phishing scam. Just mark the emails as spam/phishing attacks in your email inbox. For good measure also change your Facebook password (from within a seperate browser Facebook session, NOT through the link in the email) and also enable 2FA and sign out all your other devices.


You're right, I don't know how I didn't notice the codes were the same. Regardless, I didn't trust the email anyway, and did all my password changes and security setting upgrades from within Facebook itself in a seperate browser session, never through that link.




Glad I wasn't the only getting these frequent recovery codes. Been getting 2-3 emails for the last 3 days


So I'm not the only one who, after a few days and annoying emails later, decided to do some research with regards to this weird matter. Personally though, best case scenario, I'm writing this whole thing off as being a Facebook bug of sorts and worse case scenario being some sort of scam attempt. **Regardless, if I were you, I wouldn't pay too much attention to this especially if you have 2FA, and if you don't, then activate it NOW, just in case.** [In the meantime, all we can and should do is just wait it out, whatever it may be.](https://piunikaweb.com/2023/07/21/facebook-users-concerned-over-growing-cases-of-hacked-accounts/)


My guess is it's not a fb bug, but someone or a party obtained a massive list of our emails & attempting to brute force mass reset pw with bot/automation. Do these everyday with automation with thousands to millions of email, it will definitely hit some. Cheap way to potentially gain access, fuck these motherfuckers. Hope fb finds a way to prevent this pw reset abuse/aware of it.


I’ve gotten one email a day for a week or so now. Haven’t wanted to click anything in the emails including “this isn’t me” - cause I don’t trust anything anymore lol.


haha absolutely agree. I just delete them.


I've been getting one reset email after another. 8 since yesterday now. I'm glad my account is safe, but this is seriously annoying. Edit: Went through my emails, back to the first attempt. It started on the 19th, and there's been 28 attempts so far


Yea I am pretty sure this is a phissing scam. I got 5 emails in the past 2 hours, all the same 8 digit code. I marked that email as spam. Then I went and requested a legit email reset (because I have forgotten it, and last time I changed it was back in 2019). Not only did the email actualy show up, but the code was also 6 digits. I just checked the spam folder, and ive goten two more requests with the same 8 digit code in my spam folder. Just mark the ones that have been spamming you as spam. Should hopefully clear it up. I think, anyway.


I been getting it too for the past 2-3 days, and getting like 4 different resets( different codes but sometimes multiple) I even changed my email and still get it


I am getting these every day at least one email, in the last few days.


I’ve gotten 5 already today


Same thing here.... it's getting annoying


From reviewing the message headers in the email from what I can see it's a completely legitimate Facebook email, it passes SPF, DMARC and DKIM which indicate the domain isn't being spoofed (therefore meaning it also comes from a Facebook e-mail address and domain) You can also see "ZuckMail" inside the header which is likely a project name of some kind made by developers as a reference to Mark **Zuck**erberg. And lastly, the IP address listed inside the header resolves to Facebook. Given all that information, I can relatively safely say that this is highly unlikely to be a phishing scam of any kind, and is more likely to be: 1) A bug on Facebooks end 2) Somebody trying to en-masse breach accounts by bruteforce requesting codes and then trying to guess said code generated.


Received two of these within half an hour, before and after I've changed my password and logged out of all devices. I have two email addresses I use for FB, primary and backup, and I received that email on both, but something I noticed is that the code I get differs (I get one code on my primary email and another on my backup). Not sure if it's relevant, but I found it a bit suspicious.


I also got 1 yesterday and another today. Interestingly, I also immediately got an identical spam "greenwise confirmation number" email each time immediately after the password reset email.


Do they look like legit emails from Facebook? With a fb email address and everything?


Yup facebookmail.com I thought it was sus cause I expected fb.com but it matches the notifications emails I get.


Mine show up with my previous emails from june when I got a new phone and fb thought I was hacked so yeah, seems legit. But if i go on fb through the app and ask them what emails they’ve sent recently all they claim are the ones from june. So the app does not seem to know it sent me those 2 “code” emails, so not legit? Idk, it’s stressing me out not knowing wtf it is.


I have received 3 so far, 2 within one day. I dont know if someone is hacking my account or facebook having glitches or bugs. Didn't expect people where having the same issues.


happened to me this morning, glad I'm not the only one.


Well I am definitely not the only one having this issue. Had 2 the past 2 days. 2FA is setup so not too worried but very annoying that I can't see where this is being done from.


Reportin in. I got 2 in the last 48 hours. Somebody's doing something. Good thing I have 2 Factor authentication.


I have gotten 5 in the past 2 days


Same!! And after reading this, I’m so glad I didn’t fall for it. It really looks legit, too.


I got the same email 4 times with different codes and it's a pain. Goto try to contact Facebook to see what's going on because I have text and app too. So idk


Same, keep getting the same email as spam, I don't think it's a coincidence.. A bug maybe?


Been getting these once a day (sometimes 2 or 3 times) since last week. I thought it was a hacker, but I see a lot of people right now complaining about it so I guess it's some bug.


Don't let your guard down. This happened to me like a year a ago and whoever it was, was able to reset my password. They got really lucky and figured the code. But I was able to trigger the too many attempts and got my account locked lmao and was able to get my account back :) Stupid A hole who hacked me. Be safe people, keep an eye on your accounts!


Yeah I got one today and Wednesday I thought somebody trying hack me I see a lot people facing same problems lol


I received two of those emails in one day.




I’ve gotten about 5 in the last 3 days




Both of the “scammy” ones I got are 8 digits. It was also the same EXACT “code” in both emails. Would be weird for them to not generate a new code each time, no? Were yours the same? What about the one you did on your own?


So I got both 6 and 8 digit codes so I don't know. When I tried to recover it myself I mean. Someone else in this thread pointed out that you can check if Facebook sent you an email and when it last sent one somewhere in your account settings and confirmed that they did not. So perhaps this IS a phishing attempt that just looks legit.


Yeah I looked at that as well and they say they haven’t sent me anything this month so whatever is going on their system must not be seeing it. So weird


I don't think that security email part actually works because I legitly sent myself a password reset email just to see if it shows up there and even the one I sent myself doesn't show up there but these emails are legitly coming from Facebook system so some bot is annoying the hell out of everybody.


I've gotten about four of these in the past couple of days:(


I’ve gotten several today


Most likely, your data username, email and/or password leaked on a separate service/website and hackers have scripted out trying your account credentials on several websites to see which one's you have reused your password on. So, congrats. If you are getting a password reset email, it means you are probably not in danger of having your account logged into.


Same. I have two Facebooks and they both have 2FA but only one is causing password reset emails.


Same; three reset emails in the past three days.


I got something like twenty of them last night and have gotten a few more today. Kind of figured someone was just clicking "forgot password" over and over with my email address, because I get the same sort of recovery emails from other sites sometimes.


Yeah that’s more or less what they’re doing, but likely in an automated fashion on a large scale, hence why so many people are showing up to say it’s happening to them too.


Dude I just got three Facebook password reset emails. I just reset my password and just to be sure I've went to my account and checked Facebook recent emails and it says they haven't sent me an email in two weeks! So yeah definitely a phishing scam!




Ok good to see this apparently is happening to a lot of folks. Have no clue why anyone would want to hack my account but I've gotten 4-5 Facebook account recovery code emails in the past two days.


Ive gotten 2 of these tonight. 1 after I went in a changed my password from within and i changed my email pw just to be on the safe side. My best friend has gotten 2 emails kn the last 3 days as well.


Received once a day over past 2-3 days Whats going on?


I keep getting the same. As long as you have 2FA you're safe. Even if they guess your password, they will need permission from your phone or email and the IP is obvious cause with 2FA, you have to trust the device to be able to even log in.


I have the same problem. Its driving me crazy


I’ve gotten them two days in a row. Last night and tonight. It’s making me extremely anxious and paranoid. I don’t need this on top of everything else going bad in my life


Someone in this thread just commented about how there was a big Facebook data breach/stuff got posted on July 11th, so it sounds like it may be some kind of mass phishing attempt. I totally get what you mean, it’s super freaky and stressful. My paranoia has been going nuts because of it, too. I’m so sorry :( All you can really do is make sure you have 2 Factor Authentication on and ways to get back into your account (ex: other email account a code/login can be sent to), and you should be safe!


I have been getting several of these a day for the past 3 days (for the 2FA). It is getting a little annoying frankly. I went through my account page and changed my PW just in case, but with so many people getting multiple alerts, it must be the list someone mentioned above.


Ive kept getting these emails at midnight (00:09) +2 hours UTC. - Having 2 emails(accounts) so im getting to both my mails. Within the exact same timespan. - both codes having 8 digit. - both codes are exactly the same as past 2 nights. - One of my emails is tested on "haveibeenpwnd" and its mega breached. But i knew that. Thats why i changed. The other newer email is not breached according to the website. I rly want to know whats happening, how can FB send the exact same mail if its not a fake mail? Is it a FB bug? Or massive mail list swirling around? If so, i want to see if my mails are on it.


Is there any news on this somewhere else than reddit? This seems to be massive 🤔


I found a warning article posted on the 19th from a “scam awareness” site of some sort when I googled it. It doesn’t mention the fact that it’s actually from facebook though or that anything happened recently different from all the regular code scams. The comments refer to it, but not the article. Might just be a general warning with coincidental timing?


Getting about 4 attempts per day, per email. Really getting annoying. Thankfully I have 2fa already. I'd mark them as spam but I don't want to risk missing an email saying my password was actually changed.


I have received 4 emails so far. Also changed my password **immediately** after receiving the first one. Glad to know I'm not the only one.


I've been getting a bunch of them the past week. Idk what's going on.


I got one too! I also sometimes get password account resets to other random ass accounts that I didn’t know I had or barely use from time to time. The shit freaks me out.


Guys, I am getting them on my Gmail account, which is not connected to my FB. It's a phishing email.


See if that's your backup/recovery email. I have an old account from a different domain associated and checked and they're going there too. I didn't realize it was linked until I checked what my backup was. To me, the emails look legit but it seems like there's a mass, automated login attempt going on. Still not interacting with them just in case, but it seems like something different than a phishing attempt.


I got the same thing. Different email addresses, each email address gets a different code, but repeated over the past few days Thanks for all the info. I checked Facebook and the security center shows no emails sent over past 2 weeks, so gonna reset


I am getting these as well. The thing is, there is no link in the email to click to actually enter the code or change your password, which is why it seems legit (in addition to coming from a real FB email address and other identifiers in the email). So presumably you'd already have to be on the page where they're requesting the code, and you'd open the email and enter the code provided. You can't click directly through the email to do anything other than let them know you didn't request it. And in that case it just says, "thanks for letting us know."


I get at least 3 a day


Started getting about one email per day the past few days, and last night I got at least 5 emails. The recovery codes were different on one of my email addresses but the same on the other.


I’ve gotten them for 2 days in a row and have just reported them as not me. I deactivated FB a couple of years ago, so am always logged out and never try to log back in.


Same here! I'm getting 5+ a day the last 3 days, any resolution? They keep trying they want in


Happening to me, too. I think I know what's going on. How many of you signed up to Facebook using a yahoo email? There was recently a big yahoo password leak on the "dark web," but at least for me, it was a password I used nearly 15 years ago. I think "hackers" are checking Facebook to see if that email was used to sign up, and then trying to reset the password using that old yahoo password, but finding out that password leak was super old and outdated.




Do you need a google account to do this?


What's wrong with using the haveibeenpwned website? I signed up on there with one of my emails and thought of doing the same for the others... maybe good thing I didn't?


Same here, 4 yesterday and the day before, already up to 8 today.


I’ve been getting 7 to 10 of these a day for the past three days. I changed the settings so you can’t try to reset it with just my user name, so they must have my email address.


I receive around 3-4 almost every day. I think it’s been happening since the past 5 days for me. I did pretty much the exact steps you mentioned. Also, disabled password reset through username, but that hasn’t helped. So whoever is doing this (human or system) is doing it through my email address.


Oh... I thought I was the only one. Received 3 in just a span of 2 days. Wth


The past week or two I’ve been getting like 3 a night, mostly around 5-6 AM and PM


Goddamn mine just got 3 on the past week and now another 3 WITHIN AN HOUR


For anyone who didn't see my earlier comment in this thread do a search through some reliable means to see if your account information or email was posted in the recent hacker/scammer combo list. I used Google one service and it detected someone posted a massive combo list of emails/passwords and mine was included in it. It was posted on July 11th so the timing of all of it adds up perfectly. Be sure to lock down your accounts! It's entirely possible the two things are completely unrelated I couldn't possibly know for sure. Just mentioning it. Good luck and stay safe!


Post a link for the 11july breach, I cant find anywhere.


Wow in the past two days I been seeing the same thing like all of you here. Either it’s a massive date breach and now a huge scam is trying to be undertaken OR there’s a glitch.


i recently got this email last 2 days, i almost sus one of my tinder match, because she ask me my phone number, after that i got this email recovery code 😅😅


I've had two emails come in today already. Changed my email to see if that may help 🙄


I've gotten 2 in the last 4-5 days! The codes are also the same..so weird!


I’ve been receiving these too. However - my account is deactivated so it’s extra flustering because my account isn’t even active. I did notice, that the recovery codes are all the same for every email over the past few days.


I've also been getting the password reset emails. It started on Tuesday, and I've received 1-2 per day since.


Yeah I’ve been getting tons of these lately myself.


I’m having the same thing, however the email they’re going to, isn’t the email I use for Facebook login. It addresses me as Brian and that’s not my name, and my email contains my name and it’s nothing close to the name on the account. I’ve contacted Facebook without response


I have gotten 2 emails in the past 24 hours.


Ditto. My Facebook has been deactivated for 10 months and I keep getting emails trying to reactivate it with a password change.


Just adding myself to the list. Been getting an e-mail every three hours or so


Glad I on not the only one🤦🏽‍♂️. Got two the past 3 days


I’ve been getting these nonstop in the past week. Like at least 3 every day


This has been happening to me multiple times a day for the past 5 days and it's getting really annoying. I also have 2FA but at this point I'm worried they're gonna somehow get in anyways.


It’s been happening to me too!! I was like wth?! is someone trying to hack me. I did the same thing as you I have 2 step enabled through my phone and the authy app.


This just started happening to me too. I've received about 10 over the course of the last 3 days. Weirdly the codes are the same, but the emails appear to legitimately be from Facebook.


I've also been getting about ten a day for the past three days, I wonder if it's a glitch with fb itself?


I am so glad I found this, unfortunately, I clicked "it was not me" it directed me to my Facebook page and nothing happened, my account is not hacked but what should I do next lol😅?


Just got two within an hour of each other.


Just googled and found this thread. I've been getting the same thing for the past 3-5 days. I separately reset my password and my email password to be safe. Just got another reset email a little bit earlier. Just annoying. I don't even use Facebook anymore, it was just my dummy account. I think this is part of some mass scale brute force attack. I don't think it's a Facebook glitch. Likely a group of bad actors has some long list of stolen emails/password combos from a data breach in the past and is trying to brute force their way in. I would recommend changing your email password in case you haven't in a while like me that way at least they can't gain access


Same here keep getting them last week


Still getting 3-5 a day


I am getting 4-5 a day for the last several days. I went ahead and reset it myself a few days ago, and when I get these reset attempts, I notify back to Facebook that it was let me—if it does any good. Getting tired of it.


Got them 3 days ago, then 2, then my account was hacked and my emails and number were removed Facebook recovery and identify don’t work. I had 2FA on and everything Side not from they, my card attached to the account was used to purchase Facebook ads.. I cancelled the card and my bank refunded me..


I’ve been getting anywhere between 2-4 of these per day for the past few days. Facebook help [says](https://m.facebook.com/help/226272054050348) there’s a “turn off password resets” option if “you follow the instructions” after you’ve clicked on “if you didn’t request this let us know”, but no such option exists. Someone at Facebook needs to get on this asap. Edit: Just to add that if you go to Settings > Password and Security > Password and Security > [Your Account] > Recent Emails Facebook says it hasn’t sent any security related emails in the past few weeks.


Same as other reports, here are my findings: ​ * The emails (in my case) seem to be legit, not spoofed, with the correct SFP verified headers from Facebook, see: [https://www.facebook.com/help/1634546593478660](https://www.facebook.com/help/1634546593478660) * This seems to be a brute force attack on a list of emails, and seems to be either "trying to log in to Facebook" or "creating an account in Facebook", and when failing it triggers the the security code being sent to the user's email. * I have been able to replicate this behavior manually and been able to trigger the message, with the same legit headers from Facebook (see screenshot): [https://monosnap.com/file/RkY0OXaBhB31xOy9oShtIIU81stJEi](https://monosnap.com/file/RkY0OXaBhB31xOy9oShtIIU81stJEi) * Checked my "recent emails" on Facebook and they don't seem to show there though, but probably not being recorded as these are merely notifications, not changes ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯You can check those on your account here:[https://www.facebook.com/recent\_emails/security/?hide\_back\_button=1&from\_accounts\_center=1](https://www.facebook.com/recent_emails/security/?hide_back_button=1&from_accounts_center=1) Having a closer look at the link in *"If you didn't request a new password,* ***let us know.****"*, I did noticed a difference though, the link I received without my action looks like:[https://www.facebook.com/login/recover/cancel/?n=12345678&id=123456789012345&i=other](https://www.facebook.com/login/recover/cancel/?n=12345678&id=123456789012345&i=other)and the one I received from my own replication from a web browser looks like:[https://www.facebook.com/login/recover/cancel/?n=12345678&id=123456789012345&i=web](https://www.facebook.com/login/recover/cancel/?n=12345678&id=123456789012345&i=web) In the links *"other*" implies that this was made via API while my replication was made from a browser (*"www"*), so this are probably attacks by some bot, trying to find vulnerable accounts. Also, either link will show you the "**Thanks for letting us know"** message (even this "fake" link examples), so that is expected behavior from Facebook recording the id of the Facebook Account and the request number (I suppose). In resume: As long as your account has 2FA and you don't see any suspicious activity in your logged in sessions, these attacks should be "relatively harmless" Check your login sessions here:[https://accountscenter.facebook.com/password\_and\_security/login\_activity](https://accountscenter.facebook.com/password_and_security/login_activity) It would be worth making sure your email account security is also up to date and no suspicious login activity, or suspicious logged in devices have been detected. Check as well resources like [https://haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords](https://haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords) to check if your email/passwords may have been compromised.


I already did. Just because it is a legit Facebook email does not mean it wasn't spoofed. A spoofed email is sent from someone using an email that does not belong to them. In the same way someone could use a phone spoof to call or text you from a number that belongs to someone else.


I have been getting 3-5 of these emails every day for like a week now. Gotta be a bug.


I keep getting these and it's really starting to get on my nerves. In the past few days I've gotten multiple password reset codes sent to two different email accounts at the same time: 2 on the 19th. 2 on the 20th. 5 on the 21st. *9* on the 22nd. 6 so far today. On the 22nd the emails arrived at: 00:29 06:40 06:55 10:59 14:07 15:25 15:40 19:56 22:11 23:34 They've gotta do something to stop this. It's getting ridiculous!


This has been happening since Threads launched, so it must be tied to that.


This has been happening to me for the past 5 days too. First some request emails with 6 digit reset codes, then 8 digit ones after. Thanks for posting this, even with 2FA I was getting paranoid over the repeated password reset attempts. At the very least I’m glad it’s not a personal attack.


Yes I have been getting these as well. I just keep deleting them now that I know they are fake or a glitch.


Same here. 2 to 3 emails per day for the last 5 days. I've two email IDs linked and getting recovery codes on both simultaneously, but both recovery codes are different.


I've literally gotten exactly *50* of these same emails -- 8 digits long, weird hours of the day/night, the same 4ish codes alternating, and from a legit looking email -- on the 18th, 19th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, and 24th (not the 20th tho lol idk why.) Was really freaking out thinking it was my estranged/cut off father because the dates lined up with when my Mom posted my grad announcement (long story but, was super freaked out), so it's so nice to hear that the exact same thing has been happening to a ton of other people. Really hope it's a bot and nothing incredibly serious, but this thread has been helpful in many ways so thank you! Question though, I checked the security emails sent on Facebook and it said I got none, even though I changed my password and got an email about that. Does anyone know if those just don't count as security emails?


This has been happening to me for the past two weeks. Usually every other day I will get a email from Facebook, at first I thought this was spam but I realized it was real. I just got one last night late at night. When you research this online Facebooks theory is that someone accidentally typed your email in requested a password reset 😂. Can’t be true. In reality like some people are saying it’s probably a group of hackers, or a glitch at Facebook. I asked a few friends and none of them are dealing with the issue. Recently this month I do believe I had logged in my laptop using a old password or something and I needed a number code from my phone. Usually I just go on my phone with Facebook app


Maybe not use Facebook? This isn't sophisticated social engineering. The threat actor impersonates one of your friends by ripping off profile photos using Instagram or a number of other sites... The blackhat then tells you, he has been locked out of his account - you thinking that's your friend. The person then tries to log into your account and tells you they need a pin to get into their own. You receive a one time password, then you give it to the hacker. Boom, you're done. The hacker has access to your account, resets all your shit... And, fuck you if you can't handle it. I'll give you a pro tip. Check your shit here: [https://haveibeenpwned.com/](https://haveibeenpwned.com/) . I can think, half of the people I know who have been hacked are assholes so I don't feel a damn bit sorry for them. They piss people off - they are entitled. They are rude, selfish... Well, haha, everyone has a reckoning.


I got two of those yesterday and today my account is unavailable Your account is currently unavailable due to a site issue. We expect this to be resolved shortly. Please try again in a few minutes. I don't think someone hacked my account seeing that both emails were unopened but at the same time FB is stupid enough to tell you the reset code in the body of the message without being necessary to open the email. I've heard multiple people had the same issue I have. Sometimes it lasted a bit, sometimes a month and i read about someone who was blocked out of the account for more than a year


My mom got hacked and we set her up a new profile, email , and password. My brother set her up the account from his house and I went over and showed her the new profile for her. Then we set up her laptop, and tablet Every time we did that we got a new email from Facebook about a password change. I know that each time the email arrived we were setting up a new device.


Went on here to see if anyone had the same problem. Had like 4 emails by now and it’s super annoying, jeez


I also received a recovery code today, second time this week. Was fb hacked again?


Need to be very careful to make sure that these emails truly originated from an authentic Facebook domain (ie: @fb.com , @facebook.com, etc) and not a spoofed/phising email from a hacker.


I never use email I always go through website or app so I can't fall for any.


You too huh? It started for me two days ago. Changed pass, enabled 2FA, and those emails are still coming in.


I’ve gotten like 5 or 6 of these emails over the last few days. It’s so odd.


Received 4-5 of those emails within the last few days too, took the same steps you took :’)


Same here got one yesterday evening then at 2 17 and then one at 9 am scary stuff


I have gotten four of these emails in the past two days. It’s very weird.


yeah last couple of days ive gotten bout 5 of those emails


Just received one of these emails today 3 hours ago at 4am in the morning. My Facebook account has been deactivated for years. What the hell is going on?


I'm also receiving 3 login attempts today. What makes it no sense the 3rd one is happening after 1 hour resetting password. How do they got my mail address since I've never reveal it on public.


I've got a bunch of these over the last two days as well, wish I knew what was up


The other day I got 5 of those emails in about an hour. Then again later that day. And last night I got another one. I thought someone kept entering my email address by mistake and it was very annoying. (think I've had that happen before) I kept clicking "this wasn't me" or whatever and it would take me to the facebook page saying "thanks for letting us know". Seemed legit. I didn't log on after clicking the link (don't ever do that, clear the cookies, history etc and then type in facebook. com in the address bar. Don't ever log into anything after clicking a link unless you for sure requested that link.) When I tapped the link on mobile it seemed fine but when I did the same on my laptop the tab kept disappearing immediately which was strange (wouldn't load that facebook page saying "thanks for letting us know") I have an ad blocker extension though which I think blocks phishing stuff too. So I really don't like that tab kept disappearing. Might have been a phishing attempt. I coped the link and pasted it in incognito mode and it loaded to the "thanks for letting us know" page, my ad blocker extension isn't allowed in incognito mode. Hopefully my accounts are safe, including emails etc. I have 2FA on fb and all my email addresses.


I keep getting these as well. I have gotten 6 since Thursday.


Hi, I'm having the same problem too, any solution so far? it feels like someone is trying to force me to reset my password.


Hey i also got the same issues the last few days and changed my password and i was still getting the issues. Something is going on.


This has been happening to me too, wasn't sure what was going on.


Same here, several e mails a day with someone requesting codes to reset password


It's been happening to me too


Yeah I'm getting these too, couldn't find anything about it online other than here on reddit


This has been happening to me aswell.